Message from the ACA Board Chair Jim Nicholls I trust you were able to enjoy the Festive break
Our key projects for 2022 include, completion
amidst the Covid chaos.
of the National database, development of a
Onwards and Upwards for 2022.
National Youth Training Programme and having
Despite all the disruptions and restrictions of
the National Referee Accreditation available on the
the past 18 months we have retained our overall
Learning Management System.
membership numbers, had 3 new clubs affiliate,
I hope you enjoy the latest edition of the ACA
developed a National Coaching program, and
Online Newsletter.
trained over 400 coaches.
Feel free to contact me at anytime.
The board has been focusing on ensuring the organisation is well positioned to deliver support
Jim Nicholls
and services to all participants and to take advantage
ACA Board Chair
of grant funding and sponsorship opportunities.
Board Members and Appointed Positions
Jim Nicholls
Mary Marsland
Barbara Northcott
Bernie Pfitzner
Alison Sharpe
Kerri‑Ann Organ
Max Kewish
Jim Clement
Rob Murray
Greg Bury
Board Appointment Secretary
Executive Officer
General Manager The Australian Croquet Academy
Click on the link below to view the latest ACA Board Meeting Minutes
Official Positions of the ACA Events Committee
Assistant National Coaching Coordinator
Peter Freer (chair)
Barb Piggott
Peter Tracey
Ricochet National Coordinator
Tournament committee
Lynda Davis
Trevor Bassett (chair)
Gateball National Coordinator
AC selection committee
John Park
Martin Clarke (chair)
GC High Performance Manager
Greg Fletcher (Australian Team Captain)
Martin Clarke
Peter Landrebe (High Performance Manager)
GC Refereeing Coordinator
Simon Hockey
Jim Clements
GC Selection Committee Chris McWhirter (chair)
National Handicapper
John Arney
Gareth Denyer
Martin Clarke (High Performance Manager)
Peter Landrebe (Current Australian Captain)
Martin Clarke
Under 21 Committee
Australian Representation
Jacky McDonald (chair)
WCF AC Laws Committee
Kate Patrick
Elizabeth Fleming
Barry Haydon
WCF GC Rules Committee
Joy Wright
John Van der Touw
Peter Tracey
WCF Management Committee
AC High Performance Manager
Peter Landrebe
Peter Landrebe
Public Officer
AC National Refereeing Coordinator
Nick Chapman
Mike Cohn
Complaints Officer
National Coaching Coordinator
Rob Murray
Greg Bury
Peter Freer
Trevor Bassett
John Park
Barb Piggot
Events Committee
(Tournament Committee
Gateball National
Assistant National
Coaching Coordinator
Congratulations to this year’s Association Croquet Bronze Medal Winners
Jeff Newcombe
Dave Luxmoore
Alison Sharpe
ACA AC Bronze Medal winner WA ACA AC Bronze Medal winner Qld ACA AC Bronze Medal winner NSW
Stephen Forster
Peter Ross
Dwayne McCormick
ACA AC Bronze Medal winner Vic
ACA AC Bronze Medal winner Tas
ACA AC Bronze Medal winner SA
Make your Tax Deductible Donation today or before June 30
Do you have skills in marketing, advertising or design?
Expression of Interest
The National Publicity Committee currently has two vacancies. could2 vacancies help this Committee the ¬ ThereYou are currently on the National Publicitychange Group. perception of croquet totoincrease ¬ If you are interested in applyingand or wish find out someparticipation more Information theby please Email support and strategies providing marketing resources, Max Kewish to ¬clubs throughout Australia. ¬ Help us invest in the future of Croquet and Gateball Email Max Kewish
DONATE The Australian Croquet Academy appreciates your support
Australian Croquet Flashback The year is 2001 ACA Positions ACA President Peter Tavender.
Honorary Solicitor Ian Cunliffe.
Executive Director/Secretary Terry Speers.
Laws Committee Merv Dunkley, John Riches, Terry Speers.
Treasurer John Blackler.
Selection Committee Nancy Whittingham, Leigh
Immediate Past President Kenn Boal.
Herington, Merv Dunkley, George Latham.
Senior Vice president Creina Dawson.
The Winners
Vice president George Latham.
Interstate Cup winners South Australia
Magazine Editor Wendy Davidson.
Australian Gold Medal winner Marty Clarke
Subscription Manager Norma Amey.
Open singles champion Helene Thurston.
Events Manager Creina Dawson.
Open Doubles champions Danial Anderson and
National Coaching Director Jane Lewis.
Jeff Newcombe.
National Refereeing Director Owen Edwards.
Ladies singles winner Jocelyn Sutton.
Equipment Officer Joyce Bray.
Men’s Singles winner Trevor Bassett.
National Gateball Director Keith McLeod.
A B Morrison Trophy W Roy
Librarian / Archivist Brenda Roberts.
The Armstrong Trophy Trevor Bassett
Auditor Ross Buchanan.
Marty Clarke
Helene Thurston
Creina Dawson
Australian Gold Medal winner
Australian Open Singles
Senior Vice President and
Events Manager
Jocelyn Sutton
Trevor Bassett
Peter Tavener
Ladies Singles winner
Australian Mens Singles and
Croquet Australia President
Armstrong Trophy winner 5
Kadina Croquet Club Thelma is pictured here, seated without a mallet. Thursday 7th Oct was a very special day for 93 year
The depth of the vast experience of Thelma
old Life Member Thelma Roach and 44 members
and our other retired Life Members cannot be
of the KCC. Thelma joined the club in 1996 and has
understated and we are lucky to have these sage
been a beloved central figure for 25years. Soon
elders in our midst. Some of her ‘old’ playing
after joining, she put her hand up to be Secretary.
friends from the Moonta CC and Wallaroo CC
She and her late husband Marshall did a lot of
joined in the celebrations. It was lovely hearing
work around the club in their early days.
these ladies laughing and reminiscing about past
Thelma has the patience of a saint when it
croquet matches and events.
comes to teaching Association Croquet and croquet
The club has been built on the hard work and
in general and she has helped and guided literally
dedication of past volunteers and players. It was
dozens of our members over the years. Thelma
a delight to see two of Thelma’s great
played in the AC Pennant team for many years and
grandchildren cuddling into her as she cut her
after retiring from competition, continued playing
Silver Anniversary cake, a great family lady still full
socially till the age of 90, not a bad innings
of life, generosity and love for the game of croquet.
During the SA Masters Games and on Gala Days
Congratulations Thelma on reaching this milestone
and other special occasions Thelma has provided,
and whatever you’re taking, we all want some of it!!
the club with beautiful roses from her garden Thelma is also a very generous donor of prizes for
Linda Kinch
club events and raffles.
GC OPEN DOUBLES COMPETITION The SACA Open Doubles for 2021 was has held over 2 days, the 9th and 10th October. 12 doubles teams took part in this competition, playing 6 1 hour games on the Saturday and 5 games on the Sunday. The weather was perfect for croquet
Peter Mar-tyniuk (Hyde Park) and runners-up Julie
on Saturday with a reasonable forecast for the
Grindrod (Aldinga Bay) and Heath Jackson (Hyde
Sunday. After 10 rounds of matches, the final
Park). Thanks to the members of the Hyde Park
positions in the competition were determined in
Croquet Club for helping to manage this event and
the final round. Congratulations to the winners
to all of the referees who volunteered their time
of the competition Mick Reidy (Hyde Park) and
for this event. 6
C.B. Sharp The annual Association Croquet C.B Sharp event,
Australian Croquet
held over the Labour Day long-weekend on 3rd
Association presented
and 4th of October, was dominated by South
a bond of £80 to the
Australia’s Simon Hockey who won all seven of
Association. This year’s
his matches, including 4 triple peels. Simon, from
event was managed
Jamestown in South Australia is ranked number
by the Norwood
two Association Croquet player in Australia and
Club and particular
number 6 in the world. Dwayne McCormick
thanks is due to AC
(ranked 5th in Australia and 19th in the world)
Director Roger Buddle
was runner-up with 6 wins and three triples.
who did the majority
Both players provide a real benchmark for local
of the preparatory
players. Other players taking part were David
work including
Short (4 wins), Greg Rowberry (4 wins), Barry
taking entries,
Jennings (3 wins), Murray Baum (2 wins), Roger
scheduling of matches,
Buddle and John Arney (each with one win).
documentation and
Golf Croquet players may be interested in these
even, with Di Helier
players Golf Croquet rankings – Simon is currently
moving hoopholes in the days before. James
ranked 5th in Australia ahead of Barry Jennings,
Temlett (AC Refereeing Coordinator and AC Chair
17th and Dwayne, 32nd . The C.B. Sharp event
of Selectors) provided refereeing support. Jane
is a prestigious event with a long history. It was
Lewis provided historic information on the origin
introduced in 1941 as the SA Gold No. 1 and was
of the competition.
Kevin Le Poidevin President of the NACC Simon Hockey and Dwayne McCormick
retitled to its current name in 1954 when Mrs C.B. Sharp, a member of the Kensington Oval Croquet
Greg Rowberry—AC Captain Norwood
Club and a foundation member of the South
Congratulations to Philip (Vic) and Ben (SA), winners of the South Australian President’s Doubles Championship. Second place went to Barry and Karen (SA) and third place was Ros and Keith (Qld)
First Place – Philip Brown and Ben Tarling.
Second Place – Barry Jennings and Karen Magee.
Third Place – Ros Crowe and Keith Chur-Hanson. 7
Mallet Sports on the Broadwater for Golf Croquet The annual Mallet Sports on the Broadwater for
wished to compete, it did not take long to fill the
Golf Croquet was held late in September at the
playing schedule for Doubles, Div. 1, 2 and 3.
Southport Croquet Club. With a limited number
Thanks to all players, organisers and referees it
of places available for the number of players who
was a well organised 5 days of Golf Croquet.
Doubles winners Richard Pickvance and Mary
Div 2 Alan Edwards,
McMahon, Runners up
President of Southport
Bob Neate and Annette
croquet Club, Ian Reed 2nd,
Div 3 Winner Francesca
Wolf Fettig winner.
de Wytt
Div 1 winner Ross Rillie
The Inaugural Patrons’ Day was held on Saturday 4th Sept. Initiated by Headland Buderim club Patron, Gordon Matthews who generously donated the shield. For what will become an annual event for club members. 2 shot golf croquet was chosen to bring all members together to play a game which combined golf, association and ricochet. Nominations saw all 4 courts used and the 10mm of rain did not dampen spirits. Random pairs were chosen and saw June Neville and Dianne Horsman (wonderful warriors) emerge as the winners.
Well Done Eildon Croquet Club This year’s Bayside Cup had 4 finalists from Eildon. Wade Hart, Geoff Jamison, Lawrie Simpson (with Bayside cup) and Bob Martin. Special thanks to Gordon and Deirdre Giles and the Members of Wynnum Croquet Club for running such an excellent event. 8
Winners of the 2021 Metropolitan Pennant Stephens croquet Club - Heather Knight, Bruce
CAQ Women’s Open Singles Championship for Association Croquet
Ford, Jacky Lynch (Absent: Tom Knight, Ralph Allan,
- Won by Yuni Rowell
Ross Preston)
- presented
Runner-up Rosemary
by Margaret
Newsham (Stephens)
Melville representing the Brisbane South Region
The Inaugural U20 Golf Handicap Singles On Monday the 4th October these games were played at the Nambour Croquet Club with players
2021 CAQ Coaching Conference
from West Toowoomba and Nambour Clubs. The
The 2021 Coaches Conference was held at the
Robyn Pettman Achievement Medal was presented
Windsor Croquet Club with 58 coaches and
to best and overall winner, Bonnie Stoddart from
presenters across all codes attending.
Nambour Club, while the Runner up was Timothy
Overall it was a great day with ACA /CAQ pres-
Wright from West Toowoomba Club. It was an
entations, special guests, Demonstrations and a Q
excellent day for competitors and spectators and
and A session.
some really good play from the juniors.
One of the sessions was led by behavioural Strategist Warren Kennaugh who covered topics such as Confidence building for success and getting the best from croquet players and coaches. After a magnificent lunch organised by Francesca de Wytt all coaches took part in demonstrations and workshops on the lawn. Special thanks to CAQ, Lynda Davis, Dick Byres and the Windsor Croquet Club.
Thanks to all those who played and assisted.
VALE Mike Owen. It is with deep sadness to advise the passing of Mike who was the current GC Captain at the Headland Buderim Croquet Club. Mike was a popular member who gave so much to the club, both seen and the unseen. Mike was very knowledgeable technology-wise which helped run so many successful competitions including those for CAQ during his time. Mike loved his birds and dogs Thank you Lynda Davis
which brought him such pleasure. Rest in peace
Eight years of service as State Coaching Director.
Mike. 9
From the Chair At the end of a disrupted year, with the
CNSW HQ, Tempe lawns
cancellation of many major events and activities,
are being managed by CNSW
we are looking forward to being able to compete
Facilities Management team, and
and play much more in 2022.
Cooks River Croquet Club will continue to share
The AGM saw the election of new Board
time on the lawns with CNSW events. Cooks River
members, so the current Board make up is
has initiated a booking system to enable the lawns
Chair: Kate McLoughlin
to be booked for tournaments, training and use by
Deputy Chair: Rik Mills
CNSW and other players.
Treasurer: Steve Miles
Croquet NSW players have appreciated the
Secretary: David Scott
new Coaching Accreditation system, and over
Newsletter: Liz Friend
120 coaches have been accredited across the
Board members: Rosie Landrebe and Ray
disciplines in the new system. We look forward to
spreading coaches and coaching programs further,
Croquet NSW has launched applications for Club
and to the use of the video and other resources
Hubs, which will provide additional funding for up
to 6 Clubs in the first year to enable the Clubs to
Referee skills have also been boosted, with 85
hold CNSW and other tournaments, run coaching
accredited GC referees across the State, and a
and referee training, and work with CNSW and ACA
good participation of referees in the tournaments
Academy initiatives to grow croquet.
that have been run. The new AC Rules have been
We look forward to announcing the Golden
provided to AC examining Referees, and referees
Mallet Award for 2022 to the member nominated
by a NSW Club who has made outstanding
Our Ricochet and Gateball Co-ordinators have
contribution to croquet in NSW or the ACT.
been active in ensuring competitions have taken
Croquet NSW looks forward to welcoming
place and training for referees and coaches have
Association Croquet players to the Gold Medal,
taken place.
Men’s and Women’s Singles, and Eire Cup contests
Next year promises a growth in skill
from March 9 – 19, 2022 in Sydney. Events will be
development and participation, and we look
played at CNSW HQ, Tempe, Royal Sydney Golf
forward to working with the Australian Croquet
Club, and other clubs in Sydney. A reception will
Academy in growing croquet in membership
be held at Government House for the Eire Cup on
numbers and competition participation.
March 15, and a dinner on the closing night March 19. The ACA AGM and members forum will be held
Kate McLoughlin
in Sydney on Monday March 20.
Christmas Celebrations at Taree Croquet Club Everyone enjoyed a great day and had a lot of fun playing croquet. Be sure not to miss any of the action by clicking the link below videos/914993269409102/ 10
The Association Gold Brooch The CNSW 2021 Association Croquet Gold Brooch was played Friday 12th to Sunday 14th November. The winner was Peter Richardson, from Sawtell and Pam Gentle, from Maitland was the runner up. Special thanks to Tournament Manager Bridget Earle, Tournament Referee Barb Piggott and the Port Macquarie Croquet Club.
CNSW Mixed GC Doubles Championship Congratulations Kate McLoughlin and Peter Freer and Runners up Jill Sullivan & Rob Elliott.
CNSW AC Open Singles Congratulations Jill Drury (Port Macquarie) and
Congratulations to Callum Hyland
Keith Brodie (Coutts Crossing) for successfully
(Sandy Bay Tas) and Runner up
completing their Referee Lawn craft and oral
Robert Elliott (Cammeray Sydney)
Well done also to Peter Freer
Special thanks to the examiners Trevor
(Canberra) for winning the Plate
Thornton and Barb Piggott.
event and Steve Miles (Cammeray) Runner Up.
More Australian Certified Coaches trained in NSW Congratulations to the new GC Level 1 Australian
Bernice Gibson, Ron Johnstone, Ros Johnstone,
Certified Coaches: Peter Hall, Lorraine Wilson,
Ann Shaddick, Petula Shun, Roberta Flint, Charles
Rosemary Howard, Dan Howard, Cheryl Fell, Elizabeth
Britton, Bob Berry, Alison Sharpe.
Comino, John Hall, Carolyn McNamara, Ann Woods,
Special thanks to Pam Gentle, Stephen Burns
Pauline Hogan, Cheryl Smith, Judy Tonkin
and the Strathfield croquet club for making this all
Congratulations to the new GC Level 2
Australian Certified Coaches: David Gibson,
Level 1
Level 2 11
First Player Development Project Workshop Elwood Croquet Club had the pleasure of hosting a two-day workshop for Novice Competitors in Association Croquet, on the weekend of 6 and 7 November 2021. These dates were the first of six days that will be spread out over the following four months. Fifteen participants from various clubs had expert coaching from Stephen Forster, a level 4 Australian certified coach in Association Croquet and Kevin Beard also a level 4 Australian certified coach. All participants were individually tested over the
The program allowed for practice, video
two days. These tests will be repeated on day 6, to
instruction, and question time.
hopefully show how much improvement is made
Elwood provided a BBQ and salad lunch and
through practice and competition.
this break allowed for everyone to mix and chat.
The Skills and routines covered were:
Thank you to Stephen and Kevin for running
• Stalking and striking a single ball
a wonderful program, and to Croquet Victoria,
• Roquet drills
particularly Kate Patrick for making these courses
• Rushes
• Hoop running
Looking forward to the remaining days of the
• Take Off from either side of the hoop
AC Novice program.
• Take-off circuit • Hoop approaches using rushes and take-offs
Pam Herdman
Golf Croquet Together More Active Player Development Program A Golf Croquet two day workshop took place at the Boort Lakeside Croquet Club. Participants also travelled from Charlton, Maldon and Wycheproof to attend. Lead Australian Certified Coach John van der Touw completed drills, discussed tactics, reviewed grips, stalk,stance and swing.
Special thanks to the Boort Lakeside Croquet
Participants now have a couple of months to
Club, John van der Touw and Maurice Cevaal-
practise all they have learnt before returning for
the next workshop in February 2022.
Thank you Brian Foley On Monday 29th November 21’ VCA’s State Coordinator and Examiner of Association Croquet Brian Foley,was in Shepparton to give an update on the new Association Laws. This session was much appreciated with 14 Goulburn valley Croquet Association members in attendance. GVCA President Lea Grant thanked Brian for the 4 hour session. 12
Robert Fletcher wins the inaugural Brian Reither Association Croquet Challenge and the inaugural Owen Edwards Golf Croquet Challenge Check out all the highlights by clicking the link below
Left: The Brian Reither Runner up Callum Hyland
Tournament Manager Brian Reither, presents the
Right: 3rd Place Lachlan Berryman
trophy to Winner Robert Fletcher
98 years young
Victorian Association Croquet Championship
Meet Drouins Eric Barass. At 98 he is still playing
twice a week
to the winner Kevin Beard Congratulations to the Runner Up Chris Grant If you missed any of the action then click on
Victorian Women’s Golf Croquet Championships
Victorian Men’s Golf Croquet Championships
Winner Elaine
missed any of
Winner Stephen Forster. If you
the action, go to
If you missed any
Kayo Freebies
of the action, go
to Kayo Freebies
and watch the and
watch the replays.
Gosnells Annual Cops and Robbers Competition
Congratulations to Fleur – East Fremantle club member. What a magnificent achievement
Gosnells Croquet Club held their annual Cops and Robbers competition on Sunday the 5th December. Organised by GC Captain Joyce Carbone, it took the form of a Gun and Roses event, with a different partner each game. Due to the temperature that day we had 30 min games and the first to 5 hoops was the winner. It was truly a fun day. Scones Jam and cream for morning tea, and we had a long lunch with enough food to feed the Australian army. Top Cop was Peter Brown and the runner up Cop was Edna Matthews. Top Robber was Jean Zelos Beckett and the runner up Robber was Janeen Kenny. Maggie Cussell (Club President)
Well done Gary Phipps Winner of the State Association Division 2 Singles Check out the results on Croquetscores.
Forrest Park Croquet Club Click on the link below and see a birds eye view of Forrest Park Croquet Club. https:// 14
The Master and the apprentice
Croquetwest Pennants
Keith receives tips and techniques from Jeff on
The GC Pennants season has concluded for
how to achieve high-standard line marking.
another year. Congratulations to all who played and our thanks go to all the Clubs who supported this event. These things don’t just happen and so I’d like to acknowledge and thank John for all his efforts in organising the competition. Often a thankless task, John is always giving his time freely for the betterment of our sport. A Grade Pennant Winning Team – Forrest Park B Grade Pennant Winning Team – Como C Grade Pennant Winning Team – Cambridge Gary Phipps
Congratulations to Eric Ayling and Dorothy Bull from the York Croquet Club for being selected to compete in the State Association Croquet team. The interstate teams competition (the Eire Cup) will be held in Sydney in March 2022. Eric has been a member of the State Association Croquet team since 2006. Dorothy had previously played for the State Golf Croquet team in 2013 then each year from
2021 Moorabinda croquet club Review
2016-2019 five years all together.
Click on the link below to view Moorabinda Croquet Club 2021 review.
The Inaugural winner of the Silver Camel Trophy
I’d like to thank my coach.
EASTERN SHORE NEWS Eastern Shore Croquet Club has the second largest
Club Pennant teams have also met with success
membership in the state but continues to attract
during the Spring season. The Div B AC team won
new members, with six new members currently
the Southern Spring Pennant and the Div 2 GC
undergoing our coaching program.
team won the Southern Spring GC Pennant.
It’s been a good year for members in recent TCA events. Sue Pearson won the TCA AC Ladies Medal whilst John Colquhoun won the TCA GC Gold Medal and was runner-up in the TCA AC Silver Medal. In Southern Spring Pennants, Eastern Shore teams won both the Division B AC and GC titles.
The victorious Eastern Shore AC Pennant team – Colin Harwood, John Colquhoun, Elaine Anderson and David Higgs
Sue Pearson, Eastern Shore
FIRST TASMANIAN INTER-SCHOOL COMPETITION Students from schools and colleges in the Kingborough Municipality are currently playing the first ever inter-school croquet competition in Tasmania. The competition will be played at the Kingston Croquet Club over six weeks. Kingston Croquet Club member students from St Aloysius Catholic College and Taroona High School, and students from Kingston High School who have been attending regular weekly coaching as part of their Sports Studies curriculum will make up the teams. One of the students, 13-year-old Jamie Fleming, representing the Kingston Croquet Club recently won the Croquet Tasmania Golf Croquet Bronze
Jamie Fleming receives the Bronze Medal
Medal competition against all comers in Division 3.
from Peter Tracey 16
COME ON DOWN After a lot of lockdown it’s time to pack your mallet again, and the Tasmanian Easter Event is the perfect opportunity. Compete on the eight immaculate lawns of the Northern Tasmanian Croquet Centre in Launceston, enjoy the renowned Tassie hospitality and see Tasmania at is glorious Autumn best. Winning North Esk Open Pennant Team - Rod Tait, Ruth McKean, Paul Boer and Stuart von See
Latrobe Gold Medal GC Singles winner Brian Rudock
Chris West and Patsy Paine won the Latrobe Open
Ian Bassett and Daryl Jacobs toss the coin at a very
Doubles in November
wet New Town Club. Heads or tails. 17
Summer delight As we wind down towards Christmas, November
Tip Three: Drill
and December have delivered flooding conditions
for most of Australia. After a period of drought,
On day two we
the grass is growing and mowing is in overdrive. In
fertilised each court
this summer edition of Green Guru, I’ll go over my
with 2.5 bags of
year’s spring renovation process at Eildon Croquet
Ecco 88 early in
Club. Situated by the bay just north of Brisbane,
the morning and
in subtropical climate zone 2, Eildon’s four courts
irrigated before the wind got up. Fertilising helps
benefit from a mild climate characterised by low
the courts to recover faster.
winter rainfall and reliable summer rainfall.
This year we decided not to core our courts as they were done last year. But if your courts are
The process
heavily compacted I would recommend coring or
Tip one: Last drinks
drilling to aerate the green. You can also roll the
Spring is the ideal time to scarify. On renovation
coring’s to break them up, then use a drag mat
eve, make sure the green is well watered leading
to rub the soil in as a top dressing. Finally, finish
up to the renovation.
off by dragging a heavy 2m lawn level around the
Tip two: The scarifying
courts with a ride-on to pile up the core heads
Scarifying is a multi-stage process of removing the
for pick up later. This is all good for deep root
build-up of thatch and excessive root zone in lawns
to ensure a green, tight knit surface. This needs
Tip four: Out of play
to be done at least every two years. Regardless of
This year was a light and quick renovation as our
whether you use a handheld scarifier or a powered
courts were already well covered. With the work
machine, the method is the same; start gently and
carried out over two-day blocks for two courts,
try to do as little damage as possible.
the courts were out of play for only one week. We
repeated the same process for courts 3 and 4 on
On day one, Monday, scarifying began on courts
the Thursday and Friday of the same week.
1 and 2. Each scarifying was only at grass depth, just touching the soil. We scarified in both directions,
Tip five: Weeks later
corner to corner, twice. After scarifying I used a
Five weeks after the initial scarifying the results
ride-on mower to throw the debris into rows so our
have been outstanding. We started our mowing
volunteers could pick it up with plastic rakes. Once
and rolling of the courts with a cutting height of
the bulk of the grass was picked up we mowed the
9mm for the first two weeks to give the grass a
courts with the push mowers at their lowest setting.
chance to establish a consistent turf coverage.
Next I mowed the courts again with our psm
Then we dropped the cutting height down to 6mm,
cylinder mower set at 7 mm cutting height.
and also dropping the grooming heads down. Using our Toro Triplex mower has made a huge difference to the playing surface of the courts as it smooths out all the bumps and moulds the lawn into a tight knitted surface, which is desirable for 18
croquet lawns. The result is balls running straight
recover. Drought slows down grass recovery and
with no kangaroo hops.
any treatment that is too invasive as opening the
With La Niña in full force, this summer season
soil will only leave it vulnerable to the heat. The
looks to be a wet one so take advantage of the free
chance of salvaging your grass is very low.
water and great growing conditions. It’s never too
When to weed?
late to give your court a quick renovation, even
It is best to do it a week prior to your scheduled
into the new year. In fact, right up to April is fine.
lawn makeover. This will stop the weeds from
Some typical questions
invading any bare patches later.
What is thatch?
Scarifying during bad weather?
Thatch is the build-up of living and dead runners
Possible. While it is technically possible to scarify
on top of the soil. Throughout the life of a lawn
your lawn in the rain, it is not recommended.
new runners will grow and the old runners will die
Because your machine and tools will get very
off underneath the new growth. After a while this can build up quite a thick layer.
dirty, and you probably won’t do as good of a job
When to scarify?
wait for the rain to pass and the lawn to try before
compared to when the grass is dry. So it’s best to
The perfect time for scarifying has specific
you start scarifying.
weather conditions – not too cold, too hot, nor
Wishing you and your family a happy and
too dry but not too wet either. Timing is important
healthy Christmas, and as for the New Year. As
as scarifying will leave the soil exposed and
Wayne Bennett would say, “don’t die with the
vulnerable to the growth of weeds and other
music in you!”.
unwanted seeds. Avoid scarifying in winter at all costs. Wet weather combined with the cold often
Cheers from Rino Parrella
creates large patches of bare soil, which barely
Edited by Francesca de Wytt
ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITY With a potential of over 10,000 readers why not advertise your event, product or service today? Simply click on the link below and complete the details.
CLICK HERE for further information or queries, contact Greg Bury.
Message from the National Coaching Coordinator This year the National Coaching Team have
will be asked to provide feedback
reviewed and produced: 14 coaching manuals.
on improvements and additional
Prerequisites and application forms for Golf,
Association, Ricochet and Gateball.
This feedback will then be reviewed and
A new Learning Management system for all
updated by the NCC and the ANCC.
disciplines including a number of training videos .
The Learning Management System will also be
Rolled out the National Coaching Program in
reviewed with additional features planned to be
every state (during COVID).
Provided a number of new resources including
A checklist/self-audit will be completed in each
Individual Development Plans, Goal setting sheets
state to ensure all the correct processes are in
and Session plans.
place and we are meeting all our requirements.
In 2021 The National Coaching Team trained
To sign off the Youth Training Program.
QLD Coaches 118
Presenters 8
NSW Coaches 111
Presenters 8
Coaches 57
Presenters 7
Coaches 35
Presenters 6
a National
Coaches 42
Presenters 10
Coaches 39
Presenters 8
Team Meeting
Presenters 47
to reset our
Total Coaches 402
National coaching updates via Zoom when required. To have
My Special Thanks to National Team : Pam
goals and
Gentle, Ruth Duffy, Lynda Davis, Sue Beatie, Kim
Milhouse, Murray Baum, Barry Haydon and Sandra
Train as
Stevenson for making it possible to deliver the
many coaches
above achievements.
and presenters needed in each state.
We also worked with SportAus to develop
Special Thanks
the “Pathways to Coaching”. This means we now
To the Australian Croquet Board for their support
fulfill the requirement of having fully trained and
and investment into coaching.
certified coaches for every level of coaching in
To all the State coaching coordinators for their
Croquet and Gateball.
commitment, passion and support.
John Hayes for his positivity and all the additional
In 2021 we said “Good Bye” to Lynda Davis (QLD)
professional advice and service he provided
after 7 years of service in the role. A huge thank
especially the additional zoom calls. Well Done John
you to Lynda and we appreciate everything you
To Barb Piggott for her continued passion,
have done for Australian Croquet.
energy and support during a very busy/
Congratulations to George Oliver on your
unpredictable year with a huge workload to
new appointment as the Queensland Coaching
achieve. Well Done Barb
To Francesca de Wytt for all her love and support
We look forward to working with you George in
during the year.
your exciting new role.
On behalf of the National coaching Team we
In 2022
wish Everyone a magnificent 2022.
There will be a complete review of the National
Greg Bury
Coaching Program. All State coaching coordinators
National Coaching Coordinator 20
Message from the General Manager of the ACA Academy In the new year I will continue to Identify new
some 2022/2023/2024 tasks forward and include
and exciting initiatives/opportunities and focus
some additional initiatives. An updated Academy
on providing the our croquet family with as much
Development Plan will be available for discussion
additional advise and support possible.
at the ACA January Board Meeting.
Our main priority is to sign off the National
It has been 1 year since the first edition of
Database and Website project. In order to execute
the Australian Croquet Online Magazine and I do
this task at the highest level Coaching Cohort have
appreciate all the articles, information and reports
been contracted for 3 years to build and maintain
that have been provided. I hope you have all
these valuable new resources.
enjoyed them as much as I have.
This diagram visually displays Croquet
The National Youth Training Program was put
Australia’s PROPOSED LINKED digital assets to be
on hold in a bit to receive a 220K grant to cover
updated consolidated.
all expenses. It is unfortunate that this application
This will be
This diagram visually displays Croquet Australia's PROPOSED LINKED digital assets to be updated consolidated
a custom made
and Gateball needs are identified a National Project
closely with SportAus on our Plan B.
system and to ensure all Croquet
was unsuccessful however I am now working
The Learning Management System for Coaching
has provided all our coaches with so many
valuable resources online and will be continually
be reviewed and updated. We are now looking at
powered by
developing a similar system for our referees with
Team has been put together.
a National zoom meeting to be scheduled with all
The National Data Base and Website Project Team
national referee coordinators early next year. The National publicity team have also been working closely with the Academy and together we
Greg Bury Project Coordinator/Manager
have produced a number of promotional videos
John Hayes Database and Website Developer and
and Facebook banners. The Club Support Social
Media pack is now available to all clubs and is
Peter Freer Database Subject Matter Expert/Head
receiving some very positive feedback. Be sure to
Gary Phipps Website Subject Matter Expert / Head
watch this space when our new national website is
Jim Nicholls Chief Advisor
launched next year.
There are also a number of subject matter
I would like to especially thank everyone
experts and Academy Advisors assisting in this
who has made a Donation to the Academy and
major project and I do appreciate everything they
the Australian Croquet Board for their ongoing
are doing.
A briefing paper was submitted for approval
Looking forward to achieving and celebrating
on the 20th of October and communicated to all
our many goals in 2022.
states on the 6th of December. Individual Zoom
On behalf of the ACA Academy I would like to
meetings have now taken place with every state
wish EVERYONE a Very Merry Christmas and a
Association and at the conclusion of each meeting
Magnificent 2022.
an Action Plan was developed with a review and testing scheduled for next year.
The majority of the tasks on the ACA Academy
General Manager
Development Plan have been completed ahead
ACA Academy
of schedule. This provides an opportunity to bring 21
HEALTH FITNESS AND CROQUET My name is Simon Green and as some of you
shoulder and back (to
may know, my parents Dennis & Sue are heavily
name just a few) will work
involved in croquet at Bribie Island Croquet Club
sooo much better with
and wider Queensland. Believe it or not I have also
just a basic level of general
played pennants croquet myself - shout out to
strength. I could talk on
East Brisbane CC! Professionally speaking though,
this subject a lot longer but
I come from a Sports Science degree background
we only have limited time!
with the last 15-years or so running a successful
Personal Training business here in Brisbane. Here are four top tips.
Do any of you watch any decent level of any sport
and not see them warm up?….do you warm up!?!
This doesn’t mean you have to do naked yoga on
Ideas for warming up;
the beach at sunrise!
Firstly, get warm, clue is in the title somewhat I
All it means is that you have some kind of
know :-) However, go for a walk until you feel like
regular stretch routine that you put just a bit of
your heat rate is elevated and then you can start
effort into…’regularly’. That also means, pulling
with some body movement stuff.
some faces whilst in a stretch so your muscles are
Arm windmills, gently at first and then more
actually getting some benefit. If you’re smiling too
vigorous as you feel you can handle.
much, you aren’t doing too much - sorry! :-) Trigger
Leg swings (always a good idea to hold onto
pointing is a fantastic add-on to this but probably
something here!) - gently forwards and backwards
a bit hard to go into here. Will wait for another
like kicking a ball and then some side-side too.
opportunity to go into this.
Torso rotations, turn as far as you can in either
direction, trying to get a little further and faster
3 litres of water a day is generally considered to
with each turn (don’t over do it however). A few
be a good amount if exercising. If you are out in
squats and/or half lunges. Be mindful of technique
the sun (slip, slop, slap assuming) then you would
and not too deep.
probably lose more than that average so 3-litres
You-specific work. I would imagine that a lot of
would be an absolute minimum. Hydralytes and
you have something specific that niggles or you
Berocca etc are also definitely worth looking into
know you’re not great at. Make sure these are
if you find (ready yourself!) your pee isn’t a light
worked on too. Again, a lot more I could go into
straw colour by the end of the day.
here but there are some basics for you.
If you are even vaguely interested in improving
Agreed, croquet doesn’t require body-builder type
yourself at croquet, please endeavour to take
strength but I’m sure you have all been smacked
some of these ideas on board and I’ll even leave
over the other side of the court and having the
my email address for you to let me know when
strength in your upper body as well as having the
you’ve improved! ;-) That’s on the court as well as
strength in your lower body for stability & power
every day life.
will allow you to do this also. The stronger you are, the easier shots are to play and the more you can
Yours in Health, Fitness…. & Croquet
concentrate on technique and accuracy.
Simon Green BSc
Your body loves to feel strong. Your joints can
articulate as they are supposed to and your knees,
Como Croquet Club
Recent club day
This year’s Christmas party and presentations.
Como Croquet club was founded in June, 1928
In 1956/57 the Secretary was asked to contact
by Mrs. A.C. James, the pioneer members being
the boy scouts re top-dressing the greens, as in
Mesdames A.C. James, McClay, Davies, Haffner,
previous years, and pay £2-0-0, ($4.00). The scouts
Slade, Cass, Edgecumbe, Walker, Smallacombe and
also provided canvas awnings for club gala days
J. James.
and gymkhanas.
Mrs. Blakers was President in 1934/36 and
In May 1959 the Council advised they were
drew up the Constitution, when the club had 21
drawing up plans and calling tenders for the
members. (This was revised in the 1970s and again
new clubhouse. This meant a lot of fund raising,
in 2005, which is the current document in use.) The
but everyone worked hard, and construction
Secretary, Mrs. James was very pleased to advise
commenced on the building.
they had a bank balance of £34.12.0 ($69.20) to go
In April 1969 a momentous decision was
towards erecting their pavilion at an early date.
reached - a vote was taken and it was decided to
In 1934 Como acquired their own lawn and
admit male members to the club !!
pavilion (which was situated down near the
Late 1977 it was decided it would be an asset
existing shelter shed near the Comer St. gate),
for the club to have two greens lit for night play,
November 13th being the official opening. That
and after much discussion, in December 1977 a
season 1934/35 the South Perth Road Board (as it
fund was started to raise money to light the 2 back
was called then) handed over the maintenance of
lawns. Many raffles, cake stalls, lamington drives,
the green to the Club, which caused severe inroads
donations and much fund raising later, the finance
into the banking account! The Road Board was to
was raised to install the lighting.
help with the watering and provide top-dressing at
In November 1996, with financial assistance
the end of the season.
from the City of South Perth and the Dept. of
In 1936 the fees were raised from 26/-($2.60) to
Youth, Sport & Recreation, the club financed the
30/-($3.00), (with the President’s casting vote!)
building of 5 new shelter sheds. Since then we
A green-keeper was employed in 1937/38 at
have erected a further 3 sheds, and now have
15/-($1.50) per week from October to the end
8 smart-looking large sheds to cope with any
of April, then May to September at 9/-(90¢), that
number of players wanting shelter from the sun
included doing the top dressing.
and rain on all courts.
In 1942 it was agreed that everyone bring 1
The club was always looking for new members
teaspoon of tea and 1 teaspoon of sugar, for teas,
and had Mr. Roy Dransfield, Mr. Terry Speers,
on account of the shortages during the war!!
Mrs. Anne Middlemas and Mr. John Middlemas
In 1944 members were asked to look for
as club coaches and Mrs. Verna Waterhouse
coupon-free material for curtains for the pavilion.
“on call”. 23
Saturday mornings saw newcomers and
December 2003 also saw the up-grading of the
members alike practising their skills and taking
lights, which we paid for ourselves.
note of the coaches’ advice.
Golf croquet was introduced in October 2002, in
The year 2000 ~ the start of a new millennium
addition to association croquet, so new-comers.
~ saw Como advancing with the times, by having
have the option of first learning either
a telephone installed, which has proved very
association or golf croquet.
convenient. We also decided to upgrade the toilets
Como Croquet Club Members are always very
and with a third contribution from the Dept. of
welcoming and friendly and over the years have
Sport & Recreation, the South Perth City Council
produced a number of Interstate and International
and us we finally saw them built at the end of
2001. The previous women’s toilet on the verandah
When traveling in WA be sure to look them up
is now a handy storeroom.
and have a great day.
Dead turf being stripped
Turf for Lawn Four ready
The new turf is being
and cut prior to its
to be unloaded.
rolled out
Club IT Support
Croquet Clubs are eligible for Microsoft not-for-profit pricing across a range of leading products. Utilise the power of Microsoft 365 with 10 free premium licenses. These licenses allow access to M icrosoft Office, Microsoft Teams, One-Drive and Outlook (usually $27 per license per month). For more information on how your club can save money on IT, click on the link or scan the QR code opposite. Special thanks to Gary Phipps for creating the link
STEPHEN FORSTER Stephen Forster started playing croquet at the age of ten at the Lismore Croquet Club (Vic) and has played competitively for 45 yrs. He joined Belmont CC in 1989 and has served as President for 12 yrs. He is an AC Level 4 Coach and is Belmont’s greenkeeper, looking after 3 A lawns.
From 2001 to 2004 Stephen was State Coaching
In 2017 Stephen was appointed Life Member of
Director for Victoria.
Belmont CC.
Currently he is the Coach of the State AC Team
Stephen was the recipient of the very first
Squad and the Training & Development Squad.
Victorian President Service Medal.
Stephen is also the Captain of the current
In 1997 he was nominated in the Governor
Victorian Association State Team.
General Sports Star Awards.
Personal life:
Stephen is married to Julie and has two children Zach and Eden.
Represented Victoria in tournaments for over
He is employed at University Hospital Geelong,
25 years. Captained Victoria 16 times.
working as a theatre technician in the Operating
Represented Australia in Trans Tasman 6 times.
Dept, after beginning his working life as an
Captained Trans Tasman team in 2009.
apprentice chef at the Camperdown Hospital. Stephen was also a Weight Watchers Coach for
Played in MacRobertson Shield teams 5 Times
18 yrs and a Swimming Instructor working with
including the successful 2017 challenge.
children for 4 yrs.
World championships 9 times.
CROQUET CORNER FLAGS Would you like corner flags for your Club that last a lifetime? Specifications
Height above ground - 30 cms
Posts - aluminium (painted)
Ground Pins - galvanised steel
Flags - Marine Vinyl (no fading) and heat welded
References The following clubs have already acquired sets: Burleigh Heads/Palm Beach; Caloundra; Noosa; Sunny Side (Bundaberg); Graceville; Cambridge (WA); Bribie Island; Bundaberg; SouthPort; Auckland (NZ); Lithgow (NSW); The Range Maleny; Read Park (SA)
AU$65.00 for a set of four flags and posts - PLUS Postage
Please email with your order or Phone +61 (0) 418 608 663
Vale Alan Honey Alan Honey died suddenly on Friday 26 November
a 2x Queensland Open champion.In memory of
at the age of 50. His is a great loss to his family
Alan, I would ask that you all try your hardest to be
and friends, but also to the croquet community.
a better croquet player. I also ask that you greet
Alan was a friendly, much-loved person who
everyone as if they are the next friend you never
loved his croquet and was committed to being
had, and thus make the world a happier place for
the best player he could be. He was a 3x winner
a while. Because it has become much less happy
of the NSW 1st Selectors and played for NSW in 4
without Alan.
interstate cups, being part of NSW winning twice. His best individual tournament wins were being
Tim and Nicole Murphy
Alan Honey died suddenly on Friday 26 N d suddenly on Friday 26 November the age of 50. His is a great loss to his 0. His is a great loss to hisatfamily and friends, but also to the croquet comm also to the croquet community. Alanloved was a friendly, much-loved person w ndly, much-loved person who his croquet and was committed to being uddenly on Friday 26 November was committed to being the Alanbest Honey died suddenly on Friday 26 N player he could be. As a result, among ot is aa great loss to hisother family be.isAs result, among results at the age of 50. His is a great loss to his he was winner of the NSW 1st Selec so toofthe nner thecroquet NSW 1stcommunity. Selectors anda 3x but and friends, also to the croquet comm played for NSW in interstate cups, bein 4 interstate person cups, being part of a friendly,4 much-loved ,inmuch-loved who loved Alan was person w NSW winning twice. His best individual to wice. His best individual s committed to being tournament the his best croquet and was committed to being wins were being a 2x Queensland Open c g. As a 2x Open champion. player he could be. As a result, among ot a Queensland result, among other results he was of the NSW 1st Selec r of the NSW 1st Selectors anda 3xofwinner In memory Alan, would ask that you lan, I would ask that you played all try for NSW in 4 Iinterstate cups, bein 4 interstate cups, beingyour parthardest of to be a better croquet playe be a better croquet player. I also NSW winning twice. His best individual to e. His best individual tournament ask that you greet everyone as if they ar eet everyone as if they are the were next being a 2x Queensland Open c wins 2x Queensland Open champion. r had, and thus make thefriend world you a never had, and thus make the place for a while. Because it has or a while. Because it has happier become In memory of Alan, I would ask that you much ,y Iwithout would Alan. ask that you all try less happy without Alan. your hardest to be a better croquet playe a better croquet player.ask I also that you greet everyone as if they ar Tim and Nicole Murphy Nicole Murphy as if they arefriend everyone the next you never had, and thus make the ad, and thus make the world a place for a while. Because it has happier while. Because it has become much less happy without Alan.
without Alan.
Tim and Nicole Murphy
e Murphy 26
Can you name the club?
7 7
For your chance to win a $100 Cash, simply send an Email to with all the correct answers. In the event we have more than one correct entry a random draw will take place (at a major croquet event) The Winner and the correct answers will be published in our next edition. ENJOY AND GOOD LUCK 27
Passing Gates with John Parks Australian Gateball Championships
Strathfield CC will host
Gateball’s flagship event is always its biennial
a one day ‘invitational’
Australian Gateball Championships. The postponed
competition in May. This
2021 event has been rescheduled on 1–3rd April
Club has been organising
2021 at the Gold Coast Performance Centre at
Sunday play for Sydney and surrounding Clubs
Runaway Bay. For the first time, an open doubles
and ‘punches above its weight’ with only two
event will be held on the Friday morning. The
courts available. June sees Newcastle National Park
captains of the three highest performing teams
organising their Newcastle Carnival and in July the
will become members of the selection committee
Toronto Triathlon. This is another first for NSW
which will form teams for the next international
Gateball with teams of six players competing in
representative event to which Australia is invited.
gateball, ricochet and golf croquet. The NSW State Championships will be held at
Around Australia
Twin Cities CC in September where players from
Gateball in the ACT and NSW for 2022
Victoria and SA are expected. We end our year with
CNSW Gateball has a full program of various
the Lithgow Doubles, the first gateball competition
formats of our game for 2022. In February the
on their newly expanded lawns.
Canberra Croquet Club will host the inaugural
The CNSW Coordinator, Judy Tier, is working
Triples Championships with entries expected
on a concept for taking gateball to the community
from all Eastern States. A relational format of play
with plans to trial it in Canberra before developing
will be used with two players playing two balls
it in the region.
and the third one ball. This format is designed to introduce a newcomer to the game and
competition in particular.
Queensland’s program focuses largely on teams and doubles events. First cab off the rank is Moreton Bay in early March. Southport, the first club to host triples in Australia, hosts its regular one-day event in late April. Most of the remaining Queensland events at Rockhampton, Eildon, Southport, Toowoomba and Caloundra include both teams and doubles events. The State Championships are to be held in their usual place in the middle of August. CAQ’s Centenary is being celebrated with a Gateball Pennants event. It is planned that a team of 5 will be selected from each club and will play one team game, one doubles game and one triples game. Champions from each region will face off in a final to be held at Pine Rivers. Queensland continues to determine a champion team which is awarded the Suzuki Cup. 2021 winners are announced in early 2022! South Australia Regular games are played at Hyde Park, Woodville and Mt Gambier. Millswood and Brighton players 28
are attending sessions at Hyde Park and are
Club in Tasmania’s North. A set of ACA Gateball
awaiting the outcome of grant applications and
Gear has been loaned to the club and Brian was
demonstrations before establishing the game
thwarted by Covid in his attempts to return to
at their clubs. South Australia will be holding a
Tasmania to establish the game. The prospects for
Doubles and teams State Championships in early
2022 are much improved!
Western Australia
A group of players are meeting on alternate
Kew, Brunswick, Essendon and Terang have played
Sundays at East Fremantle and these sessions are
gateball for many years but recent expansion
promoted through Croquet West in the hope that
has taken place in the Riverina Area. Regular
players from other clubs will join the regulars and
sessions have been played at Twin Cities CC and at
learn more about the game.
Yarrawonga. Swan Hill is awaiting a demonstration.
In 2022 it is hoped that players from WA
A state championship as yet unscheduled, is
and Tasmania will apply for funding to enable
expected to be held a few weeks before the
their participation in the Australian Gateball
Australian Gateball Championships.
Championships or a State Championships in the Eastern States.
Tasmania Brian Rubock of Twin Rivers Croquet Club in
For more information about gateball email the
Queensland is also a member of the Latrobe
National Coordinator at
For all your Gateball equipment needs Keith Chur-Hansen is the Australian agent for Sun Shine Ace products. Email Keith at
Find Us on Facebook: Facebook@gateballsolutions
“Enjoying the fellowship of other croquet players as you travel Australia and the world. Seeing the sights, experiencing new cultures and playing croquet with different people in some amazing locations.”
This is the vision of Colin Beckett—the recently elected Golf Captain at Headland-Buderim Croquet Club. For 35 years Colin has helped build Quadrant Australia into a well respected international tour company. Now in semi-retirement Colin is able to bring experience and a global network to his new passion—which is croquet! Plans were underway to operate the inaugural tour to the South Island of New Zealand in February—but current travel restrictions have meant that this tour is now proposed for the Spring. However plans are now underway to operate .. …….
CROQUET TOUR TO SOUTH AUSTRALIA IN LATE FEBRUARY 2022 9 days– Adelaide, Kangaroo Island, Barossa Social play with local members at 4 clubs Some of SA greatest food & wine experiences Special guests to play on the historic Croquet Lawn at Chateau Tanunda Winery
CROQUET TOUR TO SUNSHINE COAST IN LATE JULY 2022 10 days– Sunshine Coast, Fraser Island, Great Barrier Reef Social play with local members at 4 clubs
CROQUET TOUR TO NZ IN SPRING 2022 11 days– Christchurch, Mount Cook, Wanaka & Queenstown Social play with local members at 4 clubs
To express interest in any of the above tours please contact Quadrant Australia—1300 301 128 Or Colin Beckett—0412 470 755
Letter of Support Request
One of the many requirements when applying for a grant is to have a letter of support. To assist Associations and Clubs in this process a request form has been developed. Its purpose is to provide the ACA secretary with the following information: Name and outline of the project. Major justifications contained in the project. Any areas of Strategic Plans (at club, state or national level) that the project addresses. Grant title and title of grant authority. To receive your Letter of Support from the ACA simply click on the link below. Special thanks to Gary Phipps for creating the request form
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Successful communication is based on strong, authentic relationships. That’s why Parbery is more than a supplier, we’re your partner.
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