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Do Your Part in Stopping Sexual Assault

Story by Denise Prendergast, Resiliency Counselor, Fleet and Family Support Center

April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. As part of Team Souda we all have a part to play in stopping assaults before they occur. A true team looks out for all of its members and that is the best way to keep everyone safe.


According to the DoD’s Fiscal Year 2019 Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military, more than 6,000 military members reported experiencing sexual assault during military service in FY 2018; the DoD estimates about 20,500 service members experienced sexual assault that year. There are many different ways that we can each help prevent sexual assault:

• Be a buddy – When going out with friends make sure that if you go together, you return together. Make sure no one gets separated from the group or gets too intoxicated.

• Drinks – Speaking of drinks, keep an eye on your drink. If you leave it unattended, better to get a new one.

• Climate – Treat and speak about people respectfully; don’t engage in inappropriate talks while at work. Keeping good boundaries lets everyone know where you stand.

• Appearance – Don’t be afraid to look awkward or be wrong about stepping in to a situation. It is far better to feel embarrassed or silly than to risk someone being assaulted. Usually people don’t get mad at someone for checking in on them.

• Help – You can always ask for help from a peer, security, the police or even a bouncer or bartender; everyone being safe includes you.

• Stranger Danger – It may seem like a no brainer but don’t go to unknown places with people you don’t know. Things and people are not always what they seem.

Everyone deserves and needs to have fun, we just want to make sure your experiences here on Crete stay fun.

This month the Fleet and Family Support Center will be promoting awareness through a number of events, including a ‘Chalk the Walk’ contest and a special meal at the Galley. Keep your eyes posted for details. Don’t forget to wear teal on Tuesdays in April to show your support. Visit the Fleet and Family Support Center in Building 11 or call us at 266-1690. The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Victim Advocate duty phone is available 24/7 and can be reached at 694-043-1130.

And please, if you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted, come to the Chaplain or the FFSC. We are here to help and support you through any situation. Your privacy is very important to us and so is your wellbeing.

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