Investment Potential of Smart Cities: An Indian Perspective Jan 27, 2015 – Navi Mumbai, India: presents the latest report on “Investment Potential of Smart Cities: An Indian Perspective" The report is first of its kind and will give a whole new perspective about the Smart Cities which are about to come in India. Indian government is planning a huge budget to be spent on the core functions of the Smart City and this report will have you better prepared for the business models coming up in the Smart Cities in India. Summary: The report is first of its kind and will give a whole new perspective about the Smart Cities which are about to come in India. Indian government is planning a huge budget to be spent on the core functions of the Smart City and this report will have you better prepared for the business models coming up in the Smart Cities in India. Highlights of the Report: -Core Functions of Smart City -Key Drivers of Smart City -Universal Aspects of a Smart City -Business Opportunities in different aspects of a Smart City -Dependencies in different aspects of a Smart City -Financial Models in Smart Cities -Leveraging the Private Sector -New Business Models of Smart Cities -The Road Map to Smart Cities -Competitive hotspots for existing Smart City Models Value Proffer to the Client: -Easy to Read PDF -Analyst Support -Preparedness for the Smart Cities coming up in India A must buy for: Urban local bodies and related government agencies, Communication service/equipment providers, Policymakers and regulators, Green building solution providers, Infrastructure development organizations, Intelligent traffic/transportation systems providers, State housing development agencies, Smart grid technology/equipment providers, Power distribution utilities, Meter manufacturers, Water distribution utilities, Security and safety equipment providers, Urban planning and development agencies, Financial institutions and investment agencies, Urban transport operators, Energy management consultants, Disaster management agencies, Construction firms and contractors, IT solution providers and technology providers, Consulting and legal firms, International and national development agencies. Table of Contents: 1. What is Smart City and Therefore Why Smart City? 2. The Smart City Framework 3. Enablers of Smart City 4. Implementation Framework and Key Stakeholders 5. Identifying 100 Smart Cities 6. Centre’s Plan for Developing New Smart Cities
7. Resilience – An Imperative to Next Level Smart Cities 8. Investment Landscape and Financing Smart City Initiatives 9. Central Government Support 10. Policy Externalities and Internalities 11. Future Outlook 12. Master Planning for Smart City 13. Smart Cities – A Global Perspective Annexure List of 100 Smart Cities in India Conditions Precedent for Smart City Development in India Smart City Approval Process for states in India Profi le of Top Smart City Suppliers in India A Blueprint of Smart Village Model in India For more information kindly visit: Investment Potential of Smart Cities: An Indian Perspective Related Industrial Reports: India Energy and Utility Market About Market Reports on India Market Reports on India is a portal where you can access thousands of reports on India starting from Aeronautics to Zinc (A-Z). We provide you with reports which will help you gain a better understanding of the Sectors, Companies, New Products and Latest trends. Contact Us Market Reports on India Contact No: India: +91 22 27810772, 27810773 Mail: Website: Twitter: