God Is Changing Our Justice System in America--to REAL GOOD!!

I think everyone who has had even a slight acquaintance with the Justice System in America (worse in other countries!) knows it is in REALLY BAD SHAPE!! There are a multitude of things that contributed to what many call "horrendous problems with the system!!". In the context of jail, prison, crime, mental illness, drugs,alcohol, sexual perversion/addiction, sex trafficking, one often hears people working to help those caught in these problems say, "I hate the system!!" But I don't believe we need to leave it at "We CAN'T do anything because of THE SYSTEM!!" ...because God LOVES us!! And is actively for us!! HURRAY!! The Bible says God (Jesus) will give to all who ask, WISDOM, even GENEROUSLY! (James 1:5) We need MIRACLES, but first of all, WISDOM as to HOW TO fix the system, RELYING ON GOD for both the 'How To' & also the 'Miracles' needed to have the resources & to implement the awesome changes we know God has in mind for us!! CHANGE because GOD (Jesus) LOVES US!!