4 minute read

Triad Corner: Cmdr. Werner Rauchenstein, Executive Officer

Hello Team Souda!

For the past three years, I have been working with you and your predecessors at our mission to support the Fleet, Fighter and Family. I stand in awe of our success over these years, especially this past year as we fought together through the challenges of the pandemic to sustain operations. 2020 will be long remembered as a year of great challenge and loss around the world. But for all of us on Team Souda, we will also remember that we pulled together and celebrated our teamwork, supported our troubled shipmates, and persevered to accomplish every mission assigned, while also stretching our capabilities and supporting many units and operations that were pushed out of other locations. This daily reminder of your commitment to our nation continues to inspire me and make me incredibly thankful to be your Executive Officer. I am particularly grateful for the support of your families and friends, as they have carried us all through this challenging time and taken up the slack in our lines. I ask that you take the time to let them know you appreciate their support as well.


As with many other events of 2020, COVID-19 and the necessary precautions to prevent its spread mean that these holidays will likely be very different than our hoped-for traditions. Remember that new experiences often generate profound joys, but you must be open to them and engaged in your community to find them. For inspiration, look no further than the article on page 14 written by our own Denise P. from the Fleet and Family Support Center. She offers us creative ways to look at our circumstances and keep the ‘happy’ in our holidays.

Although for many of us this is a joyous time, this season can also be lonely, especially when we are away from family. It is too early to know if the nationwide lockdown will be lifted for us to gather together for the holidays, but I want to be sure that you know that there is a place for you in the Team Souda family. We are here for each other in good times and during the difficult times – always. Never forget how valued you are to NSA Souda Bay, to your families and to your community – and me! It is because of YOU and your investment in Team Souda that this base thrives. If you see someone who appears to be lost, lonely or depressed, please take action by getting personally involved and show them the warmth of the season.

I want to leave you with a perspective that has guided my efforts here. Onboard USS TARAWA (LHA 1) as the Flight Deck Officer some years ago, I had the privilege to oversee another exceptional team, this one of Aviation Boatswain’s Mates, each one with unique responsibilities. From the “blue shirts” running chocks and chains, to “yellow shirts” directing all operations for a given aircraft, to the “red shirts” of the Crash and Salvage crew, all of us worked for the Aircraft Handler and the Air Boss, accountable to the ship’s Captain for every last detail. It regularly frustrated me that my entire daily routine was spent on one of the Sailors having a bad day or some other issue. It could be anything from a Sailor missing breakfast, to a missing tool, or a full blown in-flight emergency – it didn’t seem to matter how big or small the original problem was, the end result was flight operations ground to a halt and had to be reset – painfully. One night after the cycle was complete, my Senior Chief explained this to me. He said (paraphrasing):

‘L-T, everyone here has a job. Each job has to get done so the whole thing can work. When someone doesn’t do their job, things break down and we all pay that price. But that only explains the failures. To explain success you have to look at it in another way: The flight deck doesn’t need a bunch of jobs getting done, it needs a team working together towards a common goal. Each Sailor has their place in the team. It is a team that can execute the mission, do each job, and look after each Sailor, all at once – because the load is shared and so the gaps are covered. Your team out there can do this; a bunch of people just doing their jobs cannot.’

It is not only the excellent work each of you does but, even more importantly, how well we work together as Team Souda that enables NSA Souda Bay to deliver on our mission. As we remember our personal blessings this season, I want to take a moment to remember how truly fortunate our country is to have you – the remarkable men and women who serve so courageously and so selflessly. Thank you for all your efforts in contributing to safety, security and prosperity around the world.

Every one of you, Sailor, civilian and Greek alike, are critical members of Team Souda Bay, each bringing their own talents and challenges, but all working together as a team. Always remember this: Do your part; Support your team; Don’t hesitate to call out a problem or a difficult truth, but be kind and patient with each other. Share your successes as well as your challenges with each other.

It remains the greatest of privileges to have served with you and when I retire next year I will remember Team Souda and my time here as one of the greatest experiences in my Navy career. On behalf of CAPT Facundo and CMDCM McDonough, you have our sincerest appreciation for your dedicated service and our warmest wishes for a joyous holiday and a Happy New Year.

~ XO

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