What Should Be Your Best Indian Diet Plan For Weight Loss? With the wide variety of mouth watering delicacies available all around – it is truly difficult for an Indian to restrain his craving for food or avoid getting obese. As a matter fact when it comes losing weight most of them start enthusiastically but start losing way somewhere before they reach their goals and succumb to tempting call of all those spicy and flavoring dishes. The major problem in designing an diet plan for weight loss in a week is that most celebrations in the country include a whole lot of food items containing sugar, ghee and every other type of fattening item and it is almost next to impossible for an Indian to avoid all those delicacies for a very long time. If you are looking to shade some kilos successfully then you actually need an Indian diet plan that resembles your everyday food habit but also a few low calorie food for weight loss. Designing an Indian diet plan for weight loss requires you to consider a number of important factors like age, gender and weight of the person for whom it is being designed and also his or her activity level, rate of metabolism and actual health condition. Every human body is different as well as their energy and calorie requirements and BMR or basal metabolic rate and that is the reason a weight loss diet plan should always be custom designed for an individual. If you are planning an effective diet for losing weight you are also required to possess a very good idea about all weight loss foods available in your locality and also the procedure of properly consuming them for enjoying the best possible results. As a matter of fact a successful is heavily dependent upon its calorie count that should only be enough for the body to carry out its regular everyday activities and little is left for storing back. Any diet requires being nutritious and containing necessary amounts of carbohydrate, protein, vitamins, minerals and all types of necessary fats as well as some food for weight loss that will boost metabolic rate and burn out all stored fats for healthy weight loss. Brown rice, beans and lentils, spinaches and all leafy vegetables, cucumbers, garlic, fish etc are some common Indian food those are considered as effective and are included in most Indian weight loss diets. Spices like clove, cinnamon, ginger, cumin seeds, mustard seeds black pepper and turmeric are also known to contribute in losing weight. As everyday energy requirement for an adult man stay within the range of 1200 to 1800 calories and any Indian diet plan for weight loss – vegetarian or no vegetarian should not contain more than 1800 calories a day. Indian vegetarian diets can be extremely efficient in helping you to lose weight for it is devoid of all kinds of Trans and saturated fat and also contains a lot of water and fiber. Vegetarian Indian diets also have extremely low calorie count but they will certainly satisfy your taste buds and will also make you feel filled up for a very long time.