Sophie Barham
Email: Mobile no. 07931790120
Industry Experience I am currently a freelance photographer for the photography company Packshot on which I have learnt valuable skills not only in Photoshop but in Capture One as well. During my current study at university I have developed my skills in Photoshop even further using Creative Cloud and have learnt how to use Lightroom CC with this. I can also use Adobe Bridge and Camera Raw as well as these. I have also developed my skills in feature writing, interviewing and online writing whilst studying at university. This is alongside cretaing my own CMS and developing SEO skills.
Professional Skills I have the ability to work well by myself or as part of a team, I have good initiative and can quite easily come up with creative ideas, I am well organised and can prioritise my time to meet set deadlines.
Achievments I have completed my Bronze DofE award and I have reached grade 6 of Ballet.
Education • Currently studying at Leeds Beckett University, Bsc (Hons) Photographic Journalism. • Previously studied at New College Stamford, BTEC Extended Diploma Photography Level 3 Grade: D*DD • I studied at Sir Harry Smith Community College for my GCSEs recieving 12 GCSEs A*-C including, Bs in both English Literature and Language, B in Maths, B in History and Bs in both Business Studies and Art and Design.