Warrior Priestess Magazine Issue 2

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Warrior Priestess ISSUE NO. 2 | Shadow + Light


Cosmic Priestess Profesora

Monica Pelayo Exploring Shadow

Witness your cosmic connection with the clouds from the lens of your inner eye

JANUARY 2018 sorasuryano.com

Photo by Estefania Jimenez Sanchez




Travel with the Clouds

1 Forgiveness


From Sora


Dear Warrior Priestess, We ring in 2018 with faith that our hearts will lead us, our souls will guide us, and our spirits will liberate us from false perceptions of ourselves that limit our ability to be changemakers. I ring the cosmic priestess bell in honor of your next adventures. May we explore this beautiful planet with more devotion, courage, and strength than ever before. This month in the Warrior Priestess Magazine we shall sit deeply in reflection. Remember our past year, and be honest as to what we truly desire to experience in the next 12 months. We shall revisit movies and learn how they are magical tools to help us create an everlasting, loving relationship with our shadow and to remember that there is no good and evil. There just is. And from this place we may always find the golden ticket that liberates us from the denser energies that keep us stagnate. Get your color pencils and pens out for it’s time to write, draw and doodle your truth. You are a warrior priestess. You are a powerful being. May this month’s issue continue to softly inspire you as you bring forth the messages from the Great Mother.

Stay Sacred, Sora

Photo by Fi Mins




I vow to embrace my body, harness my strength, trust my intuition, honor my knowing and fight for my sisters. I AM A POWERFUL WARRIOR PRIESTESS

Photo by Isi Akahome




We, as a collective, are committed to our vision of creating a space where ‘ALL women can access their Warrior Priestess.’ We believe that when sisters connect with their truth, learn who they are, how they desire to be of service, and honor their gifts, we can bring healing and love onto this planet.

Our Mission is for all women to feel safe, witnessed, and celebrated through deep connection in sacred space. You are powerful. You are divine beauty. You are a potent warrior. You are a magical priestess.

becoming. May the warrior priestess call reverberate from within and encourage you to step into our temple space to be a vessel for the Great Mother. We all come from the Goddess and to her we shall return to serve.

You have arrived and we celebrate your

Photo by Sora Surya No

Photo by Tiko Giorgadze

Photo by Amilie Pauline

Photo by Sarajane Case

Cosmic Transmission: T R AV E L L I N G W I T H T H E C LO U D S G E T A TA S T E We invite sisters to join the Warrior Priestess Training: A Monthly Memebership to receive the full transmission. Photo by Sarah Hooker


You live in a world where complex thinking is celebrated. To prove your worth, one must sound incredibly intelligent or create a new, mind blowing practice or solution. Warrior Priestess trainees, we shall be returning to the basics. The more basic a concept is, the more purity is behind it and it lands in your system effortlessly. These fundamental teachings then encode into your DNA and restructure your entire programming. You will realize that this uncomplicated structure actually reveals its layers, one after another. What your mind finds easy, you begin to locate the rich layers underneath, allowing your whole body to understand through natural, 3-D, life experiences.

elcome sisters to your Warrior Priestess Transmission. Our transmission, meaning the council that supports Sora Surya No, along with Sora will be sharing simple practices to help you strengthen your temple body space. These practices are to remind you that it is important to intentionally take care of your physical body, your emotional body, your mental body, your ethereal body, your spirit, your soul, and your energy systems that resides in different worlds and different times.


Photos by Jeremy Bishops Jin Hyeong Kim Sarajane Case


Photo by Guilherme Stecanella

Open Sacred Space.

Drop in and reflect. First, take the time to listen to your body without writing anything down. We then invite you to return to this practice throughout the month and uncover the layers of these questions we pose.

It’s time for your soul reflection As a warrior priestess, you are connected to the outer realms, the upper world that you may not be able to see or touch. A part of you has come from the stars and you may always desire to return.

Where do you travel to when you leave your body? What actually happens to you when you intentionally or unintentionally check out mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally?

As a warrior priestess, you also have a duty, a devotional vow to be here on this earthly plane to do your work. As you continue to walk this path, we will ask more of you. More of you to integrate the transmissions that we are downloading into your body, the reprogramming that upgrades your own sacred temple space so you may be the new world.

Explore your reasons for leaving your physical temple space. Is it because… • There is something you are afraid of in this dimension • It’s easier to be drifting • You find great work is being done outside of this realm • You don’t actually want to be in this world • You are desiring to return home • It feels dense with everything happening in in and around your reality • Endless amount of information is moving through you from the cosmos and it’s a lot to take in 10

Or is there something else?

In order for you to fully hold this information, we ask that you begin to intentionally leave your body. Access us by being transported through the clouds. Everyday look up and travel with the clouds. Allow these sacred transports to send you off into space. Be cognizant of what happens and then bring the knowledge back, traveling with the clouds back into your body.


As a warrior priestess, we remind you that your body has been made with perfection.


Notes Soul Reflection

Where do you travel to when you leave your body? What actually happens to you when you intentionally or unintentionally check out mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally?

Explore your reasons for leaving your physical temple space. Is it because… • There is something you are afraid of in this dimension • It’s easier to be drifting • You find great work is being done outside of this realm • You don’t actually want to be in this world • You are desiring to return home • It feels dense with everything happening in in and around your reality • Endless amount of information is moving through you from the cosmos and it’s a lot to take in Or is there something else?



Cosmic Healing: FORGIVENESS We all need to practice forgiveness, especially when it comes to letting go and loving ourselves fully. This month’s cosmic healing comes from our dear Priestess Profesora, Monica Pelayo. Allow this potent meditation practice be the last thing you do before you go to sleep. Ride the frequency of your heart and notice how this simple yet profound practice shifts your entire world for the better.

We invite sisters to join the Warrior Priestess Training: A Monthly Memebership to receive this Cosmic Healing.

P hh oo tt oo b b yy K S ial sl ihaan FPr he ae m mind P



Ho’oponopono Ho’oponopono Ho’oponopono Ho’oponopono Ho’oponopono


Ho’oponopono Ho’oponopono Ho’oponopono

I’m so sorry. I love you. Please forgive me. I thank you.

Cosmic Healing 2.0: HO’OPONOPONO My favorite forgiveness practice singing and saying the Ho’oponopono Prayer. Will you join me and pray?

I’m so sorry. I love you. Please forgive me. I thank you.

Photo by Lina Trochez




Notes Soul Reflection

Draw a cloud in the box whenever you have intentionally looked up and traveled.

Where do you travel to when you leave your body? What actually happens to you when you intentionally or unintentionally check out mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally?

Explore your reasons for leaving your physical temple space. Is it because… • There is something you are afraid of in this dimension • It’s easier to be drifting • You find great work is being done outside of this realm • You don’t actually want to be in this world • You are desiring to return home • It feels dense with everything happening in in and around your reality • Endless amount of information is moving through you from the cosmos and it’s a lot to take in Or is there something else?

Cloud Game Photo by Felix Russell-Saw




Monica Pelayo

What does being a warrior priestess mean to you? Initially the word warrior triggered me because we are all love and from this place there’s nothing really to fight against. As I reflected on this more, I realized that the Priestess can’t be whole until she integrates the gifts of this warrior shadow – for example courage, fierceness, power, and bravery. Only then can she be a defender, protector, and deliverer of all that is sacred. For me, being a warrior priestess means being a whole-y woman. Integrating all aspects of ourselves into a whole and holy woman. How are you of service? I help women remember their original soul assignment in this lifetime and then re-member so they can step into it fully with more ease. This includes embracing and integrating the shadow aspects that they feel are holding them back because this is how they discover and access their biggest gifts. It’s counterintuitive, but this is where the gold is! I serve in this way by constantly integrating the disowned shadow qualities of myself that I want to welcome back home to me. By honoring and integrating these in myself with forgiveness, compassion, and love I can then hold powerful space for others to do the same. What do you fear? I fear rejecting Fear instead of holding it and giving it a space to be. I fear this because I know that if I don’t create space for Fear and push it away then it will take over and use me – instead of me using it to access my wisdom. How do you show up with a courageous heart? I show up with a courageous heart by owning my fears and aspects of myself I despise, and then having compassion for them. It’s okay to be human!

Monica Pelayo is a certified integrative life coach, experienced shadow work expert, and mother of two boys. She’s been a student of A Course In Miracles (ACIM) for over two decades was personally trained in the work of the Shadow by Debbie Ford. Monica has found that our biggest gifts have been darkened by our rejection of our own shadows, and believes that our purpose in this life is to become whole again. Her mission is to guide women to embrace their whole self by finding the gold behind the Shadow – the part of us we’ve been hating and hiding – so we can bring this into the light and shine brighter. She is the founder of The Freedom To Be Me retreat and course, and is well known in the personal and business development industry for her signature Acceleration Process sessions for coaches and thought leaders . 20 Photo by Estefania Jimenez Sanchez

I then integrate these by visualizing myself holding my fears and limitations and embracing them (you have to have a lot of love for yourself in this moment to be able to do this). In this embrace, I talk to them and ask them why they are here, what they’re here to teach me, and what their wisdom or gift is for me. Doing this process when fears and self-doubt comes up allows me to keep my heart open and show up courageously, instead of closing to fear and judgment. Three words that embody your essence: I can’t believe you want me to pick only three words. Here you go: Generous, Mystic, Animated 21

We invite sisters to join the Warrior Priestess Training: A Monthly Memebership to receive the full Priestess Lecture

Watch Monica’s Video:

Listen to the Audio:



Shadow Work


Learn to be present with your shadow and be open to having her be your teacher and friend. Shadow • Carl Jung tokened the word SHADOW • Identifying and integrating aspects of ourselves that we push away or we don’t own, or we don’t think we have and we exclude from ourselves Being in the dark, seeing the light • When you are in total darkness, you cannot see the shadow. • It is only when you are in the light fully do you cast the shadow • You’re only able to see it when there’s enough light and if there’s a shadow it’s because there’s something blocking the light in that piece, in that in that area. • When you’re in enough light and have enough power, you have enough brilliance and you have enough courage, you have enough wisdom to be able to see the shadows and you’re so ready to see the gift that is behind what is blocking the light. • When you have seen and recognized your shadow, the light or the awakening, is so much more beautiful. 22

Shadow in Movies • What have we pushed away? • What do we need to integrate in order to be whole? • How may we shine light into the darkness so we may return to ourselves? • What are we avoiding that is a beautiful aspect of ourselves? Integrate the Shadow by 1. Casting light on it 2. Getting curious 3. Going through a shadow process 4. Learning to share the whole story 5. Forgiveness 6. Acknowledging the full story, the beginning, middle and end, with no trigger

Invitation: Do not walk away from confrontation, fear, anger, or hurt but instead find out what caused the pain in the first place. Learn to be present with your shadow and be open to having her be your teacher and friend. Then you awaken to your true power. You become a warrior priestess. 23


Astro Priestess

HONORING THE SACRED FLAME WITHIN BY CAROLINE MOYE The New Year opens with a Full Moon in Cancer, calling us to nurture our roots, deepening our intimate connection with the Great Mother inside us. Facing the Moon was a huge stellium ( amount of planets ) in Capricorn.

2008 has been purifying the structure of power within society by extracting the dark, the corruption & the lies. We are also called to do the same within ourselves, so we can use our sacredness in the world & contribute to society from a place of deep integrity and responsibility.

Capricorn energy will be present for us all this month. Capricorn is often misunderstood, seen as the sign of ambition, authority, severity even patriarchy. Nevertheless with Saturn, who has entered Capricorn the 21st of June, we are asked to raise in our integrity and truth. Capricorn verticalizes us, like the archetype of Vesta, the Sacred Priestess and keeper of the sacred fire. The calling is to structure ourselves, to consolidate our bones and skeleton, not only within ourselves but the sacred geometry in every project, idea, work, sacred practice we feel called to implement for 2018.

Another key for understanding the energies of this month is Uranus, the planet of breakthrough, of liberating consciousness. Uranus has become direct at the beginning of the year in the sign of Aries. This planet is closing a cycle we started in 2011. Uranus has asked us to embody our uniqueness, to find the strength to follow our vision. In women, she has woken up the Amazon warrior, the sacred rebel within us who feels the urge to break old rules, patterns, traditions that have no foundation. We are called to follow our unique way, find our unique form of being in the world, of doIt is time to integrate this cold energy of Sat- ing things even in the field of spirituality. urn in Capricorn and transform it into the sacred fire of the priestess lineage, guardians Indeed, there is a sacred truth in the dance of the mysteries. They will ask us to com- this month with Saturn and Uranus; we can mit to our work, to dedicate ourselves to our see they have two polarities. Saturn the papractice so we can contribute to the world. triarchy, the old way of doing things and Uranus the ruler of the Aquarian age, the The sacred Vesta is a energy of contempla- carrier of a new vision, the avant garde, the tion, focus & silence. She is an initiator, so spiritual revolutionary. But 2018 is asking us we can enter a space where we can chan- not to oppose them, but to see the bridge nel and become a bridge between the sky & between them, to see that all of us workers the earth. She is raising us in the stepping in of light, entrepreneurs of a new vision, we our power but a different way of using pow- need to be this bridge so we can help peoer. Pluto who is also in Capricorn since April ple, society to cross and not fight. Photo by Mink Mingle


So we can invoke for this month the sacredness of Vesta, the guardian of our vertical axis to really raise as a bridge between the stars and matter, to help us embody our truth into the world and call her sister, the rebel warrior; so we don’t forget to find our own way of manifesting things into the world. She will give us the strength to follow our vision, the one we incubate at night in our third eye, the one that sometimes we feel frightened of because we sense it will be so crazy, so different from what is already happening in the world.

13 January: Venus in Capricorn square with Uranus in Aries: Embrace the dance of your own desire and your contribution to the world. 16 January: New moon in Capricorn & Partial Sun Eclipse : Embrace & set your ambitions in your own way. What is your own definition of success? 24 January: Mercury conjunct with Pluto in Capricorn: Deepen your plan for 2018.

25 January: Mars in Sagittarius: Dare to So remember my dear sisters, do not let Sat- dream your future & direct your arrow tourn limit you, the frustration & limitation of wards your North Star this planet can be alchemized in finding a posture that is more aligned with your deep- 31rd January: Second Full Moon of Januest truth, don’t be afraid to be a fool, to fol- ary, Full Moon in Leo & Lunar Eclipse: Very low your most crazy vision. strong event to embrace your unique & solar gift and how you use them to contribute to the world. January ASTRO KEYS: 1st January: Full Moon in Cancer: Shining the light in our roots, the way we nurture ourselves 2nd January: Uranus in Aries becoming direct: Follow your third eye, your vision, don’t be afraid to embrace your uniqueness 6 January: Mercury in trine with Uranus in Aries: Embrace your new vision, incubate your dreamed future. Mars conjunct with Jupiter in Scorpio : Remember your inner power & will, you are an alchemist so you can find the strength to achieve your desires and goals. 9 January: Venus & Pluto in Capricorn : Transform your desires, what is your hidden desire?

Caroline Moye is an intuitive astrologer and mentor. She helps people find their path to individuation, purpose and meaning with her unique approach to the sacred and ancient art of astrology and creating personalized readings from the stars and planets. www.carolinemoye.com

12 January: Saturn & Mercury conjunct in Capricorn: Focus your mind in building your plan for 2018.



I courageously walk into the depths of my inner being to reverently commune with my shadow. I get curious as I cast a light Forgiving the aspects I pulled away from in order to find freedom and liberation. I walk the infinite valleys of doubt, fear, suffering so I may understand the full story. awakening my true power and ambodying the Warrior Priestess.

Photo by Diana Simumpande



Photo by Diana Simumpande Photo by Laura Vinck





2018: Soul Reflection An Intentional Practice Listen to the Audio:

Where do you travel to when you leave your body? What actually happens to you when you intentionally or unintentionally check out mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally?

Notes 2017 Celebrations Review your year, month by month, and write down any experiences, lessons, or interactions that have made you a better woman. What are you celebrating?

Explore your reasons for leaving your physical temple space. Is it because… • There is something you are afraid of in this dimension • It’s easier to be drifting • You find great work is being done outside of this realm • You don’t actually want to be in this world • You are desiring to return home • It feels dense with everything happening in in and around your reality • Endless amount of information is moving through you from the cosmos and it’s a lot to take in


Or is there something else?

Photo by Sarajane Case




Notes 2017 Gratitudes

2017 Cycles

Now recall your year, month by month, and write down the lessons that you have learned. The challenges you moved through that have made you a stronger, more aligned warrior priestess. What are you grateful for?

It’s time to take a wide angle view of your year. Notice what lessons came up frequently but in a different shape or form. Notice your energy level. When do you go down and in and when do you go up and out?





2018 Lessons

2018 Experiences

Drop in and connect with your shadow. What aspect of your shadow has already shown some light that you are truly desiring to meet, connect with, love, and reunite with. What areas within are you ready to forgive?

Based on the shadow qualities that you are willing to meet with a courageous heart, what experiences do you desire to have in 2018 that shall have you align and be in full embodiment.





Photo by Fi Mins







Journey to Peru




www.wildfreecalm.com 45

Notes Watch Malificent Walk with the shadow of each character and reflect on the lessons you’ve learned.


“Above the cloud with its shadow

is the star with its light. Above all things reverence thyself -Pythagoras

P h o t o b y J a s o n Wo n g


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