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The Art of Creating a Great First Impression
this series “First Impressions” we will take a deeper dive into those things that not only help us be well received and impress, but the things that will help us build; confi dence, strength, pride, and healthy connections along the way. We will learn what it takes to not only capture the positive attention of others but draw them in and have them wanting more. To grab them by the heart and hold them with our wit, charm, and intellect. There is a recipe for success…one must only have the desire to learn what that is.
GENERAL APPEARANCE AND COMPORTMENT (walk, talk, attitude, and energy) How we walk into a room, our posture, our energy, our attitude, and what we say, is the fi rst “introduction” to who we are and what we are there to present. When entering a venue, one must feel like they are a “winner” (in their mind), and the physical manifestation of that will shine through, as confi dence, assuredness, and power. As the award winning, American author Patrick Rothfuss once said…” Appearance is a type of POWER”.
HAIR There’s a reason why Samson found his power in his beautiful fl owing mane, but it was actually his faith that gave him the strength. and precisely why Delilah decided to steal that power away from him. “Oh my, my, my Delilah” …she could’ve just let him be…but I digress. The fact is we all fi nd power in what’s on top of our head. Whether it be lush curls, silky straight hair, tightly cropped cut, or a polished dome, all can be hip, stylish, and powerful, if we just take good care of it and groom it properly. The key is to know the right products to use, use them daily, and always check the results in your mirror. As the world-renowned hair styling icon Vida Sassoon once said “The only place where SUCCESS comes before WORK, is in the dictionary” …now those are some incredibly wise words. The point here is, you must put in the eff ort, in order to achieve your goal. that our faces are like a “calling card”. It tells so many things about, who we are, what we’ve been through (experience), how much we care, our desires, and more. We’ve all seen those in the media that look so “fresh” and “pulled together”, and then after a season of struggle, stress, and dismay, they come back looking ten years older. This is more common, than one may want to believe, or accept. So, the question is “what can I do about it?”. Well the fact is, maintaining one’s skin (complexion, texture, fi rmness, and “bounce”), are just as important as going to the gym, or taking a daily walk, swim, or jog. We will delve into more details on the: steps, practices, products, and procedures, in our upcoming features. In the meantime, you can contact our very own Max B. Marcus (beauty and styling guru) for more personalized regimes and advice. In the words of the renowned naturalist (the study of natural history) John Ray…” Beauty is a power: a smile is
Let’s face it…no really let’s face the fact it’s sword” HANDS & NAILS
A good handshake speaks volumes about one’s confi dence, strength, and assuredness, however we’re living in trying times (CoronaVirus) and handshakes are “verboten” right now…so what to do? Well we’re now doing the “elbow bump” and the Asian style clasped hand, bow greeting, and occasionally the “fi st bump”, either way OUR HANDS are still seen and “judged”. There is nothing more pleasant to see than, clean and well moisturized hands, and the “icing on the cake” is a well-manicured set of fi ngernails. To quote the late, great Edith Piaf…” If a man has beautiful hands, he cannot be ugly inside. The hands never lie.” Just remember the basics: wash frequently, moisturize always, have a manicure (or do one yourself) on a weekly basis, and protect your hands from the elements (free radicals, dirt, bacteria, etc.)
—Edith Head
ATTIRE & ACCESSORIES We’ve all heard the expression “a time and a place for everything” well when it comes to our attire and accessories, nothing could be more on-point. This is especially true in the professional arena. Taking into consideration the; environment you’re working in, the milieu of your profession, the overall “vibe” of the workplace / industry, your attire must refl ect that to a “T” the best that you can bring. Let’s take a law fi rm for example. It would be completely inappropriate to show up at the fi rm, wearing something that looked like you’re heading out to “the club” for a night of partying, at the same time it would look very odd if you dressed in a three piece suit, while working at a tech start up, or an “artist’s loft” design fi rm. Now let’s “get real”, not everyone can aff ord the luxury of a bespoke ensemble, an Armani suit, Hermes bag, Gucci belt, etc. however one can realize a fantastic look (wardrobe) on a budget. It’s all about understanding the fundamentals of style; size, shape, color, texture, and above all else QUALITY! In the words of the award-winning icon of Hollywood fashion and costume design Edith Head…” You can have anything you want. If you dress for it!” — MAX B. MARCUS is the founder and president of Glow4Good, Inc. (a non-profi t organization-offering aid to marginalized communities). Max studied and taught at the prestigious Parsons School of Design / The New School in New York City. He has travelled the world representing the haute couture houses of iconic fashion designers Yves Saint Laurent and Christian Dior. Educated in the Americas, Europe, and Japan, Max is renowned for his award-winning work as a world class stylist and beauty expert. His clients range from everyday working women, super models, celebrities, to royalty including Queen Noor of Jordan, Princess Isabella de Ligne de la Trémoïll (Belgium), and Princess Marie-Chantal of Greece. Max has also dedicated the last two decades of his life, to working towards advancement of marriage and immigration equality and helping disadvantaged youth.