Source of Supplements
Ronnie Coleman King Mass Gainer Review
Ronnie Coleman King Mass Gainer Whenever you think about mass gainers, then the supplement that hits first in your mind is none other than Ronnie Coleman King Mass Gainer. And why not? It is one of the most popular health supplements in the market today.
This product helps raise your insulin levels and allows you to store more glycogen, ultimately leading to faster muscle recovery.
Nutrition Facts • It provides 500 calories per serving. • Each serving contains 1.5 g of saturated fats, 89 g of carbohydrates, 30 g of protein, and 342 mg of calcium. • It has just 80 mg of cholesterol per serving. • It includes ingredients from wheat, egg, milk, and soy. People with allergies need to consider it.
Benefits of Ronnie Coleman King Mass • Helps in Maintaining Lean Muscle Mass: If you don't want to be fat while gaining muscle mass (obviously you don't), then Ronnie Coleman King Mass Gainer is the best for you. It contains good fats that prevent bloating while you gain muscle mass. • Fast Muscle Recovery and Growth: One of the main functions of this supplement is to help in rapid muscle growth and recovery. It contains a complete balance of all required dietary nutrients. It helps in muscle recovery by repairing muscle tissues. • Rich in Fiber: If you aspire to build muscles, your body requires a fibrerich diet. Not only for muscle building, but fibre also helps remove toxins from the body. It is also essential for digestive health.
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