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NDIS Coronavirus update
As the outbreak evolves, so does the NDIA’s response and they are regularly updating their website with the latest information, guides and a very useful FAQ. You can find all the information and support info here – www.ndis.gov.au/coronavirus
PARTICIPANT INFORMATION The latest major change for NDIS participants came on April 27 when the NDIA announced further initiatives to support NDIS participants and disability providers during the coronavirus pandemic. The biggest news was that for the next five months, eligible participants will be able to flexibly use their existing NDIS plan funding to purchase low-cost Assistive Technology, including smart devices, to enable continued access to disability supports through telehealth and telepractice while physical distancing regulations are in place for the coronavirus pandemic.
THE INFORMATION ON THE NDIA WEBSITE STATES THAT: To help participants continue to receive their NDIS funded supports and services during this period, the NDIA has temporarily broadened the flexible approach to purchasing low cost AT items. This allows participants to access low cost AT items, such as smart devices and fitness equipment, in consultation with their existing support providers.

Participants can now use their existing NDIS funding to purchase an item if: • it will maintain funded NDIS supports like a program, therapy or requirement (for example physiotherapy or Auslan interpreting provided via video conferencing), and • the provider of supports has confirmed in writing the device is necessary to continue supports and services while maintaining physical distancing requirements, and • it is the lowest specification that will maintain funded supports, and • they do not already have the item, another suitable item or access to the item, and • the item has not been funded by another service system (such as education), and • the item or circumstances are not specifically excluded. Participants are able to spend up to $1500 on low cost AT items from their existing budgets. Participants should not spend more than $750 on electronic devices needed to maintain existing services. In the case of computer tablets or iPads for telehealth and care or participating in online video classes, advice from AT specialists is that most NDIS participants will not need more than a standard tablet, which costs no more than $600. Participants can use their funding flexibly to purchase low cost AT using funding in their core – consumables budget. Plan managed or self-managed participants can purchase these items from any provider, and Agency managed participants can purchase these from any registered NDIS provider (this could include a therapy or support coordination provider). This is a time limited policy, which will be in place until September 2020 and will be reviewed at the end of June 2020. To find out more about this new policy and the limits and exclusions head to www.ndis.gov.au/ participants/home-equipment-and-supports/ assistive-technology-explained and there are a significant number of FAQs relating to the new policy here - www.ndis.gov.au/coronavirus/ participants-coronavirus-covid-19/using-yourbudget
PLAN REVIEWS There have also been some recent updates on the NDIS website regarding Early Intervention plans (children under 7 years old) and plan reviews. The most important thing to note is that plan reviews have not been cancelled. According to the latest advice: plan reviews are continuing during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, however, how your child’s plan review is conducted may have changed because of physical distancing. Where you may have had a face-to-face plan review meeting in the past, your child’s planning or plan review meeting will be held over the phone, or if you would prefer, by email. For children under 7, a plan review is usually required every 12 months as it is important to take into account any upcoming transitions, milestones or changes in your child’s goals and support needs, such as starting school. If your child’s current plan ends without a review, it will be automatically extended by 12 months to make sure your child has the funding they need. Some families may be worried that their next plan may be impacted as they have not been able to spend funds in their current plan due to social distancing, services not being available etc. The NDIS website specifically states you will not be disadvantaged if you haven’t used your funds because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. They state that at your child’s plan review, you will have the chance to discuss your child’s circumstances, what your child’s developmental and functional needs are and what your goals are for your child’s future. After your child’s plan review, your funding may change in their next NDIS plan, but this is determined by your child’s developmental and functional needs, not by assessing unspent funds from your previous plan.
For more questions and answers plus an easy read guide on Coronavirus, which may assist you to have conversations with your child visit www.ndis.gov.au/coronavirus
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