Top Financial Risk Management Advices to Avoid Misadventures Investors in the stock markets have different levels of risk tolerance. It depends upon various components like earnings, past experiences, availability of assets. Investor's risk profiling is done through various questionnaires, life cycle approach, and sensitivity analysis approach in order to give him/her the best-suited financial risk management advice. A well-researched advice can do wonders for the investors, as they don't know what to do with the investments so that they could earn profits. A financial risk management advice is more reliable because a team of experts formulates them after conducting a meticulous research, developing and studying relevant models, analyzing the results and monitoring the market volatility. Investors low on information can easily get access to these advices and thus can take a more secured path to investments. The risk profiling advice is tailor-made for every investor, as different investors possess a different risk tolerance level. Therefore, a variety of components and variables are taken into consideration before advising the investors. Risk profiling is thus gaining prominence, as it has yielded positive results for over decades now. Every investor who wants to enjoy the gains of stock market should undergo risk- profiling in order to know the vulnerable limits and to structure the investments in a better way. Risk profiling advice for the Investors Being Trendy Even in the stock market, you should follow the trend to minimize the risks. One way to do this is buy stocks or Exchange Trade Funds (ETFs) that show an uptrend and sell them as soon as they indicate volatility. Reallocating the Funds The investors who have a bigger picture in their mind and stay invested in a stock for a longer period should regulate their purchased stocks by selling a stock investment, if it has taken too much of their portfolios. Sometimes, selling a portion of low performing stocks immediately can free your investments, which you can use for a new promising stock. Selecting a Stock If an investment is observed to be more risky than the others are, the investor should channelize that investment to an alternative stock (s). Some part of the investment can also be converted into cash. Diversifying the Investments Investors at best to reduce the risk can diversify their investments between non-correlated stocks. It often secures the investor because non-correlated stocks can behave in an opposite fashion i.e., if one goes up, the other goes down. Today, diversification of investments is difficult in the stock market because of the presence of high correlation between stocks and bonds. Placing a Stop Loss Order Investors should place a stop loss order with their brokers. A stop loss order automatically sells the underperforming stock, if its value reduces further below the investor’s specified limit. A stop loss order thus keeps a check on your capital loss, because the investor cannot lose more than the stop loss order limit.