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In most of my artworks I try and relax and fall into a “dream-like” state of mind. Throught this zine I will be showing art that I have done when I have been in a “dazed daydreamer” state.

this was a homework assignment that i had a lot of fun with. I was able to express my creativity and encorporate my wacky doodles that i accumulate through “dazed daydreams”

I based this off of the first doodle assignment we had for homework. I brought in the teeth from the illustrator document and brought this image into photoshop. I encorporated texture from the pexel library and i added in shapes to fill the negative space.

We dream -- it is good we are dreaming -- by Emily Dickinson “We dream -- it is good we are dreaming -It would hurt us -- were we awake -But since it is playing -- kill us, And we are playing -- shriek -What harm? Men die -- externally -It is a truth -- of Blood -But we -- are dying in Drama -And Drama -- is never dead -Cautious -- We jar each other -And either -- open the eyes --” Lest the Phantasm -- prove the Mistake -And the livid Surprise Cool us to Shafts of Granite -With just an Age -- and Name -And perhaps a phrase in Egyptian -It’s prudenter -- to dream --

“Somebody has to go polish the stars, They’re looking a little bit dull. Somebody has to go polish the stars, For the eagles and starlings and gulls Have all been complaining they’re tarnished and worn, They say they want new ones we cannot afford. So please get your rags And your polishing jars, Somebody has to go polish the stars.” by Shel Silverstein

This is an image of my dog lucie. I used illustrator to create the white shapes surrounding her head. i then brought the image into photoshop, adding in the background texture from pexels as well as focusing on polishing up the cut out of the head. i wanted to create the aura that i saw when i was looking at lucie as she smiled and rested her head in my hand. I invisioned a swirl of colors (much like the background image i was able to find fron pexels).

“Cassandra’s Dog”

After i created an image of my dog lucie my friends wanted images of there dogs depicted in the same stylistic way that i created my dog in. I really enjoy adding different elements that bring life to the photographs

“If we had hinges on our heads There wouldn’t be no sin, Cause we could take the bad stuff out, And leave the good stuff in.” by Shel Silverstein

I used some of my own artwork and photoshop to create this image. The image seen adjoining the head is an acrylic painting of a “galaxy goddess” I did this for assignment 13.1in class. I created the border by placing an image that i had previously done in illustrator and repeated it. (as seen below)

“Galaxy Goddess”

when i did this i was listening to Solange’s music and i had a vision of clouds surrounding and covering her face.

I used photoshop to create a digitalized self portrait/painting of Solange Knowles. I also used illustrator to create the shapes around her and i added textuer over the image and set the opacity and fill to a lower strength to represent the cloud like vision i had.

A Dream Within a Dream Edgar Allan Poe “Take this kiss upon the brow! And, in parting from you now, Thus much let me avow: You are not wrong who deem That my days have been a dream; Yet if hope has flown away In a night, or in a day, In a vision, or in none, Is it therefore the less gone? All that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream. I stand amid the roar Of a surf-tormented shore, And I hold within my hand Grains of the golden sand-How few! yet how they creep Through my fingers to the deep, While I weep--while I weep! O God! can I not grasp Them with a tighter clasp? O God! can I not save One from the pitiless wave? Is all that we see or seem But a dream within a dream?”

This image was created using illustrator. I was looking at a picture I had of my Oma’s pink magnolias and I imagined what it would look like if i was to bring it into adobe. I first drew it out on paper and then i brought it into illustrator; creating a vectorized image of the magnolias.

In this class assignment I wanted to develope something strange and unique. I decided that in order to recreate the image we were given in class and make it unique i had to relax and let my thought wander. I came up with rainbows and pink dogs floating in a room.

I was daydreaming in class when i created this image. I was listening to music by FKJ and listening to what other people were saying around me.

“The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office.� By Robert Frost

I created this comic for homework 13.3. I based the “blob� characters off of the show Adventure Time. I used photoshop to create the characters and i brought in texture for the background and i used my own artwork and layed it over the background texture.

Sometimes i like to create simplistic artwork. i had an image of a lavender with a pink aura encompassing it. I created this using adobe illustrator.


I created this image using illustrator. i firstly drew the image and brought it into adobe illustrator. i then created different arrangements of the image and added color.

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