The Important Guidelines of NSE Online Trading
India Inc., is rubbing its shoulders with those of other developing and developed nations in its ever increasing exposure to the benefits of internet culture. These days fully computerized online trading system has revolutionized and given an entirely different look to the functionality of securities trading system in the Indian market. NSE online trading has accelerated the speed of electronic transfer of securities and also able to provide safety and other critical aspects to the security business and trading done in such markets. The members are connected from their respective offices where they conduct this trade to the main system at the NSE premises through a well developed and smart satellite communication network. NSE Online Trading In market and investments scenarios also we can witness internet and technological advancements and popularity whereby everything is now getting monitored under its strict control. Manually is done nothing these days NSE online trading system is an automated order matching system that keeps private the identity of the parties so that it does not get disclosed to any other order. The orders are matched on an automatic basis by the computer which maintains its transparency and deals with such orders fairly .This helps them in freely placing their orders whether big or small since their identity will not be revealed and they will get fair treatment as well. Merits of such Trading National Stock Exchange or NSE Trading system offers huge flexibility to the kinds of orders that can be placed on the system. Various time related, volume related and also price related conditions can be placed on the order. The online trading system is also able to provide a current or prospective trader with all kind of important information on the latest progresses that take place in the stock markets of the nation. Through a host of several enquiry facilities adopted by them one can get valuable information on everything about the online market. In Accurate and detailed information on the total order depth in a security, best buy and sells available in the market and which company’s shares are at the top etc all can be accessed to at anytime through online trading system in the country. All these and many would not have been possible if there had not been NSE online trading system prevalent in the country that has given security and an organized pattern to this. How to Access? The system provides access to Traders, Privileged and Inquiry. The traders involved in online trading have their respective user id which permits them free access to place orders or trades on the trading system. The Inquiry user can only get access to the valuable information about the online market conditions and get themselves familiar with important happenings in the trading system only. They are neither allowed to place orders on the online system nor set up any kind of exposure limit. Lastly, the privileged are allowed to set up exposure limit of the counter party.