How to Improve Your Practice Using Music

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how to i mproveyour practi ceusi ng musi c ci ansand non-musi ci ans onedayworkshopfor musi ali keshowi ng how to Usethepower ofMusi c to Supportyour work wi th Chi ldren and Young People

how doesmusi crel ateto soci alpedagogy andsi gnsofsaf ety? How can musi ci mprovemypracti ce? WHatdoesmusi cdo andhow do weknow? wherecan igo f ormorehel pandi nf ormati on?

monday 1 3th november tuesday 1 4th november

9. 30am -5. 00pm li ncoln golfcentre, thorpeon thehi llln6 9bw

for morei nformati on or to si gn upfor thesessi onspleasevi si t li ncs2learn or contacti nfo@soundli ncs. org or 01 52251 0073

PartofsoundLI NCS’


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