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Making a Splash

Baker Pool Construction specializes exclusively in custom, concrete swimming pools. With over 50 years in business and more than 2,500 pools installed, Baker Pool has established itself as the leading residential swimming pool builder in St. Louis. We are committed to providing homeowners with the best possible installation experience and quality pools that are built to last.

Collaborative Design

As a custom pool builder, we are extremely receptive to input from homeowners. In fact, our customers are involved in the design process from day one, and their preferences dictate everything from the size and shape of the pool to the materials and colors used throughout the project. Our innovative team takes these preferences, along with natural topography and building codes, into consideration when designing each individual backyard.

Maintaining Harmony

Just like a room in your home, a swimming pool is an extension of the home itself. As such, homeowners often elect to use materials for the pool and surrounding area that complement their personal style as well as the exterior of the house. Baker Pool frequently collaborates with architects, builders, interior designers, and other industry partners to achieve a balanced, harmonious outdoor living space.

Baker Pool Construction

636-519-POOL bakerpoolconstruction.com

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