ABOUT THIS SEMINAR This is a two-day seminar on software estimation and measurement by Capers Jones, President, Capers Jones & Associates LLC. The presentation consists of eight talks followed by a group discussion and tool demonstration. Audience: Software executives, CTO’s, CIO’s, software quality assurance, software test personnel, project managers, and software engineers. The presentations are based in part on the author’s recent books: Estimating Software Costs, 2nd edition, McGraw Hill, 2007; Applied Software Measurement, 3rd edition, McGraw Hill, 2008; Software Engineering Best Practices, McGraw Hill 2009.
WHO SHOUD ATTEND • Software executives • CTO’s • CIO’s • Software Quality Assurance • Software Test Personnel • Project Managers • Software Engineers.
OUTLINE DAY 1 1. Software Cost Estimating: A Survey of the State of the Art This presentation is derived from the 2007 2nd edition of Capers Jones’ book Estimating Software Costs, published by McGraw Hill. The 2010 speech includes new material on estimating Agile and Extreme (XP) projects. It also discusses some of the estimating methods for dealing with Cloud Computing and Software as a Service (Saas). Some data is provided on ITIL cost estimating. The overall presentation discusses both manual and automated software cost estimating approaches. It includes a comparison of 50 projects estimated manually and 50 similar projects estimated using commercial software cost estimating tools. For small projects manual and automated estimates are equivalent in accuracy. But for projects larger than 5000 function points in size, automated estimating tools are more accurate and also less expensive. It is interesting and significant that the manual estimating errors for large projects were not for coding, but rather for production of paper documents, testing, and quality control. For large projects, activity-based estimates using automated tools appear to provide the most reliable and accurate results. Statement of purpose: • Explain the kinds of estimating methods used by industry • Explain the differences between estimation and project management tools • Explain the differences between macro estimation and micro estimation • Explain the major problems associated with achieving accurate estimates
• Explain the features of major cost estimating tools • Explain the methods needed to defend accurate estimates 2. Measurement, Metrics, and Innovation This talk is based in part on the author’s book Applied Software Measurement; McGraw Hill, 2008. Measurement and metrics provide organizations with the information they need to operate as a Business. All organizations measure, but successful organizations tend to have sophisticated measurement programs that are more extensive than average. Because measurements are scattered across many operating units, few people realize the total cost of measurement is in the range of 6% of sales. These measurements include share-holder measures, customer measures, market and sales measures, productivity and quality measures, reliability and warranty measures, and operational measures. This presentation is based on empirical observations of the measurement programs found in the organizations that are U.S. leaders for software productivity, quality, schedules, and innovation. As of 2010, function point metrics are the most widely used metrics for controlling software projects. In successful Enterprises, measurements are part of overall improvement initiatives such as six-sigma programs or ascending the levels of the Capability Maturity Model (CMMI). A successful measurement program has a very good return on investment. In fact, without a good measurement program it is difficult to achieve overall improvements in software engineering disciplines. Measurements provide quantitative baselines to show progress along the path to improvement.
Statement of purpose: • Explain the kinds of measurements used by successful companies • Explain the sequence of starting productivity and quality measurements • Explain the costs of each kind of measurement • Explain the value of each kind of measurement 3. Measuring Software Quality and Customer Satisfaction Software quality measurements and customer satisfaction measurements are found in more companies than any other form of measurement. However there are some problems associated with measuring software quality and satisfaction that should be understood. The metric “cost per defect” is seriously flawed and will approach infinity as quality approaches zero-defect levels. The metric “lines of code” is also flawed and cannot be used to measure requirements and design defects. This presentation discusses the kinds of measures and metrics utilized by leading software producers. Statement of purpose: • Explain the kinds of measures used to explore customer satisfaction • Explain the measures used to calculate defect removal efficiency • Explain the economics of quality and satisfaction measurements • Explain the hazards of “cost per defect” and “lines of code” for quality
4. Software Process Assessments: History and Usage
Formal software process assessments originated within the IBM Corporation circa 1970. For historical reasons, the IBM labs on the East Coast and those on the West Coast utilized different assessment methods. When the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) was formed in 1985, their basic assessment method was developed by Watts Humphrey and his colleagues. The SEI assessment method resembled the IBM assessment method from the East Coast labs. As of 2009 there are several other assessment methods available, including those associated with the Six-Sigma approach and those derived from the IBM West Coast methods. All assessment methods are aimed at identifying software development strengths and weaknesses.
5. A Short History of Function Point Metrics: 1977 to 2010
Statement of purpose: • Explain the origins of software assessments • Explain the differences between SEI assessments and other common methods • Explain the topics that are studied by means of assessments • Explain the links between assessments, benchmarks, and baselines
The presentation was originally the keynote talk celebrating at the 25th anniversary of the International Function Point Users Group (IFPUG). The presentation discusses the history and usage of function point metrics from their origins in IBM in the mid 1970’s through today. The latest version of this speech also includes discussions of new function point variants such as COSMIC function points, Web-Object Points, use case points, and Agile Story Points. There are so many Function Point variants in 2010 that collecting reliable data is actually harder than it was 10 years ago. However, the presentation suggests that additional metrics could be developed for areas that are currently difficult to quantify, such as data base volumes, data quality, and customer service. In late 2009, several high-speed and low-cost function point methods began to surface. As function point costs go down, usage will go up.
many software development and maintenance methods. This presentation shows how standard “test beds” using function points can be used to evaluate a selection of software methods. This presentation uses a standard analytic approach for evaluating the effectiveness of new and emerging technologies on software development productivity, software maintenance productivity, and software quality. The current version of this presentation uses recent data to analyze Agile development, extreme programming, the ITIL library, SCRUM sessions, Watts Humphrey’s Team Software Process (TSP) and Personal Software Process (PSP), Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), and Six-Sigma for Software. These technologies are evaluated on the basis of the 12 known ways that software projects can be improved. New material for 2010 will discuss expanded uses of Function Point metrics for portfolio analysis, backlog analysis, mergers and acquisitions, and outsource agreements. The emergence of high-speed, low-cost Function Point metrics is discussed. Statement of purpose:
Statement of purpose: • Explain the reason for the development of Function Point metrics • Explain the problems of “lines of code” metrics for economic studies • Explain the kinds of Function Point metrics in current use • Explain possible future kinds of Function Point metrics 6. Using Function Points for Economic Analysis of Software Methodologies Standard IFPUG function points have more data than all other metrics combined. As a result, Function Points can be used to evaluate
• Show how Function Points provide a method for evaluating new technologies • Demonstrate the evaluation method against new technologies such as TSP/PSP • Discuss the pros and cons of new software technologies • Provide latest productivity and quality data based on new technologies
7. An Overview of Software Benchmarks As of 2010 there are more than a dozen kinds of benchmarks provided by companies such as International Software Benchmark Standards Group (ISBDG), Gartner Group, David’s Consulting, Software Productivity Research (SPR), and about 30 other companies. Function Point metrics have become an important aspect of software cost, productivity, and quality benchmarks. However there are also benchmarks that deal with levels of investment, staff turnover, staff compensation, and other business topics outside the scope of Function Point metrics. The presentation discusses the need for new kinds of benchmarks in areas such as data quality, Total Cost of Ownership, and the effectiveness of technologies such as Agile and Extreme Programming (XP), sixsigma programs, ISO standards, and the CMMI. These technical areas are not fully supported by formal benchmark studies in 2009. As software becomes a global technology, there is a very strong need for better international benchmarks that will include data from China, India, Russia, and other major outsource countries. Statement of purpose: • Explain the most common kinds of benchmarks used by industry • Explain the costs of performing benchmarks • Explain the value and ROI of annual benchmarks • Explain the uses of benchmarks for process improvement
8. Software Quality Prediction using Software Risk Master™ and other tools The Software Risk Master™ tool is a new kind of software estimating tool that uses pattern matching to establish the size of software applications in terms of both Function Point metrics and source code metrics. Because sizing is not dependent upon completed requirements specifications, the Software Risk Masters tool can be used 6 to 12 months before software projects start. Software Risk Master Sizer can also be used to estimate applications whose requirements are missing or not available, such as aging legacy applications, commercial software packages, and even large ERP packages. Because Software Risk Master Sizer is intended to be used long before projects start, it provides an effective “early warning” system about the problems that can cause schedule delays, cost overruns, or cancellation of projects. Software Risk Master estimates creeping requirements, defect levels, and defect removal efficiency. The estimates can be adjusted to show the impacts of development processes, static analysis, inspections, and various patterns of software testing. Software Risk Master estimates both development effort and 48 months of maintenance and enhancement activity. It calculates both Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and Cost Of Quality (COQ). Because some of the algorithms are derived from software litigation, it also estimates the cost to users of trying to install, learn, and use software applications with large volumes of latent defects. It predicts both the chances of litigation occurring, and also the probable costs for the plaintiff and defendant if the case goes to trial. The presentation illustrates the impact of the five levels of the Software Engineer-
ing Institute’s Capability Maturity Model or CMMI, and other forms of improved development such as Watts Humphrey’s Team Software Process (TSP), six-sigma for software, formal inspections, etc. Statement of purpose: • Illustrate the principles of early sizing via pattern matching • Provide early warnings of major problems that can cause project disasters • Predict software defects throughout development and maintenance periods • Demonstrate the economic value of software quality control • Demonstrate Total Cost of Ownership for various levels of quality • Demonstrate the cost to users of poor quality control
€ 1200
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SPEAKER Capers Jones is currently the president and CEO of Capers Jones & Associates LLC. He is also the founder and former chairman of Software Productivity Research LLC (SPR). He holds the title of Chief Scientist Emeritus at SPR. Capers Jones founded SPR in 1984. He is also a member of the advisory board of Computer Aid Inc. (CAI). He was awarded a life-time membership by the International Function Point Users Group (IFPUG). He was named as a distinguished advisor to the Consortium for IT Software Quality (CISQ). Capers Jones is a well-known author and an international public speaker. Some of his books have been translated into five languages. Among his book titles are “Assessment and Control of Software Risks” (Prentice Hall 1994); “Patterns of Software Systems Failure and Success” (International Thomson 1995); “Software Quality” (International Thomson 1997); “Software Assessments, Benchmarks, and Best Practices” (Addison Wesley Longman 2000); “Software Cost Estimation” 2nd edition (McGraw Hill 2007) and “Applied Software Measurement”3rd edition (McGraw Hill 2008). His latest technical book is “Software Engineering Best Practices” which was published by McGraw Hill in the autumn of 2009. In addition to his software titles, Capers Jones is also the author of “The History and Future of Narragansett Bay”, which covers the history of the Bay from its creation at the end of the last ice age through the modern era.