South Boston Today October 28 2021

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SouthBoston TODAY Online • On Your Mobile • At Your Door

October 28, 2021: Vol.9 Issue 42


Mayoral Election 2021 and Ballot Questions






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oston’s general municipal election takes place on Tuesday, Nov. 2, where voters will cast ballots for mayor and City Council. Boston is set to make history with this year’s mayoral election. Voters can now mail in ballots, vote early or wait for the ritual of voting on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 2. Whether City Councilor Annissa Essaibi George


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October 28, 2021

EDITORIAL Vote Next Tuesday - Every Election Is Important


ext Tuesday, November 2nd, is Election Day. Some people care, some don’t and have no intention of voting. But why? Well, maybe with all the talk of voter fraud and ballot tampering in so many parts of the country, a quickly growing number of Americans are thinking that our country’s elections, whether they are national, state or local are rigged in efforts to steal them for one candidate or another. And with the shocking revelations that just came out of the Arizona audit of the 2020 presidential vote and many other

states demanding that audits be done because of questionable vote counts, its not too difficult to understand why so many of our fellow citizens are skeptical and distrustful and doubt that fair elections can be held any longer. But giving up on exercising our right to vote is no way to go. Two things must happen for America to once again gain confidence in the integrity of our electoral process. First, where actual fraud is proven, steps must be taken to rectify such situations and those found guilty of committing that fraud must be prosecuted to the fullest

extent of the law. Doing this will send the message loud and clear, that the consequences of tampering with legally cast ballots – a serious federal offense, will be severe and enforced no matter who the guilty are. The second thing that must be done is for American citizens to never give up making that so important trek to the polls and make their voices heard through their votes. Americans can never give up on this if our nation is to remain a free republic. The choices to be made in Boston next Tuesday for mayor, for the Boston City Council and on the bal-

lot questions as well, will determine which direction Boston will head in during the coming years. Read each candidate’s positions on the important issues and study both sides of the ballot questions. Then, when you have determined which candidate best represents your views and your vision for the future and which ballot questions reflect your personal opinions, vote accordingly. Because if we don’t make the effort to vote, do we really have the right to complain if things don’t work out the way we had hoped? And if the number of people who choose not to be part of the

process continues to grow, it will send the message to the policy makers that people just don’t care, and nothing diminishes the importance of the people in the eyes of some of those in power than an apathetic populace. Don’t let that happen. Vote next Tuesday, November 2nd.

“On Halloween, parents send their kids out looking like me” - Rodney Dangerfield

A Message from the Thomas J. Fitzgerald Post, No. 561


n Thursday, November 11, 2021, the Fitzgerald VFW Post #561 will hold its 70th annual Veterans’ Day Memorial Service. The order of events will be as follows: • 9:00 AM: Assembly at Post Quarters for refreshments • 9:40 AM: March to St. Brigid Church • 10:00 AM: Memorial Mass – Upstairs In keeping with COVID-19 guidance on social distancing, we are disappointed to announce that Cushing Hall is closed and we are unable to hold our annual brunch. Beginning Veterans’ Day, the Post will be accepting Christmas donations for the Chelsea Soldiers’ Home – gift cards, hats, socks, scarves, toiletries, etc… The residents will be forever grateful. Thank you, Thomas J. McCarthy Commander


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October 28, 2021

Information Center The

Flooding Nantucket and The Vineyard With Migrants. Pass the Popcorn SOUTH BOSTON TODAY John Ciccone


he well known quote – “Oh, how the mighty have fallen”, brings smiles to the faces of some. For whatever reasons, when the rich and famous fall from grace; be it from scandals or domestic problems or maybe even when actors’ movies bomb at the box office, it makes some folks, maybe out of envy, happy. But most people tend to wish success and well being to celebrities – as long as those celebrities are not pompous jerks. And this brings me to the latest, and possibly the worst so far, Alec Baldwin incident. For years, Hollywood actor Baldwin has made it a habit of making fun of the bad fortunes of others. He’s often been one of the first to attack police; when even in self defense or in the defense of others; they have had to use their guns to stop criminals from injuring others. It seems that to Baldwin, its always the cop’s fault no matter what the circumstances. Baldwin has been a long time anti-gun activist. He says he hates guns, hates the NRA and constantly mocks American gun owners but loves collecting those multi-million dollar pay checks he gets for using guns in his movies. He claims to be for women’s rights, but has admitted to bullying women. He’s been arrested for assaulting people on the streets of New York City, but calls Trump voters dangerous. Like so many other Hollywood types, he is a hypocrite. So when the story broke last week about Baldwin shooting two people’ and killing one, with a gun on the set of a movie he was involved in making, while tragic to be sure, millions of Americans have deep sympathy for the victims of course, but none for Alec Baldwin. In fact, some might call it Karma. I know I do.

Note: talk back to John Ciccone by email at

The latest saying on the incident, “Guns don’t kill people, arrogant liberals who play with guns kill people” is making the rounds almost as fast as is the ‘Let’s go Brandon’ chant. Far too many rules of gun safety were broken on that movie set. No matter who else was at fault, it was Baldwin who aimed the gun and pulled the trigger. But right on schedule, the news media and Baldwin’s Tinsel Town buddies have circled the wagons to protect him, and in their arrogance, are doing their best to make Baldwin look like a victim as well. These people are as predictable as the odor from a skunk turned into road kill. As has been said in this space many times, parents might tolerate a lot of things, but messing with their children will cause them to rise up and take on any and all responsible, and they will have no fear doing it. As was predicted, when the National School Board Association(NSBA) called parents flocking to school board meetings to demand an end to the indoctrination of students taking place, terrorists and demanded the Biden Regime and the FBI be brought in to harass these parents, all hell broke out. Rather than causing parents to be intimidated and back off, it enraged them even more and turned many others into committed activists. In fact, the reaction of parents was so fierce, that the NSBA, has now completely backed off and apologized. Clearly, the reaction they got was not what they had thought it would be, showing just how out of touch these so called educators are. So now, the crowds swarming the school board meetings are becoming even larger and more determined to remove the racist CRT indoctrination and yes, even the pornography

that was infiltrating some elementary and middle school libraries. Though these school boards need to be checked and watched constantly, at least for now, they got the message: Never EVER poke sleeping Mama and Papa bears by messing with their kids. And finally for this week, whether you like him or not, the US Senator from Texas, Ted Cruz, is pulling off a brilliant move. Tired of watching the Biden Regime, using Texas, Florida, Arizona etc. being used as the only drop off points for the illegal migrants they are allowing to flood our country, Cruz is

filing legislation to create 13 different points of entry. All of them on the senator’s list are places where rich, open border liberal Democrats live and have their cocktail parties. Three of those places are right here in Massachusetts. They are Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket and the City of Cambridge. Oh, the howls of shocked protest can be heard for miles around. But wait, why? Could it be that these ‘elite’ libs feel flooding the country with illegal’s is good and compassionate as long as they don’t come to their neighborhoods? Ya Gotta Love Senator Cruz.

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October 28, 2021

Window Into The State House

Window Into The State House provides our readers a synopsis of important issues of interest, past and current, that are being proposed, debated or acted upon by the Massachusetts Legislature. Many issues that are not related to local city government services are acted upon and have a direct impact on daily life. They are tax policy, transportation infrastructure, judicial appointments, social services and health, as well as higher education. We will excerpt reports from the gavel-to-gavel coverage of House and Senate sessions by news sources focused on this important aspect of our lives. These sources include a look ahead at the coming week in state government and summaries and analyses of the past week, re-caps of a range of state government activity, as well as links to other news.

A really big storm and a lot of people without power Good morning, we hope you have power. A powerful storm that hit Tuesday night into Wednesday brought heavy rains, a lot of wind, downed trees and prolonged power outages. We’re no strangers to a big nor’easter, but we definitely had a good one to kick off the season. Almost 500,000 people in the state were left without power as utility companies raced to restore electricity to households and businesses. Southeastern Massachusetts was hit the hardest, a team of reporters at the Boston Globe write, where roads and schools were closed. Gov. Charlie Baker took to the airwaves Tuesday afternoon, saying the recovery process and restoration of power would take multiple days. He said National Grid, Eversource, and other utility companies “are already working to restore power where they can but, in some cases, they do need to wait until the winds come down before it’s really going to be safe to get up into a bucket truck.”

“I’m sure that anybody who lives anywhere between sort of Quincy and the end of the Cape can probably not have to go very far to find really good examples of how rough this storm was on their communities,” he said. MassLive’s Douglas Hook reports that wind gusts reached up to 90 miles per hour in some parts of the state causing widespread damage and outages. Out-of-state crews from as far as Canada were also brought in to help repair some of the damage that occurred, State House News Service’s Colin A. Young writes. The Cape and the South Shore experienced most of the outages, reports Boston Herald’s Todd Prussman, with communities reporting 50 percent or more households without electricity. While the storm was expected to move further offshore last night, rain can be expected for the next few days. A trailblazer and a perennial candidate Tania Fernandes Anderson faced a difficult task when she was 12-years-old: she delivered

her aunt’s premature baby in a Roxbury apartment. GBH News’ Tori Bedford reports that Anderson, now 42, is taking her lived experiences and mounting a run for Boston City Council’s District 7 seat. More from Bedford: “Anderson’s competition, Roy Owens, is a perennial candidate who has spent a decade running for everything from City Council At-Large to state Senate to Congress. Since 2012, he has run for office 10 times in as many years, never winning.” Targeted? Framingham’s Spicer says Baker, GOP trying to take over city government Embattled Framingham Mayor Yvonne Spicer -- who finished a distant second in the September preliminary election -- is citing thousands of dollars in support for her challenger from the PAC aligned with Gov. Charlie Baker as evidence of an attempted “conservative” takeover of the city’s reins, Bruce Mohl of Commonwealth reports. Challenger Charles Sisitsky, who has received more than $15,000 in support from the Massachusetts

Majority PAC, accused Spicer of “fear mongering” ahead of next week’s vote. Senate passes redistricting map that adds additional majority-minority districts Another step in the decennial redistricting process played out Wednesday afternoon: Senators passed a map redrawing political boundaries for all 40 districts. State House News Service’s Katie Lannan reports that the Senate approved the map on a 36-3 vote after two senators voting in oppositions raised concerns about their individual districts and the process that led to changes. SJC chief justice highlights ongoing fight against racial inequities Supreme Judicial Court Chief Justice Kimberly Budd offered her first State of the Judiciary address Wednesday, where she said fighting against systemic racial inequities is a top priority. MassLive’s Alison Kuznitz reports that Bud said “we also

continued on page 11



tate Senator Nick Collins voted to pass An Act relative to military spouse-licensure portability, education and enrollment of dependents, or SPEED Act, to support military families who relocate to the Commonwealth by providing career stability for the spouses of service members and quality education for their children. The legislation would speed up the professional licensure process for military spouses to ensure they

can continue their careers, allow for advanced and virtual enrollment for military children to resolve disruptions in education, provide in-state tuition continuity for militaryconnected college students, and establish a Purple Star Campus designation to identify public schools that show a major commitment to military families. Components of the SPEED Act include: • Military Spouse-Licensure Portability • Expedited Military Spouse

Teacher Licenses • Advanced and Virtual Enrollment for Military Children • Purple Star Campus Designation • In-State Tuition Continuity for Military-Connected College Students “I am proud to support this legislation, representing an important commitment to our Veterans throughout the entire state for their service to our nation,” said Senator Nick Collins. “This bill will set relocating military families up for success

which is a top priority for me.” The SPEED Act now advances on to the Massachusetts House of Representatives for further consideration.

October 28, 2021

City Councilor At-Large Michael Flaherty Announces New Endorsements Flaherty adds 9 new endorsements in support of his re-election, bringing the total number of endorsements received by the campaign to 70.


oston City Councilor At-Large Michael Flaherty announced he has received 9 additional endorsements in support of his bid for re-election in the November 2nd Boston Municipal General Election. These additional endorsements are from the following organizations: Greater Boston Labor Council, New England Joint Board UNITE HERE, SEIU1199, and Boston’s Ward 5, 6, 7, 12, and 16 Democratic Committees. “I am honored to receive these endorsements in what has continued to be a highly competitive campaign,” said Councilor Flaherty. “This is a continued demonstration of the broad level of support I continue to receive from every corner of the city. That support was shown in my first-place finish at the polls in September, shown through the 70 total endorsements I have received to date, and I believe it will continue to prominently show in the results of the upcoming General Election.” The complete list of Councilor Flaherty’s endorsements is available below: Congressman Stephen Lynch, Suffolk County Sheriff Steve Tompkins, Suffolk County Register of Deeds Steve Murphy, Suffolk Supreme Judicial Clerk Maura Doyle, Suffolk Superior Court Clerk Mike Donovan, Clerk Magistrate of Suffolk Superior Court Maura Hennigan, MA Senate Assistant Majority Leader Sal DiDomenico, MA Senate Majority Whip Mike Rush, State Senator Nick Collins, MA House Assistant Majority Leader Mike



Moran, State Rep David Biele, State Rep Edward Coppinger, State Rep Kevin Honan, State Rep Dan Hunt, State Rep Jay Livingstone, State Rep Dan Ryan, Councilor Frank Baker, Councilor Kenzie Bok, Councilor Liz Breadon, Councilor Lydia Edwards, Councilor Ed Flynn, Councilor Matt O’Malley, Former Boston Police Commissioner William Gross, Ward 5 Democratic Committee, Ward 6 Democratic Committee, Ward 7 Democratic Committee, Ward 12 Democratic Committee, Ward 16 Democratic Committee, Teamsters Local Union #25, Greater Boston Labor Council, Greater Boston Building Trades, Boston Teachers Union, North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters, Unite Here Local #26, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 103, AFSCME 93, New England Joint Board Unite HERE (NEJB UNITE HERE), SEIU Local 888, SEIU 1199, SEIU Local 888, SEIU NAGE Local 5000, Boston Carmen’s Union #589, Professional Firefighters of Massachusetts, Boston Firefighters Local 718, Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association - Emergency Medical Services, Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association, Boston Police Superior Officers Federation, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 2222, International Union of Elevator Constructors Local 4, International Union of Operating Engineers Local 4, International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers Lo-

cal 6, International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers Local 7, United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers Local 33, International Union of Painters and Allied Trades District Council 35, Laborers’ International Union of North America Local 22, Laborers’ International Union of North America Local 88 (Tunnel Workers), Laborers’ International Union of North America Local 151, Laborers’ International Union of North America Local 223, Laborers’ International Union of North America Local 1421 (Wreckers), Operative Plasterers’ & Cement Masons’ International Association Local 534, Sheet Metal Workers’ International Association Local 17, The International Brotherhood of

Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers Local 29, United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States, Canada (UA) Plumbers & Gasfitters Local 12, United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States, Canada (UA) Pipefitters Local 537, United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and PipeFitting Industry of the United States, Canada (UA), Sprinkler Fitters Local 550, United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1445, Floorcoverers Local #2168, Carpenters Residential Local #723, Carpenters Local #327, Piledrivers Local #56, Shop and Millmen Local #51


Michael Flaherty for Boston City Council At-Large #7 ON THE BALLOT!

A record worth re-electing: Go to to learn more.

Boston's municipal election is

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2021 To learn more about early voting, mail-in voting, finding your polling location, and more, go to: NEED A RIDE TO THE POLLS? CALL TEAM FLAHERTY AT 617-765-7110 Paid for by the Michael Flaherty Committee P.O Box 122 Boston, MA 02127


Mayoral Election continued from front page

or Michelle Wu, both Democrats, come out on top in the general election, the city will have a woman of color leading it for the first time. Voters will also cast ballots for four at-large seats on the City Council in addition to several district seats and three ballot questions. Where Do the Candidates Stand On The Issues? Mass & Cass: Both Essaibi George and Wu say services need to be decentralized to address the homelessness and addiction crisis at the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and Melnea Cass Avenue. The candidates sparred Monday evening in a final debate over Mass and Cass and a recovery center on Long Island. Both candidates said they do not support Sheriff Steve Tompkins’ plan to house Mass and Cass residents involuntarily in the South Bay Correctional Facility. Essaibi George stood firmly in favor of a plan to build a bridge to the Long Island campus, while Wu backed re-activating a ferry shuttle. Wu said she doesn’t believe the plan to rebuild the bridge is a shortterm solution. Police: Perhaps the issue that the candidates differ most on, Essaibi George has consistently rejected calls for reallocating police funding and has said that the city should hire more police officers. She told BPR she supports enacting the reforms recommended by the police reform task force. And she advocates placing mental health officers in stations to respond to non-criminal crises. Wu has advocated for a form of defunding police departments by reallocating funds to a public health approach to replace some work done by police officers, for example having mental health counselors respond to crisis situations. Housing: Essaibi George said the city should increase its housing supply and focus on affordable family housing, adding that, within her first 100 days in office, she would increase funding for the city’s support for homebuyers. Michelle Wu has been a vocal advocate of rent control, which would require action from the state Legislature, and supports a plan


to cap rent increases while also creating opportunities to drive new construction. Environment: Essaibi George says that climate solutions should take a “neighborhood-centered” approach rather than relying on stakeholders outside the city. She would plan to improve green infrastructure and invest in green urban spaces and parks in low-income neighborhoods. Michelle Wu released her plan, “Boston’s Green New Deal,” early in the race, which includes approaches such as making the deadline for the city’s decarbonization earlier, increasing the city’s tree canopy and infrastructure-based solutions like a fare-free T. Who Are The Candidates For At-Large City Council? There are eight candidates in the race for four at-large seats on the City Council, down from 17 in the preliminary election. Michael Flaherty is an incumbent who was first elected in 2000, previously working as an Assistant District Attorney in Suffolk County. He lives in South Boston and has made affordable housing central to his campaign. Rep. Stephen Lynch and Suffolk County Sheriff Steve Tompkins have endorsed him. Althea Garrison replaced Ayanna Pressley on the Council after Pressley became a Congresswoman in 2018 and has run several times in the past. She told GBH News she is against cutting funds from the police department budget and supports hiring more officers. David Halbert is a former staffer for Gov. Deval Patrick who lives in Dorchester. He told GBH News that he supports the city adopting a Green New Deal, and that he supports redirecting police department funds to hiring more mental health clinicians and social workers to address public safety concerns. Rep. Ayanna Pressley, Councilor Andrea Campbell and State Sen. Sonia Chang-Díaz have endorsed him. Ruthzee Louijeune is an attorney and activist who formerly worked on Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s campaigns and lives in Hyde Park. She supports re-directing public safety funds to increased mental health services and also to fund-

ing homeownership in low-income neighborhoods. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Rep. Ayanna Pressley, Councilor Andrea Campbell and the Boston Teachers Union have endorsed her. Julia Mejia is an incumbent from Dorchester who was elected in 2019 and became the first AfroLatina councilor. She previously worked as a producer at MTV and led civic engagement groups. Rep. Ayanna Pressley, Councilor Andrea Campbell, State Sen. Sonia ChangDíaz and Sunrise Boston have endorsed her. Carla B. Monteiro is a social worker from Dorchester who has said her focus would be climate change, transportation and affordable housing if elected. Rep. Ayanna Pressley, Councilor Andrea Campbell and Sunrise Boston have endorsed her. Erin Murphy is a Boston Public Schools kindergarten teacher from Dorchester who previously ran for the council in 2019. Education has been the central issue of her campaign and she told GBH News the Boston Police Department needs to hire more officers, not fewer. Boston EMS, Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association and City Councilor Frank Baker have endorsed her. Bridget Nee-Walsh is an iron worker and business owner from South Boston. She told GBH News the city should increase funding for police officer hiring and training, and that the city should return to the community policing model from Mayor Tom Menino’s tenure. City Councilor Frank Baker, State Rep. Dan Ryan

October 28, 2021

and Boston Police Patrolman’s Association have endorsed her. Here are the ballot questions summarized. • Boston, Massachusetts, Question 1, Budget Approval Process Charter Amendment (November 2021): A “yes” vote supports granting the city council the authority to amend a budget proposed by the mayor and to override the mayor’s budgetary amendments or vetoes and establishing an office of participatory budgeting by 2024. A “no” vote opposes this measure granting the city council the authority to amend a budget proposed by the mayor and to override the mayor’s budgetary amendments or vetoes and establishing an office of participatory budgeting by 2024. • Boston, Massachusetts, Question 2, Electric Substation Location Advisory Question (November 2021): A “yes” vote supports advising the city to build a high voltage electric substation at 400 Condor Street in East Boston. A “no” vote opposes advising the city to build a high voltage electric substation at 400 Condor Street in East Boston. • Boston, Massachusetts, Question 3, Elected School Committee Advisory Question (November 2021): A “yes” vote supports advising the city to return the city’s appointed school committee to an elected system. A “no” vote opposes advising the city to return the city’s school committee to an elected system, thereby maintaining the mayor appointed system that has been in place since 1992.

October 28, 2021





aymond L. Flynn, former United States Ambassador to the Holy See and former Mayor of Boston, and Kathy Flynn have endorsed Erin Murphy’s candidacy for At-Large City Council, saying her election would continue a long tradition of selfless public service in Boston. The Flynns, lifelong Boston residents who have raised children and grandchildren in the city, called Erin a leading light in a new generation of leaders who will extend leadership to every neighborhood in the city. “Erin is an exemplary candidate for an extraordinary time in our city,” said Ambassador Flynn. “She has the empathy that defines public service, the energy that makes for a great city councilor, and the passion we need at City Hall. She will represent working families across Boston with vigor, and I am proud to endorse her candidacy.” “Erin taught in the Boston Public Schools for 22 years, she raised her family here in the city as a single mom, and she’s been an advocate for her community long before she ran for office,” said Kathy Flynn. “She has fought on the frontlines of the substance abuse and addiction crisis, and she’s perfectly suited to represent our neighborhoods on the City Council.” City Councilor Ed Flynn, a South Boston Democrat and the son of Ambassador and Kathy Flynn, endorsed Erin in September. “I’m so proud to have the endorsement from Ambassador and Mrs. Flynn,” Erin said. “They are a legendary family that has never stopped giving to our city, and a wonderful example for us all. Their decades of giving back to their neighborhood and their city are a cause for celebration, and I’m grateful that they’re in my corner. From South Boston to

the Vatican, they represent the best of our city.” The Flynns support comes as Erin has been expanding her grassroots operation before the November 2 election, when Erin will compete for one of four At-Large City Council seats, and as citywide support has been building. Her outreach has extended to every neighborhood in the city, the same energy she would bring to the City Council. Erin’s campaign has been gathering steam all year, with a string of high-profile endorsements and a surge in grassroots support and volunteerism across the city. Erin has also been endorsed by, among others, US Representative Stephen F. Lynch, activist and mentor and former At-Large candidate Said Abdikarim, State Senator Nick Collins, House Ways and Means Chairman Aaron Michlewitz, State Representatives Dan Hunt, Jon Santiago, Michael J. Moran, Ed Coppinger, Dan Ryan, and David Biele, former state Representatives Jeffrey Sanchez and Carlo Basile, City Councilors Frank Baker and Ed Flynn, and former City Councilors Diane Modica, Sal LaMattina, and John Nucci, Register of Deeds Stephen J. Murphy, International Union of Painters and Allied Trades District Council 35, United Steelworkers Local 12003, Teamsters Union Local 25, AFSCME Council 93 (which represents Boston municipal employees), the Massachusetts Nurses Association, Boston Firefighters Local 718, Laborers Local 223, the Massachusetts Women’s Political Caucus, and Boston EMS. A lifelong Dorchester resident, Erin has centered her campaign around being Boston’s go-to call at City Hall. Erin’s vision for Boston and her

campaign are built on her core beliefs: • Thriving, best-in-class public schools for every student in every neighborhood • A friendlier city for seniors, with a more compassionate policy focus • Stronger outreach to veterans, out of respect for their service and

supporting their needs • Safer streets and policing across the City, prioritizing community policing • A firm plan to relieve the crisis at Mass & Cass that respects all stakeholders • Reducing income inequality by promoting good jobs for all Bostonians

VOTE for Erin Murphy for City Council At-Large

Mother, Teacher, Community Advocate, Problem Solver Erin is proud to have more than 45 endorsements including: •Boston Firefighters, Police & EMS •Mass Nurses Association •IBEW Local 103 •Former Mayor Ray Flynn •Congressman Stephen Lynch •Senator Nick Collins •City Councilor Ed Flynn •State Representative David Biele •Gavin Foundation President John McGahan

Bringing Boston Back. Together.




Wine Guy

Time To Warm Up


ith the weather being the way it is, I think it’s time to talk about some wines that will warm things up. After all, pool time is over; try these out beside a warm fire with something hot to eat…. My friend, Sam Sumpter, a wine writer at Vivino says it’s impossible to find a grape that pleases every palate, but if we were going to throw one into the ring, it would definitely be Malbec. Fruit-forward, full-bodied, and with soft tannins, there’s no resisting Malbec’s allure, and its versatile variety is not only an easy, elegant accompaniment to a rich meal (think skirt steak or beef stew) but also an excellent wine to sip solo, too. Originally

from Bordeaux, it got its start in Argentina when a French grower met and fell in love with a woman from Argentina. He brought some plantings with him when they decided to settle there and the rest, as they say, is history. El Enemigo Malbec, 2017, Mendoza, Argentina, ($21.99), is made with grapes from Gualtallary and aged for 15 months in old foudres. This Malbec, mixed with 10% Cabernet Franc, is proof of the beauty of the combination: the Franc lends the Malbec greater discipline and depth. Bright purple in the glass. The nose offers fresh cherries and plums with aromas of thyme. Gentle in the mouth, delivering fine, subtle tannins that lend framework, all with a genial freshness that brings the flavors to life and pleasantly stretches out the slightly taut palate. A delicious wine, best with grilled red meat and fresh vegetables. As many of you know, Drew Bledsoe has long since traded in the playing fields of the NFL for the growing field of his vineyards in Walla Walla, Washington and Bend, Oregon. His Doubleback Cabernet Sauvignon is legendary, (when you can find it!), but his Bledsoe Family line of wines offers some excellent value for the money. The Bledsoe Family Winery Caber-

net Sauvignon 2018, ($55.99) is a real value. Jeb Dunnuck gives it 93 points, saying “the 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon offers lots of spiced red and black fruits as well as notes of iron, toasted spice, and sandalwood. Nicely textured and medium-bodied, with both fruit and richness as well as a good sense of elegance, it’s ideal for drinking any time over the coming 10–15 years. As Cabernet Sauvignon goes, you’d pay three times the price for the quality if it was from Napa.” Think a Sunday roast, New York strips on the grill or ground Filet sliders with Boursin cheese. Another favorite for the cooler weather is Pinot Noir. It’s the primary varietal of Burgundy, as well as Oregon and unlike the first two wines I’ve mentioned, is less forward than them, but elegant and structured. Maison Roches Bellene 2015 Vieilles Vignes, (Savigny-lesBeaunes), ($34.99), is not only the embodiment of all that’s great in

Lynch To Host Information Session On Service Academies November 7th


n Sunday, November 7th, 2021, Congressman Stephen F. Lynch (DMA-08) will host an information session at Braintree Town Hall for all high school students interested

in applying to one of the United States Service Academies. Representatives from each of the following academies will make brief presentations and be available for questions:

• United States Military Academy at West Point, NY • United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, MD • United States Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, CO

October 28, 2021

Burgundian Pinot but is also exceptional in that it’s rare to find a 90-+ point wine from here at such a low price ($29.99). It’s medium-bodied, with layers of red cherries, strawberries and slight overtones of earth and tabac notes. Excellent with a hearty Beef Stew and a loaf of hot Baguette bread. It wouldn’t be a fair review without at least one mention of Pinotage. A specialty of South Africa, it comes from strains that were originally developed from CrozesHermitages stock. Neethlingshof,” The Owl Post” Pinotage, ($24.99), grown on the Western Cape, in Stellenbosch, has ripe berry and banana aromas with vanilla oak perfumes that give way to a rich and velvety palate of black cherry, plum and vanilla flavors. This single-vineyard Pinotage is excellent served with grilled meat, game, or hearty stews. Talk To The Wine Guy at

• United States Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, NY • United States Coast Guard Academy at New London, CT • Massachusetts Maritime Academy at Buzzards Bay, MA All students and their families are welcome to attend. WHAT: Congressman Lynch’s Academy Day WHEN: Sunday, November 7th, 2021, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM WHERE: Horace Cahill Auditorium Braintree Town Hall, 1 JFK Memorial Drive, Braintree, MA 02184 CONTACT: Bob Fowkes, (617) 428-2000 For those unable to attend, more information on the Service Academy nomination process is available on our website:



October 28, 2021

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Condo 135 Seaport Blvd UNIT 1901 Condo 135 Seaport Blvd Unit 1502 Condo 135 Seaport Blvd Unit 1002 Condo 133 Seaport Blvd UNIT 622 Condo 153 Seaport Blvd UNIT1502 Condo 350 West Broadway Unit 8 Condo 893 East Second St UNIT 5 Conbdo 135 Seaport Blvd Blvd UNIT 809 Condo 133 Seaport Blvd UNIT 602 Condo 305 East Broadway UN*IT 2 Condo 340 West Second St UNIT 25 Condo 133 Seaport Blvd UNIT 2108 586 East Third St UNIT 1


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South Boston Catholic Academy News

Highlights from K1B


rom Ms. Katie Tempinski … The children in K1B are social and love to learn! This month they have been learning about each other during Morning Meeting. They have brought

in items from home in the class “All About Me” bag. When it is each child’s turn they talk about the items they brought in and share why the items are special to them and their family.

Every day at Morning Meeting K1B sings their good morning song in English and in Spanish and says their good morning prayer. The children take turns with classroom jobs, say the Pledge of Allegiance, place the date on the calendar, report the weather and count how many days they have been in school. The children look forward to center time where they do a variety of hands-

October 28, 2021

on math, language, literacy, science, social, fine motor and art activities. K1B enjoys working together with their peers and teachers during this small group time. We recently went on a fall walk and a leaf hunt and had a chance to enjoy a beautiful autumn day. New families are welcome to email Mrs. Jamie Brown at to learn more about South Boston Catholic Academy.



October 28, 2021



n accordance with Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 87, the Boston Parks and Recreation Department will hold a virtual public hearing on Thursday, November 4, at 10:00 a.m. on a request to remove one public shade tree in South Boston. The request is for the removal of one pear tree measuring 12 inches dbh (diameter at breast height) at 10 Mercer Street in South Boston in order to install a driveway curb cut.

Window continued from page 4

need to do more to fight another kind of virus that has affected our legal system for far too long: the problem of racial and ethnic inequities.” More from Kuznitz: “During her address, Budd also praised judges, clerks and all other court system employees for their resilience and ingenuity throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Technological advances will likely continue in the courts, Budd said, even when safety conditions improve.” Friends at the top: Another Warren aide heads to Democratic headquarters Kristen Orthman, a longtime adviser to U.S. Sen. Elizabeth

The hearing will be held by the City of Boston’s Tree Warden (or designee). Please note that due to the current pandemic the hearing will be a virtual meeting via ZOOM. Written comments or questions may be submitted to prior to the hearing. The information for the ZOOM hearing is as follows: To participate by computer: https://us02web.zoom. us/j/81346497716 To participate by phone: 1-646-558-8656 Webinar ID: 813 4649 7716 Public testimony will be taken or may be provided prior to the hearing in writing to the Tree Warden, Boston Parks and Recreation Department, 1010 Massachusetts Avenue, 3rd floor,

Warren, is slated to become the next communications director at the Democratic National Committee, making her just the latest political operative to make the move from Warren’s camp to the DNC, Alex Thompson of Politico reports. Doc fined after leaving operating room to eat in car This wasn’t the best time to take a snack and nap break. Boston Globe’s Jonathan Saltzman reports that the head of spine surgery at Boston Medial Center was fined $5,000 for leaving an operating room in November 2016 ahead of an ankle surgery to eat in his car, where he fell asleep and missed the operation.

Roxbury, MA 02118 or by emailing with “South Boston Tree Hearing” in the subject line. A final decision regarding the

request will be made within two weeks of the hearing. For further information, please contact the Tree Warden at (617) 635-7275.


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October 28, 2021

This week, Danny gave “Pic’s Picks” for Week 8 in the NFL:


ark it down, that’s backto-back 4-1 weeks for my picks. After another great week in Week 7, my record on the season, against the spread, is now 20-15. I can’t believe it’s already Week 8. Only two teams have a bye this weekend: Las Vegas and Baltimore. And there are no early games in London. Week 8 begins with a great one on Thursday Night Football, as the 6-1 Green Bay Packers take on the 7-0 Arizona Cardinals, in Arizona. The Cardinals are the only remaining undefeated team in the NFL. Meanwhile, Green Bay has won six straight after scoring just three points in a 38-3 Week 1 loss in New Orleans. Both the Packers and Cardinals are on a roll, and it’s very rare to see the game of the week take place on a Thursday night. Usually, we see the opposite. Arizona is a 6.5-point favorite, which, in my opinion, is a little high, even if Green Bay will be missing some key players due to them being placed on the COVID-19 list. Still, as I always say, just stay away from the Thursday night game. It’s a short week for both teams, and

anything can happen. As for my picks, here’s who I got for Week 8: MIAMI DOLPHINS (+13.5) over Buffalo Bills -So, the 1-6 Dolphins have lost six straight and are in last place in the AFC East. They’re also facing a 4-2 Bills team that’s coming off a bye. This game is in Buffalo on Sunday at 1 p.m. You might be thinking to yourself, “Why in the world would anyone pick the Dolphins here?” Well, for starters, I think Miami quarterback Tua Tagovailoa continues to be pushed by motivation after hearing continuous Deshaun Watson trade rumors. He’s thrown for a total of 620 yards and six touchdown passes in his last two games since returning from an injury. It’s an injury that he suffered back in Week 2, during the first quarter of a 35-0 loss to these very same Bills. But if Tua plays the whole game, I think he keeps it competitive enough to cover the high spread. I’m not taking Miami to win, just to cover. Give me the points. NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS (+6) over Los Angeles Chargers -The 3-4 Patriots head out West to take on the 4-2 Chargers on Sunday at 4:05. Both teams are in second

place in their respective divisions. It’s a rematch from last December, when the Pats went into LA and shut of the Chargers 45-0, thanks to a couple special teams touchdowns. New England held Justin Herbert to just 209 yards passing and picked him off twice. Herbert will most likely have a better game this time around, in his second NFL season. And the Chargers might even win this game. But I expect the Patriots to keep it close until the very end. This one will be settled by a field goal. I’ll take New England to cover. TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS (-5) over New Orleans Saints -This game is Sunday at 4:25 in New Orleans. The 6-1 Buccaneers have won four straight and are in first place in the NFC South. The 4-2 Saints have won two straight and are in second place in that division. Without Drew Brees, these aren’t the same Saints. But they still have one of the most dangerous offensive weapons in football in Alvin Kamara. He’s a running back, but he caught 10 passes for 128 receiving yards in the Saints’ win over the Seahawks in Seattle on Monday night. Still, I think Tampa Bay’s defense will be ready for him. I also expect Tom Brady to

keep it rolling. Bucs win by 10. DALLAS COWBOYS (-2.5) over Minnesota Vikings -Both the 5-1 Cowboys and the 3-3 Vikings are coming off the bye. This game is in Minnesota for Sunday Night Football. Dallas has won five straight. Minnesota has won two straight. The Vikings have one of the worst rush defenses in the NFL, which bodes well for Ezekiel Elliott in primetime. Cowboys win a close one. Give me Dallas to squeeze out a win and cover the low spread. LOCK OF THE WEEK: PITTSBURGH STEELERS (+3.5) over Cleveland Browns -All you have to do is watch Mike Tomlin’s reaction to being asked about considering a college football coaching job this week. He clearly took it as a sign of disrespect. I expect his 3-3 Steelers to rally around him. Sure, Pittsburgh is in last place and faces a 4-3 Browns team in Cleveland on Sunday at 1, but with Baker Mayfield out, there’s no way I’m betting against the Steelers who won two straight before last week’s bye. I’ll take the points all day here, because I think Pittsburgh wins the game. Follow Danny on Twitter and Instagram @DannyPicard.


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Houston, which sent the Astros to the World Series. Houston won Game 1 at home in a close one, 5-4. The Red Sox took Game 2 in Houston, 9-5 by hitting two grand slams in the first two innings. As the series shifted to Fenway for Game 3, Boston got another grand slam to jump out to an early lead and eventually slug their way to a 12-3 win to take a 2-1 series lead. But the next night, in the eighth inning of a 2-1 game in Game 4 at

Dallas (-2.5) at Minnesota 8:20 P.M. NBC MONDAY, NOV. 1 NY Giants at Kansas City (-10) 8:15 P.M. ESPN NBA SATURDAY, OCT. 30 Boston at Washington 5 P.M. NBCSB NHL SATURDAY, OCT. 30 Florida at Boston 7 P.M. NESN/ESPN+

Fenway, Jose Altuve hit a solo home run of Garrett Whitlock that tied the game at 2-2 and changed the series. The Red Sox brought in starter Nathan Eovaldi out of the bullpen in the ninth inning, and he allowed the go-ahead run on an RBI single by Astros No. 9 hitter Jason Castro. The Astros won that Game 4, 9-2, and then went on to win Game 5 at Fenway, 9-1, to take a 3-2 series lead heading back to Houston, where they ended the Red Sox’ season in Game 6.



SBT Staff

s Tom Brady continues to break records and reach historic milestones this season with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, his success is still felt in New England. In the Bucs’ win over the Chicago Bears last Sunday, Brady became the first quarterback in NFL history to throw 600 touchdown passes. Of course, the first 541 touchdown passes of Brady’s career came with the Patriots. Brady threw four touchdowns against the Bears, and now has

a total of 602 regular-season touchdown passes. The historic No. 600 came late in the first quarter, as Brady found Mike Evans on a slantroute for the 9-yard score. It was the second touchdown of the game for Brady. he ended up throwing two more to get to career No. 602 and lead Tampa Bay to a 38-3 win over Chicago. Drew Brees has the secondmost touchdown passes in NFL history, with 571. He’s followed by Peyton Manning with 539, Brett Favre with 508, and Aaron Rodgers with 427.

SUNDAY, OCT. 31 New England at LA Chargers (-5.5) 4:05 P.M. CBS Tampa Bay (-4.5) at New Orleans 4:25 P.M. FOX

SBT Staff

fter winning Games 2 and 3 of the American League Championship Series decisively to take a 2-1 series lead, the Boston Red Sox lost the next three and were eliminated by the Houston Astros in six games. Houston now takes on the Atlanta Braves in the World Series. Boston’s issues in Games 4, 5, and 6 came at the plate. The Red Sox scored a total of just three runs in those games, which includes being shut out, 5-0, in Game 6 in

NFL THURSDAY, OCT. 28 Green Bay at Arizona (-6) 8:20 P.M. FOX/NFLN

The Buccaneers are now 6-1 and have won four straight. They’re current four-game win streak started with a Week 4 win over the Patriots at Gillette Stadium. In that game, Brady set a new record for career passing yards, as he passed Drew Brees’ 80,358 pass yards in the first quarter with a 28-yard pass to Evans. Brady now has 81,479 career passing yards, the most all-time. He had 74,571 of those passing yards with the Patriots. The closes active player is Ben Roethlisberger, who has 61,863 career pass yards.



SBT Staff

he New England Patriots bounced back from an overtime loss to the Dallas Cowboys in Week 6 by demolishing the New York Jets at Gillette Stadium in Week 7. New England’s offense scored seven touchdowns in a 54-13 win over the Jets on Sunday. Quarterback Mac Jones threw two touchdown passes, while wide receiver Kendrick Bourne threw a touchdown pass of his own on a trick play. The other four Patriot touchdowns came on the ground, with Damien Harris rushing for two, and J.J. Taylor rushing for the other two. It marks the second time the Patriots have beaten the Jets this season. New England is now 3-4 on the season, and is in second place in the AFC East, behind the 4-2 Buffalo Bills, who had a bye in Week 7. The Patriots now get set for two straight road games, beginning this Sunday against the 4-2 Chargers in Los Angeles. After that, the Patriots travel to Carolina to take on the Panthers in Week 9.

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