Study task 7

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OUIL501 Context of Practice Post Christmas Review What is the main subject area / question the illustrator is looking into? Patriarchal structure of cinema and its effects on society, particularly a female audience. What are the strengths in how they have responded to this subject area? (Breadth of research? Criticality of image analysis? Effective Triangulation?) Research is sufficient to continue developing ideas and links well to the selected images. Obvious where each quote from theory corresponds with the practical work. Starting to point out similarities and differences between theories. How have they responded to the Visual Journal element? (ideas, content, materials, process, experimentation, crafting‌) List 3 positive points: Clear visual ideas that link to theory Good crafting and compositions throughout You can see a development as the book progresses And 3 areas that could be developed further: Start to focus the content more – collage is working well Continue to utilise relevant research to inform ideas Think about how the placement of found image and line can work together How effectively is the illustrator synthesising research, contextual analysis and their own practical explorations? (Does it all make sense together? Do elements feel connected?) Practical work produced in the visual journal reflects the ideas explored in the theoretical research undertaken so far. The work makes sense so far. What are the next steps with the research project, practical and theoretical? (Is a more experimental approach required? Do they need to find more imagery? Is there a particular practical focus they should continue with? Be Honest, Critical and Helpful as to how this project can grow from this point.) There are a range of techniques used so far, maybe honing in on one will help to focus your ideas more. Collage of found imagery is a good way to explore the modification of appearance, which is central to the topic you are investigating, maybe continue with this and see how you can develop and change it.

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