South Boston Today September 16 2021

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A Woman Will Be Mayor Of Boston - And Why Not


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he Mayoral election 2021 is now underway with the Finalists now in place for November. The Boston daily press and the national voyeurs of Massachusetts and Boston politics should give Annissa Essaibi George and Michelle Wu, the two finalists vying to be mayor of Boston, more respect and credit. These promoters of self-indulgent opinions, in the guise of journalists, have, since former Mayor


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September 16, 2021: Vol.9 Issue 36





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September 16, 2021

EDITORIAL Respect For Our Veterans And ALL First Responders Is A Southie Tradition


ast weekend was an emotional time for our country with the 20-year remembrance of the 9-11 attacks. All across the nation, memorial services were held, as Americans came together to honor not only those who perished, but also those who stepped up to rescue the injured and rebuild what had been destroyed by the terrorist/ savages, who caused the destruction. South Bostonians also paid homage and were caught up in the patriotic spirit of the of 9-11 ceremonies, but this community had another important memory to honor as well. The 40th observance of the South Boston Vietnam Memorial was held the day after, on Sunday the 12th of Sep-

tember. As always, this too brought out emotions, as our neighborhood honored 25 of our own heroes, who fought and died for our country and never returned from Vietnam. Something that was clearly evident last weekend was the high esteem and respect South Bostonians hold its heroes in. Patriotism here is not just celebrated on the 4th of July. It’s a year-round feeling that permeates the soul of a grateful community. At the memorial ceremony at Medal of Honor park, the words “Thank you for your service” and “Thank you for the job you do” could be heard consistently by residents, as they would approach the many members of the military in attendance, the squads of police officers on duty and

the fire fighters on standby and shake their hands and in some cases, even give hugs to those who have chosen as their careers the role of protecting and serving the people. Something we can all be proud of is how it doesn’t take special, important dates to show the respect and gratitude to those who serve and have served in the past. To South Bostonians, our veterans, our police, our firefighters and in fact all first responders are appreciated and shown that appreciation every day of the year, because they have certainly earned it. We understand that, without them, life would be far more dangerous than it often is. So once again, we say Thank You and God Bless you ALL.

“Wine is the Divine juice of September” - Voltaire Publisher

John Ciccone

Gate of Heaven and St. Brigid Parishes

Registration is open for Religious Education K-6 Classes will begin this coming Sunday morning, September 19, 2021 Visit the Religious Education web page ( parish-life/education) to see the schedule and sign up! Grade 9 Confirmation Fall Class Schedule: September 19th and 26th 4:30PM - 7PM in Cushing Hall Confirmation Retreat: Sunday, October 17th 11:30AM - 7PM St. Brigid’s Cushing Hall Confirmation Rehearsal: Sunday, October 24th 12PM - 2PM at Gate of Heaven Confirmation Ceremony: Thursday, October 28th 5:30PM at Gate of Heaven Class Schedule for Grades 7 & 8 can be found on our website: sacraments/confirmation PO Box 491 South Boston, MA 02127

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September 16, 2021

Information Center The

The Anti-Biden Chants At College Football Games Are Growing Louder SOUTH BOSTON TODAY John Ciccone


f you watch the news - the ‘live’ news that is, which is more difficult to slant and especially if you’re a College Football fan, you’ve no doubt noticed what’s taking place in the stands at the stadiums. At these games, there are literally tens of thousands of people chanting “F-Joe Biden”. Even Biden himself commented on it over the weekend and he’s clearly not happy that his name is being shouted in such a derisive way by a growing and massive movement, which is understandable. But these shouts, chants and slogans are now spreading beyond the stadiums and into the streets wherever Biden appears. It’s posted on signs being carried by protestors and is even printed on massive billboards in states all across the nation. This is not normal for our country and is a clear sign of what’s turning into not only fear about what’s happening in America by those who love it, but also a growing and seething anger about what those who are in charge of the country are doing to it. With each passing day, more revelations come out about the total disregard for the Constitution, other laws of the land and certainly, for the will of the American people by those currently in control. And the arrogance and disdain they show for our citizens seems to be saying – we’ll do what we want and there’s nothing you can do about it. In recent days, the cocky and incompetent Secretary of State Antony Blinken admitted that the administration was not only allowing Afghan refugees into the country with no screening,

Note: talk back to John Ciccone by email at

but that it was allowing among them, child brides with their adult husband, while leaving American citizens behind. They can no longer hide the fact that they have armed the Taliban with billions of dollars of sophisticated weapons that they just left behind and are now planning to send an additional 63 million dollars in aid (some call it ransom) to the Taliban. Biden’s spokesperson Jen Psaki, you know, the woman - who is constantly promising to ‘circle back’ when she can’t think of a lie fast enough to answer a question and who is way over her head - said that yes, while Americans being forced to vaccinate is now administration policy, the hordes of illegals they are bringing over the southern border will not be required to do so. The latest expose’ to shock Americans is that the top American general, Mark Milley, the current chairman of the Joint Chiefs made an unauthorized call when President Trump was still in the White House to the top Chinese general, assuring him that he would let them know America’s plans in the event of an attack and that he had been secretly working with Pelosi and Schumer to undermine Trump while he was president. Next topic - Kroger Foods has informed the nation that we should expect to see drastically rising prices on food. The price of fuel and other necessities, we’re told, will continue to rise, all because the Biden economy is being crippled with soaring inflation. And taxes? Well, we’re told to expect more

hikes, which is a given whenever Democrats are in charge. Add to all of this, the education system being undermined by a coordinated effort of indoctrinating young students with antiAmerican, Socialist ideology and heavy-handed mandates and lockdowns, in regard to Covid, are again being prepared. It’s no wonder the people are in a tense and angry mood. And that this is all happening under glazed-eyed watch of Joe Biden, the chants at the stadiums and in the streets should not surprise anyone.

It could not be more obvious, that Biden isn’t calling the shots, because he’s just not capable in his seemingly diminished state of mind. Instead, those pulling the strings, in an administration being run by people who never had a love for America, are working to tear it down. And it should now be obvious as well to anyone paying attention, why there was such a big push to disarm the public and eliminate the Second Amendment. Americans will only allow this to continue for so long, before they rise up. Those calling the shots know it.

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Window Into The State House

Window Into The State House provides our readers a synopsis of important issues of interest, past and current, that are being proposed, debated or acted upon by the Massachusetts Legislature. Many issues that are not related to local city government services are acted upon and have a direct impact on daily life. They are tax policy, transportation infrastructure, judicial appointments, social services and health, as well as higher education. We will excerpt reports from the gavel-to-gavel coverage of House and Senate sessions by news sources focused on this important aspect of our lives. These sources include a look ahead at the coming week in state government and summaries and analyses of the past week, re-caps of a range of state government activity, as well as links to other news.

The dust has settled in Boston’s preliminary mayoral election After the dust settled from Tuesday’s preliminary mayoral election in Boston, it was City Councilors Michelle Wu and Annissa Essaibi George who appeared to emerge victoriously. Their wins guarantee that Boston is set to make history when residents head to the polls in November: the next mayor of Boston will be a woman of color. It’s a historic contest and moment for the city and it is accentuated by the fact that the two candidates stand at opposite ends of the political spectrum, reports Boston Globe’s Milton J. Valencia. Wu was the first to declare victory just after 10 p.m. -- only two hours after the polls closed -- as results slowly trickled in from the city, reports Boston Herald’s Sean Philip Cotter and Erin Tiernan. It’s worth pointing out that the vote count is still unofficial, the city is still in the process of tallying. Acting Mayor Kim Janey, who made history as the first woman and person of color to hold the top office, will not have a shot at a full term. WBUR’s Todd Wallack and Lisa Creamer report that Janey struggled to stand out in the field of candidates even though she had been on the job for several months. Now, the city holds its breath as it sprints to the Nov. 2 general election, and Essaibi George and Wu battle it out to become the next chief executive of Boston. Think outside the box on health care reform You just have to think outside the box. That’s what Gov. Charlie Baker said yesterday morning as he expressed a want to take another shot at health care reform legislation, reports State House News Service’s Katie Lannan. Baker filed a bill two years ago focused on primary and behavioral health care.

Who owns the staircase the BU professor fell through? There’s not a lot of answers It still isn’t clear who was responsible for maintaining a set of stairs in Dorchester that a Boston University professor fell to his death through, reports Boston Globe’s Travis Andersen, John R. Ellement and Elizabeth Koh. According to the Globe trio, records suggest the Department of Conservation and Recreation may have some responsibility for the rusted structure. More from Andersen, Ellement, and Koh: “An August 2020 DCR report noted the Old Colony Avenue and Columbia Road intersection next to the staircase was especially dangerous and recommended making nearby crosswalks and surrounding paths safer for pedestrians. An MBTA official also said Monday that DCR was responsible for the stairwell. A DCR representative did not respond to questions Tuesday about the report or the agency’s oversight role. A new search begins in Worcester A committee in Worcester will hold its first meeting Thursday as it starts to find the city’s next superintendent of schools, reports Scott O’Connell for the Telegram & Gazette. The objective of the first meeting? Develop a timeline and request for proposals for a consultant to help the committee members with the process. Worcester School Committee members voted to not renew Superintendent Maureen Binienda’s contract two weeks ago. Incumbents in trouble? Framingham, Gloucester mayors distant second in prelims File under: Warning signs? Framingham’s first-ever Mayor, Yvonne Spicer finished a distant second to challenger Charlie Sisistsky in Tuesday’s preliminary election, Susan Manning of Framingham Source reports, setting up a rematch in November. Meanwhile, in Glouces-

ter, incumbent Romeo Theken looks likely to come in second to challenger Gregory Verga as results trickle in, the Globe’s John Hillard reports. Wide open: Fields culled in races for open mayoral seats on Lynn, Somerville Somerville is one step closer to having its first new mayor in 20 years. Alex Newman of Somerville Patch reports two city councilors will face off in November after Will Mbah and Katjana Ballantyne emerged atop a four-candidate field. In Lynn, it will be School Committee member Jared Nicholson going head-to-head against City Council President Darren Cyr for the right to replace outgoing Mayor Thomas McGee, Trea Lavery of the Lynn Item reports. Tailgate or not, UMass Amherst students wanted to celebrate game Even though the tailgate lot was closed, it didn’t stop students at the University of Massachusetts Amherst from gathering last week for a game against Boston College. MassLive’s Cassie McGrath reports that hundreds of students congregated outside of Townehouse of Amherst to celebrate game day. More from McGrath: “UMass canceled the student tailgate after the university reported more than 150 cases of COVID after the first week of classes. Around 97 percent of the student population is vaccinated against COVID and there are currently no public health prohibitions about outdoor gatherings off campus, according to the school.” BPD clerk pleads guilty to overtime fraud A former clerk with the Boston Police Department pleaded guilty to overtime fraud after authorities said she sometimes forged the signature over her supervisor to increase her overtime pay by about $30,000 over continued on page 12

September 16, 2021

CITATION ON PETITION FOR FORMAL APPOINTMENT OF SUCCESSOR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE Docket No. SU13P1202EA Commonwealth Of Massachusetts The Trial Court Probate and Family Court Estate of: Mary Elizabeth Nolan Also known as: Mary E. Nolan Date of Death: 09/06/2012 Suffolk Probate and Family Court 24 New Chardon Street Boston, MA 02114 (617) 788-8300 To all interested persons: A Petition for has been filed by Denise M McCauley of Salem MA requesting that the Court enter a formal Decree and Order that: Denise M. McCauley of Salem MA be appointed as Successor Personal Representative(s) of said estate to serve Without Surety on the bond and for such other relief as requested in the Petition. You have the right to obtain a copy of the Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. You have a right to object to this proceeding. To do so, you or your attorney must file a written appearance and objection at this Court before: 10:00 a.m. on the return day of 10/07/2021. This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline by which you must file a written appearance and objection if you object to this proceeding. If you fail to file a timely written appearance and objection followed by an affidavit of objections within thirty (30) days of the return day, action may be taken without further notice to you. The estate is being administered under formal procedure by the Personal Representative under the Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code without supervision by the Court. Inventory and accounts are not required to be filed with the Court, but recipients are entitled to notice regarding the administration from the Personal Representative and can petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including distribution of assets and expenses of administration. WITNESS, Hon. Brian J. Dunn, First Justice of this Court. August 26, 2021 Felix D. Arroyo, Register of Probate September 16, 2021




September 16, 2021


t has long been suspected that Tom Lyons and the members of the South Boston Vietnam Memorial Committee just might have a direct line to Heaven, when it comes to the annual rededication. Because without fail, no matter how many clouds and raining days come before and after the date, or how many hurricanes and tropical storms are churning up the waters out to sea, the sun and beautiful temperatures shine down on Medal of Honor Park at M Street during the ceremony. It sure does seem like God is smiling down each and every year. And so it was on Sunday, September 12th, it was another sun-drenched balmy day for the 40th Anniversary and the rededication of South Boston’s Vietnam Memorial. As has happened for every one of the 40 years that the dedication has taken place, the large crowds show up to be part of this moving and, yes, sacred event to show support and to remember and honor the 25 men from South Boston, who gave all and never returned from that conflict. The crowd also comes to honor as well, the living Viet-

South Boston Vietnam Memorial Ceremony Was Outstanding

nam veterans from South Boston who made a promise – a vow - that they would never forget their fallen comrades. They have kept that promise and it is truly a beautiful thing. This year’s 40th started off with the traditional Memorial Mass across the street at St. Brigid Church at 10:30am. After the Mass, the congregants and veterans proceeded over to the park and the Memorial, where the massive crowd was gathering and where American Flags of every size were proudly on display. Military and elected dignitaries had taken their seats in front of the podium, as well as Congressional Medal of Honor recipients. On this occasion, The Commandant’s Own United States Marine Corps Band, up from Washington DC, was on hand to play the National Anthem for the crowd, who stood at attention, hands over hearts and in respectful silence. It is how it’s always done in South Boston. The ‘Greater Boston Firefighters Pipes and Drums’ led the marchin of the Military Color Guards from all the branches of service. Father Bob Casey led the open-

ing prayer. The speeches followed soon after, as speaker after speaker took to the podium, and with inspiring words, praised the courage and sacrifice of the fallen, the dedication of their brothers in arms, who have kept their promises to never forget, the South Boston Community for being so supportive, and for America itself for the way it honors the nation’s veterans, and for the way our veterans are held in such high esteem by a proud country. After the speakers left the podium, in what is also a moving tradition, a wreath was placed and the names of the fallen were read and a rose was laid at the base of the Memorial for each one by a family member or a friend. Taps was played and bagpipes rang out a beautiful rendition of ‘Amazing Grace’. This too was done as the crowd stood in respectful and somber silence. As the ceremony came to an end, the majority in attendance continued to stay at the park to meet and greet and thank the Medal of Honor recipients, who were present, as well as the Memorial committee members and

Southie’s veterans. The people who turn out each year, as well as the many who show up for the first time, all seem to agree that by being there, they are a part of something truly special and unique and an experience that will never fade from memory. Something else people agree on is that Vietnam veterans from South Boston are also a very special group of men, who have kept their promise to never forget. They never have and never will forget their fallen brothers. The day after the rededication, a clearly happy Tom Lyons said the following: “So proud to tell people we just held our 40th South Boston Vietnam Memorial Anniversary ceremony. That is called dedication, commitment and love for our 25 friends. It’s what makes Southie a special place”. Congratulations to the members of South Boston Vietnam Memorial Committee for being who you are, and for holding this wonderful event each year. Congratulations also to the many people who continue to turn out each time in support. Pride was clearly on display by all last Sunday.



September 16, 2021

September 16, 2021





September 16, 2021



September 16, 2021

Virtual Public Meeting

804 E 7th Street Thursday, September 23 6:00 PM- 7:30 PM

Zoom Link: Toll Free: (833) 568 - 8864 Meeting ID: 161 814 2892

Project Description: Convert existing 3-story building previously used as a nursing home to 31 residential condominium units with 31 garage parking spaces.

mail to: Stephen Harvey Boston Planning & Development Agency One City Hall Square, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02201 phone: 617.918.4418 email:

Close of Comment Period: 10/1/2021


Teresa Polhemus, Executive Director/Secretary

Virtual Public Meeting

363 E Street Wednesday, October 6

Zoom Link:

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Toll Free: (833) 568 - 8864 Meeting ID: 160 793 2039

Project Description:

M MC Properties 917 East Broadway, South Boston


The Proponent is proposing to construct a new residential development consisting of approximately 26,647 gross square feet of floor area, with twenty-four (24) residential units including, twenty-one (21) two-bedroom units and three (3) two-bedroom townhouse-style units, within a four (4) -story building of approximately forty-three (43) feet in height. The Proposed Project site consists of 9,411 square feet of land and was the former rectory building of St. Vincent de Paul Church, a former and now deconsecrated place of worship. The Proposed Project will also include twenty-five (25) garage parking spaces for motor vehicles, utilizing an automated lift system, as well as twenty-six (26) interior bicycle spaces for residents and sixteen (16) exterior visitor bicycle spaces. mail to: Stephen Harvey Boston Planning & Development Agency One City Hall Square, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02201 phone: 617.918.4418 email:

Close of Comment Period: 10/15/2021


Teresa Polhemus, Executive Director/Secretary




Wine Guy

Still Some Time For Whites


s I was standing outside yesterday holding signs for the Mayoral/City Council candidates, it occurred to me that it certainly didn’t feel like Fall yet. That means there’s still some time left to drink some good white wines. Here

are a few to consider… Pine Ridge Chenin Blanc-Viognier, California, 2020, ($16.99), is a supple white wine blend that comes from a maker that was a “pioneer” in the white blend category. You’ll find crisp notes of apricot, pear and green apple with a refreshing finish of orange sherbet. This one is great with summer salads and grilled white meats, especially Lollipop Lambchops sauteed in Balsamic Vinegar and crushed sage. JJ Vincent & Fils Pouilly-Fuisse, Marie-Antoinette,2018 ($28.99). It’s unusual to find a quality White Burgundy for under $40.00 a bottle, let alone $30.00, but this is one of those rare exceptions. This is a fresh, rich white with a full-bodied acidity that makes the notes of melons, lemons and peaches even more defined. This wine is widely available in the U.S., with over 5,000 cases imported. You can serve this one with any grilled or poached seafood, but the classic pairing would be with a Lobster Savannah.

d fashion ol

If you feel like steamers or soft-shelled crab, then grab a bottle of Antinori Toscana White, Villa Antinori, 2020, ($14.99). This classic Tuscan blend offers a light, fruity structure, with notes of citrus fruits, apples and pears. The Antinori obsession

September 16, 2021

for quality and consistency is as evident here as it is with every Antinori family product. It’s also widely available, with over 8,700 cases imported. Try it with a butterflied Tuscan grilled chicken and vegetables or an oven-baked Pork Tenderloin with an Apple Demi-Glaze. How can you not be loving this great weather and not include a bottle of something bubbly? You can’t! So, grab a bottle of Domaine Chandon Brut, NV, California, ($ 19.99) and pop it either at the beginning or end of your meal. The classic pairing would be with Oysters or other shellfish on the half shell, as well as with good old, boiled Lobster. This sparkling wine from Moet-Chandon’s California property consistently offers exceptional quality and consistency for the money and it will give just the wine you need to enjoy the exceptional weather that’s here. Talk To The Wine Guy at


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September 16, 2021



F Welcome old and new friends to SBCA! South Boston Catholic Academy News

rom our Principal, Dr. Civian “We are honored to be able to welcome all our old and new students, families, faculty and staff back to South Boston Catholic Academy. We are excited to work closely with our families to ensure the success and well-being of all of our students. The Administration, Faculty, and Staff of South Boston Catholic Academy have prepared well to welcome all the children back to school for a quality catholic education, while taking every precaution to protect the health and well-being of every student, their family and their teacher.” From Ms. Gannon…In Grade 1C class we read “First Day Jitters” by Julie Danneberg and discussed how we felt on the morning of our first day. Some of the children were also feeling how the main character, Sarah Jane Hartwell felt, very nervous! The class enjoyed Jitter Juice at snack time, to help the butterflies in our tummy. We had a great first day and we are looking forward to a great new school year in 1C! “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -Benjamin Franklin New families are welcome to email Mrs. Jamie Brown at to learn more about South Boston Catholic Academy.



Mayor continued from front page

that did not include a Black woman. That analysis betrays the principle of democracy and the democratic electoral process, where ‘building support’ around one’s foundation of ideas, ideals and intellect converges with the needs of those one seeks to serve. The attempt to mitigate the racial conflicts that exist in Boston and any major city by insisting that the main criterion for being elected today is that of one’s ethnicity, other than being white, will not signify change. As for this primary election, the low turnout favored those with broad organizations that had a Get Out The Vote (GOTV) operation, which is both expensive and logistically challenging. Those who relied on a ‘movement’ or some kind of ‘momentum’ that evolved from some theme or message that was promoted at great expense in their literature and in television and radio ads, and perhaps with some limited organizational effort, were ‘rolling the dice’ that they could ride the ‘movement’ or ‘momentum” to victory. Voters didn’t vote for either of the two Black woman candidates, Janey and Campbell, because they were black. They voted for them because they had ideas, ideals and intellect that resonated with Boston residents, including white residents. Their message or theme was just not enough to get either to the final. John Barros became a victim of the multiple women choices that apparently appealed to both men and women. Otherwise, if it was a gender-

Marty Walsh left for Washington DC to be the Secretary of Labor, foisted on the electorate the “historic election” narrative, as well as the “we will soon see if Boston is no longer racist” narrative, in addition to the not so subtle “no white male need apply” narrative, in advance of the outcome of the Mayoral primary election. Real journalists should acknowledge the fact that each candidate had earned the right to be a candidate as a consequence of their experience. Both Annissa Essaibi-George and Michelle Wu are At-Large City Councilors who have work diligently for several years in every neighborhood and understand the inner working of City Hall and have a broad perspective, as well as a city-wide network. Kim Janey and Andrea Campbell were district councilors and John Barros had broad latitude as a senior executive in Mayor Walsh’ cabinet and all deserved to be considered to lead the City of Boston. Is it any wonder all are non-white? This growth of non-white candidates with a range of capabilities and reflecting the diversity of Boston has been percolating for years and culminated in the most diverse City Council being elected in 2019. So, are not the mediafoisted narratives referenced above trite at the very least and fundamentally dishonest. Pundits are now trying to analyze the outcome

Window continued from page 4

a two-year period, reports the Associated Press’ Boston Bureau. BHC donation to help fund cardiovascular research Boston Children’s Hospital just found itself flush with cash. Boston Business Journal’s Jessica Bartlett

reports that a foundation overseen by a BCH trust board member donated $20 million to the hospital, the largest in its history. The money will be used to help fund discoveries within pediatric heart disease. A new combined cardiovascular program will be called the Benderson Family Heart Center at Boston Children’s

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September 16, 2021

based contest, the odds would be in his favor. Despite his considerable resume he finished behind the women. It is expected that the gloves will now come off. Michelle Wu escaped any negative press and tough challenger questions but that was then. Annissa Essaibi George was knocked by the press a few times and obviously withstood them. But the general is for all of the marbles, as they say. Vested interests who have organized legal Political Action Committees (PACs) will do the candidate comparatives and it will likely get negative and very soon. And the Boston daily newspapers, through their seemingly biased columnists and reporters, will attempt once again to become the King, or rather Queen-Maker. Neither candidate is without political liabilities that could be exploited. The candidates must and will disavow the PAC influence, but the perception about one candidate or the other, which will be disseminated and imbedded in the psyche of the electorate through incessant media coverage over the next six weeks, will become the reality in many cases. That edge, either positive or negative, will be the differential come election day. Each candidate has to either learn or know that she has to be prepared and have the stomach for the stress of winning. One of these women will.

Hospital in honor of the Benderson Family Foundation, the group that sent the money. Biddy Martin to step down as president of Amherst College Amherst College President Biddy Martin plans to step down at the end of the next academic year after 11 years on the job, reports the Associated Press. Martin started at the college in 2011 as the first woman to lead the institution and is the longest-serving

president in 50 years. Sold (almost): Leicester town meeting approves Becker College campus buy One more step. A packedto-the-rafters Leicester Town Meeting has endorsed a plan to spend nearly $20 million to purchase much of the campus of the now-shuttered Becker College, the Telegram’s Kim Ring reports. The plan now just needs voter approval at the ballot box next Tuesday.


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September 16, 2021



South Bostonians Supporting The Candidates At Various Polls In The Neighborhood!



September 16, 2021

This week, Danny gave “Pic’s Picks” for Week 2 in the NFL:


’m off to a decent start with my picks for the 2021 NFL season, going 3-2 against the spread in Week 1. I nailed my “Lock of the Week” with Seattle (-2.5) over the Colts in Indy. One of my two losses is still mind-blowing, days later. And that’s whatever the hell happened to Aaron Rodgers and the Green Bay Packers against the New Orleans Saints. The Saints wiped the floor with the Packers, 38-3. The game was held at a neutral site in Jacksonville because of Hurricane Ida’s damage in New Orleans. It’s hard not to point the finger at Rodgers, who was 15-of-28 for 133 pass yards, no touchdowns, and two interceptions. And I’m not here to promote my own personal fantasy football team, but to give you an idea of just how bad Rodgers played, he ended up getting only 1.65 points for me on Sunday, when he was projected to get 37 points. So, he wasn’t just bad. He was horrendous. Still, I had a winning week, and it feels good to start the season above .500 against the spread. Let’s do it again. Here are my picks for Week 2: PITTSBURGH STEELERS (-5.5) over Las Vegas Raiders


-The Steelers are coming off a big win in Buffalo in Week 1. I picked Pittsburgh to win and thought it was somewhat disrespectful to their Top3 defense for them to be a 6.5-point underdog. Three points because of Buffalo’s home field advantage? Fine. But not +6.5. The Steelers’ defense proved me right, holding the Bills to just 16 points on Sunday. Now, Pittsburgh comes home to host the 1-0 Raiders on Sunday at 1 p.m. The Raiders had a wild overtime win over the Ravens on Monday Night Football in Week 1. But the fact that this is a notoriously inconsistent West Coast team traveling to the East Coast for a 1 o’clock start on a short week spells disaster for Jon Gruden’s Raiders. Because of all that, this was almost my “Lock of the Week.” Almost. I’m taking Pittsburgh to win by 10. LOS ANGELES RAMS (-4) over Indianapolis Colts -So far, the Matthew Stafford experience is working out just fine to the Rams, who are coming off a 34-14 win over the Chicago Bears on Sunday Night Football in Week 1. At times it seemed way too easy for LA to pass the football. And it looks like Stafford is going to thoroughly enjoy throwing to the speedy

Cooper Kupp all season. The Colts lost at home in Week 1 to the Seattle Seahawks, which I also predicted. This one might be close, but I’ll take the Rams to win by two field goals to cover, and prove they’ll be a serious contender this year. NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS (-5.5) over New York Jets -Both the Patriots and Jets lost in Week 1. Here in New England though, if you listen to enough of the media, you could be brainwashed into thinking the Pats actually beat the Dolphins. They didn’t. But Mac Jones’ impressive NFL debut stole the headlines. I expect the Patriots’ running game to play a big role Sunday at MetLife. That, and Bill Belichick owns rookie quarterbacks. And it’s only Zach Wilson’s second NFL game as Jets QB, so I’m not afraid that he’ll cover this spread. Patriots by 13. ARIZONA CARDINALS (-4.5) over Minnesota Vikings -The Cardinals were 8-8 last year, but I feel they underachieved. This season, I think we’re going to see Kyler Murray become one of the most dangerous threats in the NFL, if he isn’t already. Arizona is coming off a big Week 1 win over the Titans in Tennessee, 38-13. Minnesota


is coming off an overtime loss in Cincinnati. This game is in Arizona on Sunday at 4:05. The Vikings kind of remind me of the Raiders of the NFC, so you never really know what to expect. But like I said, I do know what to expect from Murray. And I also think the Cardinals’ defense is ready to help this team become a Super Bowl contender this season. Give me Arizona to cover at home. LOCK OF THE WEEK: DALLAS COWBOYS (+3) over Los Angeles Chargers -The Cowboys had extra time to prepare for this one after losing to the defending champion Tampa Bay Buccaneers on Thursday night in Week 1. Dallas got nearly no production out of their star running back Ezekiel Elliott, because Dak Prescott threw the ball 58 times for 403 yards and three touchdowns. I think we’ll see a big day from Elliott in this one on Sunday at 4:25 in LA. The Chargers are coming off a win over Washington, but it wasn’t all hat impressive. The Cowboys are the better team and will not begin the season 0-2. That’s a lock. I’m taking Dallas to get their first win of the season. Follow Danny on Twitter and Instagram @DannyPicard.

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of the Week

The Shamr ck

September 16, 2021




SBT Staff

any in New England are looking for the silver lining in a 17-16 Week 1 loss to the Miami Dolphins at Gillette Stadium on Sunday. And they can find it if they want, in the form of rookie quarterback Mac Jones’ NFL debut. Jones, for the most part, was impressive. He finished the game 29-of-39 with 281 pass yards, one touchdown, and no interceptions. He even had a chance to lead the Patriots to a game-winning drive in the final minutes, but running back Damien Harris lost a fumble inside the Dolphins’ 10-yard line with three minutes left in the fourth quarter. Miami was able to hold onto the ball and run the clock out to win the game in Foxboro.



After the loss, Patriots coach Bill Belichick wasn’t about to singlehandedly praise Jones. “I thought we all competed hard,” said Belichick in his postgame press conference, when asked about Jones’ performance. “We’ve just all got to do a better job. I mean, Mac competed hard. I thought we had a lot of guys competing hard. We’ve just got to perform better as a team.” Jones put up better passing numbers than the other former Alabama quarterback on the field. Miami QB Tua Tagovailoa finished the game 16-of-27 with 202 yards with one touchdown and one interception. However, Tagovailoa also ran for a touchdown to go along with his passing TD, and that ended up being the difference maker. The Patriots had the better overall day on the ground, with Harris finishing with a game-high 100 rush yards on 23 carries. As a team, New England

WHATTOWATCH NFL THURSDAY, SEPT. 16 NY Giants at Washington (-3) 8:20 P.M. NFLN SUNDAY, SEPT. 19 New England (-5.5) at NY Jets 1 P.M. CBS Atlanta at Tampa Bay (-12.5) 4:05 P.M. FOX Kansas City (-3.5) at Baltimore 8:20 P.M. NBC MONDAY, SEPT. 20 Detroit at Green Bay (-10.5) 8:15 P.M. ESPN NCAAF SATURDAY, SEPT. 18 #1 Alabama (-15.5) at #11 Florida 3:30 P.M. CBS MLB SATURDAY, SEPT. 18 Baltimore at Boston 1:10 P.M. NESN

had a total of 125 rush yards, while Miami had a total of 74 rush yards. It seems though, that regardless of any other stat in the game — including the result, even — the biggest story is the debut of what looks to be the Patriots’ new franchise quarterback. As of just a few weeks ago, it looked as if the Patriots would be starting with Cam Newton as their quarterback for the second straight season. Newton was never the new “quarterback of the future” for New England though. He was just a placeholder until Belichick found his longterm replacement for Tom Brady. After drafting Jones with the No. 15 overall pick in this year’s draft, and then releasing Newton last week, the “Mac Jones era” officially began. And while that era began with a home loss to the Dolphins, Jones looked ready, and then after the game, sounded like he’s already been brainwashed by the

very successful “Patriot Way.” “It’s not really about me,” said Jones in his postgame press conference. “My job is to be the quarterback, and that’s to either hand the ball off or throw it. I can do a better job, and everyone else, I thought they played hard, but we can play even harder. We’re just going to go up from here. “I think being the quarterback, I need to do a better job, demanding better in practice,” said Jones. “Sometimes I just let things slide, myself included. That’s not good enough. So I’m going to try and be more vocal, and I am a vocal person, but it’s kind of a new situation, and I can be better. But it starts with me. The defense, I try and hype them up and stuff, and they played great. We’ve got to do better on offense. So we’ll do that.” The Patriots travel to MetLife for Week 2 to take on the 0-1 New York Jets this Sunday.



SBT Staff

he 2021 NFL season began with a familiar feel for football fans, because, of course, it included impressive performances from Tom Brady and Rob Gronkowski, who led their team to

a Week 1 win on national TV after unveiling a Super Bowl championship banner in their stadium. Unfortunately, for football fans here in New England, Brady and Gronkowski did that with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and not the Patriots.

The Bucs defeated the Dallas Cowboys, 31-29. Brady was 32of-50 with 379 passing yards, four touchdowns and two interceptions. Two of Brady’s four touchdowns were thrown to Gronkowski. Another was thrown to former

Patriot Antonio Brown. Brady’s Buccaneers haven’t lost since Week 12 of last season, on Nov. 29. The Patriots host Tampa Bay in Week 4 of this season, on Sunday Night Football on Oct. 3.

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