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ISA-95 Framework
ISa-95 incorporates the layers model of technology and business process for manufacturing enterprises as levels for the standard. These levels are:
» Level 0 - Defines the actual physical processes and generally is microseconds or milliseconds or smaller depending on the process being measured.
» Level 1 - Defines the activities involved in sensing and manipulating the physical processes. These are generally measured in terms of seconds.
» Level 2 - Defines the activities of monitoring and controlling the physical processes. Typically can be measured in terms of hours and minutes.
» Level 3 - Defines the activities of workflow to produce the desired end products. Typically can be measured in terms of days or hours.
» Level 4 - Defines the business-related activities needed to manage a manufacturing operation. Typically can be measured in terms for weeks or months.
Manufacturing Operations Management systems reside in Level 3 of the model. From a component or software perspective, Levels 1 to 4 can be seen like this:
» Level 1: Intelligent devices such as an Industrial IoT device
» Level 2: control systems (e.g., Programmable Logic controllers, Distributed control Systems, ScaDa)
» Level 3: Manufacturing operations systems (e.g., MES)
» Level 4: Business planning and logistics systems (e.g., ErP)
For more information go to www.isa.org