Statement of Intent II

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BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN M odule Code


M odule Title






FINAL MAJOR PROJECT STATEMENT OF INTENT Name: Sophie W ilson Blog Address: www.s-wilson1013fm

Rationale Throughout the OUGD303 Final M ajor Project m odule, I hope to produce a substantial and considered body of work that is reflective of m y am bitions to work, prim arily, within branding and brand developm ent with a strong focus on conceptual and innovative design solutions that dem onstrate a professionalism and creativity within design production through print. Through the discipline of brand developm ent, I hope to balance skills in both im age and typographic design with a wide variety of clients, predom inantly working with the arts and culture sector. W ith a combination of both self initiated, collaborative, and live client briefs, I hope to em ulate the typical experience of working within a professional branding studio to ensure the best preparation for subm ission of the final m odule and progression upon graduation into working within the design industry. Subjects / Them es Throughout the Final M ajor Project m odule, I intend to focus on specific areas of industry and fields that I aspire to work with, and within, upon graduation; with this last real opportunity for a focus of study, particularly in regards to dedicating a wealth of tim e to research- based briefs, whereupon budget restrictions, as m ay occur within professional studio environm ents, aren’t of m ajor concern, therefore, can spend a great deal of tim e developing m y knowledge and background information to hopefully provide the best preparation for each of the executed briefs. The subject m atter and clients I hope to collaborate with largely work within the listed specific industries:


Culture, Design & The Arts Industry / Sector Retail Sector Neurological & Sociological Sciences

SPECIFIC SUBJECTS and areas of focus throughout m y briefs for the Final M ajor Project include (m any of which are the industries of clients I will be collaborating with from a branding perspective): -

Architecture and Architectural Design W edding Planning Printed Textiles and Surface Pattern Design / M arketing & Prom otion Horticulture, Flora & Fauna Photography Jung M yers – Briggs Typology, Psychoanalysis & Sociology

Design Disciplines / Creative Developm ent Throughout the end of the second year of the degree program m e, and through the third year, to date, I have found a real affinity and strength within branding and brand developm ent. W ith a love of engaging and working with others, crosscollaboration of industries and the knowledge, and inform ation learnt from others has been a real privilege, and som ething I would undoubtedly want to continue with upon graduation into m y professional practice in later, working life. A real focus for m y briefs throughout the Final M ajor Project is upon editorial design, som ething which I have found m ore confidence with in the past year in term s of understanding typographic design and layout, but now feel I need to experim ent far m ore with regards to com bining this design skills with others, such as branding and brand identity, along with considered, well – m ade print finishes (som ething I’ve had the pleasure to work with m ore as m y portfolio becom e m ore professional and refined in regards to the presentation and production of both print and web based design collateral). I am also happy to also be able to have the opportunity to work with web- based and digital design throughout the Jessie Leong Photography website brief. Despite this being a skill set and area of focus, I don’t necessarily have as m uch passion or desire to work within this discipline in a professional context; the im portance of the knowledge of web - based design is undoubted. W ith a m ore diverse skills set, particularly in the future – lead design m arket, I will make myself far more em ployable upon graduation, as well as gaining personal experience and m ore diversity within m y persona and professional design portfolio. Practical Skills / W orkshops – what, why and when? -



Develop m y screen printing and general print m aking skills, techniques and experim entation through a series of screen printing workshops, independent and collaborative sessions (throughout both the Geek Table Collective and Laura Ashley S / S 2013 Hom e Interiors Collection briefs). Strengthen m y understanding of editorial and typographic design throughout a work placem ent at Q ubik, Leeds; working alongside editorial designer Joe Gilmore, to give more experience in working with body copy and taking Art Direction throughout a series of briefs. Develop and strengthen skills in bookbinding, through organising a series of

sessions in the Vernon Street Leeds College of Art printing studios for a considered and professionally – finished binding outcom e.

Brief 1: Deadline 18 February Alex W arren Architecture 2013 Rationale: Develop a range of both printed and digital m edia to help prom ote and professionalise the brand and brand identity of Leeds M etropolitan University M Arch Student, Alex W arren, reflecting his innovative and conceptually - driven design portfolio as he seeks future em ploym ent and accreditation through his degree program m e. Brief 2: Deadline 29 M ay 2013 Leeds College of Art BA (Hons) Printed Textiles & Surface Pattern Yearbook 2012 - 13 Rationale: Design the PDF yearbook (with optional print and branded collateral) for the Leeds College of Art BA (Hons) Printed Textiles & Surface Pattern Design Degree program m e, working in collaboration with fellow BAGD students, Kirsty Alderson, Kirsty Hardingham and Claudia Griffin. Brief 3: Deadline 12 M arch 2013 Hannah Crowson W edding Planner Rationale: Design a range of both digital and print collateral to help prom ote the independent start - up business of wedding planner and decorator, Hannah Crowson, with a contem porary and industry - appropriate brand and brand identity, which help to establish Hannah’s practice and professionalism within the industry. Brief 4: Deadline 30 April 2013 Jung M yers – Briggs : Typology Rationale: Develop a printed publication which explores the concepts, theories and sociology behind the Jung M yers – Briggs typology personality test, which calculates various types of personalities based upon introversion / extroversion, sensing / feeling, etc., for each voluntary participant taking the aforem entioned test. Through the concise, considered, and contem porary publication, create a guide to help prom ote self - awareness and reflectiveness of sociological and psychological behaviours, which m ay influence relationships, careers, etc. Brief 5: Deadline 26 M arch 2013 Shrewsbury Flower Show 2013 Rationale: Design both the print and digital collateral for the proposed rebrand of the 2013 Shrewsbury Flower Show (M M XIII) to help prom ote to both a m ore varied, and contem porary audience, as well as expanding the visitor circulation to a National audience as opposed to the largely existing Shropshire - based, local tourism that the show currently attracts. Brief 6: Laura Ashley S /S 2013 Ho m e Interiors Collection


29 M ay 2013

Rationale: Develop a range of printed textiles and hom e interior design products to be proposed for a hypothetical Laura Ashley S / S 2013 collection, specifically developing designs for kitchenware and interiors, to be branded and prom oted alongside the worldwide brand’s existing designs in a consistent, yet innovative range of design deliverables, working collaboratively with Graphic Designer and Illustration specialist, Stephanie Lawson. Brief 7: Geek Table Collective Rationale:


29 M ay 2013

W orking collaboratively with the Leeds College of Art BA (Hons) Graphic Design group, ‘Geek Table’, (Baljeet Sam ra, Beth Yates, Sarah Pritchard, Lisa W hitaker, Claudia Griffin, Kirsty Alderson and Kirsty Hardingham ), brand and design the identity and deliverables for the design co - operative to help prom ote the individuals’ design practice as a collective, as well as separate entities. Also explore the potential of prom oting the freelance pursuits and work of the group m em bers through setting weekly briefs to develop a portfolio and body of work, as well as prom oting and hosting an exhibition which showcases the work of the collective to both the general public and industry professionals. Brief 8: Jessie Leong Photography W ebsite Deadline: 29 M ay 2013 Rationale: Continue to, and finalise, the brand developm ent for the Jessie Leong Photography brand with the addition of a unique and personally - custom ised website, built through an existing Cargo Collective / pre – purchased dom ain nam e in a distinctive and creative form at which ensures effective visual com m unication and engagem ent with the client’s existing photographic portfolio.

Contextual references / Designers / Studios / Com panies (specific) Designers & Studios -

Praline (London / Paris) Influence for print – based design and inspiration, with a focus on photographic and editorial design deliverables and development.


Glad Creative (Gateshead) Influenced from time spent working with the design studio for conceptual generation of brand design, specifically logo design development, personality and professionalism in working, client relationships.


Passport Design Bureau (Leeds) Taking influence from photographic and editorial design portfolio through various projects, including the use of up-cycled materials in the brand outcomes for the

Shrewsbury Flower Show 2013 proposed rebrand design(s). -

Founded (Newcaslte) Influenced by Founded’s clean, crisp, and minimal approach to branding I hope to develop print and digital collateral for brands whilst strengthening brand identity through the analysis of brand values and philosophies in a creative and concept- driven range of design deliverables.


Qubik [Joe Gilmore] (Leeds) Influenced from time spent working with Joe, I hope to gain more insight from both his work, and editorial design in general to support the design and conceptual development of the publication deliverable to be produced through the Jung Myers – Briggs : Typology Final Major Project brief.

Com panies (Specific) -

Laura Ashley Throughout the collaborative, proposed S / S 2013 Laura Ashley Home Interiors Collection brief, (working with Stephanie Lawson), the history and design archive of Laura Ashley will be a constant source of reference and inspiration as we develop a unique, and proposed new range for 2013, with branding and editorial design to support the print- based collection, but which suits the existing Laura Ashley products, and which sits well within the heritage brand.


Shrewsbury Flower Show Throughout the brief in which I propose to rebrand and promote the Shrewsbury Flower Show, I hope to gain contact with the existing board and culture members and organisers of the event to learn more about the background, history, and existing visitors of the Flower Show, along with existing branding and promotional devices, to help learn from these devices and methods of advertising, and how to both utilise and improve upon these existing techniques.

RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Leeds Print Festival 2013 Details


20 January 2013

Attending the exhibition, as presented by The Print Project, M atthew the Horse and Alan Kitching, held at the Leeds Gallery. Event organised and curated by Am ber Sm ith & Aaron Skipper. RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Visit to Pressision Printers, (Stanningley), Leeds Details


25 January

Independently organised trip, m eeting Jam es Taylor (M anaging Director), the creative and production team at the lithographic print production studio, Pressision in Stanningley, Leeds. During the trip, along with Beth Yates, Lisa W hitaker, Kirsty Alderson and Kirsty Hardingham, we learnt above various forms of print processes and operational m achinery, as well as having the opportunity to discuss print production m ethods

with tactile sam ple and print exam ples m ade available to us, inspiring and educating ourselves for future print - based design projects. RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Deadline 31 January 2013 Fedrigoni Acroprint W hite Lies Exhibition at Leeds Gallery, Leeds Details In collaboration with Team Im pression [Printers] and Design Project Attending the opening night of the Acroprint W hite Lies m agazine launch, Fedrigoni, Team Im pression and Design Project (of Leeds) present their design portfolio throughout a range of printed stocks to dem onstrate the latest product in Fedrigoni’s paper archive. RESEARCH ACTIVITY Visit to Tayburn Design Studio, Edinburgh


08 February 2013

Details Travelling to the Tayburn creative design and branding studio in Edinburgh for a studio visit and portfolio review, discussing both m y design progress and developm ent of m y portfolio for seeking em ploym ent upon graduation, whilst also learning more about the design industry and the studio as a whole. RESEARCH ACTIVITY Visit to Shrewsbury (Antique M arket, The Quarry & W atson & Thornton Fabrics & Haberdashery Details


08 M arch 2013

Visit local attractions within Shrewsbury including Antiques M arket, The Q uarry and W atson & Thornton Fabrics & Haberdashery store to obtain contextual inform ation and insight into the location of the Shrewsbury Flower Show, as well as gathering stocks and m aterials to support the production of design deliverables and outcom es throughout the hypothetical rebranding and prom otional brief.

RESEARCH ACTIVITY Industry Experience with at Q ubik [Joe Gilm ore] Details Deadline 1 – 5 April 2013 Throughout a week’s industry placem ent, I will both shadow Joe’s editorial and typographic design practice, as well as taking an active role in assisting projects and following Art Direction, giving m ore insight into the discipline and specialism of editorial design to help influence m y own experim entation and direction throughout various briefs and the course of the m odule.


BO O KS / TEXTS - (Harvard Referenced) BRANDING Fundamentals of Branding Melissa, Davis, 2009. Fundamentals of Branding. 1st ed. Switzerland: AVA Publishing Love Logo Design: A Guide to Creating Iconic Brand Identities Voices That Matter David, Airey, 2009, Love Logo Design: A Guide to Creating Iconic Brand Identities Voices That Matter. 1st edition. California: New Riders. Designing Brand Identity: An Essential Guide for the Whole Branding Team Alina, Wheeler, 2009. Designing Brand Identity: An Essential Guide for the Whole Branding Team. 3rd ed. New York City: John Wiley & Sons PRINT The Print Manual: A Graphic Design Handbook Gavin, Ambrose & Paul, Harris, 2008. The Print Manual: A Graphic Design Handbook. 1st ed. Switzerland: AVA Publishing. TYPOGRAPHY & EDITORIAL DESIGN How to design a typeface Design Museum, 2010. How to design a typeface. 1st ed. London: Conran Octopus Ltd Making and Breaking the Grid: A Layout Design Workshop Timothy, Samara, 2005. Making and Breaking the Grid: A Layout Design Workshop. New edition. Massachusetts: Rockport Publishers Inc. Basics Design 02: Layout Gavin, Ambrose, 2011. Basics Design 02: Layout. 2nd edition. Switzerland: AVA Publishing. Basics Design: Typography Gavin, Ambrose, 2005. Basics Design: Typography. 1st edition. Switzerland: AVA Publishing. JUNG MYERS BRIGGS TYPOLOGY Manual: A Guide to the Development and Use of the Myers – Briggs Type Indicator Isabel, Briggs Myers & Mary H. McCaulley, 1985. Manual: A Guide to the Development and Use of the Myers – Briggs Type Indicator. 2nd ed. California: Consulting Psychologists Pr. Personality Type: An Owner’s Manual (Jung on the Hudson Books) Lenore, Thomson, 1998. Personality Type: An Owner’s Manual (Jung on the Hudson Books). 1st ed. Massachusetts: Shambhala Publications Inc.

I’m Not Crazy, I’m Just Not You: The Real Meaning of the 16 Personality Types Roger, R. Pearman & Sarah, C. Albritton, 2010. I’m Not Crazy, I’m Just Not You: The Real Meaning of the 16 Personality Types. 2nd ed. Boston: Nicholas Brealey Publishing. Myers – Briggs Essentials of Psychological Assessment Naomi L. Quenk, 2009. Myers – Briggs Essentials of Psychological Assessment. 2nd ed. New Jersey : Wiley. Jung’s Personality Theory Quantified Douglas J. Wilde, 2011. Jung’s Personality Theory Quantified. 2011 ed. New York City: Springer. Jungian 16 Types Personality Test: Find Your 4 Letter Archetype to Guide Your Work, Relationships & Success Richard N. Stephenson, 2012, Jungian 16 Types Personality Test: Find Your 4 Letter Archetype to Guide Your Work, Relationships & Success. 2nd ed. Publishing M AGAZINES / JOURNALS / ARTICLES – (include publication date and details) For general overview of print, and the visual art and design industries: Print Magazine (2013 -) Computer Arts (2013 -) Creative Review (2013 -) ON LINE REFERENCES / W EBSITES / ARTICLES (include specific urls) Alex Warren Architecture Manser Sarah Wigglesworth Thomas Heatherwick David Chipperfield Dezeen Leeds College of Art BA (Hons) Printed Textiles & Surface Pattern Yearbook 2012 – 13 Leeds College of Art New Designers Hannah Crowson Wedding Planner The Wedding Community Rock My Wedding Confetti Grant - Riley Weddings Jung Myers – Briggs : Typology Myers – Briggs Typology System The Myers & Briggs Foundation Carl Jung Biography Free Jung Personality Test Shrewsbury Flower Show 2013 Shrewsbury Flower Show Shrewsbury Flower Show Facebook Page Shropshire Tourism Love Shrewsbury Laura Ashley S / S 2013 Home Interiors Collection Laura Ashley Website Adobe Kuler Geek Table Collective

White Cloth Gallery Leeds Gallery Jessie Leong Photography Website Jonny Storey Rankin Tim Walker Cargo Collective OTHER REFERENCE M ATERIAL (Film s, events, exhibitions, conferences) Alex Warren Architecture EXHIBITIONS Abstract Machines, January 2013, Leeds Metropolitan University, curated by MArch Architecture Students Jung Myers – Briggs : Typology FILM A Dangerous M ethod, 2011. Film . Directed by David CRO NENBERG. Britain: Recorded Picture Com pany.ot Geek Table Collective EXHIBITION Leeds Print Festival, January 2013, Leeds Gallery, Event by Amber Smith & Aaron Skipper Fedrigoni Acroprint White Lies Opening Evening, 31-01-13, Leeds Gallery, Event by Fedrigoni, Design Project, and Team Impression

ACTION PLAN Use this section to identify specific tasks that you need to complete in order to resolve the brief. Brief W hat do you need to do? Deadline Develop and finalise all initial research and contextual sourcing. 11 1 February 2013


Complete all initial branding and brand identity design developments (logo/brand mark, type and colour palette specifications).

18 February 2013

Present all initial ideas and design development for group crit.

18 February 2013

Develop design ideas and maintain client collaboration and contact.

4 M arch 2013

Finalise design deliverables and present for final crit.

22 April 2013

Design and print design boards for portfolios.

13 M ay 2013


27 M ay 2013






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