ABOUT THIS SEMINAR Knowledge Management is a broad field that encompasses the full range of information capture, management, and presentation. The overall goal of Knowledge Management is to take the institutional knowledge of an organization and translate it into information that can be communicated, shared, and acted upon. If handled properly and managed effectively, Knowledge Management concepts will quickly translate to greater collaboration in the workplace, better management and retention of information, and measurable financial and resource return on investment. Historically, however, Knowledge Management projects have often failed due to poorly defined scope, dubious Business value, or impractical goals or ideas. This two-day seminar will focus on establishing a strong baseline and understanding for practical Knowledge Management. It will specify the latest concepts, present actual Business applications, and provide detailed examples of how organizations (both in the public and private sectors) are applying Knowledge Management principles and technology to address Business needs. It will also offer best practices and lessons learned for the effective implementation of these principles and software systems from the perspective of those who have implemented them time and time again. The seminar will cover the latest social computing concepts that organizations are beginning to leverage (including social networks, tagging, wikis, and blogs) and relate these Web 2.0 topics to core Business values and goals. It will also offer a deeper understanding of Information Management and Collaborative Software, including Portals, Enterprise Content Management, and Document Management systems. The seminar will approach these systems not from a technical perspective, but from a Business case perspective. Furthermore, the seminar will present the aligning concepts and principles, including system and Information Governance, Content Management, Content Migration and Cleanup, and Taxonomy and Metadata - all necessary components to effectively capture, manage, and present knowledge. The seminar will focus on the Enterprise view of all of these topics, seeking to develop a unified understanding of how they fit together, how they should be implemented within an organization, and the true Business value they can offer. This seminar will be ideal for Project Managers, Business Stakeholders, and Information Management Professionals either in the public or private sector who are seeking to gain an understanding of what practical Knowledge Management entails and how to achieve it within their own organizations.
WHAT YOU WILL LEARN • Define what practical Knowledge Management is and how it can be leveraged for real Business value within your organization • Understand the latest trends in Knowledge Management, focusing on today’s Social Computing and Web 2.0 initiatives in practice • Receive a complete overview of information capture, management, and presentation methodologies and best practices, including an overview of various technologies in the marketplace today • Discuss the underlying Knowledge Management principles that are required to successfully capture, manage, and present information, including system and Information Governance, Content migration and Management, Taxonomy and Metadata, and knowledge capture and retention
OUTLINE 1. Introduction to Knowledge Management • History of Knowledge Management as a concept • Current state of Knowledge Management • Benefits and challenges of Knowledge Management
2. Social Computing (Web 2.0) in Practice • Wikis and Blogs • Social Networking • Social Tagging and Folksonomies • A View of What’s Next
3. Collaboration • Overview of Collaborative Technologies • Successful Implementation of Collaboration • Developing Support for Collaboration and Building Communities of Practice
4. Content Management, Document Management, and Portals • Overview of Information Technologies • Principles and Best Practices for Information Capture, Management, and Presentation • Content Management, Cleanup, and Migration
5. Knowledge Governance • Project Governance • System Governance • Information Governance
6. Taxonomy and Metadata Design
• Benefits and Best Practices • Successful Implementation and Design
• Managers responsible for directing the development of any Knowledge Management tool, including Portals, Content Management Systems, Document Management Systems, or Corporate Websites • Information Services Staff charged with the Management of your organization’s corporate Knowledge • Communications, Marketing, and IT Managers with involvement in corporate Knowledge Management projects • Managers wishing to lead the design and development of their organization’s Business Taxonomies
7. Search • Overview of Search Technologies • Faceted Search and Guided Navigation • The Keys to Search Optimization
8. Knowledge Capture and Transfer • Change Management Principles and Practices • Knowledge Retention Strategies
9. Enterprise Knowledge Management – Bringing it all Together
€ 1200
You must send the registration form with the receipt of the payment to: TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER S.r.l. Piazza Cavour, 3 - 00193 Rome (Italy) Fax +39-06-6871102
The fee includes all seminar documentation, luncheon and coffee breaks.
Visconti Palace Hotel Via Federico Cesi, 37 Rome (Italy)
9.30 am - 1.00 pm 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm
within September 27, 2010
Wire transfer to: Technology Transfer S.r.l. Banca Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. Agenzia 6787 di Roma Iban Code: IT 34 Y 03069 05039 048890270110
If a company registers 5 participants to the same seminar, it will pay only for 4. Those who benefit of this discount are not entitled to other discounts for the same seminar. EARLY REGISTRATION
The participants who will register 30 days before the seminar are entitled to a 5% discount. CANCELLATION POLICY
A full refund is given for any cancellation received more than 15 days before the seminar starts. Cancellations less than 15 days prior the event are liable for 50% of the fee. Cancellations less than one week prior to the event date will be liable for the full fee. CANCELLATION LIABILITY
In the case of cancellation of an event for any reason, Technology Transfer’s liability is limited to the return of the registration fee only.
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October 12-13, 2010 Visconti Palace Hotel Via Federico Cesi, 37 Rome (Italy)
job title ...................................................................
Registration fee: € 1200
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If registered participants are unable to attend, or in case of cancellation of the seminar, the general conditions mentioned before are applicable.
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Send your registration form with the receipt of the payment to: Technology Transfer S.r.l. Piazza Cavour, 3 - 00193 Rome (Italy) Tel. +39-06-6832227 - Fax +39-06-6871102
SPEAKER Zach Wahl is a Senior Principal and Director of Knowledge Management and Social Computing at PPC. He is an expert and frequent speaker on the topics of Knowledge Management including Taxonomy Design, Knowledge Gathering, and System Governance. He focuses in the design and deployment of Information Management and Web 2.0 technologies and systems including collaboration tools, wikis, and social tagging devices. In addition, Mr. Wahl has designed his own series of workshops on the topics of Portal Best Practices, Taxonomy Design, and eGovernance. Mr. Wahl has managed the deployment of over 70 Portals in both the public and private sectors. He sits on the board of the Washington DC Knowledge Management Institute and is the Chairman of IIRUSA’s Enterprise Web, Portals, and Collaborative Technologies Conference. Project Performance Corporation, part of the AEA Group, is a management consulting firm integrating world leading expertise in the areas of environment and energy with cutting edge IT and global management. Our customers include Top Government and Fortune 500 Decision Makers. PPC has helped over 150 public and private organizations successfully implement the full lifecycle of Information Management tools and systems.