Bikes Not Bombs uses the bicycle as a VEHICLE FOR SOCIAL CHANGE.
By the Numbers
Letter from the Director
Letter from the director I am so pleased to give you Bikes Not Bombs’ 2013 Annual Report. 2013 was my first full year as Executive Director at Bikes Not Bombs and I am so proud to be part of such an effective organization and wonderful, committed community of staff, volunteers and donors. We could not do the work we do without your generosity and support. I hope that as you look through our accomplishments and read the stories that made the last year special, you are proud too. While our work over last three decades has changed and adapted, what has kept us relevant and effective so many years later is our vision of a more peaceful, just and sustainable world. Our Guiding Principles talk about supporting self empowerment, addressing the root causes of inequality and oppression. And about being bold and courageous in the face of injustice. We believe the bicycle is powerful tool that not only can transform people’s lives, but also communities and, yes, the world. As the mother of two children, I want to do all I can to ensure that I have left the world in a better place than I found it, and that I am demonstrating that, if we work together, we can create change, that we
can create a more peaceful and sustainable world. What I love about Bikes Not Bombs, why I feel that after twenty years of working in non-profit organizations I have found a home, is the fact that Bikes Not Bombs has a big vision, uses concrete strategies, and sees real impacts everyday. As you look through this Annual Report, I think you’ll agree that we made real progress over the last year. But moving forward we are also keenly aware of how much is left to be done. We’d like to be able to respond to every request we get from countries around the Global South, but just don’t have the resources. In summer 2013, for every young person in our Earn-a-Bike program there was at least one we had to turn away because we did not have enough capacity—and twice as many teens applied for jobs than we had jobs available. And while Chain Reaction, our youth-run mobile bike shop, is setting up around the city, what if we could reach hundreds more by creating mobile shops and bike clubs at community centers all over the city, not only providing bike services for those who need it most, but also jobs for our trained youth mechanics. And, with the
high cost of transportation, it is not just young people who are in need of bikes. We are considering an Earn-a-Bike program for adults as well, knowing that a lack of transportation is a key barrier to employment. So we should all be proud of what we’ve accomplished in 2013, but let’s not waiver in our commitment to the vision. I hope to see you around the Hub or Shop in 2014—or better yet, at the Bike-A-Thon! In solidarity,
Jodi Sugerman-Brozan Executive Director
By the numbers YOUTH PROGRAMS
88 53 5,040
bikes earned youth employees hired miles biked by youth participants
8 4,264 100+
containers shipped
bikes shipped hours of Skype meetings
416 1,300 7,485
refurbished bikes sold
flats fixed
unique repairs
559 21,330 172,500
registered riders
miles ridden
dollars raised
43 6,300 5,799
bike drives
bikes collected
individual donors
International programs
Worker-owners of Ability Bikes
At least once a week at Bikes Not Bombs we get an email asking us to support a new program in the Global South by sending bikes. While we would like to accept many of these requests, we feel strongly that it is not the number of different partners we ship to that determines our success, but rather how strategically and fully we support the partners we do work with. This year we continued to deepen our relationships and celebrate the breadth of our partnerships. Our partners provide life
ALT H O U G H O U R PA RTNE R SH IPS A R E DIVERSE, T HEY AR E U N I TE D TH ROU G H SH A RE D VA LUES OF SOCIAL J US TI CE AND TH ROU G H TH E C ONC RET E USE OF BICY CLES AS A M E ANS OF SO C IA L C H A NG E . saving health services, turn bicycles into pedal-powered machines, organize communities rallying to stop climate change, run bike libraries lending bikes to high school students, and distribute thousands of refurbished bikes that provide affordable and sustainable mobility. Although our partnerships are diverse, they are united through shared
values of social justice and through the concrete use of bicycles as a means of social change. At Bikes Not Bombs International Programs, we spend our time collaborating with partners, sharing strategies, facilitating trainings, building our network and connecting partners with resources. In 2013 we grew within our existing partnerships, and laid strong foundations in a number of ways. In Northern Uganda we sent a second shipment of bikes to the Village Health Workers in Amuru, and in Guatemala BNB supported Carlos Marroquin to develop a new social-enterprise Bici-Tec, which fabricates bicimaquinas (bicycle powered machines) for rural economic development. While the bulk of our international work happens abroad we also built our own capacity in Boston by hiring Charlotte Fagan as International Programs Coordinator. Charlotte comes to BNB with experience volunteering with two of BNB’s international partners and working with bike organizations on six continents. Charlotte has extensive experience with bike organizing in Latin America, and we’re looking forward to leveraging her experience and contacts to expand in Latin America in the coming years.
This year could also be called the year of the field worker, as we hired field workers to support partners in Guatemala, Ghana, and Uganda. In October, we sent Sarah Claudette Armstrong to Guatemala to assist Bici-Tec during their start-up phase, which was her third trip to San Andres Itzapa. Next, BNB partnered with UK-based Re-Cycle to send BNB shop employee Derek McIntire to Ability Bikes in Ghana to provide a mechanics and impact documentation training. Lastly, throughout 2013 Mark Odoch continued his outstanding work in his second year as BNB’s project coordinator in Uganda. Mark coordinates BNB’s Village Health Worker Project in Amuru with passion, dedication and creativity. The year-ofthe-fieldworker brought Bikes Not Bombs closer to our partners by providing more in-person trainings and capacity building, assisting our partners to strengthen their foundations, maximize their impacts and build toward long-term sustainability.
Youth programs It’s no secret that Earn-A-Bike and Girls In Action, our most popular youth programs, require a great deal of commitment on the part of participants: four days a week, three hours a day, for five weeks, and all taking place at our office in Jamaica Plain. In 2013, we looked for ways to engage young people who could not commit to a full program schedule. Our solution was Bike-In, a weekly open Hub where young people were invited to work on their bikes and participate in group activities without having to commit to a full program schedule. BikeIn has become a success, not only as a means of engaging young people who previously felt they had no place at BNB, but also in identifying potential youth leaders, and getting them involved at higher levels. Another factor that kept many young people from joining our programs was location; for some young people it proved too challenging to get to Jamaica Plain. To remedy this we partnered with The Yawkey Club of Roxbury to create Yawkey Bike Club, an introductory bicycle riding and mechanics program.
We also brought a modified version of Earn-A-Bike to Boston Green Academy in South Boston where students had the opportunity to participate in bicycle mechanics as an elective class. Though we aren’t quite ready to open up a second BNB Hub, we see all these programs as avenues to engaging more young people in meaningful ways without requiring them to come to us. Much of 2013 was also dedicated to growing our Youth Organizing program BOCA, which stands for Bicyclists Organizing for Community Action. The expanding network of bike lanes, and
Volunteering at Earn-A-Bike
the Hubway bike share program continue to overlook many of the lower-income neighborhoods in Boston where BNB youth live. So they attended community process meetings to ask for the same infrastructure that better resourced neighborhoods have. When the Mayoral election took over Boston, our youth were there, asking questions of the candidates in a video questionnaire and at the Forum on Transportation and Livable Communities. BNB Youth were integral in the development
Abdul at the Youth Jobs Rally with BOCA
BIK E- I N H AS B EC O ME A SU C C E SS, NOT ONLY AS A ME A N S O F E NG A G ING YO U NG PEOPLE WHO P R EVI O U S LY F E LT TH E Y H A D NO PLACE AT BNB, BUT AL S O I N I D E NTIFYING PO TE NTIA L Y OUT H LEADERS, AND G E TTI N G TH E M INVO LVE D AT HIGHER LEVELS. of the City’s Bike Safety Campaign and they supported coalitions of other youth activists calling for funding for youth jobs and more affordable public transit.
Bike shop
The Bike Shop chalkboard calendar.
In January 2013, BNB was approached by Boston Green Academy. They were looking to start an in-school bicycle class as part of their elective program. While the Youth Programs staff at the Hub was able to help design the program, and choose which mechanics skills to teach, they needed help when it came to creating a list of tools and parts.
Enter Bike Shop Manager Matt Coe. Matt produced a list of the basic tools that Boston Green Academy would need for this program. He and the rest of the shop staff also helped choose the 15 bikes that the school purchased for the program. Without the shop, this program would not have happened.
EV ERY D O L L AR YO U SPE ND AT TH E BIKE SHOP HEL P S S U P P O RT B IK E S NO T B OMB S’ YOUT H AND IN T E R NATI O N A L W OR K. Later in 2013, our International Programs staff was preparing shop mechanic Derek McIntire to leave for a two-week field work trip to Ghana. One challenge they presented was that some of the mechanics at Ability Bikes have trouble determining which parts of the drive train are compatible with each other because traditional mechanics manuals use written instructions which are difficult to understand. On their own time, Derek and his co-worker Ryan Stanis created the beginnings of a visual compatibility manual, with photos showing how to match up parts. It proved incredibly useful and we are pursuing funding opportunities so we can commission them to complete the manual.
Visitors to BNB’s Frequently Asked Questions page of our website will note that a question we often get is how the Bike Shop is connected to our work if it’s a business. The assumption is that because the shop runs like a business that it must be only about the bottom line. The shop staff is invested in, and essential to, BNB’s overall success and 2013 proved just how mission driven the Bike Shop is. Not only does the shop sustain BNB financially throughout the year, they provide essential skills and support to ensure programmatic effectiveness.
Bike-A-Thon Bike-A-Thon team meetings start in August. Just two months removed from BNB’s biggest event of the year, four BNB staff members begin planning the next one. One of the goals included in BNB’s new Strategic Plan is, “Ensure that BNB has robust resources and is a strong, healthy, sustainable organization.” This means that the success of the Bike-A-Thon is not only determined by the number of riders who register and the amount of money they raise, but also by how manageable it is for the team to make it happen. In all these respects, the 2013 Bike-A-Thon was the most successful ever. Organization was key to the smooth operations of BAT 2013. A detailed shared Google spreadsheet was used to track each staff member’s responsibil-
ities, which were sorted by how many weeks before the event they needed to be completed. The tasks were sorted into areas that more closely matched team members’ general roles at BNB, and weekly meetings were held to ensure progress and bounce new ideas off each other. Another innovation for 2013 was the “Reason To Ride” social media campaign. For 88 days leading up to the event, BNB shared a different reason to ride on Facebook. The Bike-A-Thon team also listened and responded to some of the feedback from previous years. We canceled the Green Roots Festival, in order to better focus on rider experience, brought in Boloco burritos, a request from the BNB Youth Team, and chose a softer brand for the t-shirt.
Riders during the 2013 Bike-A-Thon
The 2013 Bike-A-Thon represented historic highs in ridership, fundraising totals, and volunteer commitment, and unprecedented success in terms of preparation, set-up, clean-up and overall staff time invested. It also laid the foundation for what we hope is continued and sustainable growth. Nothing illuminates our commitment to getting better each year than the ‘Improve for
2014’ spreadsheet, which features 366 suggested changes that were compiled from the first meeting all the way until the last donation was processed and the last supply box sent back to the warehouse. Still, it will always be the incredible generosity of every rider, volunteer and donor that ultimately makes the Bike-A-Thon our favorite time of year, and an event worth the time we put in to make it happen.
Resources When long-time BNB volunteer Steve Murphy told us that he’d gotten permission from his boss to take the summer off and ride across the country, we thought he was just sharing good news. Then he told us that he was planning on using the opportunity to raise money for Bikes Not Bombs. We didn’t know what to expect, but we should have known that someone who had volunteered in 13 sessions of Earn-A-Bike would continue to go above and beyond our expectations. Steve’s ride, which stretched from Seattle to Boston, raised over $10,000 dollars for BNB, and it is just one of the many ways that our network of individual donors and supporters came through for us in 2013.
TOP: Steve Murphy, trans-American touring cyclist & fundraising superstar BOTTOM: Volunteers helping process bikes at Thursday Volunteer night
This year Bikes Not Bombs also put considerable resources into expanding our Grant Fundraising program, and the results have been promising. In 2012 we were awarded $84,450 in grants, a number that grew to $160,500 in 2013. This increase included continued support from The Clif Bar Family Foundation, The New England Patriots Foundation, and new grants from the Hyams Foundation and the TripAdvisor Charitable Foundation. This year we also saw
WE D I D N ’T K NO W W H AT TO E XPE CT, BUT WE SHOULD HAV E K N O W N TH AT SO ME O NE W HO HAD VOLUNT EERED IN 1 3 S E S S I O N S OF E A R N-A -B IKE WOULD CONT INUE T O G O A B O VE A N D B E YOND OU R E XPECTAT IONS. considerable growth in our multi-year donor program, and in fundraising support from our Board of Directors. The third annual Building Momentum Breakfast was a smashing success, bringing in $20,265 in day-of donations, and $105,210 committed over the next five years. We had 5 new members join the Wheels In Motion team ($1,000 a year for five years), now almost 20 strong, which means we have a clearer picture of where our financials will be in the years to come. Additionally, each member of the BNB Board of Directors signed on to a Give/Get program, committing not only to a certain individual contribution, but also to bringing in additional funds from others.
All this growth aside, BNB programs need more than just money to operate, and 2013 was a banner year for both bike collections and volunteer commitment. We collected over 6,000 bikes, and set a new record for bikes collected at a single drive when we brought in 407 in Cheshire, CT. We supported our bike collections process by purchasing a new larger truck, and with the continued success of our Thursday Volunteer Night program. We canceled Volunteer Night just three times in 2013 (Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas) and estimate that volunteers donated over 4,000 hours to help us collect, flatten, ship, and store bikes this year.
International programs
This year the women of Ability Bikes in Ghana took on new roles, responsibilities, and tasks. When the head administrator traveled to study disability rights in Denmark, Maud Akuffo-Darko stepped up and thrived in her new role of managing international communication, importing bike shipments, overseeing financial accounting, and more. Miriam Oduro, one of the four bike mechanics at Ability Bikes, continues to be the wheel expert and was the quickest to pick-up measuring spoke calculations during the mechanics training facilitated by Derek McIntire in November. Bridget Nartey, the newest Ability Bikes member, was hired as the main salesperson at the second store location for Ability Bikes near the main market, and has now become an integral part of the organization.
If you have been to a container loading, you will undoubtedly remember Charlie Weinhardt’s acrobatic moves loading bikes into the smallest spaces. Charlie is an integral part of our container loading team of volunteers—he ensures that our containers are as densely filled with bikes as possible. Charlie has been loading containers since 2011, and says that “Every minute
is about two bikes in the container. So even if I hold things up at the end it’s because those extra 30 minutes, well that’s 60 bikes, and each of those bikes can change someone’s life.”
Ricardo Navarro, the founder of the El Salvadoran Center for Appropriate Technology (CESTA) in El Salvador, is an influential and vocal leader in the environmental and social justice movement in El Salvador. CESTA not only furthers environmental conservation and community development through their extensive programming, but also organizes communities to directly manage their land and livelihood, supporting their struggle to prevent widespread resource extraction and environmental contamination by multinational corporations. Ricardo is leading CESTA to address these largescale challenges in concrete ways, and is working together with communities and organizations throughout Central America to develop regional networks to create change for a more sustainable future.
Youth programs 1
Dany was a two-time graduate of Earn-A-Bike when he started to regularly attend Youth BikeIn. As a Volunteer Youth Instructor, Dany is a member of two committees: Organizing and Earn-A-Bike. This means he’s active in campaign development and in enriching Youth Programs curriculum. He’s also learning advanced mechanics and hopes to one day work as a bike mechanic. For Dany, BNB is more than a place for him to get his hands dirty, it’s a place that he feels safe and at ease. “Normally I am hyper and crazy but at BNB I am calm and relaxed,” he says, “My mind just clears out when I’m working on bikes.”
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, bicycle mechanics will be one of the top 30 growing in professions between now and 2020. BNB Youth are already proving this hypothesis, securing jobs at bike shops and in bike programs near and far. One of the most exciting destinations for graduates of our Pathways program is Hubway, Boston’s Bike Share program, which this year employed four BNB Alumni: Ben Goodman, Mary Leonard, Mohamed Hussein, and Patrick Fernandes. BNB Youth are seeing that the
skills they learn here can lead to meaningful employment, and shops are taking note that we produce well-trained and high-quality future employees.
Sometimes its the little moments in Youth Programs that reveal the greatest leaders. Sadiya Ervin, an Earn-A-Bike graduate and Youth Employee was at a meeting being facilitated by Co-Director of Youth Programs, Jeremy Hanson. When Jeremy was called away for an emergency he assumed that the meeting was just going to be postponed. About 30 minutes later he returned to find Sadiya facilitating the meeting in his stead. Step-Up/Step-Back is a tactic we try to use in meetings and programs at BNB. It means that if you’re the sort of person who tends to talk a lot, you should pull back to let others speak. And if you often say silent, you are encouraged to participate more. This moment not only exemplified stepping up, but showed us that we were in the midst of a great leader. All she needed was an opportunity to show us.
Bike shop
2013 was the year of BNB swag, with new scarves, sweatshirts and hats emblazoned with the BNB logo hitting the shop’s shelves. If social media is any indication, we’re probably going to have to order more in 2014. When the first batch of hoodies arrived, BNB posted a photo of them on Facebook. That post turned out to be our third most popular post of the year, reaching 1,400 people and earning 64 likes.
Ernesto Botello was working as a cook when he applied to take BNB’s Vocational Training program. “I really like bikes and was interested to learn about the systems and one day work as a mechanic.” Unlike past years, Ernesto was one of just two students to begin the program in late 2013. He and Julia Treverton worked one on one with shop mechanics for 9 hours each week. The ten-week program prepares them for jobs as bike mechanics and the new format means the program can be tailored to individual learning styles and interests.
One of the shop goals coming out of Strategic Planning was to become more of a community resource. That, combined with the frequency of requests from customers, is what led them to begin refurbishing and selling kids’ bikes in 2013. Kids bikes take far less time to refurbish, which allows them to be priced between $50—$100. For the mechanics, it’s also a harkening back to their early days of tinkering with toys to figure out how things work. It’s also a great new way to use some of the donated bikes that are too small for Earn-A-Bike participants.
Bike-A-Thon 1
Ask a group of Bike-A-Thon riders their favorite part of the event and at least one will give you a somewhat surprising answer: The food. Preparing enough lunch for nearly 500 hungry riders is no easy task, and for the last 20 years, Chef Brian Sway has done it all. He donates the food with Vanguarden Farms, the time, and the prep space. Amidst all his volunteer energy, he has managed to actually ride the Bike-A-Thon most years. Why, you ask? Brain says, “I like the feeling of saying thank you to all the riders by giving them a filling meal after they’ve put in such an effort for an organization that I really believe in.”
Want proof that the Bike-A-Thon is for everyone? Consider fiveyear-old Robert Liriano, who rode the 15-mile route completely on his own. Not only did he take home the 2013 award for youngest rider on his own bike, he now holds the record. Equally as impressive were Girls In Action graduates and twin sisters Madalyn and Julia. When they started the program in April they didn’t even know how to ride a bike. Two months later they completed the 15-mile Bike-A-Thon route.
The 2013 Bike-A-Thon shirt was one of the most popular BNB shirts ever. So much so that we had to re-order more not once but twice. Though we wish we could take credit for the design, the image was actually taken from the back of a set of Bicycle Playing Cards. The design is called “Chainless,” and it was introduced in 1899 and discontinued in 1917. BNB staff members stumbled upon the cards online, and it took our IT Manager Sean Madsen just a few minutes to integrate our name into the design. We love seeing the shirt being worn around JP and those days when Hub staff look like we’re in uniform when we all accidentally wear them on the same day.
Boxes of used parts show up at the Hub all the time, but this year a donation of three huge boxes were something special. They came from long time donor Mark Englen. Mark, who lives in Athens, GA, heard about BNB from a friend some 10 years ago, and has been sending boxes of used parts every year since then. This year’s load was extra big due to a special request for parts from our partner in Uganda. Also an annual donor, Mark has never even been to the BNB Hub, and though he has a shirt from each of the last three Bike-A-Thons, he doesn’t wear them, because he says they’re too special.
The first year that Betty contacted BNB we didn’t check where Gorham was before agreeing to do a bike drive there. It was only a couple weeks before the drive that our Bike Donations Coordinator, Stephen Bosco, discovered it was a fourhour drive. The event was so successful and Betty’s spirit so upbeat, that we continued to make the trip. Betty has emphysema, but is a natural community organizer, so instead of doing the work all on her own, she partnered with Matt Saladino, a guidance counselor at the
local junior and senior high school. Betty has started collecting bikes for us all year round, even building a special leanto on her property to keep them dry. Due to a conflicting local event this year, Stephen had to leave our warehouse at 4:15 AM to get to Gorham. When he arrived, there was Betty, bundled up against the wind and towing her oxygen caddy. This year was Betty’s 8th and final year holding the drive, and while we cannot pick up at Betty’s house anymore because she is moving, Matt has stepped up and will be the organizer from now on.
Pedro’s, a local tool manufacturer, donated enough bicycle tools to outfit 6 tool benches at the BNB Hub, which are used during volunteer night and Youth Programs. Because of this donation, we were able to take money that we would have spent on tools in 2014 and allocate that directly to other program costs such as youth employee salaries. Their donation made an impact internationally as well, as the old tools that were still usable were sent to our partners abroad. Thanks Pedros!
Revenue: $1,503,434
Bike Shop
Donations from individuals
Grants and corporate donations
Program revenue
Other miscellaneous income
Expenses: $1,470,371
Bike Shop
Youth programs
Administration and operations
Education and outreach
International programs
Bike collections
Individuals Adrienne Shapiro Alex Rigopulos Alex Sugerman-Brozan & family Alice Stowell Allie Hunter Allison Brill Amanda Wozniak Amir Sedhom Amy Martin Andrew Helger Andrew Fischer Anita Johnson Anne Calabresi Anthony Zelle Bethany LeBlanc Bill Perkins Bob & Ali Murchison Bob Watson & family Boe Shulman Brian Sway Bryan Decker Carl Kurz & Family Charles Rosenberg Charles Keegan & Constance Keegan Charlie Weinhardt Chris Yoder Chris Coughlin Craig Panzer Cristin Martineau
Cynthia Manson Daniel Kaizer Daniel Sullivan Daniel Reid Dave Vise Dave Boudreau Dave Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Donahoe & D.M. Pienta David Murray David Stupin David Wean David Lourd David Kleinschmidt & Katherine Olney Deborah Sharpe Derek McIntire Elijah Evans Elizabeth Vitale & Stewart Wolff Eric Doesburg Eric Krauter Eric Uhrhane Eric Mearns Evelyn DeVellis Farid Quraishi Francis Williams Gary Klein George Harkins George Rowan Gregor Dzialas Gregory Burdett
Gretta Anderson & Paul Bay Harriet Fell Heath Maddox Hildegard Hannum Ian Crowley & Lisa Schonberger Ira Ockene Itai Lourie J Woodland Hastings J. M. Kofi Abbensetts Jacob Schwartz Jakari Griffith James Hughes Jamie Weller Jasmine Laietmark Jayanta Dey Jeff Kaufman Jennifer Sheldon Jesselyn Bowman Jessica Stein Jim Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien Jim Campen & Phyllis Ewen Jo-Anne Wyndham John Rowse John & Linda Hanson Jonathan McCurdy Jonathan Allen & Melanie Quigley Jonathan Hickey
Jude Griffin Karen Coe Kate Mills Katie Anderson Kevin Orr Kevin Rice Laurel Leslie & Allen Gifford Lauren Ockene & David Weinstein Lee Archung Libby Mahaffy Lissa Winstanley Louis Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Angio Luis Martinez Maggie Cohn & Rich Giordano Margaret Byer Maria Panico Balestrieri Marie Tanaka Mark Englen Mark Jrolf Mark Odoch Martha Brouwer Martha L. Shults & Richard G. Shults Martha Mosco Martin Wolff Matt Fredenburg Matthew Huber Melinda Lyon
Michael Cole Michael Lesser Michael & Kate Duffield Nadine & John Simms Farm Nancy Braus & Richard Geidel Nick Mashburn Oren Gersten Pablo Pena Patricia Lee Freysinger Paul Kiefer Peter Michaelson Phil Wong Rebecca Brees Renata Von Tscharner Richard Perse Richard Schubert Rob Werner Robert Vandermark Robert Zevin Roberto Melendez Rosie Rosen Russell Cox Ryan Beikes Sam Keezell Sarah Farley Sarah Satterthwaite Sarah Claudette Armstrong Scott Carson
Scott Nielsen Scott Rosenthal Scott Harper Scott Minkin Silke Hase SJ Brooks Sophie Greenspan Stanley Chen Steve Murphy Steve Karbank Steve Greene Stewart Lanier Susan Loucks Thomas Burns Thomas Miller Tim Neunzig Tim & Amy Riley Tom Innis Trevyn Langsford Vicki Rudnitsky Virginia de Lima Vivian Gerard Wayne Chinnock Will Daniels Will & Susan Twombly
Organizations Abt Associates Inc. Alternatives for Community & Environment Amir’s Natural Foods B.A. Karbank & CO. LLP Beantown Society Bella Luna & The Milky Way Bikes for the World Boloco Boston Bikes Boston Business Printing Boston Cyclists Union Boston Green Academy Boston Youth Fund Breakstone, White-Lief & Gluck Broadway Bicycle School Brookline Public Library Cambridge Brewing Company Captain Marden’s Seafoods Church Hill United Methodist City Feed & Supply Coalition to Fun Our Communities & Cut Military Spending 25% Community Builders Cooperative CRESA Partners Boston, Inc. Cuppow Department of Social Services, Nevis Dorchester People for Peace
Ferris Wheels Bike Shop Flat Top Johnnys Flatbread Somerville Franklin Park Coalition Grassroots International Institute for Policy Studies Jason & Fischer JP Open Studios Lazer Sport LivableStreets Alliance MetroPedal Power MIT D-Lab Narragansett Bay Wheelmen New Mission High School On the Move: The Greater Boston Transportation Justice Coalition Pacific Rim Forwarders Parsons New School Payomet Performing Arts Pedro’s Re-Cycle Recycle-A-Bicycle Red Sun Press Root Cause Roxbury Environmental Empowerment Project (REEP) Space with a Soul Spontaneous Celebrations
St. Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hospital Lacor, Uganda State Street Corporate Citizenship STRIVE Program, Boston Public Schools T Riders Union The Heller School at Brandeis University The Pedal Pushers Club The Ripples Group Ula Cafe Unitarian Universalist Area Church Vanguarden Farm Working Bikes Cooperative Yawkey Boys and Girls Club Youth Affordability Coalition Youth Bike Youth Justice and Power Union Zumix
Foundations Alice Willared Dorr Foundation Anna B. Stearns Foundation Blue Hills Bank Charitable Foundation Boston Public Health Commission Cabot Family Foundation Charlotte Foundation Chicago Community Foundation Christina Clarke Genco Foundation Clif Bar Family Foundation Clippership Foundation Elizabeth and Barets O. Benjamin Charitable Foundation Fleck Family Gift Fund Highland Street Foundation Hyams Foundation International Foundation John Hancock MLK Summer Scholars Program Mt. Washington Charitable Foundation New England Patriots Foundation Peace and Reconciliation Charities Peter H. Michaelson Foundation Plymouth Rock Foundation Samuel Rubin Foundation
Sterling Fund Sylvia Simmons Best Practice Award/ Anna B. Stearns Foundation The Bridgehaven Foundation The Nararo Foundation TripAdvisor Charitable Foundation Whitman Family Foundation
Wheels in Motion Amelie Ratliff Amy Battisti-Ashe & Michael Muehe Andrea Fleck Clardy Bob Dizon & Kris Richardson Bob Thomas & Polly Hoppin Caroline & Fred Hoppin David Fischer & Carol Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Connor-Fischer David Wilcox Gwyn Jones Irina Rasputnis
Groups Adult Earn-A-Bike Instructors Bike Collections Team Members Bike Drive Organizers Container Loading Volunteers Thursday Night Volunteers Youth Member-Leaders
John & Marie Dacey Macs Not Bombs Neil Leifer & Ellen Carno Pamela Haran & David Godkin Pedroâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Seven Cycles Stan Chen Steve Bercu Teresa Roberts
284 Amory Street Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 617.522.0222 / @bikesnotbombs