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Mediumship Insights
“It is not spirit who are not communicating but us not communicating with spirit” © steven bradshaw 2009 40 pages of insights to do with mediumship 1
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Contents 1. Messages all around you.
Page 4
2. Preparing.
Page 4
3. Visualisation secrets / clairvoyance.
Page 5
4. Meeting your guides for development.
Page 6
5. Meditation.
Page 6
6. Opening the lines of communication.
Page 11
7. Creating your place to connect.
Page 12
8. Cleansing the lines - emotional cleansing
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9. Nature cleansing, peace & clearing emotion.
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10. Mediumship diary.
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11. Talk to them, ask them questions.
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12. Your thoughts create a reading experience.
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13. How to develop six senses.
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14.Communicating with your soul.
Page 18
15.Connecting to loved ones.
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16. Secrets to the source of information
Page 19
17. Protection.
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18. Mediumship exposed 40 most asked questions
Page 21
19. How to do face to face readings?
Page 23
20. What tools to use: psychometry.
Page 24
21. Reading auras and chakra.
Page 25
22. Getting messages : automatic writing.
Page 27
23. Dream interpretation.
Page 28
24. Intuition & gut feelings
Page 30
25. Understanding symbols.
Page 31
26. Like attracts like.
Page 32
27. Platform work.
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28. How to get clearer messages?
Page 33
29. Get back to the source.
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30. Mediumship the simple message
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31. The secret to mediumship.
Page 35
32. Psychic Journal writing
Page 37
33. Letting go
Page 38
34. Responsibility
Page 38
35. Bereavement
Page 39
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Secret “ if you go to the message it is the brain working it out, if the message comes to you it is spirit” “ When the brain adds information or you presume your out of the source” “When you claim you are something, then you are nothing but ego” “A good mediums doesn’t have to talk about it, people talk for them” “ Just imagine yourself flowing down the river, this makes sure you have surrendered to the message and not trying to control the message”. Steve bradshaw “ If try too hard, you stop the flow” “Energy can’t be controlled, as you can’t control the message coming through” “Give what you get”
© steven Bradshaw 2009 This is also part of the mediumship advanced complete pack
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1. Messages all around you
When we realise that spirit is all around us and guiding us, we suddenly start to realise we are not alone. When you get messages to do something or think of someone, this is a message that you are being guided. If make a note, you will start to see confirmations and also telling spirit you are listening. Most people don’t answer back, they may get a picture, but don’t expand the picture to get more. My visualisation secrets help you to understand not just how to visualise but how to expand the picture. This a must, to get the theme or message that starts to appear. Even books, objects and television may have messages for you. You attract even people and situations to learn from. If get intuition or gut feelings these are signs. Messages in your head are symbols, names outside means a person. Meditation helps you to clear the lines. Nature cleansing release allot of emotion that stops you feeling spirit. Look for trigger that is them letting you know they want to communicate. This can be cold chills, tingle on face. This eventually may come to be a confirmation tool when asking questions. I get fireworks in my head or flashes of lights. Even knocks just let me know that what I am saying is right. Spirit can even create situations for you to experience or have someone talk about them to highlight they are around. When you recognise signs which will help you to do, you suddenly will get more connection and more messages. Most people don’t communicate back or emotions get in the way. Find the time to communicate, organise a time to talk to them. Clear emotion, so that you can quiet en the mind to Connect.
2. Preparing
The key to preparing is about releasing the energies that are stopping the connections. Water is very good to keep the energy flowing and helps to stop negative from being absorbed in the body. When you are working with spirit, most will get dehydrated or headaches from working with energies and lack of water. I drink loads when connecting to keep the lines clear. Water is energy in itself, and keeps the balance and flowing. Also grounding is very important for the body to keep connected to the source. When we work in spirit world we mostly work with our soul and so are connected to higher energies. Our body needs the earth to the balance. We so easily lose sight of this when working that we can 4
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make ourselves ill. Walking in nature is a great way to release the emotion and quieten the mind to stillness. This is when we can truly connect to the source in everything. We can gain great insight on our path and learn so much that we have available to us. It’s more about reconnecting than re-learning. Confirmations are all around us, messages, signs and event choices we have already decided but free will is the key to our experience. We are bombarded with so much negativity and fear we lose sight of the source and what we were born to do. We bring into focus messages of we can’t and you have to have trained for so many years. The more we do, the more we learn but too many lose the principles of why they first connected to spirit “The message” and end up going back to the source. You might have been a medium in past life, you may even have the genetic coding of years of ancestors. Meditation by many seems a problem but it depends what you want from it. To me it is a device to Quiet en the mind, clear negative emotions, heal myself and protect. I have now created my own because with the amount of work I do; I need extra to keep me cleansed. After three nights, your mind is programmed and then you can enjoy doing during the day to get messages. If anyone is serious about doing mediumship then meditation is important. I cannot stress more the need for this and why included part of my own meditations in the package. I meditate or relax before anything I do spiritually. The more you cleanse the quicker you can get messages through. Music helps me to connect and love sounds like Om and Ah. Even saying peace many times and love brings your vibration up. Do what keeps you part of the source, look for the purpose or love in everything and share. The more you focus on what you are grateful for, enjoy, you will experience. Your thoughts create your life and what you focus you bring into your life. By saying you’re not perfect or a medium, you create a world where you don’t do mediumship. Often it’s us who stop it happening.
3. Visualisation secrets / clairvoyance
Allot of people struggle with visualisation techniques and clairvoyance because they don’t actually take the time to develop this ability or think they need to see a perfect picture. So before they have started they expect the wrong thing and so they tell the universe that they can’t, so the universe shows them what they ask for, nothing or blurred. The first problem we encounter is that we truly don’t have the symbol or picture planted in our minds. Using your 6 senses, you can really see the image, because by using your senses you make it real to you and not just in your mind. With everything going on in your head, you need to take time to quiet en the mind to be able to see a picture. The picture should come to you, not your create it when dealing with spirit. When we go searching for the answer or message 5
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we lose sight of what the message is. Then you have to go with the flow, and let the picture emerge and grow. The more you put energy to a picture or symbol you stop the natural flow. Like watching the road go bye, you just need to let it happen, and as soon as you have a knowing, they move on, so staring at the picture isn’t going to work. Build up your symbol by going around the home and touching, seeing, tasting, hearing and smell or just knowing the image. Cleansing the emotions will help you to stop your feelings from taking over when seeing pictures and symbols. The secret is to switch the brain off; my package gives you that insight through a visualisation technique and explains the process. It’s actually is very simple to do, when you know the secret. Just enjoy the experience and even colours have meaning. Unless you act upon the first message and ask what it means, you lose sight of the theme of the message or the big picture to what the message is. When you feel you have got what they are saying, then you feel a profound warm feeling in your heart, like you have just found a secret.
4. Meeting your guides for development
We have 5 guides who come in different ways to us. They represent the different areas of development. I know people put allot of emphasise on their guides but if this makes you happy then who am I to say different. But when it comes to communicating, I like to work directly with spirit because every little message, picture, feeling, hearing is a story to tell and if working with a guide to communicate I might miss out on the feeling what’s right to give. Also often a relative will come in and bring another person in that may not have enough energy or there is an emotion attached stopping the connection. The development guides that have come forward are Tibetan monk, Lady Healer, Red Indian, Philosopher & Warrior. All represent a stage in learning. Each I feel represents the senses and areas of development. The sixth sense I feel is the connection to the source, a true connection that brings you an unbelievable teaching. I often go to my place and get messages from them for areas of development and information I need. I have done a cool one with boxes where you get insights about your development or life. So create a place you feel connected and you don’t need to see them but ask for messages. By creating your place, you get on their wavelength and in time you will be able to switch into their world automatically with training. Use all your senses in visualisation to really create this place.
5. Meditation
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Meditation is important for cleansing the connection but also the lines that attracts negativity to. Nature is powerful in cleansing emotions and is why created a total cleansing meditation pack. It cleanses all areas of your life needed to communicate with spirit.
What is meditation?
Mediation means learning to focus your mind to one thing It can be used in many ways, to heal yourself, connect to spirit, answer questions and generally to relax the mind. I often view meditation as a means to relax the mind and to give the body chance to balance itself. We all have an energy force within us known as chakras. If you can imagine energy wheels placed throughout the body, spinning in tandem when the body is relaxed and balanced. How many times a day can you say that you are actually at one and peaceful with yourself? For our busy lifestyle and stresses of the day means we use different chakras to keep us working. With just one chakra out of line this can have a major effect of on our body. For example throat chakra which also associated to the colour blue, is our communication chakra. This is our ability to communicate with people and receive information. The physical effects of not replenishing our energy or negativity caused in this area, comes as a throat problem. Also we can lose our voice from fear or anger derived from possibility of losing a job or loved ones. The throat is very sensitive and is our means of listening to spirit.
What are the benefits?
With regular meditation and relaxation techniques you can actually start to get the feeling that everything is wonderful, f it tin g into place and nothing can stop you. This is because you are connecting to the flow of the energy that is within us and is flowing at a more relaxed vibration. Just like after the third day on holiday where you are so relaxed and peaceful that nothing really gets to you. Nothing fazes you and problems just seem coincidental in that time .This is not produced overnight and will take quite a few sessions before this feeling actually happens. So my advice is not to give up straight away.
There are a few examples of what meditation can do: 7
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1. Improve your outlook on life 2. Reduce stress and anxiety. 3. Help you sleep at night 4. Helps you see the big picture and solve problems. 6. It also improves your health and well being 7. Recharge the batteries. 8. Receive messages from inner guidance. When the best time to do meditation Many people choose different times of the day where they feel that they can actually relax. Some find the first thing in the morning gets them going for the rest of the day and some feel that late at night when all the work is done that is the time to relax. If you are new to meditation, then you need to find first of all a meditation that works for you and all so I would suggest that you do it just before you go to sleep. The reason for this is that it is when you're most likely to be most receptive when your dropping off to sleep and also in the alpha state. The alpha state is the middle part of just before we go sleep and just being awake. Most people try to recreate this situation when doing psychic readings. I personally create this situation through going to a place because then I feel I have actually taken time to get myself prepared to do a reading. The whole point of meditation is to prepare your mind and body for a time that i t can relax and replenish the energies. So please make sure they you let your family and friends know that just for 15, 20 or 30 minutes that you will be not available. Why can't I do meditation or get aggravated by it. Like I said earlier about a holiday i t takes a good three days before the body becomes relaxed and enjoying the holiday. This is to do with the mind to relax in and realizing that it doesn't have to worry about the children, bringing the money in, work and keep a loved one happy. All the usual day-to-day chores that we have to do. Also because we are clearing out negative energies when doing the meditation it take time to do this. Another way is to sit in nature which helps to release energy. The mind and body can get aggravated with trying to relax when it has so much to do to clear out the negativity that you are holding onto. It tries to attract situations, so that you will recognize and release the e motions / problems (energy) attached to it. We also have to start to look at that maybe we are picked up negativity and energy from other people that we have tried to heal or have given energy to help them do their tasks. Remember you are training your
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mind to be still and like driving a car this will become automatic i n time. Protection also helps you from being drained and holding onto others energy.
Why do I fall asleep every time I do Meditation?
Because your body is exhausted and needs that time to cleanse your energy system. When we are asleep we produce energy (serotonin) that helps us to relax more and go into a deeper sleep. (serotonin is produced through training and relaxing and helps us to deep sleep) If the body really needs us to go into a deep sleep very quickly then when you do meditation it triggers this state. The more meditation you do the more you'll be able to stay awake during the meditation.
Creating a meditation
1 Create an environment where you feel you can relax, physical or through visualization and release the energy / thoughts of the day. (In the sun, woods, waterfall, snow etc.) 2. Check your breathing, and try to slow down with deep breaths. 3. Protect yourself with white light from the energies around you. (Either imagine a white / gold cloak or mist around you) 4. Keep focused on something to stop you from dropping off but i f you feel you need a sleep then let it happen. For example a candle, place or by saying a word, "Love", "peace" or Om. Let this word resonate through your body. 5. Never force a meditation and don't concentrate on information given. Specify when you would like to receive information, and when receive it, recognize, thanks for message and let go for energy is free flowing and you may stop another message. 6. If you are looking for guidance for others, then imagine them being immersed in the lovely energy you have created. 7. Be humble and grateful for what you have received, remember a single feeling or colour takes allot of energy and means allot, so ask questions after meditation if unsure of the meaning. By learning to breathe properly you can get the balance of the energy flowing properly again. 9
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Meditation I have created you can use (you can also buy this meditation on cd - click meditation) Make sure you are relaxed and won’t be interrupted; turn the phone off and let people know you want some time to yourself. You do not have to see my description for it to work you can feel it instead. First of all, take a few deep and calming breaths. Then let go of everything that has happened today. Close your eyes and in your minds eye, see yourself being protected in white light You feel lighter and lighter like a feather, Each breathe you are releasing the negative energy of the day, getting lighter. Okay, now imagine yourself floating, you are f lying Over trees, hills, lakes Over... do not give thought to what you are doing just fly feel the wind feel the sun on your face feel alive and free of worries Free from the weight you carry the burdens As you are f lying you notice colours getting brighter and brighter passing you by, you feel lighter and lighter Different colours with different feelings Different energies can be seen You see a golden triangle, f ly through the triangle You land on top of the world, you see in front your favourite place this can be a mountain, a wood, a beach, a garden f ul l of flowers (choose your place), and you can see all the energies around you (mine is the cl if f over the sea) look around you, hear the gulls, feel the sun on your face, taste the salt from sea breeze, smell the freshness Everything you look at has a different energy Your energy starts to leave your body Different colours, starting to connect with everything around you 10
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You feel light Your heart is beating You feel the energy passing through your heart joining with everything You are one, you are safe and you are loved. You are part of the universe, what you put out you get back Imagine a thought you want answering, a question and watch how the answer comes back. Visualize lovely white light around you, i f at night imagine purple.
6. Opening the lines of communication
Communication is happening all the time and confirmations too. Just a slight tingle on the face or back may mean something and we just put it down to something it possible couldn't be. Once you recognise the signs you start to see a new world emerge, of endless support, love and guidance. Our brain takes the simple message and evolves it so we lose sight of the message, for example, you get a message to go to a garage. You feel drawn to a place but your brain kicks in and say, Oh take it too garage, it may come back worse, may never get it back, cost you a fortune, then you think of other bills, other problems and before long you have this illusion al world when the message was simple. " go to garage". If had of gone to garage, may have met someone to help you on psychic development, met your soul mate but you blew it why because you took simple message and emotions and brain stopped you. By acting or writing the message down, we have told spirit we have heard them, so they give us more, may be feeling something good going to happen, and may feel joy. My mediumship 10 minute awakening, clears those thoughts, gives the brain a job to do, so you can listen to spirit. My soul awakening will tell you why happening, changing your thought patterns, new person, new world you can see. So if get a message from nowhere then deal with it or write it down and see the confirmation or profoundness that comes from accepting message that we don't know why but go with. Meditation helps slow the mind down, so can accept information that the soul is telling us. Walking in nature cleanses the lines and gives us peace to listen rather than talk all the time. People give us messages when we are helping them, ask after conversation, what message was for me..Two way experience, spirit world and material world, we are just missing the connections. Books, people, places all give us insights and confirmations. My package gives you that chance to recognise signs and be guided. 11
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Why not organise a time to talk to spirit. What are you doing each day to let spirit know you want to communicate?
7. Creating your place to connect
By creating your place, you can get on the wavelength of the spirit world. You also improve your visualisation skills and your place will grow the more you go to it. Eventually it will be like switching a switch on, will become automatic and great place to relax and feel connected. Depending on your place you visit, beach, cliff tops, waterfall, forest, field will be your connection to the source and energy. Use your senses to really create your place and can be used to do all sorts, like connecting to loved ones, distance readings and so much more. My pack has loads of visualisation to really get you connected. A must, for anyone wishing to communicate with spirit. Eventually you will learn to switch into their world automatically. Often when visit my place; if the waters are stormy, I know I need to release negativity I hold onto for the place is free flowing. You can have a physical place as well, that you can imagine being at. It is easier for spirit to communicate in this place and especially loved ones.
8. Cleansing the lines - emotional cleansing
This is the most important thing that must be done. The spirit world work of a frequency higher to us. Often we need to get on their energy band to communicate. By creating your place, you create that connection but emotions can really stop the connection to loved ones. We often can feel spirit is around because of our emotions and brain kicking in. Meditation is the key but also was given nature cleansing which is amazing for helping you to become clearer in mind and bring peace into your life. This is part of my mediumship awakening 10 minutes. Spirit only has certain amount of energy and so the message is important. They will use all your senses to get a message across, and is why we miss the simple messages. By cleansing the lines, you can really feel every little message and so the picture emerges. Often the messages are for you and so need to interpret. Just imagine everyone you come into contact with, each one of the lines could be negative and stopping you connects also, imagine white light cleansing all those lines.
9. Nature cleansing peace, clearing emotion 12
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This is amazing and one of my secrets in my pack. Nature is perfect for balancing; bring peace and taking away emotions. Once cleansed in nature you will feel like a new person. Clear minded, lighter and full of energy. Those who receive it as part of my mediumship awakening 10 minutes, how they feel like you person and so calm. It will solve problems, clear any other emotions you hold and you will see life different. Use your 5 senses and really imagine nature energy in the room or all around you. Bring in different elements to bring balance.
Other methods of cleansing are my total cleansing meditation, and here is some other methods.
How to clear Clearing emotions?
Here are some ways to clear emotions: One - when you feel down or angry, frustrated or just out of sorts, take a few deep calming breaths, then ask yourself what the feeling is attached to and you will get a feeling or a picture or just a knowing of what you are holding onto from the past. Ask yourself to let this emotion go, but for it to be released, you must be willing in your heart and mind to let it go for good and forgive yourself for holding onto this emotion. Thank the universal energy for taking it away then feel yourself relax. Or Two - write about your past, put down on paper all that you feel you are holding onto whether it is from your childhood or recent past and any areas surrounding it. Ask your heart also what you need to clear out emotionally. Do the same as the last exercise and release and forgive your self but by writing you are also releasing these negative emotions because you are bringing them into your consciousness? Words have powerful emotions attached and are why we use them in every day. Certain words can mean so much, because of the emotion attached and is why I have put a word exercise to help you clear through words. Or Three – close your eyes and visualise that you are visiting a room in a lovely house and that you are looking for the inner child. They will probably be in a corner, holding onto your emotions. Help this little child to see that the emotions have made you into the person that you are and that you will help them to understand that they are safe, well and loved and that they no longer need to hold onto these emotions. Help and assist this little child to 13
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let go of these emotions, hold out your hand and allow the child to take your hand, then ask the child to go with you into the garden where the sun is shining, the birds are singing and allow the child to feel at peace with itself, to feel free of the emotions that it have been a burden to it. On a few occasions ask the child to show emotions holding onto, forgive and let go… Writing about it is a good way of clearing but also not holding onto it or giving it energy to manifest is the key. Look at problems as challenges and know that if the worse comes to the worst your intuition would kick in and deal with it. By fearing you will create an illusion that you can’t deal with it, make it bigger than it is and also attract more problems to release it. Problems or emotional baggage I call it if not dealt with can come in physical forms. Past life lessons are brought into this life creating emotional lessons that once learnt releases the negativity attached. Through my mind, body & spirit cleansing you learn not just how to protect, stop attracting negativity but receive healing to learn the lessons from past / present life we hold onto, stopping the flow.
Clearing out words which affect us
Words can have such an impact on us and can relate to many abusive situations where the word takes on energy of itself. How many times have our parents in frustration called us silly or stupid or without meaning to get annoyed with us. Over a certain amount of time this word when triggered can have a major impact on us. For like everything we hold onto the energy of it, I’m not just saying bad words as well and go back to nature and nurture. What we learn or what is passed down through people perceptions. Perceptions are a big part to how we see life and how we react to situations. I have always been bothered by helping people out who throw it in your face or get one over your nice nature, which I can now see, is to do with my belief for the big picture is that they really don’t get away with what they put out.
Clearing exercise
This exercise helps you clear words that we can be affected by that have emotions attached. Each time you do this exercise, a word will mean something new to you. This is an exercise to help you deal with words given to you that take effect on your life and understand that words that hurt you because you haven't given it back to the universe and have bottled it up. This 14
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works for good words as well.
1) Take a word, any word i.e. love (this also works for so called bad words) 2) Ask for the word to come to you from the universe 3) Once you have the word imagine it in your heart and ask your heart what it means to you - pick one or more; hear, sense, feel, touch, smell, taste...Make a note of the experience 4) Give it back to the universe with light and thank the universe for the gift of experience (see it go) and forgive your self for holding onto it. 5) Thank your self for allowing the word you could do this exercise again and the word love will come in a different shape or feeling. If it comes back the same then it is okay but if negative you need to give it love and send it back for it is an experience not resolved. This works with words that are negative like fear anger and is a good healing exercise. This is a must, if want spirit to know you’re communicating and what to see confirmations then this you must do. When we get messages from nowhere, or in our head, gut feelings and intuition. This s often guidance but we don't act upon it or bring it into our focus to experience, thus the message is lost. By writing everything down, you are doing what a medium does. Gets message and passes it on, this highlights to spirit your listening and so you get more. Even the original message can grow. Then you get confirmation of why the message came. Often we get stuff that random and we don't know why but by keeping i diary you will soon be ticking confirmations. Even making notes of negative thoughts, you can see what you are putting out which may stop the flow. I will go into more detail how to use in my pack that’s being updated...
10. Mediumship diary
By keeping a diary you can actually reflect on your life and understand the messages and signs that all around you. As a medium communicates with the spirit world, we realise they are just the middle person, who receives information and passes it on. This is the same effect by having a diary because you are telling the spirit world that you are listening and available to receive information. This opens the lines of communication. To even enhance the lines of communication, you can arrange times in which to do more brainstorming sessions or to receive messages. Why not write questions that you may want answering and see the message come back. Automatic writing is another way of receiving profound 15
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information that will help you on your journey. In my diary I also put good and bad situations. For this makes sure I balance my thoughts and ideas, thus creating a free flowing connection where I am releasing energy and not holding onto thoughts that might become emotional problems in the future. If you feel this may hinder your connection then you can put in another section of the diary but if an element of emotion has attached it needs cleansing. Often in six months you can see by going with the flow, how the connection appeared and how certain problems, situations fell into place, leading you into new challenges and a new you. A diary helps us to see how our journey is progressing, confirmations of thoughts that came to us as messages, when to give messages and how it felt. Thus we understand the messages. Anything that comes from nowhere, we learn in time to right down, even if it means nothing to us for the big picture will emerge. We start to see that the big picture emerge on our path as we noted messages. We start to see links and ways in which they communicate and even a favourite place where the connection is clearest. I often get messages in the shower when cleansing, which infuriates me because can’t write down but know accept it is a place for thoughts and ideas to grow.
11. Talk to them, ask them questions
people miss the signs because when spirit communicate they don't communicate back. A spirit has so much energy to get the message across. So the quickest way is with symbols. Why? because this is the less energy to put a picture into your mind. Even to create a tingle takes a lot of energy, so by using all your senses you can create a picture in seconds. Because a picture is worth a thousand words and until the energy is built up they are trying to get their message across as quick as possible. Open the lines of communication and even by talking to them in your head, the message will get to them at sometime and if around they will get it straight away. Organise a time to speak to them and treat them like you would any conversation. By creating your place the lines are easier, meditation will help to quieten the mind and prepare you. All symbols, automatic writing techniques, meditations and visualisation secrets are all in my pack and make is easier for you to do automatic. That is the key the quicker you can process and create your database; the quicker the message is delivered. They tend to have to build the picture up, so you can understand the message and also in format that is possible for your reader to understand. For example red rose, brown box, feeling of like them meant that spirit was telling me roses chocolates. Be precise with your questions and let the answer come to you, not you let your brain fill in the gaps, don't presume you know till you feel the message is right. This is where peo16
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ple go wrong. They see images and then add the rest to it. If talking to loved ones, ask for a symbol, so anytime they come through you know who it is, saves time. If for customer, then ask what side of family, how went over, who they are, any proof, what the message..Once you know who is then just go with what they give you, odd times clarify but if an image comes twice then just give that image.
12. your thoughts create a reading experience
Well this may not seem important but is essential. We often attract people who we learn from and doing readings is no exception. By cleansing the lines and what you put out can sometimes determine the reading. Our own fears create the type of reading we do. By going to your place or being in the source you eliminate fears that may stop you giving that essential bit of advice. Poor connection we dismiss but may be very important. A loved one may be brought through by a relative we don't know because of energy. So many people go around telling the universe they can't do readings. So they are giving lesson showing they can't. Never go by a customer’s face because often they are told not to say lol. Whoever feeds people information really doesn’t know much. I focus on one message that might help them or give them proof. Make sure you meditate before giving messages for clearer connection and try not to think any thoughts that may attract a bad reading. So think of being in the source or loving yourself, will keep you neutral in thought. So just open vessel to giving messages.
13. How to develop six senses
The one thing that mediums often miss out is that messages come in all different ways, mostly from within because the most connected to spirit is your soul. So when spirits come through they normally have only so much energy and are trying to get a message to their loved ones often. We focus so much on proving their existence that we miss often the message. Once you have developed your six senses, information can come through a lot quicker until eventually it is just a six sense of knowing what they are saying which is a combination of them all. Just knowing its a female can go through a quick understanding, where as normally you would have to ask to show themselves and they will use a lot to show main features. Go into a room and only use one sense or do paranormal because it switches of the main sense which is the seeing. By building symbol forms up you can then make the job easier to communicate. Odd signs of the picture being brighter have messages we miss. A picture paints a thousand words. If they can get there message across quicker, it gives them more time to talk to you. A 17
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tingle can mean open up or spirit are around, a symbol can let you know who they are if family. You can feel how they went over with pain in chest. Building our senses is critical and eventually when comes automatic, your sixth sense will take over. My package goes through and builds symbols and senses up.
14.Communicating with your soul
Your soul is the most connected to spirit, it is even a reflection of the source which is all knowing. By finding time to learn from this profound energy source you can gain great insight into why people need readings. For experience is important and often what we feel we need in development we already know and the fear we can't do or be a mediums out ways the reality it is already happening. By going to your place and creating a link to your soul and others you can gain great insight into what people need to know with guidance and not what they feel they need. A good reading is not about telling them what they need to know but what is needed to guide them. Often I receive emails on readings they didn't like because didn't highlight areas but if experience is needed, then the lesson is already in place and you could change the course of what they need to experience. Too many times we see a picture of problems and don't understand the experience needed. Also the picture with our emotions may be clouded and brain will fill in the gaps like, our sitters do when we tell them items. The message should come to you, and when you connect to your soul information is profound and not what you want to hear. It doesn't give you material gain, so look out for this. Go to your place and your soul is perfect, pure of energy so you don't even need to see your soul to enjoy the energy and gain insight. Just put a word you want to learn about and just sit and wait for the answer, you will be amazed.
15.Connecting to loved ones
Both mediums and people find this very hard to do because emotion is involved when comes to loved ones. My package helps you to connect in a place where this is possible. The mediumship awakening cleanses the lines but often you need to find a way to get rid of the trigger which stops the connection. Because of pain felt the brain kicks in and diverts us away or our loved ones have to talk to us through symbols and by pass the brain. These simple messages we can't pick up from flashes of light, objects being moved, people mentioning them and even songs that come on the radio. Just as they go over 18
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they have a burst of energy to show you but after that they often need other loved ones or to learn how to use the energy to communicate. The trigger comes from how they went over, whether we saw last breath or feel guilty for not being around. Grieving and saying goodbye is important so they can come through clearer in our hearts with memories. It can take from 3 months to 20 years depending on attachment or emotion. We also have problem that if they didn't go over properly, they may be mixed with our emotions and so may cause highs and lows.
16. secrets to the source of information
You can often tell those who work in the source or not by the size of their ego's. Anyone who works in the source surrenders to that they are just an open vessel. They know the clearer the lines the easier the message comes to them. You don't go to the message. I see too many times mediums get excited about their gift and they are working with a guide and they know everything that is going to happen. The information is simple, variable and so they don't always tell you why they are giving the message. It is about the message they have to help the person, not 40 minutes on shoe size etc. Yes get proof but wasting energy by focusing on your ego to make you look good, isn't going to help. When in the source (energy in everyone or soul, or gods love) you don't want to be better, you understands it is a two way experience and your learning also, the feeling is profound and so you want to share, which creates joy in doing. You don't want to hide away or not tell people how to do it. If you work from the source, you are open to more information that can be accessed about anything. The source is neutral energy, when we help people we are in the source. When we do things that make us feel good, like in nature, music, sharing, healing, communication, we just are in the moment. Without spirit we have no gift, it is nice to come out with something that really gives proof but only happens when truly connected but don't be fooled, spirit will work with anyone to get message across good or bad. But low level spirits can only give information for so long before conversation becomes ego and negative. If the message don't bring you peace, it isn't from the source. A truly gifted medium is humble to this information and source, so then you know if they are good..
Do things you love, to get into the source, say peace before doing readings will get you into the source. Try and help your sitters to release what stops them connecting to source or loved ones.
17. Protection 19
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With regular meditation you will be protected from negativity energies from spirit, people draining you, people dumping problems / negativity, absorbing people energies through healing them, negative thoughts, disasters and problems you hold onto for good comes out of bad, so you don’t need to hold onto anything for the universe is free flowing of energy. To hold onto problems, fears, worries, anger and stress will eventually become in the physical form with bad back, injuries, headaches, depression and fatigue. You are in charge and only you can let spirit in. When we are not sending pure love out to the universe, we can attract negativity to ourselves and so this meditation will help you to trust and believe in yourself and be protected. Nothing can harm you unless you let them. All around us from TV, news and people are feeding us negativity that the brain runs with and creates this illusional world that we re-enforce. I hear people creating negativity all the time, by just what they say and how they say it. All day long we are absorbing as healers other people’s negativity and when we hold onto it, we attract more to us. Our mind can also attract more people through thoughts and so the cycle keeps re-enforcing negative behaviour. White light around us stops psychic attacking, dumping of negativity and absorbing people’s emotions. Even in shower you can imagine negativity being washed away, sitting in nature you can give your negativity away and the sea is great, whether just imagining can be enough. If you don’t protect and ground yourself, you will attract negativity. We often go home and dump it in our house, not use items which become negative and also hold onto painful memories all around us. If absorb into house we attract also spirits to attach to feed off us, so even asking angels to take away, can get rid of spirits connected to you who can create problems around you and feed your thoughts. So next time you moan to twenty people your attracting many lessons. I am also amazed how many people don’t meditate, don’t protect themselves before sleeping. It is the most active time for spirit to contact you. I would be up all night if I let them but I take control. I put white light around the bed and post angels at each corner for protection. I also imagine a purple cloak or mist to stop me from being drained when astral travelling. Because I know I heal people and help when asleep. Orange in morning gives me energy for the day. Waterfalls and flowing water gives me energy, find your energy source to replenish. Make sure ground yourself, by imagining white light or roots coming out of your feet. Ground yourself with nature is amazing way to replenish and protect the body. I also programme crystal to protect and absorb negativity. Here are a few tips to help those protect.
1. Cleanse each morning with water and imagine the emotions leaving the body. If can't get bath or 20
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shower just breathe in and out and let go of emotions into a pot. 2. Protect in white light, also put a waterfall around you to stop those feeding you negativity. 3. Bring nature into your home, send love around your home to get rid of negativity you brought in. 4. Anything not used in 6 months, put love into of light, to neutralize, for when items not used they don't do their purpose and so go negative because not loved or used. 5. Protect before go sleep at night and put angels around the bed. Imagine white light or purple is enough around the bed. This stops you being woken by spirit and stops you being drained when astral travel ( why you feel shattered in morning. 6. If doing healing, dump your emotions into pot, become a open vessel, use the energy of earth and spirit world and think of love to make you a vessel, if natural healer, put in white light because your giving energy that makes people have to look at their problems and some will attack you back because can't deal with barrage of looking at pain. 7. Focus on what grateful for and not what because attract what we put out. 8. Every moan you do, feed all your people lines your attached to, so they will moan also, feeding all, their lines and then feeds you back, because we are all connected...(cut the ties) 9. Keep grounded; only open up when working with spirit and close down, stops u being drained. 10. 90% of what you focus is an illusion, so any negative thoughts, your attracting negativity if putting out or holding onto or absorbing. Dont feed the negative, for you give it more power..
18. Mediumship exposed 40 most asked questions
This audio just highlights the answers to everyone questions that I receive everyday on mediumship. These are handpicked questions that I feel will help you to understand the world that is around you and you just need to open yourself to it. You can buy this or is part of my mediumship package. 1. Can anyone communicate to spirit? 2. Why do they give me loads one minute, none the next.? 3. I keep being told I am a healer? 4. Do I need a guide to communicate? 5. Why don’t I get names? 6. Do I have to be doing it for 20 years to be any good? 21
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7. Sometimes I just think it’s me, can I be too negative? 8. Why can’t I be spot on like all the other mediums? 9. Why do some people know who are psychic or not? 10. My friend doesn’t even meditate and she tells me how good she is. 11. Why do some mediums tell me nasty stuff and some don’t? 12. Can’t do visualisation? 13. Why do you go to a place to connect? 14. You seem to be able to switch in and out? 15. Why do I get allot of headaches, feel drained and back hurts? 16. Why do I get relatives they don’t know? 17. Why can’t family talk to me straight away when pass over? 18. Why do we need to be an Open vessel to receive messages? 19. How do I Open the lines of communication? 20. What’s the best tools to use? 21. Any help on doing platform work? 22. Heard you go on about two way message, what’s this? 23. Using 6 senses? 24. How do you get messages? 25. Sometimes I receive a picture twice? 26. Wait for big picture to emerge? 27. Take pressure of yourself, give what you get 28. How do you do it online? 29. Messages and signs are all around us 22
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30. ,Why do need to letting go 31. Often heard you say Timing is the key 32. How do I prepare? 33. Do I need Protection ? 34. I don’t seem to interpret the messages right? 35. How do I Clear emotional baggage to quiet en the mind 36. How would I know its spirit and not my imagination? 37. How would I know its family? 38. Why do i need conformation from a sitter? 39. How do you deal with total sceptic? 40. Are you always able to read for someone? 19. How to do Face to face reading?
Many people will have different methods in reading for people. The key to mediumship is to gain the energy of the person; this can really help to check that the connection of spirit is similar to the sitter. Spirit will always want to get a message through. You’re just the middle person and so like a newspaper reporter, gain the insights needed that you feel the sitter would like to hear but when flowing we often are taken on a journey to what the spirit wants to convey. I always have a crystal programmed in case the person isn’t in the right frame of mind for a reading. When dealing with loss, some people are so focused and so want certain messages; they cut off from anything else said. Spirit may build up or because of emotion attached, can come through on own and so a relative they may not know will bring the spirit through. It is because, the simplest of messages can mean a lot to a person. If you are confident and honest that the message is often variable, not always the right person comes through and you give what you get. Therefore you know some information is given to find out about and highlight, they are around and watching you. A good connection, you can find all sorts of information but I also after making sure they know the person, get the energy to stand close to merge with mine. Most people want to know about work, relationship, health, travel, money, family and friends, so I always go through 23
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these subjects in case guidance is needed. By getting into a routine and preparing with a good meditation, which eventually isn’t needed when automatic, you will find the spirit know how you work. To ascertain the person I always ask, which side of family, how went over, which side of family, proof and message. This depending on energy, they know to answer at least a few of the questions which will determine who they are. So they can get on with the real reason is guidance and the message. Whether you are doing straight mediumship or using tools to open the senses, I only look at the client to make sure they can understand the message and don’t have to gain extra insights, which can stop the flow. Give what you get and if comes twice then just give the message or symbol for the reader will know what means. I always put my emotions to one side, create nature around me and the sitter and say I love myself and I am peace to become the source. I work from the heart which is similar and give what I get even if is simple and obvious. If you do this you can’t go wrong because you a open vessel. If you’re not flowing in first few minutes or missed the signs not to do, then give it up. For always a reason why can’t read for someone. Because, experience is sometimes important and they need to learn before you can read. The big picture always emerges why you can’t read for them and only our ego which makes us read for those we are not suppose to. Timing plays a major factor and why we are brilliant one minute and not occasional for same person.
20. Psychometry
A lot of people might not know that psychometry is one of the main tools for using to improve one’s psychic development. Without knowing most full time psychics use it in various different ways from mediumship, angel cards, tarot reading, palmistry and using the crystal ball. This is why if anyone really wants to develop and eventually work as a medium then after learning psychometry you are already there for it uses all the senses needed to make a good psychic medium and helps to receive information. Psychometry is a means of holding an object to pick up psychic impressions, feelings and pictures, either about the history of the object itself or the past, present and future of the person who is holding or owns the object. Some say it’s like your tuning into the DNA of the person and so can get loads of information. I use it to link to spirit, for once I can sense someone energy, it makes it easier to find similar energy in spirit. So cuts out the spirit that are just nosey and want to have fun whilst your doing your reading. Just hold the object and make sure the item only has their energy and hasn’t been passed down (you don’t want to read for grandmother now). Close your eyes to feel the vibration and let the information 24
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flow. Make sure you know what symbol or picture means before passing on. You will often get messages of what the person is like while building up the connection. Eventually you can ask questions like “what’s going on around them, what they need to now”. I love using it because it really builds up a impression and can give you so much information, past, present and future but remember you may need to ask which it is. I just give what I get because often they show images that the person can relate to but do make sure feels right in heart for confirmation. Why not got to your odd contents draw and practise by writing down information you get from objects and keys, you can even use psychometry to get messages for yourself if drawn to item, because messages are all around us. Just say what do I need to know and you may be drawn to some object which will give you ideas. Also great to use in paranormal to see images of what the place looked like or spirit will show you. Sometimes the information is just knowing what they are telling you, so be open to all feelings including tingles and areas of body that might show how went over.
21. Reading auras and chakras
Most people don’t realise that by knowing the chakras and their colours can really help you to understand and get messages from people. We can feel if someone is off or having a bad day but also we can’t always tell if not being truthful. Aura and chakras I find fascinating when scanning the body for illnesses. Negative energy shows up and also by knowing what colours are around you can ascertain when you have opened someone up or they are more relaxed. For me it is more of a knowing than actually seeing the colours because I have gone past the sense of clairvoyance and to show colours takes a lot from spirit, so now its just a knowing what colours are there. When you ask for what they need or helping people to see their auras, then a colour can represent an area or a feeling of what they are giving off. It is like using a crystal ball or clairvoyance, getting yourself in that state of receiving messages can produce colour or pictures. Often just looks like glimmering effect on what or energy moving like looking at a heater. But with practise it will come automatic. I have included a few exercises in my pack to open you up. Learn the different chakras colours, i work with mostly seven energy wheels of the body but some see more. If one chakra is out of line, it affects the lot. Some will be over working and so relevant colours are needed to balance but ultimate that has all of them in is white. Like when you go sleep at end of night just relax, just half drift or look past the person head, don’t try too hard and just let it happen. Go with the flow is the key and will happen when right time. If clear emotions then 25
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easier to connect to their world because that is all it is to see things and get messages. Most people expect clear messages but don’t happen till build energy up. Basic chakra information, will vary depending on who you talk to or research but these are what I go by and what spirit work with me, what feel right with you is important.. I have an e-book for free on website (chakra and colour healing)
Crown Chakra - white
White is associated with the Crown Chakra. It connects us to our Spiritual Self and as the clear light it brings clarity to life when connected. It adds beauty, creativity and inspiration. It purifies our thoughts and feelings, giving us inspiration. White is pure and enhances artistic talent, creativity and ideas.
Gemstone — Quartz, Moldavite, Clear Tourmaline, rainbow moonstone Third eye Chakra
Purple is associated with the Third eye chakra at the middle of the forehead just above the eyes. It connects us to our Unconscious Self. Purple enhances intuition, mysticism and understanding. Third eye is know for psychics to see clairvoyantly, also strengthens intuition, imagination, psychic powers and increases dream activity.
Gemstone — Amethyst, garnet, Malachite, Moldavite Throat Chakra
Blue is associated with the Throat Chakra. It connects us to knowledge, health, creativity and communication. Blue is a mentally relaxing colour. It is ideal for sleep problems, stress or hyperactive children. It enhances hormonal balance.
Gemstone — Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Blue Topaz, Labradorite, Heart Chakra
Green is the colour associated with the Heart Chakra. It connects us to unconditional love. Green promotes balance, love and self control. It helps relax muscles, nerves and thoughts. It cleanses and bal26
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ances our energy, giving a feeling of peace, harmony and renewal. When balanced we have true empathy and compassion and unconditional love.
Gemstone — Green fluoride, rose quartz, green sapphire, green tourmaline, ruby Solar Plexus Chakra
Yellow is associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra. It connects us to our mental self, personal power centre. It enhances wisdom, clarity and self-esteem. Yellow aids intellect and love of learning, increases awareness and stimulates interest and curiosity. Balancing this chakra helps illnesses like cancer or tumours that come from anger. When balanced we accept ourselves and others.
Gemstone - Yellow Topaz, citrine, malachite, Tiger’s eye Sacral Chakra
Orange is the colour associated with the Sacral Chakra. It connects us to our Emotional Self. Orange enhances happiness, confidence and resourcefulness. It brings joy to our workday and strengthens our appetite for life. It also helps remove inhibitions. Most clairsentient work from this area and can pick up feelings and can get drained by others emotions. When flowing we feel sexy and creative.
Gemstone — Orange Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Citrine Base Chakra Red is the colour associated with the base chakra.
It connects us to our physical self. Red adds vitality, life force, accomplish, courage and stamina. It stimulates life energy. Red helps build inner strength, security, and willpower and is grounding. If you worry about money this can cause back problems. When balanced we are grounded. When this centre is open and spinning freely, our life flows with material success and creativity.
Gemstone —, Red Onyx, Bloodstone, Citrine, Smokey Quartz
22. Getting messages: automatic writing
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I have put this in for I always hear from other psychics and mediums that they cannot receive messages. The reason for this is because they also hold onto their emotions and so when guides talk to them like in dreams for instance, they can't listen. Automatic writing is like connecting, you have to be open, not concentrate, accept information and let the information flow freely and not put thought to it. The problem some people have is that some words have emotions attached and so they find it hard just to accept information on paper and let it flow. Love will mean different things to different people depending on what they have experienced. Words can affect you and is why many people use words to meditate (chants) and clear emotions. You must just go to the place where you feel connected, this you can imagine / visualise to accept information. If the information coming through seems to help you with your situation around you then it is from your higher self, if profound it is from your guides. Get pen and paper, just let the words flow and don't concentrate, otherwise you will stop the flow. Put a question down, leave for couple of days and go back and you will write the answer. This may take a few attempts, but the benefits are great to understanding life situations. Don't try and change the words just accept them, put the message to one side and read it in a couple of days, which means you are just accepting information and not concentrating on it.
23. Dream interpretation
Most dreams that come through in symbol form, and so the best way to interpret is to realise that the message is in a way you can interpret. So first of all, write down the dream as soon as you receive it and make sure you note everything, even if feel something about something. Then look to what words seem to jump out at you on the page. By isolating the words you start to build a picture, theme of what they are saying. After you have gone into each word and expanded the message, Will go into this further..
What does that mean to you?
If a colour involved and was bright then may be just the colour important. How did you feel, this is important because it will tell you about a word. Like love feels wrong then the message may be your boyfriend isn’t right for you.. After gone individually a picture will emerge. Look at the whole picture and theme of the dream.
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After six months you can see a thread on your development and messages received. Most have a message in them and don’t worry about who’s in them unless you feel something from them.. Let’s take a dream apart. A black cat was sitting on a table eating choc biscuits. The cat seemed to be smiling and welcoming. Usually i would move the cat but I sat with the cat and shared the biscuits. I felt warm inside and realised would like this more and not alone.. I asked the person what each meant to her. Eventually we worked out she had felt alone and her favourite way of socialising was food, her favourite table hadn’t been used for ages and she decided to have a party because she loved cooking and invite the neighbours to share the food. This was a roaring success and from that time onwards she made this a regular occasions. She told me it was simple but after looking in dream books she would have never got to this conclusion and I told her that it was sent to her by herself and so only she could interpret. They give it in symbol form, just ask what it means and they will let you know. Sometimes we need to look at the picture different and so by cutting down the information we can see different links.. Try this technique Take a word from your dream Cat Let’s take a word and make it grow. What does it mean to you? Friendly, supportive, doesn’t need anyone but can share, independent. By asking you will get instant messages, to even improve the connection to spirit, do my creating your place to connect, by going to your place, you can have a clear connection and expand the picture and may get another image until you feel a warmth or profound moment when the picture of what they are telling you suddenly like bolt out of the blue emerges. Bolt was that the cat was her and even though she was all these things, she could be friendly and did enjoy People Company. Let’s take an individual picture and make it grow... I was told of a lady who only saw faces, she saw a lady with Rosy cheeks. The cheeks really got red. So we looked at each section, she came up with rosy for cheeks and red. “red rose”. We discussed why she didn’t get a red rose and she said because the emotion of the red rose was the last thing she put on her sister in laws grave, so she knew it was a message from her. By showing in this symbol she didn’t refuse the message.
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Dreams like everything are just messages and need to flow, so go with the flow of the message to gain insight. Profound information comes through and feels right in your heart. Any other information that makes your life too good isn’t often a message. The message is simple, so remember that when interpreting. Program yourself to receiving dreams. You can actually encourage yourself to remember dreams by before you go to sleep, telling your brain that when you wake up you will remember your dream. Make sure the first thing you do is either write it down or talk into a Dictaphone. If you receive pre-cognitive dreams these are usually part of your development and only a handful of people are expected to change their existence so don’t worry, just preparing you for some experience that is needed. Déjà vu just highlights, changes in your life and places and people. When you are changing your life, you often get stages of your life shown in déjà vu form, when you know what is going to happen next or that you seen that moment before or heard someone say before they do. Don’t worry if you miss a dream because it will return. Nightmare dreams are only so you will pay attention and deal with that dream.
Meditation is very good to quieten the mind so you can go into the perfect sleep state for dreams. I often put a meditation on before go sleep to relax the mind and get me into rem state.
24. Intuition and gut feelings
When we understand that intuition and gut feelings are connected to the part of the body where we are most connected, it is not surprising that like our heart when we feel it is right, it is. For the source is located where most feel the soul is. This energy source or life force within us is the most connected part of us linked to the spirit world. This pure connection, like nature, makes the information high way so clear that messages are sent which seem to come out of nowhere but is this energy source. This is why we should feel if is right because like the body it relays messages to us, letting us know what we need. Like when your throat hurts, this is a message about communication or not being heard. The body is highlighting what we are not getting or need for our journey. That’s why you can feel what people have been through when spirit triggers an emotion in you to show you. So your senses are the best 30
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way for the spirit to communicate because linked to the source within you and so when ignited you have a direct line to spirit, where the brain doesn’t get involved. The body lets the brain know what it needs. So by going with intuition and gut feelings you are being guided by spirit. So if you’re guided by spirit and act upon the message, you are a medium. Making notes even creates confirmation and see the big picture to why you was receiving the message.
25. Understanding symbols
Symbols are easy to interpret when you know how. It is us or our brain which makes them difficult to interpret. The key is let the message comes to you, don’t go searching for what they mean. For they show you symbols that you know, by just asking your heart what it means to you, you will either feel or first thing that comes into your head will be the answer. If your brain starts adding stuff to the picture before you know the message, your not clear of emotions enough. It is when we go searching for the answers, we allow the brain to add images to fill the gap that’s there. If you get the image twice then that is the message to pass on and the sitter will know. If they don’t then a message may be given to get the reader to find out which really shows spirit are watching. The more symbols you have the easier it is to show you them, by using the five senses you really make the picture alive and easy to show. They might even give you a couple of images to make one message. Keep checking with your heart to each message and the story will grow. Like a story emerging and when the whole picture emerges you will receive a profound feeling or warmth in the heart to confirm the message you are passing on. Too many people give what they see before gaining insight into what spirit are saying, which caused the person your reading for to not understand what the message is, for remember the message comes in a way you can interpret. And you have to then say in a way the sitter can understand. The messages are variable, so your not going to be right all the time but the simple of messages can mean so much so don’t be frightened to give. The more you do it, the more it comes natural. I have created a couple of products that will grow your symbol base each time and make it easier to connect. The spirit will use all your senses, even when giving you symbols, so be aware of feelings. The quicker they can give you the message, the less energy needed. If the symbol gets brighter, that a message, if the message doesn’t do anything thats a message. Look for colours that are bright and know the chakras and what mean because colours mean messages to.
Key points: 31
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Message is simple, don’t let the brain complicate or presume what information your getting. Let the message come to you, ask what means to you, and ask the picture to grow. Take each symbol and ask what means to you, wait for the feeling is right before giving. If picture comes twice, just give. If feels profound or your heart warm, that’s the whole picture and can move on to next message. Emotional cleansing is a must, meditation also and try to leave your emotions to one side when doing readings because the message may feel right but could be for you, for everyone you help, may have a message for you. If work from the heart you won’t project lessons and people to learn from. Look out for messages spirit pass onto the reader that could be for you to learn also, at the end ask what message was for you. Like attracts like so don’t be surprised if similar messages come through for a group of sitters.
26. Like attracts like
If you do not cleanse your own emotions you could be getting messages that feel right but are just for you and not the sitter. We often attract similar people to give us more chance of learning the lessons we have ordered. This can be a good thing for us to learn but be careful when feels right, it may just be a message for you. If you clear out before doing a reading your emotions, put into a imaginary pot at the side, you’re more likely to give a clearer message. Then because it is a two way experience, ask at the end what information was for you, so not to attract during the reading. They will tell you which bits you attracted, without trying to get a message through as you are doing a reading. You will even attract similar readings to do with the same side of the family and similar information for each reader because you can emphasize and understand what people are going through.
27. Platform tips Tips on doing platform
1. Cleanse your nerves, emotions and be confident...good meditation will prepare you. Get into the source / nature, be an open vessel. I am a vessel to pass on messages, ask spirit to give messages for the individual, so others don’t get involved. 2. If connecting before hand with spirit, try to get few messages before start but I tend to ask to talk 32
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when actually on platform because energy is better there, clearer lines because of many mediums and what happens if disappear lol. 2a get them to line up, need to be firm with spirit will do allsorts to get message across. 3. as soon as ascertained who is, where to go, get them to come closer to get better connection. 4. Focus on message giving or proof message its them..(if can get one item, you’ve nailed it and rest they say don't matter, you have hooked the audience.) repeat 5. If need more time, to get complete message, create diversion, or joke, like don’t leave me hanging, are you going to talk.. 6. Be careful of names might be que jumping and then get mixed messages from two spirits. 7. if get something right, confirm to person so everyone can hear, keeps crowd involved and looks good that person can take 8. If not taking may be not ready to take message and needs to find out or if says no, move on to next spirit 9. Ask spirit to put green light or red in case difficult customer who won’t take message, even if right lol.. 10. Look as though enjoyed banter with spirit, the little of messages are important to person. 11. Give what you get, but make sure you keep asking for proof only and message 28. How to get clearer messages?
I have noticed since doing the package and also spending more time in the source which is in everything, my messages are becoming clearer and also more accurate. It may be that my daily cleansing, working more with my package or just that loving myself, stops the emotional connection and also stops the brain from making stuff fit. People just don't put the effort in and that is why created my package. Specially designed to get connected quicker and work with spirit that all around us. The feedbacks have been immense and thank you all for sharing in the experience. Many who said it wasn't possible are now eating their words and realisation we are already have in built connection makes people realise it isn't so hard as they have been told. The clearer the connection the easier it is to read people and also the more you go with the flow, you get more messages. Don't put any energy to the messages, the messages come to you, if comes twice just give what the symbol is..
29. Get back to the source 33
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I have spent my life learning by looking within and sometimes you just need to ask how it is all done, too many attract through negative thoughts, those to put you off or make you feel like your not communicating properly. Once you’re in the source, it is easy and clearer connection is produced. Get rid of your emotion which stops the connection and also your ego that this is some great gift. We read so may books in the hope we will know how to and the books has small amount of simple message and a lot of ego. All the answers are within and so the more you work with it the more you realised you was clearer at the start when first started. Experience just gives you the knowledge on how to do, not the true answers to why you can do...looking within gives you that, so ask next time you do something or look for simple messages where your helping others but also message for you
30. Mediumship the simple message
I find we have lost what truly mediumship is all about “ The message”. More and more I see people eager for information that misses the point to mediumship. Family member and spirit get in touch to pass on information and let you know they are around. Because of television and the obvious entertainment factor, people are looking for the wrong messages and if don’t get a particular information; they disregard everything that is told to them. The information is variable and so often it has to be interpreted and put in such a way that the reader can understand. A red rose will have many meaning but depending ont he reader will depend on what message spirit are trying to say. How many of us know our great grandparents full name or remember particular date or time of anniversaries and deaths. Often after research we find the information accurate and helps us to show that spirit is around. More and more people want not just message but an oracle who can tell them every detail necessary of their life’s and what to do. Simple messages highlight that spirit are around and show us information that even though the medium won’t know why, it gives great evidence. But with speaking to mediums the pressure is so great that when the person can’t take that particular information the medium goes searching for more information which stops the flow and creates more chaos. Due to energy, spirit has limited amount, so communicates through all your senses with symbols, touching you, pictures, songs etc and so these quick tools to get the message across, so that the reader knows who they are. To have a full blown conversation takes energy and needs building up to get a good link. Mixed messages and even though the medium may be good, they are hounded with one little item the reader can’t take rather than the 99% that is correct. You are not going to get a medium who is 100% correct because you have the vari34
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able of the message, a person who may not remember all the information they have in their life’s and your dealing with humans energy in both physical and spiritual. Like most conversations, it is also your interpretation of what they are telling you. I always remember a lady saying to me that I was wrong but so right. I laughed at this and when I questioned her later, she told me the information was what her mum would say but in life she always got the days mixed up and did when she was alive to do with a friend passing. This highlighted even more that it was her mum coming talking from the spirit world. So take the pressure of your self, give what you get and let the confirmation of your message come through when it is suppose to. Television take the best bits out of messages that are often just simple messages that mean more than the proof all seeing ones that television portray. It takes too much energy to question all the information given and the fear of the brain kicking in can cause mixed messages. Often a medium when working from the source will not remember a lot of what they have told you. For the information is not for them. A simple message can mean so much but to anyone else it means nothing. A mannerism, a word or phrase the spirit used, an item that they had in their purse, can tell a thousand words to a person looking for proof, so what shoe size isn’t always important. I was tested at a fair once, “if you don’t get this one thing that proves you can do mediumship, I am not paying you”. I find this challenging but also a drain, because the person isn’t ready to receive any information that they may need. After telling her I got wooden beam, a hanging and brother came into my head. She just looked at me gob smacked and even though her brother in law hanged himself in the woods, which wasn’t 100% accurate due to the variable, she then started asking me loads of questions to test me. She did apologise and was her first reading and said it was so accurate, she would come to see me the next time I was touring. Now even though they didn’t show me the woods and it not a subject i usually would tell someone but they kept showing me the picture, if hadn’t presumed would have got confirmation on what they was saying but seeing a hanging on beams was enough that I thought I didn’t need any more information, a lesson for me lol. So don’t lose sight that a medium is just a middle man like a postman, ensuring the package is delivered in a way that you can receive, he may not know why he is delivering or what is in the package but that it is delivered is what’s important.
31. The secret to mediumship
The secret to mediumship is going with the flow. Just by imagining yourself floating down a river and letting messages come to you will improve your accuracy, tenfold. It is not till you cleanse the lines and clear your emotions do you get a good connection to spirit where all your senses are open. With 35
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simple messages being received all day long, you are not answering the messages, so they will hang up. Or get mixed messages like answering many phone calls as they are all trying to get through. So take charge and go symbol by symbol. We recognise the messages more when act upon them and have a clear line. Your brain makes the line more confused because it is trying to add to the simple message. My mediumship awakening quit en the brain, teaches you simple technique to switch the brain off and understand the message and is why so successful that even a novice came fourth in a national competition. Often those who have knowledge don’t listen to the message and let ego consume them with excitement of grandeur, forgetting that without spirit they are nobody. It is only when you’re an open vessel, with the attitude of what will be, will be and only opening when needed, you lose the need or want to connect and the ego that comes in giving messages. For the simple message is important. I see mediums tell me they are right, when even though feels right, their ego is claiming and often those who believe they are right all the time don’t listen and so convince themselves. A good medium doesn’t need to claim anything because people will do that for him or her. Those who claim, can’t do or will be able until certain low level spirit have had enough of feeding of the ego. But low level can only give so much, till bad readings emerge more and more. Getting back to the source, you share in the experience of doing readings and can’t remember what you give, Why? Because the message is not for you and when free flowing, you don’t have fear. You just “give what you get”, because your brain can’t kick in to add. It should be automatic and is what the mediumship pack I produced does. Because as you keep doing the 15 visualisations you’re developing every visualisation, it has been produced by spirit that way, so with every visualisation you develop and grow. You will never get the same info twice, even how many times you do but even by it taking you to the place each time, you automatically connect with spirit wavelength. The two and a half hours is like a crash course in years of developing. They have created a quick way to get back to the source and flow. That’s why we were often better at the start but with knowledge we understand the signs. When we read too much information we give the brain loads to use and so stop the flow. Once cleansed, you can even communicate with loved ones, which most mediums find hard because they can’t clear the body of negativity / emotion, and their own ego and excitement of being some great medium. So the body rejects information because the brain doesn’t want to feel the pain caused by connecting. Get a diary and when get information from nowhere to ring or do something, make a note and you will develop very quickly because you are communicating. Grounding is very important also for too much in spirit world communicating will bring about illness / headaches and not know what is real or not. This also brings about fears and paranoid about the readings and being right. You will want feedback all the time because you lost the confirma36
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tions, confirming your information and guidance was true. I am going to do workshops to help those to communicate with loved ones, which when you see their faces, makes it magical. New experiences are then created with loved ones. I am also creating teaching practices, so you can teach others this amazing technique to share with the world. Everyone can communicate, if you get intuition and gut feelings, you can communicate..
32. Psychic Journal writing
The more we experience and learn to recognise the signs the quicker we can develop. When you understand that inside you is a complete book on how to become a psychic or medium or work with psychic tools, you start to understand that you are complete now with the knowledge but just need to trigger the light from within. I wish that this secret was given to me and the years of worrying and developing would have been halved. The more you use your gift the more you develop. Well here is a key to unlocking your psychic ability or gift. Psychic Journal writing! First we must prepare ourselves by clearing emotions, creating a place through visualization / meditation and just let the pen flow. For if you put questions into your journal or note the psychic experiences you are doing what a medium does every day. Collecting information and giving to the journal. I will help you to understand and recognise messages that are already happening around you. You have been guided all your life without you knowing it and once you recognise this, you can access more information and be guided. It will become a two way conversation with you and spirit and before long you will realise that at times you have always been connected to spirit. I laugh when I am told it takes 20 years to truly develop but 20 years may give you insights to seeing the big picture but can create a know it all ego that loses sight to the wonder and endless possibilities you can learn. Who knows how long you have been using your gift in your past lives. That is if you believe in re-incarnation which I do. You may have been one of the top psychics in a past life and so more and more people are recognising that experience is important but a natural gift can come from it already being installed inside and to limit it is to control it and stop the flow. Everyone you will be drawn to may have a message for your development, so to make out your better than others is false ego. You might have more knowledge in recognising or experienced more in development but nobody is a complete psychic, for we all have our special gift to share with the world. You are apart of a big picture and without your input, the jigsaw puzzle is not complete and only so many will see the big picture if they are an open vessel. I write this section because I have met so many ego based psychics who say the right thing but have to use others energy to develop because they don’t understand 37
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we are all connected. The five universal guides that we all share are for everyone and not one person is in control and eventually once we have recognised their message. We will realise that by connecting to the universe / spirit world or soul we are all connected to the information that can be accessed.
33. Letting go
This is the biggest problem for people and is one of my secrets, because once you learn to let go or see the big picture you will recognise and get the link to the wonderful world of spirit. This is why people struggle to meditate and visualize because you’re not in control and people find that hard. The world is free flowing and so to control it or put energy to it only stops the flow. For example: If you stand in front of a street and watch the cars and people going bye, you have no control for this is free flowing. By stepping out in front of a car may stop the flow but in time it will flow again. When you visualize a street or get an image from spirit, if you focus on it too much you do the same and so like a video when put on pause you get a blurry picture. You need to let the street flow with activity and not focus on the individual part but see the big picture of everything and the more you do this the information will make sense to you like switching on a light you will understand why it has happened. I was told that if you put too much water into a river, you burst the banks and change the flow of the river but eventually the river will find a new way to flow, so you can’t control water or energy in this case. This also relates to believing and what you are putting out in thought form. For we can create what we perceive is the information and is why we just only need to be an open vessel, receiving and giving messages.
34. Responsibility
Right before I give you the tools and knowledge to recognize that you are always being guided and developed, I must first talk to you about responsibility. If you are going to develop for the reason of doing psychic readings or using the information to help others, then please realise that everything you do should be a positive experience to you and others. Not everyone will want or need your help and some can’t be helped, so I work by the rule until I am asked or guided, I don’t help. For everyone has free will and shouldn’t be forced, even if we feel it would be better for them because experience is important and no such thing as good or bad experience because good always come out on top. We are not here to tell people what to do with their lives but to guide them. It is a two way experience and so they should never be any ego involved all the person you may be doing the reading for more helping is actu38
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ally someone that you have attracted to learn from yourself. Understand that people are in charge of their lives and that they have free will. Your suggestions and your thoughts of what you perceive you are receiving isn't the message you should pass on. For the big picture will emerge what the spirit world are trying to pass on. A picture can be interpreted in many ways and so the realisation that you are just an open vessel receiving information on making sure that it is passed on in a gentle way. It is not about you, we are not here to prove but to help. I don't want to discuss other psychics or even going to that not all psychics are genuine, for the spirit world will work with anyone to get the message across. You have to be very careful of what you say and there are ways to pass messages on to people. The responsibility of the information given is so important; your guidance should help people to find their own way. People can focus and create their future. Remember your thoughts about what happened to you, shouldn’t cloud the information given. We are not here to gossip or add our thoughts to readings. Information is not for us and is for the person and we don't need to know why we are giving out that information. For a lot of the times if you're working with your mediumship skills, the spirit world, use so much energy to get the information across. So to tell you the whole story would take a lot of time and effort. What I'm trying to say is that you will if you look to do readings have a great responsibility to what you tell people and can and will change people's lives and so I don't want you to be frightened by what you tell people but that's you must not tell to what to do.
35. Bereavement
“when we clear the physical connection, we can feel them more in our hearts” I have included this from my book “ignite the light within”. This is a delicate subject on one I still find hard to share after a lifetime of friends and family leaving me. To have been a part of so many wonderful emotional experiences has been an amazing journey for me. After my Nan died in my arms, I vowed to help others through the process, not to give proof but help them to understand that life goes on. It is our emotional attachment that stops us feeling the love in our hearts as the body rejects the pain caused by the emotion attached. For some it has taken a life time, some have said goodbye early but everyone is affected by a loss of those we love. It is even harder when it is children and still get a lump in my throat when helping those to try and understand. A lot the cases those who die young I am told become angels and help others at similar age. Others have left a legacy for the family to help others in their moments of sadness. I see life as everlasting and so new journeys appear for me when loved ones go over. My Nan is more a part of my life than ever as she helps me to teach others to 39
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communicate and develop. My brother, who was a miscarriage, can get up to loads of trouble on my behalf when healing and clearing out unwanted spirit guests. He has even helped a lady get peace from the local trouble makers in the street. The lessons of losing people has given me the empathy not just to help the living but also the departed to clear out emotions, stopping them on their journey. It is a shame that mediumship has become entertainment and misses the key reason for contact “the message� or guidance that spirit world gave. Too many see mediums as oracles, who can tell them what to do and more interested in the shoe size of the relative rather than the simple message that is helping them on their travels. When parents lose children even in a form of miscarriage or at a young age, nothing can really be said to help those with this loss. On asking about this, I was shown that the greatest gift a woman could give is to be a part of a miscarriage; this is often the last journey of the soul and then becomes a spirit worker or angel. Those who die early are so connected that you can tell they have been sent as a gift for only that time. My friend lost a 6 week year old nephew, this child was so connected, and you could tell because you just knew that it was enlightened soul. This devastated my friend for years and really affected him. It is often when you help someone to release the emotion attached and lesson learnt; often a spirit will send you a feeling of euphoria, an amazing profound feeling for helping their journey and spirit. It is often to do with the last encounter we have, which determines the emotion we hold onto. Just before they go over, we often feel guilty for not being at their side when passed over, or if you see the last breathe, it feels final and will never see again. Often a spirit want you to remember them for what they were not the last breathe and will try to organise for you not to see the last breathe. As one who experienced this, this is the most horrific thing to see of someone you love. My Nan took 24 hours to go, collapsed lung, going blind and holding onto life. I told her I loved her, and it was time to go, she cried and took her last breathe and went. I was devastated for a long time afterwards, as I lived with my Nan for 6 years. As a medium I was shocked to find took me three months to recognise the signs, this taught me a lot to do with the body and how we can because of emotions not see the signs. Once I released the emotion, I realised the signs was all around me of my Nan contacting me. I have even got a symbol to know when wants to communicate. She gives me a shake like when she was alive, like a hug. Just love when she visits and helps me on my journey and shares in my experiences. She still comes through to other mediums to tell me off for getting annoyed when my computer decides not to work.
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Find out why you are who you are? Stop phobias, abuse and attracting negativity? Clear out past life / present / childhood programming Protect from negativity Take your life back and become peace. Take away energies that stop you moving forward from the past.
Mind - quit en the mind and become more focused to see the big picture in life. Body - allow the body to heal itself by cleansing the emotional baggage from past / present / childhood conditioning. Spirit - Free the spirit within to guide you and help you attract abundance into your life by going with the flow.
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