LCA Dissertation Submission of Work

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Submission of work on Thursday 14 February between 9.00 am and 4.00 pm You must hand in 2 professionally bound copies of your dissertation and also a CD Rom of the whole text. Make sure your CD is clearly labelled with your name, your dissertation title, your degree programme and the date of submission. Also make sure that your final file version is saved in Word and make sure that everything is included (i.e. Title Page, Contents Page, Main Text, Bibliography and Appendices) in that one file in the same order as the printed hard copies and make sure you can open this file from your copied CD to check that it has burnt properly. CD Label Make sure this information is written onto your CD and not just your CD case/Cover

Name: Degree Programme: Title: Date: 2012/13

Layout of Cover Page, Title Page and Dissertation Each copy should have a standard cover with your name, the title of your work, your degree programme and the year of submission. The work should be A4 portrait format. Photocopies are fine for the second copy – including illustrations. Remember that thoughtful visual presentation of work is good studio practice. All the dissertations are submitted in the same binding as it is fairer, ensuring that assessment is not affected by visual appearance. The College retains the right to keep one copy for reference in the College Library and/or as a teaching aid. All students are required to have two copies of their dissertation formally bound. You will also need to sign the Declaration of Academic Integrity form which you will receive when you sign in your dissertation. You are asked to title your dissertation as follows:Type onto your title page (a standard sheet of white A4 paper) which will be used as the opening page of your dissertation. Name: Degree Programme: Year: 2012/13 Dissertation Title: Word Count

Ensure that these details are positioned as advised. (See example title page below) At the bottom right of the title page, please indicate the total number of words (not including footnotes, quotations, appendices or bibliography). The order of pages should be:Declaration of Academic Integrity (will be provided when you sign in your dissertation) Title Page Acknowledgements Contents Page List of Illustrations Main Text Bibliography/Reference – in A – Z format Appendices

Sample Title Page

Your First Name and Surname

Name: Degree Programme:

Full title of your BA (Hons) Degree Programme

Date: 2012/13 Title:

Your finished dissertation title

Put the number of words excluding extended quotations and bibliography, references and appendices

_______ words

Binding The type of binding:The dissertation should be professionally bound using the college’s recognised binders. (See section 4 overleaf) NB One copy of your dissertation will be kept in the college library for archive purposes, the other copy will be returned to you The spine covering shall be in dark green cloth (Ardelave 563, 557 Dark Green or similar material and colour used by our recognised binders) A softbound front and back cover should use a lighter green thin card with a stick-on label that has the same information as your title page. (Pantone 368c) Name: Degree Programme: Year: 2012/13 Dissertation Title:

The label should be printed off by the Binders they will get the information from your title page. Make sure you check the details are accurate before the label is attached to the front of your dissertation.

The binders will take the information for the white label from your Title Page make sure the label has the correct details on before it is attached to the front of your dissertation. Binding facilities prices and suppliers:It is recommended that you use the University of Leeds binding service. The Print & Copy Bureau. Ground Floor, (Level 6) Roger Stevens Building, LS2 9JT For quotes ring: 0113 343 2668 At the time of costing (July 2011) this was ÂŁ7.50 per dissertation. Using a dark green cloth spine, (no text on spine), slightly paler green thin card back and front with the dissertation details printed on a white label and attached to the front. They try to achieve a two hour turn round. However be aware that this is impossible for them if 300 students all turn up on the same day, so make sure you get this done as early as possible!!

We are here

The Print & Copy Bureau. Ground Floor, (Level 6) Roger Stevens Building

Other prices and suppliers Deadlines in Working Supplier days

Soft Notes Bound An on line system provided by Hollingworth and Moss Prices based on collection in £17.50 person from Hollingworth and Moss

10 Days

3 Days

1 Day


3 Days

Hollingworth and Moss Manor Street Industrial Estate Enfield Terrace Leeds LS7 1RG


1Day 3 Days 1 Day


Over the counter service. Leeds based.

£16 Spink and Thackray Back Broomfield Crescent Leeds LS6 3BP

£13 £16

Over the counter service. Leeds based.

Two bound copies of the completed dissertation should be presented for assessment on Thursday 14th February 2013 between 9.00 am and 4.00 pm. The two bound copies and CD copy must be signed in with the HE Student Administration Office Room G23, Blenheim Walk between 9.00 am and 4.00 pm on Thursday 14 February 2013. Make sure your CD (not just the CD case/cover) is clearly labelled with your name, degree programme and year. Also make sure that your final file version is saved in the same version of Word* as is used in college and make sure that it is saved as 1 word document to include everything (except the Declaration of Academic Integrity because it requires your signature) in the printed hard copy and in the same order. MAKE SURE YOU CHECK THE CD WORKS as it will be checked before you sign in your dissertation. Do not e-mail this copy to the Examinations Office, Critical Studies Office or your Dissertation Supervisor as it will not be accepted. Please make sure you have completed the End of Module Evaluation Form on the Dissertation eStudio/Moodle Page before you sign in your dissertation. *Either a Word 2007 or Word 97 – 2003 Document NB. Dissertations submitted after 4.00 pm on Thursday 14th February will be classed as a late submission. Failure to submit your work by the designated submission date could result in a maximum mark of 40%. Please note that late work may seriously jeopardise your degree result, as you must pass in this area to gain your degree. Your supervisor cannot give you an extension, so please do not ask them. Any mitigating circumstances that could indicate a claim for an extension are considered at a mitigating circumstances board. Make sure your claim is made early enough to be taken to this board. (This board will usually need hard evidence such as a doctor’s note) Mitigating circumstances forms are obtainable from student services. Student services can also advise you on how to deal with mitigating circumstances procedures. If your dissertation is submitted late without such an agreement, a 5% per day penalty will be applied. Early Submission In exceptional circumstances students can choose to submit before the deadline without penalty but this must be agreed with their supervisor / Head of Contextual Studies and a suitable submission time arranged with Yasmine Coggins if they chose to do this.

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