2 minute read
Publisher’s letter
Photography by Colin Miller/Strauss Peyton
Let the sunshine in
Page 12-13
Not until 1925 did half of all homes in the United States have electric power. Imagine that! Sunlight was the provided light by day. Oil lamps and candles produced the light by night. The expression "in the best light" dates as far back as the early 1500s.
We all prefer to be seen in the best light no matter the situation. Whether we’re meeting someone new or catching up with old friends, feeling good about ourselves adds a layer of confidence that makes all the difference in the world.
It’s good to leave the house feeling like you look like a million dollars. And why is that? Well, because the bathroom mirror told you so. Hair under control? Check. Makeup? Check. Outfit comfortable? Check. Or was it the lighting?
Yes, it’s all about the lighting. The presence of natural or artificial lighting impacts our everyday lives from the moment we wake up until lights out at bedtime.
In your home, natural lighting takes center stage while working hand in hand with artificial lighting. With the goal to imitate and complement natural lighting, lighting professionals and interior designers can transform your space from ordinary to extraordinary. Uplighting, downlighting, oversized lighting, mood lighting, recessed and dimmer lighting are just a few of the endless choices to consider. Mike Craft, senior custom lighting designer at Metro Lighting suggests keeping in mind that each space has different lighting needs and should be treated individually, but the entire home’s lighting design should flow together (page 12-13). It’s a process!
Homeowner Nancy Georgen mixes new and antique lighting like no other. Working with a dream team consisting of Lauren Strutman of Lauren Strutman Architects, Jeffrey Bernstein of Jeffrey Homes, Kathy Israel, owner of Accent on Cabinets, and Julie Bruns Haloftis of Relative Design, Nancy's and her husband’s goal was to build a new home that looked like it was built years ago and incorporate her antique lighting collection. To their delight, they couldn’t be happier with the outcome (pages 28-35).
I’m not so sure about the groundhog’s prediction this year because no matter what I’m looking forward to the sunny days ahead with Spring right around the corner.


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