Nun Sopharith, Porfolio 2021

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General Information #1351, Nation Road No. 2, Chak Angre Commune, Mean Chey District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Institute of Technology of Cambodia (+855) 69 60 13 02

NUN SOPHARITH Seeking for internship as an architect About Me “ Hello, my name is Sopharith. I’m already in my final year of my undergraduate degree in architectural engineering. I am an introvert and shy person who lives more inside my head, but getting to know me isn’t hard at all. I would describe my taste on design as minimal, welcoming, functional, and FUN. Welcome to my portfolio, hope you like it.  ”

I believe that everyone deserves a chance.

Personal Data       

Sex Nationality Age Date of Birth Place of Birth Martial Status Language

: Male : Cambodian : 21 years old : 07-December-1999 : Phnom Penh : Single : Khmer (Mother Tongue) : English (Excellent)

Hobbies and Interest  Book  Sport  Hobbies

: Novel, Art, Architecture, Crime, Recipe, & Fashion : Lifting weight, Swimming, & Cycling : Sing, Sketch, Browse, & Travel

P ro f e s s i o n a l O b j e c t i v e s a n d P ro f i l e Education    

2016-Present 2014-2016 2011-2013 2011-2014

: Student of the Institute of Technology of Cambodia : Certificate of Completion Bacc II, Hun Sen Chak Angre High School : Student of Hun Sen Secondary School : Certificate of BELTEI ESL DIPLOMA at BELTEI International Institute

Experiences Internship Former Architect Intern at BMK Architects

Internship Former Architect Intern at KUTA Design Lab, Co ltd

Exchange Program GKS for ASEAN Countries’ S&E Students (KMU)

Jul-Sept 2020

Aug-Sep 2019

Jul-Aug 2019 (South Korea)

TEDx Kramounsarst 2019 A member of the Curator & Speaker Care Team

Sangkran Chum Mit Co leader of Decoration Team Designer

5th STEM A member of the Activity Team Technology team

Nov 2018-Feb 2019

March-April 2019

March-April 2019

UTC Proposal Competition 1st Runner Up on designing a new branch of ITC

SD11’s Project Poster Designer for Houseplants & Green Communities Project

WORKSHOP Participated in Green Communities Virtual Workshop

Oct 2019-Feb 2020

Nov-Dec 2020

5 Dec 2019

Software Proficiency

Ps Sketch Up (80%)

AutoCAD (90%)

Lumion (70%)

Photoshop CC (50%)

Vray Sketchup (80%)

Office Software (90%)

CONFERENCE HALL Project: University o f Te c h n o l o g y o f Cambodia

DORMITORIES Project: University o f Te c h n o l o g y o f Cambodia

BUNGALOW & PUBLIC RESTROOM Project: Kouprey Boutique Resort

HOMEOFFICE Project: Interior Design

DINING ROOM Project: Interior Design



Project: University of Technology of Cambodia

P r o j e c t : U n i ve r s i t y o f Te c h n o l o g y o f C a m b o d i a

CONFERENCE HALL  Project Information  Lecturer  Group member

: Group project of the 1st semester of academic year 4. : Mr. Heng Sokrithy : Ban Nimol, Chin Ratana, Nun Sopharith, Orn Vouchly, & Yoib Oubekha

I was responsible for designing a conference hall and dormitories in this project. The reference for my hall design is based on the existing Hall G of the Institute of Technology of Cambodia. The basic concept to approach this structure is to accommodate as many people as possible; but still remain comfortable and functional. In order to create something new but seems to be inherited from its root from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia itself, I need to keep some parts identical to Hall G. However, I also introduce some elevated styles on the façade with material such as glass, wood, concrete, and metal. The special feature which is my absolute favorite is the two sideways at the left and right of the hall which serve well for the circulation and distractionfree exits.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

LEGEND First Floor Main Entrance Entrance Public Bathroom (Male) Public Bathroom (Female) Main Stage Walk Way Stage’s Wings Operation and Sound Room Backstage Restroom Lounge Powder Room Storage Room M&E Room

LEGEND Ground Floor Public space Staircase Public Bathroom (Male) Public Bathroom (Female) Security Room Aquarium

Section A-A

Section B-B

Front Elevation

Back Elevation

Right Elevation

Left Elevation

Project: University of Technology of Cambodia

P r o j e c t : U n i ve r s i t y o f Te c h n o l o g y o f C a m b o d i a

DORMITORY  Project Information  Lecturer  Group member

: Group project of the 1st semester of academic year 4. : Mr. Heng Sokrithy : Ban Nimol, Chin Ratana, Nun Sopharith, Orn Vouchly, & Yoib Oubekha

Beside being in charge of designing a conference hall, I also was responsible for proposing the new dormitories. The approaches that I used for designing this structure are referred to the quantitative survey with students who were living in the actual dorm near the institute on how they want the dorm to be and what they want to improve. Other than that, I also base the design on the experience of living in the dorm of Keimyung University in South Korea when I was an exchange student because I found that living there was actually pretty convenient and comfortable. This building can accommodate up to 200 people including national and international students, teachers, securities, and other authorities. Each storey contains 20 rooms for two, two lounges, and two public kitchens. I leave the ground floor for motor and car parking spaces with public restrooms, security and cleaner room, and stairways. The first storey is for authorities and 10 rooms for two specifically for teachers with a free gigantic balcony space for special occasions.

LEGEND Ground Floor On the ground floor, it consists of: 2 stairways, 2 male public restrooms, 2 female public restrooms, parking space, securities’ and cleaners’ rooms, & 2 M&E rooms.

LEGEND 1 st Floor On the 1st floor, it consists of: 2 stairways, 1 male public restroom, 1 female public restroom, 1 authority office, 8 bedrooms for teachers, 2 storages, one public space, and 1 kitchen.

LEGEND 2 nd- 5 th F l o o r On the 2nd-5th floor, each of them consists of: 2 stairways, 20 bedrooms for 2 students with 10 private balcony in the front, 2 lounges, 2 public kitchens, 2 storages, and 2 sides public balcony

LEGEND 6 th F l o o r ( Te r r a c e ) On the 6th floor, it consist of: 1 big terrace for multi-purpose, and 2 stairways.






Front Elevation

Back Elevation

Left Elevation

Right Elevation

Project: Kouprey Boutique

Project: Kouprey Boutique (Mondulkiri)

BUNGALOWS & PUBLIC BATHROOM  Project Information  Lecturer  Group member

: Group project of the 2nd semester of academic year 4. : Mr. Heng Sokrithy : Ban Nimol, Chin Ratana, Nun Sopharith, Orn Vouchly, & Yoib Oubekha

In this semester, we were assigned to design a boutique resort that is located in mountainous province Mondulkiri. I was responsible for designing 3 types of different sized bungalows and a public restroom. Due to the 27m sloped land, I decided that stilt house is the best choice as an inspiration to create the bungalow. The elevation skin and roof are inspired by the very local ethnic citizen’s home of Mondulkiri Province. I also mixed it with modern glassy designed façade to make it more up-to-date but still blend well in the whole mountainous environment of the province. Besides, the design of the public restroom is more modern, minimal, and fun. There are 3 types of bungalow: small-sized (2 people), medium-sized (4-6 people), and large-sized (6-10 people). It has identical skin with different shapes and forms like siblings.

Floor Plan

Bungalow for 2 people




Section B-B


Section A-A

This is my proposal for a small unit bungalow for 2 people. This basic concept is inspired from the house of Mondulkiri ethnic citizen with modern shaped thatched roof..

Floor Plan

Bungalow for 4 people




Section B-B


Section A-A

This is a proposal of bungalow for 4 people. It is built to accommodate a small family or group of friends of 4-6 people to enjoy their holiday at the boutique.

Floor Plan

Bungalow for 6 people

Section A-A

This is a proposal of bungalow for 6 people. It can accommodate a big family or a group of friends of 6-10 people with a big living space and 3 private bedrooms..


Section B-B




Public Restroom

Section A-A

Section B-B

LEGEND Floor 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Entrance Female Space Male Space Sanitor Room Urinal Pot Area (Male) Lavabo Toilets





Project: Interior Design


Project: Interior Design




 Project Information  Date  Lecturer

: Individual Project : 2nd Semester, 4th year : Mr. Soeun Vathanak

As you can see the color scheme , it has different temperature from warm to cool and light to dark. To me this is the definition of dynamic movement of the color scheme. It suits best to this kind of room. Home office can be known as the office that you bring some uncompleted works or work lightly at night or on holidays. However, having some dynamic feeling to push and motivate yourself to get the job done is a plus. Choosing such dynamic color scheme is very essential to vibrate and enhance the work environment.

Elevation A

Elevation B

d a



Color Scheme

Elevation C

Elevation D

Project: Interior Design


Floor Plan

Elevation A




Elevation B

Color Scheme

DINING ROOM This design is based on the nature of dining room. Dining room is a space where people gather, have meal, and communicate. Here is where family members can share their days and stories along with light or occasionally heavy conversations. This color scheme is a neutral palette which is soothing and calm.

Conceptual Design: For this design, I try to follow the minimalist modern way of design. Instead of cluttering things into this space, I use only the furniture that serve purposes, multi-functional, and simply designed. This way we can actually feel spacious and confident to invite even more guests to gather and have fun.

Elevation C

Artwork : Sketching, Stippling, & Model Making


SKETCHING  Project Information  Date  Lecturer

: Short Sketching Course at Rufa : 2016 : Mr. Tan Vanno

Since I was little, I’ve always liked the idea of arts. While other boys my age were playing football outdoor, I found myself enjoying drawing pictures indoor. It started from cartoons, anime characters, to basic wooden house with some landscape views. Drawing has always been a part of my entertainment from my young age till this day. Below are some of my drawn pictures. They are not originally my imagination, I just learnt to draw and shade with existing picture given by my teacher. The picture of the horse is followed from a picture in the internet that ended up one of my most endearing masterpiece.


STIPPLING ART  Project Information  Date  Lecturer

: 1st Project Ever in the Architectural Engineering Department : 1st Semester of 3rd year : Mr. En Sarin

This is my first project ever as an architectural engineering student. I came up with this idea when I was happened to see a “Paper Fan” while I was randomly scrolling my Facebook feed as I was stressing out on finding the concept for my stippling figure. I want this one to be the creator of Earth. It is portrayed by 4 big creatures with tattoos representing the “4 Elements” which are Water, Earth, Fire, and Air. It looks like it is coming up from a black hole in the middle along with 4 representatives as:  Fish as Water  Buffalo as Earth  Fox as Fire  Bird as Air You can feel the motion as it is rotating with the wave of the 4 elements that’s what makes the figure alive, and you can actually get a feeling from it. Thank YOU!



Project Information Date Lecturer Group member

: Models of UTC and 3Dmax Project : 4th year : Mr. Heng Sokrithy : Ban Nimol, Chin Ratana, Nun Sopharith, Orn Vouchly, & Yoib Oubekha

MODEL of UTC Project

MODEL of the Flowera Condominium Project

Honorable Mention: The Apartment (Affortable Housing)

Honorable Mention: URBANISME II

THE APARTMENT  Project Information  Lecturer  Group member

: Group project of the 1st semester of academic year 5 : Mr. Meas Kimseng : Ban Nimol, Chin Ratana, Nun Sopharith, Orn Vouchly, & Yoib Oubekha

In this last semester of the university life, we are assigned on urban planning project. This is still an on going project, so I haven’t done any detailing on floor plans. However, this soon to be my proposal for an affordable housing solution. I create this model that is a simple-living apartment that is simply-designed to be economic-friendly and livable at the same time. I also don’t stray too far from the aesthetic of the building. This apartment has the capacity to accommodate at most 110 families and is divided into three types of unit: studio unit (3.5 m x 7m), 1 bedroom unit (4m x 14m), and 2 bedrooms unit (4m x 16m). The skin of each unit is identical to one another to avoid social comparing attempt by any parties. All the units are united as one and stay strong together. This apartment is proposed to bring a total different perspective for the area of study.

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