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Market Insight: Austria


The summer of 2021 is now approaching the finish line! The temperatures slowly begin to feel more like autumn and we dive deeper and deeper into the preparations for the coming winter season. The new season is already in the starting blocks, waiting to be inaugurated by the upcoming glacier openings at the beginning of October with the Hot Zone Opening in Hintertux and the 36th edition of the KTO in Kaunertal! So far, the Covid summer 2021 has felt quite “normal”. Contact restrictions and the mandatory use of face masks have been largely lifted. Travel is generally possible and events are allowed to take place. More or less everything is allowed if you are recovered, tested or vaccinated. The so-called 3G (geimpft, getestet, genesen – vaccinated, tested, recovered) rule is mandatory and constitutes the admission ticket to a “normal” everyday life. However, the pace of vaccination is now very sluggish and the citizens’ willingness to receive the vaccine is dwindling. The Covid figures in Austria are on the rise, with new infections now exceeding those in the spring of this year. Because of the more contagious Delta variant, we are now right into the fourth wave. The fourth Covid infection wave has thus begun much earlier this year than the second wave last autumn. This, in turn, increases the uncertainty ahead of the coming winter season! Will we be able to operate in a semi-”normal” way again? Meanwhile, the upswing in the domestic economy continues. The lifting of the restrictions imposed by the authorities in many sectors has significantly accelerated economic recovery. This has been particularly noticeable in regard to consumer services, with retail, cafés and restaurants, hospitality and the hair and beauty sector benefiting the most. Private consumption has thus picked up, giving the Austrian economy a new boost. There are equally positive reports from the boardsport trade. Domestic retailers report good sales levels. Everything surrounding skateboards is in good demand and the domestic trade in watersports equipment is performing consistently well. However, all retailers concur in reporting


delivery delays and, above all, poor or non-existent PORTUGAL FRANCE UK delivery capacities. Simply getting hold of goods continues to be difficult. GERMANY Gernot Brandstätter of Shop Surf Service Graz ITALY confirms this, but also sees positive aspects in the SWISS limited supply availability. “We can at least work with very stable prices and have no problems maintaining them. This way, the margins for us in the stationary trade are definitely working!”, he says. The Stand Up Paddling sector continues to be a major topic. “SUP sells consistently well and can be practised by the whole family without much prior knowledge,” he observes. The windsurfing sector is also doing well. Wing foiling, on the other hand, is not yet high up on his agenda. “In principle, the entire watersports sector is doing very well,” points out Michi Seidl of Boardshop Seidl in Salzburg. He singles out the trend towards wingsurfing and wingfoiling in particular. Whereas in the past the costly gear kept many people away from windsurfing, a thriving scene is now emerging in the wing sector. In this respect, he is absolutely convinced that these sports have the potential to overtake classic windsurfing. However, Michi also mentions the generally bad situation regarding the availability of goods. As a pioneer of the watersports scene and a long-time watersports professional, he also criticises the proliferation of so-called online ‘specialists’ suddenly invading the market without offering any guidance to customers. He also targets the retail chains such as Intersport and Sport 2000. “They are suddenly more active in the watersports sector just because of the current trend. We don’t sell mountaineering boots just because it’s trendy!” he says! However, he proudly states: “You can only get professional advice and high-quality products from a professional!” And that’s what we all build on and rely on, let’s stay professional and sell premium products with a fun factor! Let’s hope that we can do this again without restrictions in winter! Because one thing is for sure, the uncertainty can still be felt among all dealers and us sales representatives! Nevertheless, I am really looking forward to the first openings, see you in Hintertux for the start of the season! Finally, I would like to say something: You will always be remembered! This season is dedicated to you – Ride in Peace Max!

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