OUIL505 Evaluation

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End of Module Student Evaluation BA (Hons) Illustration Module Code: OUIL505 Illustration 2: Applied Illustration Name: Sophia Watts Student ID: sw255328 Please identify where the evidence for each of the learning outcomes is within your submission and how well you feel you have met the learning outcomes. Please also grade yourself in relation to the learning outcomes using terms: poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent (Note- This is so that the team have an understanding of how well you feel you have done. It is not an indication of the actual grade you may receive.) Learning Outcome

Evidenced where? Blog, Visual Journal, Roughs, Final Illustrations, Stings, storyboards, development sheets etc. (No more than 75 words)

Your grade Using words: > poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent

5A7: Demonstrate an informed understanding of issues relating to media, communication, audience and context through the delivery of solutions to brief led problems or clearly identified creative concerns. (Knowledge & Understanding - Critical Awareness)

Primary and secondary research was conducted. Excellent This included reading articles around the subject of The Secret Garden, and looking into adults/YA crossover books, all of which are documented on my blog. This highlighted any themes and ideas I wanted to incorporate into my work for the brief. The decision to work digitally also came from my research into other examples of practitioners who work in publishing.

Excellent 5A8: Understand the potential Demonstrated on my blog, understanding the and limitations of technologies adaptability and convenience of working digitally and how this can be applied to a variety of products. My and processes used in the production of illustration for 2d, final printed book and creating mock-ups of prints, books and e-books shows how my illustrations could 3d and/or 4d distribution. be applied for distribution. (Knowledge & Understanding - Research) 5B5: Analyse and critically evaluate the impact of social, cultural, technological and/or ethical concerns on the development of solutions to problems relevant to individual creative concerns. (Cognitive Skills - Problem Analysis, Problem Solving)

Again, my blog shows my thought processes behind Very Good my decision making, which includes my thoughts on creating the images in response to research. My sketchbook demonstrates another way I evidenced the development of my work, by thinking through drawing and revisiting characters/roughs.

5C6: Explore and apply a range of appropriate practical and conceptual approaches to self-determined ideas, concepts, solutions/proposals in response to own identified intentions and relevant practices. (Practical Skills Practical and Conceptual Development)

Roughing in my sketchbook was the most important Very Good way for me to develop my ideas. All the transformative moments within the module are documented on my blog. Also, fine tuning my imagery happened mostly on Photoshop as that it how I produced the work, this is also talked about and referenced through screen shots on my blog.

5C7: Produce technically

I feel that my final six outcomes, extra motifs and the Excellent picture book I created demonstrate my technical

competent and conceptually ability and strengths regarding my technical appropriate outcomes to competence. The professionalisation of my work is identified problems through the also shown through my presentation boards and selection and application of project report. My blog also talks about my choice of visual skills. (Practical Skills - digital media and the appropriateness of this. Visual Quality and Technical Competence) 5D5: Demonstrate the ability to My time was managed well and the reflection of my Very Good plan and carry out a period of practice is evident on my blog. I set myself mini increasingly self-directed study deadlines and the proposal I wrote at the start of the through the appropriate use of module gave me a goal to work towards, linking to the practical outcomes I produced. workshop areas, studio activities and project management skills. (Key Transferable Skills Presentation and Evaluation)

Summative Evaluation (See Evaluation Guidance on next page for more information) I was very excited at the start of the project to be able to choose my own subject matter and themes to work from. This module taught me a lot. I learned many skills, primarily to do with digital processes that I was not confident using before this project. I also started to think a lot more about the context of my work and where it could feasibly sit within the creative industries. It has been a slow and steady realisation over the course of the year but I am starting to think more about my work in terms of narrative. I am very interested in exploring the idea of storytelling through a single image, regarding my own work this relates to a lot of structured scene compositions I tend to create, including perspective and depth. During this project I didn't want to shy away from detail but also not make things too busy. Learning about the balance between shape and line was very important to me during this module. Another skill I acquired was learning how to bind a hardback book. I really enjoyed the process of making something that looked so professional. Keeping myself motivated throughout the project was a lot easier this time around. I think this is due to my interest in the subject matter and the organisation of my time. Although I think I managed the work load well, I still could have planned out what I needed to have done by what date. There was definitely more of a rush at the end of the project. My thoughts towards blogging changed a lot recently, I am starting to actually use it as a tool, referring back to my research and ideas whilst producing practical work. I found the process of reflecting on my ideas helped the development of my outcomes. Taking the feedback on board that I got from my peers also influenced the direction of my project, especially when considering colour and composition. Something I thought about a lot during this module was the continuous process of creativity, how I never really feel finished with a piece of work. However, this feeling is what spurs me on to keep making and trying new things. I feel as though the research part of my project went well. There were a few different stages to this, starting with the more general investigation into book publishing and developing into further exploration through photography at garden centres and around the city. Using my own reference photos is something I have enjoyed this year, I don't necessarily use them much for the final outcomes but I like to draw and develop rough ideas from the inspiration I take from my real life surroundings. Doing this was a good way to record any thought processes and document the initial ideas I had. I am happy with my final illustrations, although there are things about the book I would have changed if I could go back in regards to printing, the colours came out a bit darker than I expected and the binding design had to be printed last minute in the mac room. Thinking about how I could apply my illustrations to a variety of different areas came a bit later on for me, which is something I wish I had considered sooner. My ideas to do with this were based around the area of publishing and books. I think I could have thought about merchandise and promotion a bit more if I had the time. If I had not worried as much about actually printing and making a picture book I could have spent more

time on this area of the brief. Another thing I could have improved was to experiment more with analog media in my sketchbook. I gave myself a lot of work to do and didn't think I had time to keep playing around with media as well as planning out my images. With each module I feel I am getting more confident about where my work sits within illustration, which in turn reflects on my thoughts towards the professionalism of my practice. I am starting to reflect more on how my work can be applied in the real world. I also feel as though I am not as worried about taking risks and trying new things in relation to the way I like to work. In future modules I will remember this, taking into account the consideration of narrative and storytelling within an image.

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