Welcome A warm welcome to the first East Midlands Early Years Network Conference. We hope you will take away some new ideas, skills and thoughts to help you in your work with young children. And of course we hope you will have fun! The conference is delivered by soundLINCS as part of the Early Years Network project, partially funded by Youth Music, which aims to improve and increase the musical offer to early years children in the East Midlands through targeted networks and online support for early years professionals and music leaders. With thanks for support and contribution from NMPAT. We have an exciting programme for the day – please make sure you have signed up to your workshops as early as possible.
The Workshops A Place for Music Led by Linda Bance Musical activities are such an excellent way of engaging babies, children and young families. This all singing, all dancing, all playing workshop will investigate how we can sing, dance and play around with sound and musical instruments while we 'tick all the boxes' for the Early Years Foundation Stage and at the same time celebrate music for music's sake, As a practitioner it is hoped that you will leave with the knowledge that music is a most powerful tool for learning and that you can broaden the amount of musical activity that you offer so that it becomes a natural part of each day.
Sing, Play, Touch and Hear Led by Hilary Miles A workshop exploring the ways to include the use of ICT in the Early Years classroom, in particular the use of Apps and interactive white boards.
Music All Day Long Led by Sue Nicholls A workshop jam-packed with musical goodies to enhance your delivery of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework for 3-5 year olds, offering accessible songs, activities and singing games to link the Areas of Learning and Development. The material used today will feature puppets, books, toys and many other props to enrich children's musical experience and we shall also investigate recycled and reclaimed instruments to support children's exploration of sounds. Audio files of songs will be emailed to all delegates.
Music Around Us – Activities for our Young Children Lead by Dr Pat Beckley. A workshop exploring how music makes children healthier, engage with the world around them and develop their social skills.
The Programme
Workshop Leaders Linda Bance Linda is a music educator in the United Kingdom specialising in music making with children in their early childhood. She is renowned nationally and internationally for her work promoting music as an essential part of young children's development and wellbeing.
Registration and Workshop Sign-up
Welcome, Introductions & Keynote
Breakout 1 – workshop sessions
Her career path has allowed her to lead projects within Children Centres, music services and professional orchestras in addition to lecturing and presenting on the subject. Linda is co-author of the successful early years music book, 'Voiceplay' Oxford University Press and has recently published her new book, 'Music for Early Learning' Routledge Linda is music education consultant for the BAFTA winning original series of CBeebies Zingzillas BBC and works constantly training and supporting those people hoping to raise the profile of Music in the Early Years. Linda is a member of MERYC EU. (Music Education Research of Young Children.) Her post as co-chair of primary focus group for NAME allowed her to support specialists and non-specialists in highlighting the important work of encouraging families to participate in music making activities with families and babies and young children.
Room 9
SING, PLAY, TOUCH AND HEAR led by Hilary Miles
Room 14
Tea & Coffee
Waiting Room
Breakout 2 – workshop sessions MUSIC ALL DAY LONG! led by Sue Nicholls
Richard Cole Hall
Room 18
Waiting Room
Hilary is a Music Education Consultant with over thirty years experience in all phases of music education, including the Early Years Foundation Stage, Key Stages 1,2,3,4 and 5, SEN, GCSE and A Level and initial teacher training at Northampton University.
Lunch – market place & networking
Sue Nicholls
Breakout 3 – workshop sessions SING, PLAY, TOUCH AND HEAR led by Hilary Miles
Room 14
MUSIC ALL DAY LONG! led by Sue Nicholls
Richard Cole Hall
Please feel free to grab a tea/coffee on your way to the next workshop
Waiting Room
Breakout 4 – workshop sessions
Dr Pat Beckley Pat has taught in primary schools, leading age phases in the 3-11 range, before going into Higher Education at Bishop Grosseteste University College, in which she is academic coordinator for the 3-7 cohorts on the PGCE Primary course. This draws on her experience running a large inner city early years unit and supporting colleagues in her work as an Advanced Skills Teacher. On the PGCE Primary course Pat leads the 37 cohort incorporating sessions based on early years issues and working with the team on primary matters. Pat is currently working on a collaborative project with colleagues from universities in Sweden and Italy. Pat’s doctoral work has led to increased collaboration with Norwegian skoles kindergartens and universities.
Entrance Foyer Richard Cole Hall
A PLACE FOR MUSIC led by Linda Bance
Hilary Miles
Sue has published several music resource books for non-specialists for A & C Black, written scripts for a BBC Early Years programme and contributed material to many other publications. Her latest book: ‘Voicelinks’, written for OUP was published in 2011.Sue now works as an independent music education consultant leading workshops and courses for schools, Local Authorities and Music Hubs: she has lead singing training nationwide for ‘Sing Up’ and currently delivers the music module for teacher training at the Universities of Northampton and Leicester.
A PLACE FOR MUSIC led by Linda Bance
Room 9
Room 18
Plenary – Sue Nicholls
Richard Cole Hall
A Fond Farewell
Delegate List
Evaluation/Feedback form (Please detach and hand to a soundLINCS Staff member or email to shelley@soundlincs.org)
Sarah Ashby, Children’s Centre Worker, Rothwell Children’s Centre – sashby@northamptonshire.gov.uk Tanya Bee, EYFS Teacher, St Mary’s C of E Primary School – head.teacher@st-maryscofe.notts.sch.uk
Event: MUSIC IN THE FRAMEworks! Early Years Conference 2013
Heather Benson, Music Facilitator, soundLINCS – info@soundlincs.org 1) On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the event overall? [Please circle a score] Excellent
Barbara Cavanagh, Early Years Music Practitioner - barbara.cavanagh@ntlworld.com
Anita Devi, Education Consultant, www.Anita.Devi.com - anita.devi@virgin.net Jane Ellis, Music Facilitator, soundLINCS – info@soundlincs.org
2) How would you describe the event? [Please tick one of the boxes] Enjoyable
Not particularly enjoyable
Not enjoyable
Beverley Healey, Music Facilitator, soundLINCS – info@soundlincs.org Don’t know
i) Which aspect of the day did you find MOST: a) enjoyable; b) useful?
Jonathan Healey
Natalie Hume, Early Years Practitioner, Blackthorn Good Neighbours natalie.hume@blackthorncommunity.org.uk Christine Kent, Early Years Practitioner, NMPAT - office@nmpat.co.uk Emily Nash, Nursery Practitioner, Daisy Day Care - daisydaycare@mail.com
ii) Which aspect of the day did you find LEAST: a) enjoyable b) useful?
Serien Partridge, Early Years Practitioner, NMPAT - office@nmpat.co.uk Kathrina Perry, Freelance Music Leader, Claret Clef - kathrina.nick@btinternet.com
Anne Prescott, Nursery Proprietor, Ruddington Day Nursery - ruddington@hotmail.co.uk 3) Have you been surprised by any aspect of the day and/or have there been any unexpected outcomes? Yes
Rachel Shearer
Don’t know
Sarah Share, Area Music Leader, Leicestershire Music Service - sarah.share@leics.gov.uk Christine Smith, Early Years Practitioner, NMPAT – office@nmpat.co.uk
Additional comments:
Amy Symmons, Reception Teacher, Caroline Chisholm School - asymmons@ccs.northants.sch.uk
Michelle Tarry, Nursery Manager, Ruddington Day Nursery - ruddington@hotmail.co.uk
4) In terms of the structure, timing and content of the day were you satisfied… [Please tick relevant boxes]
Liz Thorpe, Founder/Owner, Music & More - info@musicandmoretots.co.uk
a) that it started and ended on time?
Don’t know
Sarah Towell, Early Years Practitioner, Ronald Tree Nursery – head@ronaldtree-nur.northants-ecl.gov.uk
b) with the pace of sessions?
Don’t know
Nikki-Kate Heyes MBE, CEO, soundLINCS
c) with the quality and presentation of material? Yes
Don’t know
Shelley Spink, Executive Assistant to the CEO, soundLINCS Liana Darby, Programme Development Assistant, soundLINCS
Additional comments:
Hanna Webster-Sudborough, Publicity & Marketing Officer, soundLINCS
5) In your opinion how could the day have been improved? Is there anything that you would like to have seen changed or introduced? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6) Any further comments?
soundLINCS is a not-for-profit community music organisation operating across the East Midlands. Working in partnership with local, regional and national organisations, soundLINCS provides and develops high quality and innovative music-making opportunities and training for all ages and communities. Home of soundEMission the e-information service for people involved in music development and education within the East Midlands.
For more information, visit www.soundlincs.org Or email info@soundlincs.org