South Boston Today October 21 2021

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SouthBoston TODAY Online • On Your Mobile • At Your Door

October 21, 2021: Vol.9 Issue 41




ting Senators against one another in a chamber where Republicans hold just three seats currently. It would

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he map that Senate Democrats unveiled Tuesday would avoid pitting any sit-



Decennial Re-Districting Map Recognizes Stability Of The 1st Suffolk Senate District

also create two incumbent-free districts, including one aimed at empowering Hispanic or Latino voters in the greater Lawrence area, who historically have had their voices diluted by white voters in neighboring communities. Massachusetts would add two new state Senate districts, where nonwhite residents represent a majority of the population under a draft redistricting map that further shifts





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October 21, 2021

EDITORIAL Trick or Treat on Broadway Helps on the Road Back to Normal


here is plenty of negative news in the world, the nation and even a bit in our own community of South Boston for this newspaper and other news outlets and social media sites to editorialize about. But let’s give it a rest for a while and touch on one of so many positive things that are giving hope for a long overdue return to normal. ‘Trick or Treat on Broadway’ will be returning to the neighborhood after being cancelled last year because of Covid. Now, maybe this is a small issue to many, but check in with most local kids who love Halloween and the odds are, the mere mention of it’s

return will bring a big, happy smile to their faces. Because to them, this popular Southie holiday tradition isn’t some trivial event. Its important enough to our local ghosts, goblins, witches and super heroes for them to look forward to as soon as the costumes and scary decorations appear on the shelves at retails stores, which is usually right after the Fourth of July. After so many events being cancelled over the last year and a half, it’s a positive sign that they are returning. Trick or Treat on Broadway gives local families; including parents, the opportunity to see and converse with one another

in a festive and fun and most importantly a safe setting to get everyone into the Halloween spirit. Parents get to see one another and catch up, and what could be better for the kids than to be out among their friends, in the fresh air and getting exercise as they enthusiastically walk and run scooping up the sweet treats and have that much needed social interaction with other neighborhood kids? The sponsors of the event, the South Boston Chamber of Commerce and the South Boston Neighborhood Development Corporation should be commended for bringing this great event back and our

local businesses on Broadway deserve kudos as well for their generosity. Add to this, our local police officers who are always on site to help out and assist in making this a fun time for all and everything is good. The date and time will be Friday, October 29th between the hours of 4-6pm. All the tantalizing sweet goodies and treats that will be given out are free and vehicle traffic will be regulated to an extra

slow and easy flow to make it all even safer. As was stated above, getting back to normal is a process. But if football stadiums, concerts and NASCAR can host tens of thousands of cheering and chanting fans, South Boston’s children should be allowed to enjoy the Halloween season outdoors with their families as well. To all those who are helping to make it happen, a grateful community thanks you.

“I tried being reasonable, I didn’t like it” - Clint Eastwood PARKS DEPT. ANNOUNCES SOUTH BOSTON VIRTUAL TREE REMOVAL HEARING


n accordance with Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 87, the Boston Parks and Recreation Department will hold a virtual public hearing on Thursday, November 4, at 10:00 a.m. on a request to remove one public shade tree in South Boston. The request is for the removal of one pear tree measuring 12 inches dbh (diameter at breast height) at 10 Mercer Street in


South Boston in order to install a driveway curb cut. The hearing will be held by the City of Boston’s Tree Warden (or designee). Please note that due to the current pandemic the hearing will be a virtual meeting via ZOOM. Written comments or questions may be submitted to prior to the hearing. The information for the ZOOM hearing is as follows: To participate by computer: https://us02web.zoom. us/j/81346497716 To participate by phone:

John Ciccone

1-646-558-8656 Webinar ID: 813 4649 7716 Public testimony will be taken or may be provided prior to the hearing in writing to the Tree Warden, Boston Parks and Recreation Department, 1010 Massachusetts Avenue, 3rd floor, Roxbury, MA 02118 or by emailing with “South Boston Tree Hearing” in the subject line. A final decision regarding the request will be made within two weeks of the hearing. For further information, please contact the Tree Warden at (617) 635-7275. PO Box 491 South Boston, MA 02127

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October 21, 2021

Information Center The

Hey, How Do You Like Those Gas Prices? SOUTH BOSTON TODAY John Ciccone


sn’t it just so much fun going by your regular filling station in the morning, looking at how much the price went up since just yesterday and wondering how much higher they’ll be when you drive by later that afternoon? Some people are actually thinking of starting a betting pool to see who comes closest to guessing the amount of the next increase. There are still a few hold outs and diehards that are claiming that the Biden administration and the Democrats have nothing to do with this. It’s not their fault they whine to anyone they think is dumb enough to agree. So, Let’s do a bit of back checking. Prices were as low as $1.50 a gallon before the presidential inauguration in some places and now, the average is climbing towards $3.50 and in some of the blue states, it’s approaching Five Bucks. The prices started to climb one day after the Inauguration of Brandon, whoops, I mean Biden, not a day before, and those prices have been going up, up and away ever since and there doesn’t appear to be any stopping them. As soon as the leftists came to power, they shut down the pipelines, then methodically stopped much of the drilling. Natural Gas production by America is being strangled to a trickle and we went from being energy independent for the first time in generations to now importing oil from foreign countries once again including OPEC. In fact, the data that came out this past Monday stated that gas prices are the highest they’ve been since Oc-

Note: talk back to John Ciccone by email at

tober of 2014 when the last incompetent Democrat was in the White House. The process has caused thousands of jobs in the fuel industry to be lost and the prices of virtually everything to skyrocket. And how do you like those grocery prices? The farmers and ranchers have to charge more, because their costs to ship their products are climbing thanks to fuel hikes. But its only October, it’s just starting to get cold, and we can all brace ourselves for the heating bills to roll in. As one commentator put it, “at this rate, I would really use some mean tweets and buck and a half a gallon gas”. So, when I listen to the last remaining hold outs frantically trying to convince us that the Biden regime is not at fault because the fuel prices are soaring and the overall economy is tanking, at first, I gave them the benefit of the doubt, that they weren’t desperately denying the obvious to somehow justify what they voted for. They just didn’t know any better and didn’t understand. But then, after thinking about it, I’ve come to the conclusion that nobody could really be that dumb. To close this week, here’s some advice from one of our readers. She urges people to never think that the cancel culture/ Woke types can’t possibly get any more ridiculous, because they take that as a challenge and prove us wrong every time. She sent along a story out of Seattle, Washington, which reported that a local school has decided that the annual ‘Pumpkin Parade’, a long

standing tradition there for the Fall season must be cancelled – permanently. Why? Because there were a couple of young students who, because of religious reasons, didn’t want to join in the celebration and fun. They nor their families didn’t mind if everyone else participated, but they would opt out. So, in their wacky progressive wisdom, the school officials announced that a Pumpkin Parade was not inclusive enough and might ‘marginalize’ and even offend some students of color, the parade would be cancelled

and is now a thing of the past. When adults in positions of authority in a grade school believe that pumpkins are offensive and racist, it might be time for them to seek employment elsewhere, maybe even some professional help. What they’re saying is because a couple of kids choose not to participate in what has always clearly been a fun, festive and harmless activity, the hundreds of other kids who look forward to this event each year will be deprived of it. That’s liberal logic for you.

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October 21, 2021

Window Into The State House

Window Into The State House provides our readers a synopsis of important issues of interest, past and current, that are being proposed, debated or acted upon by the Massachusetts Legislature. Many issues that are not related to local city government services are acted upon and have a direct impact on daily life. They are tax policy, transportation infrastructure, judicial appointments, social services and health, as well as higher education. We will excerpt reports from the gavel-to-gavel coverage of House and Senate sessions by news sources focused on this important aspect of our lives. These sources include a look ahead at the coming week in state government and summaries and analyses of the past week, re-caps of a range of state government activity, as well as links to other news.

Boston declares addiction and homelessness a public health crisis The era of expansive tent encampments in Boston’s Mass. and Cass area could soon be coming to a close after Acting Mayor Kim Janey declared addiction and homelessness a public health crisis and banned tents and temporary shelters in the city. The crisis around Massachusetts Avenue and Melnea Cass Boulevard has prompted calls for intervention from elected officials and residents alike. It’s cropped up as a major issue in the Boston mayoral race and even pitted Janey against Revere Mayor Brian Arrigo as Boston looked for help outside from neighboring communities. And with the days winding down on her stint as acting mayor, Janey showed off a plan Tuesday that seeks to provide additional support to people living in the area with help from state authorities. Boston Globe’s Danny McDonald reports that the executive order Janey signed creates a central command structure to boost street interventions for people needing shelter and addiction services. And as far as the tents are concerned the order states that “all city agencies will now prioritize enforcement of existing laws and the exercise of existing powers to prevent the placement and maintenance of these encampments in the city.” Boston Herald’s Sean Philip Cotter reports that city officials said they aren’t looking to jail unsheltered people but instead require workers in the area to give those living in tents advance notice and offer them

treatment or a shelter bed. If they refuse to move their encampment, however, it could be considered “disorderly conduct” and be subject to enforcement of existing laws. State House News Service’s Chris Lisinski writes that it wasn’t immediately clear how state resources would be used in the new effort to remove tents and move people into shelters and treatment. Candidates clash in second Boston mayoral debate They traded blow after blow in a fierce hour-long event. In their second televised oneon-one debate of the race, Boston mayoral candidates Michelle Wu and Annissa Essaibi George clashed and went after each other more than previous encounters. Boston Globe’s Emma Platoff, Meghan E. Irons, and Andrew Ryan report that Essaibi George started to target Wu over “inconsistent” messaging on admission to Boston’s exam schools. Boston Herald’s Sean Philip Cotter reports that Wu compared some of Essaibi George’s attacks to former President Donald Trump’s “scare tactics,” saying “the people of Boston deserve better.” Riley says DESE to announce decision on school mask requirement next week Are the days of mask mandates in schools numbered? As the Nov. 1 deadline for the most recent mask mandate approaches, MassLive’s Melissa Hanson reports that Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Commissioner Jeff Riley said he expects DESE to announce a decision early next week on whether

or not mask requirements will continue in schools. Cronin nomination advances through U.S. Senate committee House Majority Leader Claire Cronin’s nomination to serve as ambassador to Ireland cleared a key congressional committee Tuesday and advanced to the full U.S. Senate. State House News Service’s Chris Van Buskirk reports that Cronin’s confirmation and resignation from the Massachusetts House would open up the second-highest position in the branch. Stirring the melting pot: Cruz proposes immigration ports of entry for NE He’s not even being coy about it. U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz says he’ll soon drop legislation that would require federal immigration officials to relocate migrants massing at the southern U.S. border to ports of entry in New England, including Cambridge, Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket. The Globe’s Alex Gagosz and Carlos Munos report Cruz acknowledged his goal is to force “rich Democrats” in the seaside communities to see how the surge of migrants impacts Texans. House to vote on district maps Thursday It’s looking like there will be another map day on Beacon Hill this week. State House News Service’s Matt Murphy reports that House and Senate leaders finished up going over revised district maps ahead of the House’s plan to take them up Thursday. More from Murphy: “After soliciting feedback over the past week on draft redistrict-

ing maps for the Legislature, House and Senate leaders on Tuesday finalized revised plans that would add a sixth majorityminority Senate district that covers Brockton and strengthen the majority-minority status of House districts in New Bedford and Framingham.” Educators flock to Wu while public safety workers back Essaibi George Lines are being drawn in the Boston mayoral race among city employees. Boston Globe’s Elizabeth Koh reports that more educators are backing Michelle Wu while public safety workers are supporting Annissa Essaibi George. More from Koh: “Essaibi George has pulled more than $150,000 from hundreds of police officers and firefighters in Boston — a total roughly 50 times that of Wu, who has been a critic of the city’s police department ... Meanwhile, Wu has garnered donations from three times as many Boston public school employees than her rival, though on a much smaller scale than the public safety sector’s support for Essaibi George.” Targeted: Conservative sues Wellesley schools over ‘affinity groups’ Parents Defending Education filed a federal lawsuit against the Wellesley Public Schools, saying the district discriminated against white students by creating race-based “affinity groups” and excluding a white teacher from a forum about violence against Asian Americans, Diti Kohli of the Globe reports. The national conservative group also claims the district has adopted a policy that infringes on free speech rights.



October 21, 2021

SEN. COLLINS, REP. BIELE ANNOUNCE STATE FUNDING FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING Investments will produce over new 100 units of affordable rental units in South Boston


ecently, State Senator Nick Collins, State Representative David Biele, and the Baker-Polito Administration announced more than $30 million in direct funding as well as the allocation of state and federal tax credits that will yield an additional $200 million to support the rehabilitation and production of 678 units of affordable housing. These investments are being made through the Department of Housing and Community Development’s Rental Housing Rapid Production Program. Locally, these investments will result in 104 new rental units at the Anne Lynch Homes at Old Colony in South Boston, all of which will be affordable to households. The housing provider, Beacon Communities has worked closely with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, DHCD, and the City of Boston, and DHCD to fully redevelop the massive

Anne Lynch Homes at Old Colony over the last decade. To date, more than 500 units have been completed or are currently under construction as the rehabilitation of Old Colony continues. When completed, all the new units will be affordable to households earning less than 60% of AMI. “Building more affordable housing to disrupt patterns of housing insecurity and intergenerational poverty is a top priority for me,” said Senator Collins.“I am proud to support these critical investments as

Chair of the Senate Committee of Community Development and Small Business, and I thank the Baker Administration for awarding this funding.” “It is crucial that we continue to produce housing that is affordable for our neighbors and families,” said Rep. Biele. “I am thankful to the Baker-Polito administration for these important investments which will result in over 100 new affordable units in South Boston, and will continue to work with my colleagues in government on the housing needs facing our communities.”

Highlighting Flaherty’s accomplishments and goals for his next term, the ad will run on streaming platforms and social media


ver the weekend, City Councilor AtLarge Michael Flaherty released a video advertisement titled “Michael Flaherty Has Always Been A Leader.” The video will run on OTT platforms such as Hulu, Roku, YouTube, and other streaming TV providers. A slightly longer version will run on Facebook. The ad highlights Councilor Flaherty’s leadership on the Community Preservation Act, marriage equality, and the innovative Boston Year 13 intensive college and career readiness program. It also includes his priorities for his next term, which include affordable housing, climate change, and public education. “We’re excited for more voters to learn about Councilor Flaherty’s record of leadership on crucial issues,” said campaign spokesperson Elizabeth Dolcimascolo. “Simply put, this is a record that deserves re-election.

Mass Bay Credit Union Shred-It Events - Open to the Community


hred your old documents – and forget ‘em – FREE – at Mass Bay Credit Union’s Shred-It Events! Two dates and locations: Saturday, October 23, 2021, from 9:00AM-11:30AM at Mass Bay Credit Union 147 West 4th Street in South Boston “We enjoy bringing this FREE opportunity to the community, and we’re very excited to have two locations for our October Shred-it Event,” says Mass Bay CEO Terry Dorilas. “Information Security plays an essential role in banking and we want to provide a safe, secure and convenient process for the community to dispose of their confidential documents.” The Shred-It events are open to all living or working in the community. There is a 5-box limit per person. For everyone’s protection,

social distancing will be in place and masks are required. Like all credit unions, Mass Bay Credit Union is owned by the Members who choose to do business there. Membership eligibility, such as living in Middlesex, Norfolk or Suffolk counties or a dozen other towns, is located on Opening a savings account establishes Membership and opens availability to all other products offered by the credit union. In addition to its South Boston Headquarters, Mass Bay Credit Union has branches in Everett, Quincy and the Seaport. Over 19,000 people choose Mass Bay Credit Union for great rates, low fees and personal service. In addition to offering a full array of deposit and lending products, Mass

Bay Credit Union Members have access to over 55,000 surcharge free ATMs and 6,800 credit union

branches. In business since 1936, Mass Bay Credit Union has assets in excess of $275 million.

6 Senate District continued from front page

the state’s political center eastward. The westernmost state Senate districts would extend or shift eastward under the new proposal, reflecting the divergent population trends across the state’s two halves. Only six of the Senate’s 40 districts would remain unchanged from the last decennial redistricting process. Several of the suggested changes appear poised to draw blowback, and potentially even a legal challenge, from elected officials who wanted local wards or entire communities to remain in a single Senate district rather than spliced across boundaries. State Sen. William Brownsberger, who co-chaired the special committee that crafted new lines based on the 2020 U.S. Census, said the median Senate district will shift about 20% from its existing shape. The addition of two new majority-minority districts would bring the total number in the Massachusetts Senate to five, adding to one in

Shop Safe and Shop Smart This Holiday Season Better Business Bureau


he 2021 holiday shopping season promises to be an unpredictable one. The labor shortage and supply chain issues are already throwing a wrench into holiday shopping. Electronics, toys, and other products will be (or already are) in short supply, and retailers are struggling to staff up as the shopping season nears. Just like in 2020, people are planning to start their holiday shopping early. Watch out for deals well before Black Friday sales. Retailers are also expecting to see even more people shopping online. Product shortages and increased online shopping are


October 21, 2021

the Springfield area that already exists and two that already exist in the Boston area, including the 1st Suffolk District represented by Senator Nick Collins. Voting advocates in the ‘Drawing Democracy Coalition’ called for legislative leaders to increase the number of majority non-white Senate districts to seven. One of the two new majority-minority districts would feature Everett, Chelsea, Charlestown and eastern portions of Cambridge. Everett Democrat state Sen. Sal DiDomenico today represents those communities, as well as portions of Boston’s West End and Allston-Brighton neighborhoods, which would move into different districts. The plan would also reshape the 2nd Suffolk District currently represented by state Sen. Sonia Chang-Diaz — who has chosen to run for governor in 2022 — into a district where about half of the voting population would be Black. The other new district where nonwhite residents would outnumber white residents constitutes all of Lawrence and

Methuen, plus Haverhill neighborhoods with substantial Hispanic or Latino populations. Voting rights advocates pushed to remove Lawrence, where more than eight out of 10 residents are Hispanic, from its existing Senate district that also includes the mostly white communities of Andover, Dracut and Tewksbury. “When you look at the voting patterns, you see that it’s very polarized,” Brownsberger said. “Hispanics vote for Hispanic candidates predominantly, and non-Hispanics vote for non-Hispanic candidates predominantly in that area. The current)grouping of communities is such that the choice of the Hispanic voters is unable to get elected.” Brownsberger said the only way to craft that Lawrence-area district in a way to avoid distilling Hispanic or Latino voters’ voices was to include part of Haverhill, but the decision to split that community drew fast criticism after local leaders and State House members previously called for the city to remain whole.

In the original draft plan, The 1st Suffolk District was to lose three precincts in Dorchester and connect them with the Senate District that includes Milton, represented by Sen. Walter Timilty. But State Rep. Dan Hunt publicly stated that would violate “the principles of redistricting”. Going on to say that “There are Supreme Court cases around communities of interest, and if a map comes out that divides Ward 16, the Ward 16 committee would explore all legal options.” With that a possibility and the aggressive lobbying efforts of the unions, civic associations and veterans’ organization like the McKeon Post #146 in Dorchester and Sen. Collins, the final map kept the ‘communities of interest’ and its coastal connections intact. It appears that the House Seat held by Representative David Biele is also intact. (In the Senate map shown elsewhere, District 30, the 1st Suffolk Senate District, is in red and in the House map, the 4th Suffolk is in pale green )

likely to result in even more online purchase scams this year. These scams accounted for nearly 40% of all scams reported to BBB Scam Tracker in 2020, according to the 2020 BBB Scam Tracker Risk Report. Shortages are likely to make purchase scams even more common as desperate shoppers turn to shady websites in hopes of finding this year’s must-have gift. BBB recommends the following tips to “Shop Safe, Shop Smart” this holiday season: • Research before you buy. Use and shopper reviews to do your homework before paying. Also, read our tips for spotting phony reviews. • If the deal looks too good to be true, it probably is. The top motivating factor for people who made a purchase, then lost money was price. Don’t shop on price alone. • Beware of fake websites: Check the URL, watch for bad grammar, research the age of the domain, and search for contact information. See BBB’s tips for identifying a fake website. • Professional photos do not mean it’s a real offer. Respondents reported that website photos

motivated them to engage with scammers, especially for pets/ pet supplies, clothing/accessories, and vehicles. • Make sure the website is secure. Look for the “https” in the URL (the extra s is for “secure”) and a small lock icon on the address bar. Never enter payment or personal information into a website with only “http” – it is NOT secure. • Be careful purchasing soughtafter products, especially during the holiday season. The risk of online purchase scams rises during the holidays because more people are making online purchases, and scammers offer the most popular products for the season at great prices. • Beware of making quick purchases while scrolling through social media. Scammers have access to tools they need to learn about your buying behaviors, offering exactly what you want at enticingly low prices. • Look for the BBB seal. BBB Accredited Businesses pledge to uphold the BBB Standards for Trust and to deal fairly with consumers. If a business displays a BBB seal, verify it by going to • Use secure and traceable

transactions and payment methods. According to BBB’s research, those who paid with a credit card were less likely to lose money. Be cautious when paying by digital wallet apps, prepaid money cards, or other non-traditional payment methods. Learn more about payment types and how to use each safely. • Shipment tracking information can be faked. Look closely to make sure it is a legitimate business. Avoid clicking on the tracking link; go to the ‘shipper’s website and type in the code to see if it is real. • Count on BBB to help you “Shop Safe, Shop Smart.” More tips are available at holiday-tips. • Report unsatisfactory purchase experiences to BBB. If you are unhappy with a purchase, file a complaint at If you never got what you paid for, consider reporting it to BBB Scam Tracker ( ScamTracker) to help other consumers avoid being scammed. Only make purchases from businesses who adhere to the BBB Standards for Trust. Read more about BBB’s Accreditation Standards.

October 21, 2021

Fall-o-Ween Children’s Festival coming to Boston Common October 22

Trick-orTreat on Broadway



ayor Kim Janey and the Boston Parks and Recreation Department will host the Fall-o-Ween Children’s Festival on the Boston Common Parade Ground near the corner of Beacon and Charles Streets on Friday, October 22, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Adults and children are encouraged to wear Halloween costumes and participate in a wide range of fun and spooky family activities. Test your skills and courage to find your way out of the Haunted Fun House Maze, hop on the train hosted by Cabot Creamery Co-operative, and make your way over to our glow in the dark play space for some nighttime fun featuring LED illuminated swings, seesaws, and cornhole. Join LEGOLAND® Discovery Center Boston to build a LEGO® pumpkin for our pumpkin patch and learn how to build spooky creatures with Lego Master Model Builder, Sean. Enjoy exciting acts from the Boston Circus Guild with performances by an aerial artist and stilt walker between 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. The Fall-o-Ween Children’s Festival is presented by the Bos-



ton Parks and Recreation Department in partnership with the Skating Club of Boston. Key sponsors are LEGOLAND® Discovery Center Boston, the Farm Families who own Cabot Creamery Co-operative, HP Hood LLC, Dunkin’, and L.L.Bean. The media sponsor is Magic 106.7. Additional support provided by Perfect Parties and the Boston Circus Guild. This free family-friendly event will also include glow-in-thedark games, children’s crafts, scarily delicious snacks and refreshments provided by Cabot Cheese, Dunkin’, and HP Hood LLC. Join Harvard University’s Stress & Development lab for fun games focused on learning about the brain and how we think. A monster mash of activities will include a visit from the Massachusetts Horticulture Society, the Mass Audubon Society, an art activity with the Mayor’s Mural Crew, and other fun fall and Halloween activities. To stay up to date with news, events, and improvements in Boston parks, register for our email list at and follow our social channels @ bostonparksdept on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

he South Boston Chamber of Commerce businesses, and the South Boston Neighborhood Development Corporation invite the neighborhood children in costumes to “Trick or Treat along East and West Broadway” on Friday, October 29, 2021, from 4:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. Participating establishments will be clearly marked with an orange and black poster inviting the children to stop in for a treat. Due to the narrow sidewalks along East Broadway between I Street and L Street, and for the safety and enjoyment of all participants, we are asking that all Trick-or-Treaters walk in the same direction in order to avoid congestion that would

cause anyone to step into the street to pass. If you are starting in the area at I Street, please walk along the southern side of the street (odd numbered stores) and continue to L Street, using the cross walk, cross over to the northern side of the street (even numbered stores) and continue back toward I Street. If you are starting in the area at L Street, please walk along the northern side of the street (even numbered stores) and continue toward I Street, using the cross walk, cross over to the southern side of the street (odd numbered stores) and continue back toward L Street. Broadway businesses wishing to participate – that have not already received a poster, should contact Karen at 617-990-7062 or email


t a e r T r o Trick y a w d a o r B on Friday, October 29


4:00 - 6:00 p m Sponsored by:

The South Boston Chamber of Commerce & South Boston Neighborhood Development Corporation




Wine Guy

Hot and Cold


ell, since it’s 75 degrees one day and 41 the next, you might as well have wines that can accommodate the temperature swings. Here are a few worth trying… Banfi Rosa Regale Brachetto, 2019, ($19.99), really focuses on the raspberry and rose-petal flavors and is a consistently excellent wine each year. As the wines from Banfi are marketed nationally, this one should be easy to find. Have it with cheese and some cold fruit and as for the wine, the colder, the better! Another charming and refreshing but lesser-known option in the Italian sparkling wine lineup is Brachetto d’Acqui. It is one of the few sweet Italian wines to achieve DOCG status. Only wines produced entirely from Brachetto grapes grown in a very limited area

around the town of Acqui Terme in the southern Piedmont can qualify as Brachetto d’Acqui wines. One of the oldest wine making families in this region is one of the newest names in this category in the US and the Marenco 2019 Brachetto, “Pineto”, ($14.99) is worth finding. Delicate ruby red, sweet and sparkling, it expresses the elegant aromas of roses and raspberries, typical of the Brachetto grape. Aromatic, delicate and harmonious on the palate. Perfect with strawberries, red fruit, fruit salad, all kinds of desserts or just great to relax with by itself. All over France, where an unusually long period of heat persists, the French love their favorite chilled red, Beaujolais. From the western end of the Burgundy region, this lighter-bodied wine is produced across many “appellations”, or regions, by both individual growers and co-operatives, as well as famous negociants, like Louis Jadot. A couple of my favorites are Domaine de Roche-Guillon 2020 Beaujolais-Villages, ($15.00), a really terrific wine for the money. A surprisingly rich and full-bodied wine, it’s packed with crunchy cherry flavors. It also has a more tannic and structured side ,giving it a firm

texture to back up the fruitiness. The aftertaste is juicy and ripe. This one is a natural with your favorite burger, as well as spicier foods, like Mexican or Thai. Collin-Bourisset 2020 Beaujolais, ($12.00), is an impressively rich wine for a simple Beaujolais. It has plenty of fruit, while it also has a good depth with ripe red-berry fruits and some well-integrated tannins. Have it with cold, crisp salads or any kind of sharp cheese, as well as steamed peking ravioli. As we head into the last, “big push” of heat and humidity, take a page out of the Europeans’ book! One final wine to consider is one of my personal favorites,

October 21, 2021

Pinotage from South Africa. This is a grape that was brought to the country from France over one hundred years ago from Burgundy and curated over the years by local growers. It’s typically fullbodied, with a smoky overtone and notes of red fruits, especially cherries and raspberries. Beeslaar TAJ Pinotage 2020, ($19.99) The 2020 vintage is deep ruby red in color, with pronounced plum and dark chocolate aromas. The richness of the fruit flavors is balanced by a silky, dry finish. You can try this one with a Sunday roast or a nice Sea Bass. Talk To The Wine Guy at

Horizons for Homeless Children Seeks Local Volunteers


orizons for Homeless Children is seeking dedicated and passionate volunteers to play with children experiencing homelessness in Dorchester. We could use your help getting the word out and would greatly appreciate a placement at your organization

or in your publication highlighting this need. We have New Volunteer Orientations coming up on November 6th, 9:30 AM -12 PM or November 18th, 6-8:30 PM and you can view the full listing of opportunities here! If there is an alternate way we should submit this information or you would like to learn more about Horizons and our mission please contact us at: 774.260.2612. Thank you for helping us create a world where every child experiencing homelessness can learn, play, and thrive!



October 21, 2021

Recent South Boston Real Estate Sales Property/Type


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Condo 135 Seaport Blvd UNIT 1901


Michael Flaherty for Boston City Council At-Large #7 ON THE BALLOT!

Condo 135 Seaport Blvd Unit 1502 Condo 135 Seaport Blvd Unit 1002 Condo 133 Seaport Blvd UNIT 622 Condo 153 Seaport Blvd UNIT1502 Condo 350 West Broadway Unit 8 Condo 893 East Second St UNIT 5 Conbdo 135 Seaport Blvd Blvd UNIT 809 Condo 133 Seaport Blvd UNIT 602 Condo 305 East Broadway UN*IT 2 Condo 340 West Second St UNIT 25 Condo 133 Seaport Blvd UNIT 2108 Condo 586 East Third St UNIT 1 Condo 51-53 Silver St UNIT 5 Condo 150 Dorchester St UNIT 301 Condo 135 Seaoort Blvd UNIT 1603 Condo

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Touchie’s Shamrock Farewell


apa George LoCascio worked his magic as he cooked the last supper at Touchie’s Shamrock Pub. Touchie

and his wife Denise invited family and close friends to an intimate gathering to remember old times, reminisce and mostly to congratu-

late Touchie as he closes the Shamrock chapter and embraces retirement from the bar. Touchie will now have more time to spend with

October 21, 2021

his beautiful grandchildren, long overdue house projects and travel! The South Boston community will most certainly miss Touchie and all he has done for the community. We wish him well and look forward to seeing him around the town.

October 21, 2021



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October 21, 2021

This week, Danny gave “Pic’s Picks” for Week 7 in the NFL:


had a big bounce-back week in Week 6, going 4-1 against the spread with my picks. My record on the season is now 16-14. Six teams have a bye in Week 7: Buffalo, Dallas, Minnesota, Pittsburgh, LA Chargers, and Jacksonville. There’s no early London game this week, so you can sleep in on Sunday. Week 7 begins with Cleveland hosting Denver on Thursday Night Football. It ends with Seattle hosting New Orleans on Monday Night Football. I’m staying away from both of those games. You should too. Let’s keep it rolling. Here are my picks for Week 7: NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS (-7) over New York Jets -I try not to make these picks with my heart, but sometimes I just can’t resist. That said, my brain also tells me that the Patriots — even though they’re 2-4 — are a much better team than the 1-4 Jets, who are coming off the bye. The Pats already beat the Jets in Week 2 at MetLife. Now, New York comes to Gillette Stadium, where I expect New England to

shake off their tough overtime loss to the Cowboys last week and win this game by at least 10. Jets rookie quarterback Zach Wilson threw four interceptions against the Patriots in Week 2. I expect Bill Belichick’s defense to make it tough on Wilson once again. Give me the Pats to win and cover at home on Sunday at 1 p.m. CINCINNATI BENGALS (+6) over Baltimore Ravens -This is kind of a ballsy pick, considering the 5-1 Ravens have won five straight. Baltimore covered for me last week in a big win over a very good Chargers team. The Bengals are pretty good though. And at 4-2, Cincinnati is coming off a win over Detroit. Most AFC North games are complete dogfights to the final whistle, and I expect this game on Sunday at 1 in Baltimore to follow suit. I wouldn’t pick the Bengals to win outright, but I definitely think they have the team to keep this close. I can see the Ravens winning by a field goal. So I’m taking the points. TENNESSEE TITANS (+5.5) over Kansas City

-It’s strange to see Kansas City in last place in the AFC West right now. The Chiefs are 3-3 and haven’t looked like themselves this season. On Sunday, they travel to Tennessee to take on the 4-2 first-place Titans. Tennessee has won two straight, including a huge win over the Bills in Week 6. The fact that the Titans are a 5.5-point dog at home in this one doesn’t seem to make a whole lot of sense to me. That said, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Chiefs step up their game and steal a win. But if they do, it will be tight. I’m taking a very good Titans team to cover in their own building. SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS (-4) over Indianapolis Colts -The 2-3 49ers are coming off the bye to host the 2-4 Colts on NBC’s Sunday Night Football. The Colts are coming off a win over Houston, which is nothing to write home about. Meanwhile, San Francisco has lost three straight. Jimmy Garoppolo is expected to return from a calf injury that kept him out of their last game in Week 5. I ex-

pect the 49ers to win this game and snap their losing skid. The only ques tion to me is , will they cover the four-point s pread in primetime? M y gut tells me they will, becaus e s omething’s got to give with this 49ers team. B ut the home field does it for me here. Give me San Francis co to win by a touchdown. LOCK OF THE WEEK: GREEN BAY PACKERS (-8.5) over Washington -The Packers are 5-1 and have won five straight. They host a 2-4 Washington team on Sunday at 1. Washington is coming off back-to-back losses to the Saints and the Chiefs. The stat that jumps out the most is Washington having the worst statistical pass defense and overall defense, allowing 310 pass yards per game and 31 points per game. There’s no chance of Washington going into Lambeau and beating the Packers. But could they surprise us and cover the spread? I highly doubt it. Give me Green Bay to win by 20. Follow Danny on Twitter and Instagram @DannyPicard.


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October 21, 2021







game-tying field goal that sent it to OT, Patriots quarterback Mac Jones connected with Kendrick Bourne for a 75-yard touchdown pass down the left sideline, giving the Pats a 29-26 lead after a successful two-point conversion attempt, with 2:11 left in the fourth quarter. But Prescott was able to drive the Cowboys down to New England’s 31-yard line, where Greg Zuerlein kicked a 49-yard field goal to tie it up at 29-29. The Patriots took a 14-10 lead into halftime, but scored zero points in the third quarter while punting three times. Jones finished the game 15-of-21 for 229 passing yards with two touchdowns, an interception, and a lost fumble.

SATURDAY, OCT. 23 ALCS Gm 7 (if necessary): Boston at Houston 8:08 P.M. FOX TUESDAY, OCT. 26 World Series Gm 1: Boston/Houston vs Atlanta/LA Dodgers TBD FOX WEDNESDAY, OCT. 27 World Series Gm 2: Boston/Houston vs Atlanta/LA Dodgers TBD FOX

Running back Damien Harris had a game-high 101 rushing yards on 18 carries out of the Patriots backfield. His lone touchdown was the first score of the game, five minutes into the first quarter. New England’s other rushing touchdown was scored by Rhamondre Stevenson. The Patriots’ two passing touchdowns were caught by Bourne and Hunter Henry. On the defensive end, Patriots linebacker Ja’Whaun Bentley had a gamehigh 13 tackles, with 12 of them being solo tackles. Safety Kyle Dugger had New England’s only interception. Now, it’s on to the Jets, where the Patriots are a 7-point favorite at Gillette Stadium on Sunday.



SBT Staff

he Boston Celtics released forward Jabari Parker earlier this week. Parker signed a two-year deal with the Celtics in April. Had he remained on the roster for the entire 202122 season, Parker would’ve been guaranteed a $2.3 million salary. Had Parker been on the openingnight roster, $1.1 million of that would’ve been guaranteed. Instead, Parker was cut before the

regular season began, which opened up a roster spot. Parker, 26, played 10 regularseason games with the Celtics in the final two months of the season. He averaged 6.4 points per game while playing 13.8 minutes per game. Parker also played in four playoff games with the Celtics last season, averaging 8.5 points per game in 14.8 minutes per game. Boston lost to the Brooklyn Nets in five games in the first round.

Chicago at Tampa Bay (-12.5) 4:25 P.M. CBS MLB FRIDAY, OCT. 22 ALCS Gm 6: Boston at Houston 8:08 P.M. FS1

SBT Staff

t was a heart-breaker at Gillette Stadium on Sunday, as the New England Patriots allowed a gametying field goal with 20 seconds left in the fourth quarter, and then lost to the Dallas Cowboys, 35-29, in overtime, thanks to a Dak Prescott touchdown pass to CeeDee Lamb. The Patriots are now 2-4 on the season. They remain in second place in the AFC East behind the 4-2 Buffalo Bills. The 1-5 Miami Dolphins are in last place after losing their fifth straight game on Sunday. The 1-4 New York Jets had a bye in Week 6. New England hosts the Jets this Sunday at 1 p.m. It looked as though the Patriots would be entering their Week 7 game against the Jets with a twogame winning streak. Before Dallas’

NFL SUNDAY, OCT. 24 NY Jets at New England (-7) 1 P.M. CBS

Following Parker’s release, the Celtics signed 6-foot-5 guard Brodric Thomas to a two-way contract. Thomas, 24, is entering his second NBA season, after spending last season with the Houston Rockets and Cleveland Cavaliers organizations. In 32 total games with the two teams, Thomas averaged 3.9 points per game in 12.5 minutes per game. The Celtics will play their home opener on Friday night against the Toronto Raptors.



SBT Staff

harlie McAvoy just got paid. The Boston Bruins defenseman and future captain signed the largest contract in team history last weekend. The deal is for eight years and $76 million, which is an annual salary of $9.5 million. McAvoy, 23, entered this 2021-22 season in the final year of a three-year, $14.7 million contract. The $76 million extension won’t begin until next season. In his first four seasons with the Bruins, McAvoy averaged nearly 23 minutes of ice time per game while totaling 122 points on 24 goals and 98 assists in 235 games. He had a plus-81 rating during that span. McAvoy also has played in 65 playoff games, totaling 32 points on five goals and 27 assists, with a plus-2 rating. McAvoy was drafted by the Bruins with the 14th overall pick in the 2016 NHL Draft.

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