Get the Best of BSE Online Trading With the advent of internet facilities in all aspects of economy and market trading has become more efficient. BSE online trading has changed the entire scenario of the trading system in the Indian economy and stock market. Earlier brokers were needed to buy and sell shares and securities and make investments in stock markets. Now with just few clicks of the mouse you can get everything you want to know about the stock markets operating in India and abroad as well. You can invest in stocks and shares effectively and conveniently through online trading systems. BOLT There are two stock exchanges working efficiently in India which are National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). BSE online trading was set up in 1955 and has the privilege of having the largest number of listed companies in the whole world. BSE’s online trading system is also commonly known as BOLT. BSE online trading provides fair and transparent market for trading in debt instruments, equity and derivatives. Requirement for Online Trading For conducting online trading of shares and securities through BSE one needs to have a valid online trading account which will facilitate effective electronic transfer of their shares and other stock market operations. From any particular location in the world the trading can be done through these trading accounts during the trading hours of BSE. BSE has been instrumental in replacing Open Cry system of trading with far more efficient with automated trading system. Open cry system is one in which the investors shout and make gestures by hands on the pit areas of the trading floor to communicate the information on buying and selling of shares and securities. This involves face to face interaction. Financial Products Financial products and services that are offered through online trading may include mutual funds, equities, life insurance, general insurance, portfolio management, commodity trading, share trading and many such other financial products Benefits of online trading In online trading an investor has to pay less brokerage as compared to offline trading. No middlemen is required as trading is done electronically. Paper documents involvement is also eliminated. It provides for better security options and privacy is kept of the traders. A diverse range of services are offered to the investors. It provides for online screen based trading in securities which helps the investors and traders. Online trading system through BSE has an online surveillance system that helps in monitoring real time basis the volume positions and the price movements. Currency Trading Currency trading is the largest market and fairly exceeds all the equity market combined together in this world. Currency trading has also been started by BSE. BSE currency trading helps in getting larger returns on a given exchange. A particular type of currency has got a relative value in comparison to all other various currencies used in this world. The purpose of currency trading is to buy and sell larger quantities of currencies so that it could turn positively the shifts in relative value into profits for you whereby you can earn extra money at ease.