Put Me In The Story: Disney's Frozen: Sisters are Forever Personalized Book

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r e a F s r o e r t e s v i er S

You're perfect as YOU,

With love and loyalty,



Mackenzie, Never forget the blessing and joy you have in your sister. Your love for each other will last you both a lifetime. My love always, Grandma

Mackenzie, my name is

Princess Elsa. I'm as royal as can be. If the words look neat and purple, then they belong to me.

Hey Mackenzie! IĂ•m her little sister,

Anna—I like color, noise, and shine. When the words are pink and crowded, you can tell that they are mine.

Mackenzie, when we were little, we were close as we could be.

I was happy she was Anna. She was thrilled that I was me.

Till I had to hide my magic, and our closeness had to end.

You understand, don't you, Mackenzie?

I was still her older sister, but I couldn't be her friend.

I followed her around the house

and chattered like a bird.

I tried my best to please her, but she never said a word.

Mackenzie, thatテ不 when I started dreaming about how my life would be . . . if I ever had a chance to have a sister more like me.

I considered it my job to do what needed to be done. She was always and forever finding ways to have more fun. There were times she made me crazy, though I tried to let her be— as I wondered why I couldn't have a sister more like me.

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Mackenzie, I wish Elsa wan ted to have fun like me.

While I galloped on my pony in the wind and rain and sun, she was cooped up in the studyÑ and she thought that it was fun! IÕd have loved to have a playmate who would join me up a tree. I would have, if I could have had a sister more like me.

And I’d have loved to have a friend who knew geometry— I would have, if I could have had a sister more like me.

She needed peace and quiet.

I was Princess Meet-and-Greet.

e Think of all th have, fun we could Mackenzie!

Her room was an explosion!

Mine was always clean and neat.

She was elegant and proper, and she loved a fancy tea,

while I preferred a bright and breezy picnic by the sea. Breathe it in, Mackenzie!

I mean, really, Macken zie, she's alw ays runn ing somepla ce!

She didn't seem to care a bit about the way she dressed. It was important, as a princess, that I look my best.

She was the picture of perfection, every day, no matter what. I tried to understand her, but the door was always shut.

LOOK, Mackenzie!

Then one day I was so dazzled when I saw what she could be. And I wondered, Mackenzie . . . did I really want a sister more like me?

She showed me that she loved me, and I suddenly felt free— and truly glad I didn't have a sister more like me.

Ma I reall ckenzie, w hat y ne her an eded was to lov d to k e now t h a t she loved me!

She always did her duty, and she always used her head. She always listened to her heart and followed where it led.

IÕm very glad I havenÕt had a sister more like me. With her around, without a doubt, I see things differently.

I was prickly as an urchin.

I was stubborn as a mule! Now we try to work togetherÑ

it's our Sister Golden Rule.

Different is good, Mackenzie! Just look at me, I’m a snowman that loves summer!

She is bold and fearless, and she has a loving heart.

She is poised and graceful, and so wonderfully smart.

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But even more important, Mackenzie—we are happy we are


And plus YOU, that makes us THREE!

© 2015 Disney Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved. Written by Barbara Jean Hicks Illustrated by Brittney Lee

Originally published as A Sister More Like Me Sourcebooks and the colophon are registered trademarks of Sourcebooks, Inc. Put Me In the Story is a trademark of Sourcebooks, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems—except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews—without permission in writing from its publisher, Sourcebooks, Inc. Published by Put Me In the Story, a publication of Sourcebooks, Inc. P.O. Box 4410, Naperville, Illinois 60567-4410 (630) 961-3900 Fax: (630) 961-2168 www.putmeinthestory.com First published in the United States of America by Disney Press, an imprint of Disney Book Group. Source of production: Lightning Source, Inc. 1246 Heil Quaker Blvd., La Vergne, TN 37086 Date of production: Run number: Printed and bound in the United States of America. LSI 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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