Master of Public Health: Celebrating 10 years of local, national and global impact

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This year we celebrate ten years of the Melbourne Master of Public

For a decade, the Melbourne MPH has produced graduates and

Health. From modest beginnings in 2011 the MPH has grown to one of

attracted academic staff that have significant impact in many ways,

the largest postgraduate public health degrees in Australia with more

in many places, improving and protecting the health of communities

than 2000 graduates from 66 countries achieving global impact in

and advocating for a fairer, healthier society. Our MPH has been

protecting and improving the health of populations.

transformative for graduates and faculty. It is a source of pride, fond

Over the past decade Melbourne School of Population and Global

memories, enduring friendships and global professional networks.

Health has steadily climbed the Shanghai Rankings and is now the

Please join us in celebrating 10 years of the Melbourne MPH as we

number one School of Public Health in Australia and 16th worldwide.

showcase the collective impact of alumni and staff across the shared

The rapid growth in enrolments in the MPH over the past 10 years

global priorities expressed in the Sustainable Development Goals.

reflects our international stature. Our vision today, as it was in 2011, is that the MPH produces graduates

Finally, a big thank you to all of those who have helped to make our MPH the world class public health education program that it is today.

who are global citizens, skilled in the application of the methods and principles of public health to address inequality and achieve better health outcomes for all. In every part of the MPH we support diversity and seek to develop adaptable public health professionals ready for work in diverse settings, whether in community, healthcare, government or nongovernment organisations in Australia and internationally. As a leading School of Public Health we tackle the major population health challenges of our time. Over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic we have seen that public health training has never been more important. Our School has provided critical leadership on public health policy and our MPH students and graduates have been a vital part of the public health workforce in Victoria and overseas.



Professor Nancy Baxter, Head of School Professor Rosemary McKenzie Deputy Head of School, Director of Teaching & Learning

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