Put Me In the Story: Why a Son Needs a Dad Personalized Photo Book

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Why a Needs a M a d e S p e c i a l Fo r :

M a d e S p e c i a l B y:


G ra nt Gregory E. Lang


Dad, All my life, you've been there to guide me and help me grow. The influence and strength you have given me have made me the man I've become. I cannot thank you enough for all you've done. Happy Father's Day. I love you!.


Other books by Gregory E. Lang: w h y a s on n e e d s a mom w h y a daugh t e r n e e d s a mom w h y a daugh t e r n e e d s a da d w h y i l ov e gr a n dm a w h y i l ov e gr a n dpa w h y i c ho s e you w h y i l ov e you w h y m y h e a rt s t i l l s k i p s a b e at w h y i n e e d you w h y w e a r e a fa m i ly why we are friends g ood lu c k , gr a duat e b ro t h e r s a n d si s t e r s si m pl e ac t s l ov e sign s life maps t h a n k you, mom t h a n k you, da d b e c au s e you a r e m y daugh t e r b e c au s e you a r e m y s on




Gregory E. Lang

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Copyright © 2013 by Gregory E. Lang Cover and internal design © 2013 by Sourcebooks, Inc. Cover image © JFCreative/Getty Images Photos not added by the customer by Janet Lankford-Moran Sourcebooks and the colophon are registered trademarks of Sourcebooks, Inc. Put Me In the Story is a trademark of Sourcebooks, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems—except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews—without permission in writing from its publisher, Sourcebooks, Inc. Published by Put Me In the Story, a publication of Sourcebooks, Inc. P.O. Box 4410, Naperville, Illinois 60567–4410 (630) 961–3900 Fax: (630) 961–2168 www.putmeinthestory.com First published by Cumberland House, an imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Printed and bound in the United States of America LB 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1



dad has the responsibility

of providing for his family. Sometimes the difficulties of that task go unrecognized and without gratitude. Now having that responsibility for myself—and for only one child, I might add—I look back in amazement at what my dad did. He sometimes worked two jobs to support his family; he pushed himself beyond his education to acquire the skills necessary for a better career; and he never bought things for himself before he took care of his children. We ate well, dressed warmly, received gifts, and went on vacations. Even today he continues to extend help to his adult children when he thinks it is needed. I have called him in the middle of the night and he has come to me. Now having come full circle as a son who once worshipped, then disfavored, and now deeply admires his dad, and being a father trying my best to parent but finding myself always second-guessing my abilities, I wonder if my teenage daughter will ever look at me with dancing eyes again. I think the role of being a dad is the greatest challenge and the highest reward a man can have. Reflecting on my dad and me, I know my child and I will have a wonderful, loving, and long-lasting relationship because my dad and I have one. I know that in the end I will be satisfied with my performance as a father because my dad showed me how to do it. And I can believe that I have been a good son because my dad tells me so. I love you, Dad, I do. And I am proud to be your son.


so that he will have at least one hero he can depend on.

to provide the guidance that will steer him from trouble.

to talk with about the tough decisions he will face.

to help him understand it isn’t necessary to be like everyone else.

to pull him back when he is headed in the wrong direction.

to teach him to be a gracious winner as well as a gracious loser.

who knows how to have fun.

who will be there for him when he needs help.

to help him try again after he has stumbled.

to share with him the wisdom he has not yet acquired.

to take him camping.

to make the family whole.

to go with him on imaginary adventures.

who can be playful and silly.

who will show him that love is unselfish.

to nurture his independence.

to provide moral guidance as he becomes a man.

to tell him that he is proud of him.

to urge him to pursue worthy goals.

who will show him affection without hesitation.

to take him to baseball games.

to teach him how things work.

to tell him often that he is loved.

to help him find his way.


Y O ’S B ·  F irst ·

HERO nothing compares to the bond of a son and his dad. To a son, Dad is a superhero—big, strong, and always there to save the day. Whether tossing a ball or bandaging a skinned knee, Dad’s hands are a constant source of comfort and safety. Dad’s love is a beacon of guidance and strength as his son becomes the wonderful man he’s destined to be.

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