PEH Reflection Written Work Layout

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Leader: Dela Cruz, Rhen Jayron Group Members: Calderon, Lian Genesis Cartago, Kyle Alexis Causaren, Kenn Gabriel Cezar, Julius Cristter Daulo, Hazel Dela Peña, Russel Dueños, Ayen Fernandez, Sophia Andrea




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cha-cha = done rumba = done reflection = . . .


create, recreate, and inspire . . .


tr n b?

bs bs k k p! p! The subject matter of Physical Education broadened my general knowledge about the industry of dance and recreational activities. At first, I thought about the requirements for the curriculum of P.E. was going to be a real hassle since we’re currently in an online setting, but it wasn’t. Apart from this, I am confident that I will not experience any doubts during the period of the quarter since this is the last part of the academic year and that we’re already aware of the routine for the semester as well. Furthermore, in my opinion, the lectures given to us will be capable of fulfilling their role in our lives by enlightening our curiosity about recreational activities and dances. With this, I focused holistically on the capabilities of my body since the topics covered the way our bodies express themselves through dance and certain activities. In addition, I’ve learnt that I need to always be mindful of my surroundings because even the smallest detail might affect my body. Along with that, I have learned the relevance of having recreational activities within our lives since it keeps our body active and healthy. It also has a positive impact on our mental health because it contributes to the development of one’s relationship with self. Overall, learning about the said topics helped me with realizing that I needed to provide for myself even more. It also made me understand that recreational activities are so important in our lives that they become a daily part of our lives. Moreover, I was also capable of grasping the idea that I should be engaging in other activities since it could possibly help me with surpassing my limits. Finally, I enjoyed learning a lot of new things during the semester of Physical Education because it served as an important component of helping me grow as a person.

kyp nma

bs k p!

make sure to allot time for your recreational activity :)



cha-cha = done rumba = done reflection = . . .


create, recreate, and inspire . . .


tr n b?

bs bs k k p! p! I used to think that recreational activities are just things or hobbies we do whenever we are bored. In my mind, it was considered optional and could be neglected since I had to prioritize other tasks. But, because of the discussion, I have learned that recreation means doing something entertaining and refreshing, which I agree is very important. I have also known about the three parts that make up our day: existence, subsistence, and free time. What we do during these periods of our day sustains our lives and also benefits us. The benefits we get from engaging in recreational activities do not only help us individually but also the environment, community, and economy. It could result in a chain reaction that would motivate others to participate too. It can be any activity they want to do, like exercising, going on adventures, playing sports, reading a book, meditating, etc., as long as it causes them happiness. I can apply these learnings in my life by keeping in mind the quotation from Thomas Jefferson, which says that “... health is worth more than learning.” I will try my best to live a balanced life by engaging in recreational activities during my free time and also encouraging others to participate.

kyp nma

bs k p!

make sure to allot time for your recreational activity :)



cha-cha = done rumba = done reflection = . . .


create, recreate, and inspire . . .


tr n b?

bs bs k k p! p! Recreational activities are an integral part of everyone’s daily life. These are the reason why most people are relieved of their stress, and how they pursue their passions. But that is not how I initially perceived said activities. In the past, I was extremely focused on my academics and paid little or no attention to any other activities. I just told myself that I would just focus on studying – and that’s what I did. Well, I did achieve high marks, but I also noticed that I became more stressed, irritated, and frustrated. So, was it worth it? I would say NO. Everyone should be able to enjoy life whilst pursuing their own responsibilities, and that is the purpose of doing recreational activities and also the highlight of this week’s lesson. I have learned that people choose their recreational activities based on their personal interests, beliefs, and passions. Some examples are team sports, extreme sports, adventure sports, mountaineering, watching shows and films, singing, dancing, going to parks and museums, and even just admiring nature. We can benefit from these activities by enhancing our skills, helping our environment, improving the economy, connecting with our family and community, and paving the way to personal development. In my case, I realized that I am into music, meditation, stargazing, and nature photography. These activities helped me get through tough and stressful times, as well as discover more of myself through reflection I also realized that recreational activities must be a regular part of our daily lives. According to Clayne R. Jensen, there are three parts of the day: (1) Existence Time which is dedicated to biological needs; (2) Subsistence Time for economic responsibilities; and (3) Free Time or Leisure for enjoyment and refreshment. This implies that it is not enough to just eat, work, study, do chores, and sleep for the whole day. We must have time to participate in endeavors like recreational activities we love to entertain, relax, and enjoy life. These are steps we need to take to succeed and achieve a happier, healthier life.

kyp nma

bs k p!

make sure to allot time for your recreational activity :)



cha-cha = done rumba = done reflection = . . .


create, recreate, and inspire . . .


tr n b?

bs bs k k p! p! As soon as I hear or think of the word “recreational activity,” my mind immediately turns to old and elderly people. As a matter of fact, when discussions of recreational dances were held, old dancing people were cited as an example. In consequence, I visualize prisoners or outcasts of society participating in recreational activities when I think about recreation. As the topic was clarified and discussed, I was able to realize that most of my first impressions were incorrect. While participating in the discussion, I was able to become immersed in the historical background and nature of the activities. During the discussion, it became clear that recreational activities are undertaken during a person’s time, which is divided into three segments. Although recreational benefits have not yet been discussed, I understand that they have a significant effect not only on a person’s private life but on their community and nation as well. After the discussion, I was able to share some of the things that I do daily that bring me joy, happiness, and relaxation, which are all considered recreational. My understanding of the nature and background of recreational activities allowed me to identify some of my own activities that could be labeled as recreational. In addition, by recognizing there are three parts to each person’s day, I was able to comprehend why recreational activities are crucial to providing relaxation, happiness, and relief to everyone. Moreover, activities that unplug me from the day-to-day struggles of being a student, including working out and doing cardio daily, have helped me realize that I can relate to anyone at any age. People nowadays are bombarded with images of the life and fortune other people possess, along with encouraging phrases saying “work hard, stay late, and rest is for the poor.” As a person who understood why recreational activities are vital to a person’s survival, as well as their communities and nation, I would apply my knowledge about recreational activities by motivating people to keep working hard but to take breaks when necessary, stay up late when overtiming but also have adequate “me” time the following day, and finally, encourage my family and I to participate in recreational activities to nurture our bond, our community, our economy, and our personal well-being.

kyp nma

bs k p!

make sure to allot time for your recreational activity :)



cha-cha = done rumba = done reflection = . . .


create, recreate, and inspire . . .


tr n b?

bs bs k k p! p! Oftentimes, students don’t usually engage in doing recreational activities. Sometimes, misconceptions about this arise from doing it as a form of wasting time due to the demands given to us by the world. People gave less attention to these kinds of activities thinking that it is only achievable for some. But to break into these ideologies, people forget that their bodies as well as their entire well-being must learn how to live in the moment. And what I mean with living in the moment is to allow ourselves to relax, to be refreshed, to experience entertainment and most especially to take a rest— one of the things that we hardly give ourselves. As a student, I do not engage much in recreational activities. I often tell myself that I was too busy to do such things because there are deadlines that need to be met. I view recreational activity as equivalent to physical activity, but I hardly knew the examples involved in recreational activity. Recreational activity enables people to take a break for a while and to leave their common shelves behind just to spare a moment of relaxation by means of doing what they love and what they are passionate about. It is also mainly dependent on one’s interest, pursuit and need. As a human with lots of needs, we sometimes do not believe that we also have a need to pamper ourselves and to give ourselves a time to breathe and have fun. The only way for this to happen is to give ourselves time to do recreational activities. In our world today, rest is hardly given to ourselves. We have this distorted view of rest as something that is not necessarily due to the endless tiring work that we have. But as a reminder, Rest is just as important as Work and therefore we should allow ourselves to have some time to rest in whatever form it may be. Rest is also manifested in doing things that we love such as recreational activities. Maybe recreational activities are meant to happen in such a way that it reminds us that it is not a waste of time but rather it is time creationwe create and give time to ourselves. As we create time for ourselves, we become more connected to our surroundings which is also a sign of self-love and respect. Participating in recreational activities is like hitting two birds with one stone in a way that enables us to rest and to also have fun once in a while. We achieve a better knowledge and understanding of ourselves if we immerse better in these kinds of activities. It has also become an avenue for us to appreciate life for a moment. Recreational activities teach us how we can value our overall well-being which encompasses our social, physical, mental, and emotional state of well-being. It is also important that we must always keep in mind that it is only us who have the ability to give ourselves time to pause and take a rest and so we must make the most out of it.

kyp nma

bs k p!

make sure to allot time for your recreational activity :)



cha-cha = done rumba = done reflection = . . .


create, recreate, and inspire . . .


tr n b?

bs bs k k p! p! Initially, when I saw that this week’s topic is all about recreational activities without seeing the main content of the presentation, I thought of arts because I thought that it is about recreating something into a beautiful output. That was a funny guess for me once I saw the content of the presentation that recreational activities are about giving yourself free time and enjoying doing what your passion is. Basically, this is what makes you entertained, relaxed, and refreshed. Furthermore, I must say that I was very amazed to know more about recreational activities as they can be done through personal, social, physical, and mental forms which depend on people’s interest in what they want to do. In order for us to attain these activities of ours, we must always be in the phase of the so-called “Free Time” part of our everyday life and it is one of the phases that are always part of our day along with the Existence Time and Subsistence Time according to Clayne R. Jensen. In addition to that, I learned about the different benefits that we can gain by doing recreational activities which can be resulted in our own development as well as deriving a good environmental, economic, and societal impact. With the aforementioned ideas of mine, I can say that I am more of a personal type of recreational activities because I love watching movies, listening to music, and cycling just by myself. Since I know what type of recreational activities I am doing every day, I am looking forward to doing other forms of recreational activities just for my personal development and other benefits that I can get. For some parting words of mine, I realized that doing recreational activities is not just about having fun but also satisfying yourself and fulfilling your passion for what you love to do in your free time and live your life to the fullest.

kyp nma

bs k p!

make sure to allot time for your recreational activity :)



cha-cha = done rumba = done reflection = . . .


create, recreate, and inspire . . .


tr n b?

bs bs k k p! p! Whenever I hear the words ‘Recreational Activities’, I always think of adventure and sports; probably because of the norm when we use or hear the word ‘recreation,’ it must be a physical activity. But then upon learning this session about Recreational Activities, I realized that it’s not just about physical things, it could be mental, be social, or even be spiritual. The ‘reactional’ word is way more broad and more to explore than I thought. As per the definition of Free Dictionary (n.d.), Recreational Activity is the participation in any endeavor that is entertaining, relaxing, or refreshing. Meaning, it scopes all the activities that make us relaxed or entertained and not only sports. Furthermore, it is derived from the Latin word recreare which means to be refreshed. In addition, I also found out that our day is divided into three parts (according to Clayne R. Jensen). These are not the typical ‘gising, kain, tulog’ part for us but these are Existential Time, Subsistence Time, and Free Time. In Existence Time, we spent our hours for our biological needs such as eating and sleeping while in Subsistence Time, we use it to work, do household chores, and study for us students. Meanwhile, in Free Time, also known as Leisure Time, it is the time wherein we spend our time away from everyday responsibilities to rest, relax, and participate in recreational activities. Earlier, it was mentioned that Recreational Activity helps us to get entertained and relaxed away from stress and it’s not only about engaging in sports activities but it can also involve other things that we love to do. For me, it could be playing badminton with my mother, practicing photography or improving my video editing skills, watch my favorite MCU movies, get some chikahan with my friends, sleep for a longer period of time (which is I badly need right now), and a lot more that makes me relaxed and enjoyed. Upon learning this module, I realized that we have a lot more to explore in our lives today. There are things that we should explore, we really need to invest some of our time to enjoy and keep away from the stress, from work, temporarily. I just want to emphasize the thought/quote that Sir Arjo (it may not be the exact words) shared to us that learning/practicing time management isn’t the answer to our problems, it is the self-management: learning how to organize ourselves in order to organize our time and all the things around us.

kyp nma

bs k p!

make sure to allot time for your recreational activity :)



cha-cha = done rumba = done reflection = . . .


create, recreate, and inspire . . .


tr n b?

bs bs k k p! p! Recreational activities are an important aspect of everyone’s lives. It enables an individual to become healthy and have fun while also contributing to the overall social, economic, and natural resource environment of the country. At first, I assumed that these activities would only benefit one individual. It frequently focuses on enjoyment, entertainment, and pleasure, which we typically refer to as “for fun.” Considering all of the tasks that we have on a weekly basis, I believe that as we grow older, we will be unable to find fulfillment and impact. In short, recreational activities are simple challenges or activities that we do every day that I had no idea would improve an individual’s physical and mental health. In Mr. Villanueva’s lesson about recreational activities, I have learned that these tasks are important in order to improve the physical, mental, emotional, and even quality of life of an individual. As a student, I gained a lot of knowledge about recreational activities. starting from reducing stress to how we can have a deeper relationship with other people. I realized that when I engage in leisure activities, there will be less boredom and I can avoid so much thinking and unhealthy behaviors. Moreover, I got to know that simple interactions while doing recreational activities can build communication skills with other people. It is where I can find a sense of value and belonging that can be incredibly useful in building confidence while having a positive relationship with other people. Furthermore, learning particular concepts like benefits, examples, and the three parts of our day by Clayne Jensen is one of the useful things I remember that can improve my perspective on life. That life isn’t just about living but fulfilling it with happy and positive experiences by doing such activities. Generally, I considered communication, management, and coping skills in discussing recreational activities that can help me improve all aspects of my life. By grasping these concepts, I will get a higher sense of self-awareness and learn how to combat health difficulties more efficiently. Also, I realized that nothing is more important in life than having positive and healthy experiences that can improve our physical, emotional, mental, and even overall well-being as human.

kyp nma

bs k p!

make sure to allot time for your recreational activity :)



cha-cha = done rumba = done reflection = . . .


create, recreate, and inspire . . .


tr n b?

bs bs k k p! p! When Sir Arjo asked us what we do for leisure on a daily basis, the majority of us said basketball, swimming, cycling, and badminton. Even though everyone seemed to be doing the same activities, Sir demanded more. What were we missing? Those activities are particularly examples of recreational activities, what more is there to it? We were surprised, but we knew we only had to figure out what the other activities were. Little did we know, it was a lot more evident than we expected because it only cycled towards our wellbeing needs. It’s not all about just basketball or any other physical activity; because like I said, it may appear to be a simple topic, but it is far more than that, because as we discussed its benefits, types, and applications, we learned that recreational activities are more than just physical exercises; hence, these are the activities that we can observe about and how it can affect our personal, social, physical, and mental lives that can be done during our free time. If sir Arjo would ask me again, what is my recreational activity is; I’d say that my priority choice are those activities that solely focus on my mental health because I believe that if you are not mentally prepared, you will not be able to function well or be productive as the benefits of recreational activities suggest; therefore, it is critical to condition our minds in order to physically, socially be effective when doing so.

kyp nma

bs k p!

make sure to allot time for your recreational activity :)




cha-cha = done rumba = done reflection = . . . create, recreate, and inspire . . .


tr n b? tr bs k p!

Each member of the group has their own perspective on how they perceive recreational activities. Although some may consider it art, others may claim ignorance of what recreational activities are because their prior knowledge is that it revolves more on the physical activities they used to perform on a daily basis, some may argue that recreational activities are not necessary, and others may argue that that is for the elderly. However, upon reading the various points of view of these students, it can be noted that they indeed learned one thing in common, they were able to grasp and nurture that these recreational activities are something that happens when we make time for it; they learned that it doesn’t only focus on physical activities or art and it’s not exclusive for the elderly; thus, they came upon the fact that this is part of their leisure that their well-being naturally in terms of personal, social, physical, and mental needs in order to rewind and continue on with life. Moreover, all of the members of the group have a diverse way of how they will entertain themselves in their free time. Most of them were into personal and physical recreational activities while the others were into social and mental recreational activities. In line with this, the students just not have fun learning about the topic but they also nurture it from themselves. Lastly, recreational activities make a big realization to every member of this group and that is it improves physical well-being, emotional health, and cognitive functioning. It also allows you to socialize with peers and gain various benefits from it.

bs k p!


kyp nma make sure to allot time for your recreational activity :)


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