'(Yom bnnc, lHbz, ofhkYxIe1 11
'(Yom bnnc, lHbz, ofhkYxIe1 11
In this BAGATELLE the players after their initial entrance improvise the phrases asindicated by the bracketts. The movement should last about one minute to one:15. TPT 1 is time-keeper; as 1:15 approaches the Tpt.1 adds the sF accent at which signal the other players stop immediately. At the piano dynamic all players should play as PP as they can to the end. Time for 1:15 begins at the "Tempo di Lone Ranger."
After the fermata of three seconds, Tpt. 1 gives the up-beat for the final measures in tempo. These improvisatory sections are ob viously not synchronized. Also note that the improvisatory phrases are framed by a rest or breath mark permitting the player to focus between phrases. Each player plays as much OR as little as the minute allows. Keep it going; the effect should be one of comic disorder. Play p possible.
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