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Parents Seek To Have Court Overturn Exam School Admissions Policy
Get Your Higher Rate...NOW No Strings Attached! Open an account at any branch. South Boston/Seaport Offices: 147 West Fourth Street 409 D Street
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group of white and Asian parents in Boston is seeking to have at least five students admitted to the city’s exam schools after they failed to secure seats under a temporary admission policy last year, according to documents filed Tuesday in the federal appeals court. The Parent Coalition
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June 9, 2022: Vol.10 Issue 23
16-Month Certificate *APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Minimum balance to open and earn APY is $500. The APY for all Certificates assumes the dividends will remain in the account until maturity. Withdrawal of dividends prior to maturity will reduce earnings. Certificates are subject to penalty for early withdrawal. Fees may reduce earnings. Rate is effective May 8, 2022. This is a limited time offer and is subject to change without notice. Other rates and terms available.
June 9, 2022
All Are Invited To The Flag Retirement Ceremony Tuesday June 14th
ext Tuesday, June 14th is ‘Flag Day’. Flag Day may not be an officially sanctioned federal holiday, but it still means a lot to millions of Americans. It’s the day specifically set aside for the purpose of honoring Old Glory. With the departure of Covid, the twice Annual Flag Retirement ceremony has returned to Castle Island’s Fort Independence. If you have never witnessed this beautiful, solemn and patriotic event, why not take a ride or walk to the Island and check it out? It will begin promptly at 11am and lasts a little more than an
hour. The ceremony will be conducted by the Scottish American Military Society and in cooperation with our neighborhood’s local veteran’s posts, the Castle Island Association and the Department of Conservation and Recreation. The ceremony itself consists of, among other things, properly disposing of old, faded and torn American Flags that have been on display on public poles as well as private homes and have been replaced with new American Flags. The flags to be retired are placed in a special metal container and set ablaze. There will be
color guard(s) on site, a band to play music and dignitaries from veteran’s groups. As was stated, it is a beautiful, solemn and patriotic ceremony that will brings smiles (perhaps a few tears) and hearts filled with pride. There are some in our country who don’t see or refuse to see the significance of treating our flag with respect and dignity. In fact, former first lady Michelle Obama, once said to her husband while in attendance at a military event and watching the great care, gentle handling and respect that the soldiers present were treating Old Glory
with, “Why all this fuss for a flag?”. She apparently just didn’t understand. She just didn’t get what the flag means to most Americans. Here in South Boston, the many reasons we show respect to and honor our flag have never been a mystery. Our neighborhood has lost many of its sons who died protecting the freedom we all enjoy under that Red, White and Blue banner. Americans have given all from the days of the Revolutionary War to the more recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and all the battles in between. We understand what it stands
for. We are used to seeing it wave in every corner of our nation and on our embassies abroad and we like it. To most Americans, every day is a day we honor the flag. And it is certainly fitting that Old Glory should have its very own special day, every June 14th, to be recognized. And that’s why we respectfully suggest that if you have some free time next Tuesday, take that trip to Fort Independence and see a truly inspiring event. We think you’ll be happy you did. Oh yes, and if you have a flag that has seen its better days and has been replaced by a new one, you can drop it off at Sully’s (Sullivan’s Restaurant) at Castle Island any time prior to the event and it will receive the honor and retirement it deserves.
“Spring unlocks the beautiful flowers to paint the happy soil” - Reginald Heber
Hearts, Hugs & Hope: A Virtual Alzheimer’s Support Group Offered by Compass on the Bay
une 16, 2022, 6:00 pm. Dealing with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia isn’t easy, so it is helpful to
share your concerns and personal experiences with others who completely understand what you’re going through. You will
John Ciccone
also learn about proven strategies to help you better care for your family member. This group will be held in conjunction with our sister community, Standish Village. Call 617-268-5450 or email Program Director Dean Tricarico at for more information and to register for the virtual meeting.
This is a virtual event sponsored by Compass on the Bay Assisted Liv-
ing and Memory Support Community, 1380 Columbia Road, South Boston. PO Box 491 South Boston, MA 02127
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917 East Broadway • 617.268.4032 • Office hours: Mon-Fri 10:00am - 2:00pm
June 9, 2022
Information Center The
The New ‘Top Gun’ Film: Americans Are Done With ‘Woke” ‘Top Gun- Maverick’ Is Outstanding
he fact that the Hollywood Film industry has been looking at some hard financial times as of late is pretty well known. What used to be a popular American pass time - going to a movie theater to catch the latest release - has ceased to be the case for many years. The Tinsel Town PR (or propaganda) machine continues to insist that it was because of Covid. Yeah, nice try. The downward spiral was going on long before Covid came around. Others will tell you that the ‘streaming channels’ are causing the big decline in attendance. There is some truth to that but is has reluctantly been revealed by those streaming companies, that they too are seeing a big falling off of subscribers as well. As we are now learning, the biggest reason for the drop of viewers of new movies is that Hollywood has become a prisoner of its ‘Woke’ mentality, where the feel every movie it makes must be filled with leftist and Anti-American lectures scolding viewers about how bad they are and how much they should hate our country. The goal was to mold the thinking, the beliefs and the attitudes of the American public to fit the agenda and the politics of the leftists who control most of the film industry. But as has been exposed, it’s not working. The schemes of the entertainment industry moguls are not making converts at all. What it IS doing is ticking people off and they have responded with their dollars. So many people have had enough of this that it’s finally taking a noticeable toll
Note: talk back to John Ciccone by email at
on the money that once filled Hollywood’s coffers. So, it has come to the point that Hollywood and the rest of the entertainment/film industry can no longer deny it. The ‘Woke’ films they produce - those movies that bash our country, bash Conservatives and work hard to make the average American feel guilty about who they are and what they believe - are crashing and burning at the box office. The streaming services like Netflix etc, are seeing their subscribers leave them by the hundreds of thousands. But what is confirming all of this are the NonWoke movies, such as the most recent Spiderman film and now, the new Top Gun sequel (Top Gun – Maverick) featuring Tom Cruise. These 2 films, especially Top Gun Maverick are unabashedly pro American. Love of country and pro America themes are prominent in both films (Top Gun-Maverick is proudly pro military) and they are cleaning up at the box office. Americans are flocking by the millions again to see them. The hunger to be entertained rather than scolded and lectured is evident. Liberal critics hate both films. This alone tells us they are excellent movies. Top Gun – Maverick is currently in theaters now and probably will be for some time because it’s bringing in such massive crowds. If you haven’t seen it yet, do yourself a favor and make it a point to do so. I’m certainly no professional entertainment writer. But one doesn’t have to be to know a good ‘flick’ when you see one. Moving on, along with Woke
movies, something else people are fed up with is George Sorossupported leftwing District Attorneys that he has helped finance and put in place. The DAs all around the country in mostly Democrat run cities and counties have been releasing dangerous criminals back into the public as soon as they are arrested. Many have even announced that they would refuse to prosecute certain crimes. We had one right here in Suffolk County. Remember Rachael Rollins? Well, the voters and even some officials, shocked at the rise in
crime in those affected areas, are now moving to toss these leftist DAs out of their jobs by ‘Recalls’. The movement is growing and spreading nationwide. When the bad guys know they can pretty much do what they want without consequences because of these ‘soft on crime DAs, they will. This is how the crime rate soars in big cities. Give the leftist DAs the boot and let the cops do their jobs again and watch how quickly the crime rates drop in those areas. It’s easy enough to figure out even for leftist law makers.
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Window Into The State House
Window Into The State House provides our readers a synopsis of important issues of interest, past and current, that are being proposed, debated or acted upon by the Massachusetts Legislature. Many issues that are not related to local city government services are acted upon and have a direct impact on daily life. They are tax policy, transportation infrastructure, judicial appointments, social services and health, as well as higher education. We will excerpt reports from the gavel-to-gavel coverage of House and Senate sessions by news sources focused on this important aspect of our lives. These sources include a look ahead at the coming week in state government and summaries and analyses of the past week, re-caps of a range of state government activity, as well as links to other news.
-- Wu pitches real estate tax to fund affordable housing Boston Mayor Michelle Wu made the pitch herself yesterday as the Joint Committee on Revenue held a hearing on her plan to impose a real estate transfer tax in the city to generate funding for affordable housing. The proposal, which has been approved by the City Council but needs sign off from Beacon Hill, would allow that city to levy a 2 percent transfer tax on deals over $1 million in the city. These types of proposals have run into roadblocks at the State House in recent years, but Sen. Adam Hinds, the committee’s co-chair, said Wu’s proposal seemed “effective at threading that
needle” between raising cash and not stifling development. -- Boston exam school admissions challenged in court The parents of five white and Asian students who missed out on earning a seat in three of Boston’s elite exam schools last year because of a temporary cap on admissions by ZIP code are suing the city in federal court to allow their children to attend. The families are challenging a temporary admission policy used to increase diversity Boston Latin School, Boston Latin Academy, and the O’Bryant School of Math and Science. Despite earning grades that they say should have
qualified the students, the parents say the policy denied the students entrance because of where they lived. The case was filed in federal appeals court after a lower court judge previously upheld the legality of the admissions policy, which has since been revised but still contains a geographic components, reports the Globe’s James Vaznis. -- Kerry commits to look into case of missing British journalist U.S. Climate Envoy John Kerry has pledged to look into the circumstances surrounding the apparent disappearance of British environmental journalist Dom Phillips, who was last seen in the Brazilian rainforest, Arthur Nelsen and Tom Phillips of The Guardian report. Kerry said he would look into the case when confronted at an event honoring Time magazine’s 100 most influential people, a list that includes an indigenous Brazilian leader who was with Phillilps. -- Too much: Amherst gas station owner won’t sell $5 gas Amherst service station owner Reynold Gladu says he won’t refill his empty gas tanks because he doesn’t want to take part in what he calls “the biggest ripoff that ever has happened to people in my lifetime,” as prices nudge past $5 in much of the state. The Daily Hampshire Gazette’s Scott Merzbach reports the stance could lead to the end of Gladu’s business after 49 years. -- Taking no chances, Dems look for winning pedigree When the choice is between good and better, Democrats are looking for candidates that can win. With a few days of distance from the convention in Worcester, Politico’s Lisa Kashinsky and Madison Fernandez write that
June 9, 2022
party delegates weighing choices for governor and other statewide offices were motivated by an underlying desire choose the candidate best positioned to claim victory in November. In the race for governor, that meant an overwhelming victory for Attorney General Maura Healey regardless of whether delegates found appeal in Sen. Sonia Chang-Diaz’s more progressive policy agenda and disruptive approach to politics. “People don’t want Donald Trump, they don’t want Donald Trump acolytes or supporters in office. That’s why people are being very clear-eyed about who they support, who they endorse and who they think can win,” Democratic strategist Mary Anne Marsh said. -- Raytheon HQ moving, but jobs will stay Raytheon, one of the largest and most celebrated employers in Massachusetts, is moving its global headquarters to Virginia later this year. But while the news may seem dire for Massachusetts, Boston Business Journal’s Lucia Maffei reports that the company’s Waltham offices will remain open and the aerospace and military contractor has no plans to reduce its 12,000-employee headcount in Massachusetts. -- Broken EV chargers draw ire of senators Electric vehicles don’t do the environment any good if their owners can’t charge them. That’s why two senators are fired up over the state’s inability to get two of the six charging stations located along the Massachusetts Turnpike in Natick and Charlton fixed in well over a year. The Globe’s Aaron Pressman reports that Sen. Michael Barrett and Sen. Cindy Creem sent a letter to Secretary of Transportation Jamie Tesler insisting they be brought back into service by July 1, arguing their their inoperability not only hurts the state’s emission reduction efforts but erodes confidence in electric vehicles at a time when the state needs to dramatically ramp up EV sales to meet its climate goals.
continued on page 5
June 9, 2022
SEN. COLLINS TESTIFIES IN OPPOSITION TO MBTA PROPOSAL Plan would Short-Circuit Number 7 and Number 11 Bus Service in South Boston
ast Week, State Senator Nick Collins testified in opposition to the MBTA’s proposed bus route changes as part of the Authority’s Better Bus Project. In particular, the Senator took issue with proposed changes the Number 7 and Number 11 buses, which would see dramatic route changes under the existing plans. Senator Collins was joined by Representative David Biele in signing a letter of opposition that was
submitted to the MBTA last week. “The proposed changes are, frankly, absurd,” said Senator Collins. “I cannot support this proposal until those route changes are scrapped.” The proposed changes to the Number 11 bus would see the route end at Broadway Station, with the bus no longer continuing downtown via Tufts Medical Center. Commuters and those seeking the hospital’s services would instead have to
Opposition to Proposed Changes to MBTA Bus Routes in South Boston Mr. Poftak: We are writing to you today in strong opposition to the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority’s proposed changes to bus routes in our district. Specifically, the current proposed changes to the Number 7 and Number 11 buses are nonstarters. The Number 11 bus in South Boston serves many patients of Tufts Medical Center, including seniors, persons with disabilities and those suffering from chronic pain. This direct route is essential as a significant number of passengers are not physically or financially able to make the transfers to other buses or trains required under the proposed changes. Additionally, employees in the downtown area use this as the main source of daily transportation to and from work. Eliminating direct access to such a vital healthcare and employment center would be an injustice to the community. The MBTA must ensure that the community served by the existing Number 11 route continue to receive that access.
transfer to the Red Line and Orange Line to complete the trip, raising concerns regarding the abilities of those with physical disabilities to access healthcare. The Number 7 bus would continue its traditional route on Summer Street, passing by the Flynn Cruiseport, the Conley Terminal, and the Port of Boston, crossing the heavily trafficked Haul Road, before continuing past South Station, all the way through to North Station and Charlestown, doubling the current route before a return trip to South Boston. Many South Boston residents rely on the Number 7 bus for transportation to work downtown, with calls from residents to increase current Number 7 bus service.
Having examined the issues surrounding the Number 7 bus for many years, the proposed changes do not address the core concerns of the South Boston community. The Number 7 Bus route on Summer Street will not only lead to increased transit times in the mornings for residents who require that bus to get to work downtown, but the continued increases in congestion in the area of the Conley Terminal, Flynn Cruiseport, and the Port of Boston. The current issues will continue as long as the Number 7 bus continues to contribute to congestion on Summer Street, which will be exacerbated if extended to North Station and Charlestown. The extension of the route will remove the bus from the neighborhood, reducing the already limited service to South Boston, which we oppose completely. It is for these reasons that we request the current proposals for the Number 7 and Number 11 buses be abandoned, and demand that the agency come to the table with new plans that adequately reflect the needs of the neighborhood. Sincerely,
The MBTA is currently accepting feedback from community members regarding the proposed route changes. Please voice your feedback and concerns to BetterBusProject@MBTA. com, or by calling (617) 222-3011
Window continued from page 4
--OP/ED: Warren makes case for child care investment U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren has a new op/ed in USA Today making the case for a 15 percent tax on billion-dollar corporations that would pay to expand affordable access to child care. Warren pitches child care investments as response to inflation that would boost the labor force and improve productivity, taking pressure off tight supply chains that are contributing the rise in prices.
6 Exam continued from front page
for Academic Excellence contends the students had earned grades high enough to secure seats at Boston Latin School, Boston Latin Academy, and the O’Bryant School of Math and Science, but were denied admission because there weren’t enough seats allotted to their ZIP codes under the temporary policy. While Boston is no longer using the temporary admission policy that limited exam school seats last year for each city ZIP Code in an effort to increase diversity, a new policy that was enacted this year also divides seats across geographic regions, this time by grouping together areas with similar socio-economic characteristics. The legal challenge over the temporary policy persists amid growing concerns nationwide over the future of affirmative action. As reported by the Boston Globe, the plaintiff’s request is part of a broader effort to convince the First Circuit Court of Appeals to reverse a ruling last spring by a lower court judge, who upheld the legality of a temporary admission policy, which for the first and only time largely allot-
ted seats by grades and students’ ZIP codes. That policy resulted in more Black and Latino students gaining admission while fewer Asian and white applicants got in. Previously, students competed citywide for seats. “Because these students were deprived of seats at the Exam Schools because of their race, the judgment . . . should be reversed,” the plaintiff brief said. The lawsuit comes as a shift to the right on the US Supreme Court is raising concerns about whether cases like this one could undermine affirmative action if it makes its way there and prevails. Already, the nation’s highest court is poised to hear two cases this fall about the use of race in selective college admissions, including one focused on Harvard’s admissions policy, that could have ripple effects in the K-12 sector. Colleges are now strategizing new ways to diversify their campuses without relying on race as a factor. Meanwhile, a growing number of lawsuits contesting admission policies in selective public high schools are percolating across the country. The Supreme Court has dabbled in one of those cases this spring — centering on
I Was Just Thinking…
ack when law and order and common courtesy was commonplace, if someone did something wrong, they would be spoken to by either their parents, a man of the cloth, a community leader, or a law enforcement person such as a police officer or a judge. The punishment would be exacted based on the
nature of the offense. We understood bad behavior, especially illegal undertakings against people or property were not to be tolerated and appropriate punishment would be meted out. Criminal undertakings were not to be tolerated and if someone committed such crimes, they would suffer the consequences. It served as a deterrent in most instances because people knew their actions would lead them down a path they aren’t prepared to walk down. But then came the woke revolution. The Democrats decided that bad behavior would be tolerated. Commit the crime and don’t worry about doing time. Carry a gun and shoot someone, break and enter someone’s house, don’t worry. Rob someone. Stab a passerby. Don’t worry. They’ll be back on the street the following day after a hearty breakfast in jail. And they can go back to work doing what
June 9, 2022
a magnet school in Fairfax, Va. — but decided not to intervene, at least for now, and sent it back to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. The Fairfax case is being widely watched because unlike the Boston case a federal district court judge has ruled in favor of parents who argued the admission policy discriminated against Asian Americans and ordered Fairfax County Schools to stop using it. Fairfax is continuing with the policy while pursuing the appeal. Also of particular interest to many parents, educators, and civil rights advocates is the involvement of the Pacific Legal Foundation, which is representing parents who oppose the admission policy changes in Fairfax and the Boston parents contesting the temporary exam school policy. The parent coalition is hoping to persuade the appeals court to rule differently based on new evidence, which came to light since that court initially weighed in, and that their argument proves the School Committee intended to discriminate against Asian and white applicants. For instance, they point to text messages that emerged last spring
between two School Committee members who made racially insensitive remarks about white parents from West Roxbury on the night they approved the temporary admission policy. Those text messages were never entered into the court record during the original district court case and school attorneys have said it was an oversight rather than an attempt to conceal evidence that could jeopardize their case. The revelation prompted a federal district court judge to withdraw his written opinion upholding the temporary policy, although the overarching decision itself still stands. The plaintiffs contend the text messages add to an existing body of evidence in the original case that shows racial animus. That evidence includes a separate incident on the night of the School Committee vote during which the chairman at the time was caught on a hot microphone mocking public speakers who had Asian-sounding names. Boston school officials declined to comment on the plaintiff’s brief. Officials have until July 19 to file their response in the appeals court.
you do best. Hurting others. Every day we see and hear in the news about more people being shot in cities throughout the country. Go to a nightclub you might get shot, possibly die. Go to a supermarket. Go to the hospital. Go on the subway. Walk down the street. You might get shot, beat up, knifed, or murdered. And it seemingly repeats itself daily of late. Why has crime spiraled out of control in our great country? It’s not complicated. It’s because our leaders have failed us. They have failed to protect law-abiding citizens from criminal and psychiatrically insane people roaming freely in our communities. Our leaders need to wake up and use common sense to combat this national plague. Criminal-minded people know they can commit crimes and get away with it. Getting slapped on the hand and then released back on the streets is a recipe for more grief and heartache for those who abide by the law.
Those who break the law and commit heinous crimes can’t be let loose time and time again to continue to break the law. Send a message that zero tolerance measures against criminal behavior will be enacted against those who break the law. The outright criminal who commits a felony, any heinous act, must be locked away in prison for a long time. Those in need of psychiatric assistance must receive the mental health care they need and deserve to be put in a setting which protects everyone from harm. Without suffering the consequences of one’s behavior, people feel enabled to do despicable deeds. This mindset is unacceptable, nonsensical, and it’s time our leaders recognize this and effectuate change to protect the innocent. The UNITE HERE Local 26 members comprised workers from the Hynes, the BCEC, and nearby hotels, including the Sheraton Boston, Westin Copley Place, Hilton Back Bay, and Fairmont Copley Plaza.
June 9, 2022
President Biden Appoints Jim Brett Chairman of the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities
resident Biden announced this week that James T. Brett, CEO of the New England Council, has been appointed to serve as the Chairman of the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities (PCPID). “I am honored and humbled to have been selected by President Biden to Chair the President’s Committee for people with Intellectual Disabilities,” Mr. Brett said. “Advocacy for people with intellectual disabilities is a cause that is near and dear to my heart, and I look forward to the opportunity to work with other members of the committee to offer guidance and advice to the President on how we can best support people with Intellectual Disabilities” Mr. Brett, a Dorchester resident, has served as the President & CEO of the New England Council, a non-partisan business organization representing businesses throughout the six New England States since 19996. Prior to joining the Council, Mr. Brett served for more than fifteen years as a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Throughout his career, Mr. Brett has been an outspoken and tireless advocate for people with Intellectual Disabilities. He currently serves as the Chairman of the Governor’s Commission on Intellectual Disability and the Chairperson of the Massachusetts Disabled Persons Protection Commission. He is a Past President of the Board of Directors of the Massachusetts Association for Mental Health. He was appointed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi to serve on the National Council on Disability, where he is currently serving as their Vice Chair. Mr. Brett has continued to be a tireless advocate for the physically and mentally challenged. In 2018 he was awarded The Michael and Kitty Dukakis Lifetime Achievement Award from the Massachusetts Association for Mental Health
and in 2017 he was the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement and Advocacy Award for Individuals with Disabilities from Community Work Services and in 2014 he was awarded the John “Jack” Brett Champion’s Award from Special Olympics Massachusetts as well as being inducted into the Special Olympics Massachusetts Hall of Fame. Also in 2014, the Disability Law Center bestowed upon him, the Edward M. Kennedy Leadership Award. In 2013, the University of Massachusetts Boston established the James T. Brett Chair in Disability and Workforce Development, the nation’s only endowed chair in disability and workforce development. In recognition of his national contributions to the field of intellectual disability, the Boston Red Sox designated Mr. Brett, Disability Advocate in 2009 and again in 2011, which included the ceremonial first pitch at Fenway Park. Mr. Brett also received the Distinguished Leadership Award from Special Olympics Massachusetts in 2008. In 1996, Bay Cove Human Services of Boston named a new community home for disabled adults “Brett House” in his honor. He has also been recognized for his humanitarian work by Action for Boston Community Development, Lifetime Public Service Award, and induction into the ABCD Hall of Fame. Hospice of Boston also named him Humanitarian of the Year. In 2018 Mr. Brett was inducted into the Junior Achievement of Northern New England Hall of Fame and was also awarded the Gold Medal from the Eire Society of Boston. In 2015 Mr. Brett and his wife Patricia were awarded with the Saint John the Evangelist Medal in recognition of their extraordinary and faithful contributions to the spiritual life of Saint John’s Seminary. In the past decade, Mr. Brett introduced a proposal to the White House for a savings plan for fami-
lies of individuals with disabilities to save for the future. After moving through the Legislative process, the Federal Government passed the Able Act creating a savings plan for people with disabilities for future education, training, living expenses, and other supports. Mr. Brett has been awarded with Papal Honors as being named a Knight of Malta and Knight Grand Cross of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. He is the recipient of 16 Honorary Degrees. Mr. Brett and his wife Patricia currently reside in Dorchester.
The mission of the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities aims to provide advice and assistance to the President of the U.S. and the Secretary of Health and Human Services on a broad range of topics that impact people with intellectual disabilities as well as the field of intellectual disabilities. The foundation of this mission is a goal to improve the quality of life experienced by people with intellectual disabilities by upholding their full citizenship rights, independence, self-determination, and lifelong participation in their communities.
Wine Guy
Bring On The Summer!
ell, if it takes you four hours to get down to the Cape and anything more than a light shirt and shorts makes you uncomfortable, it must be Summer! So, finally, let’s take a look at some wines that’ll fit the bill……… Courtney Benham Chardonnay, Napa, 2019, ($19.99), has an array of complex fruit tones ranging from white pear and apple to nectarine. The fruit is beautifully complemented with toasted oak, vanilla and hints of
warm creme brulee with a balanced and elegant finish. James Suckling says, “Ripe mangoes, lemon curd, baked apricots, spiced apples and lemon meringue pie on the nose”. This is a natural for summer salads, especially Spinach with warm bacon dressing; also, don’t forget the shellfish, Pulled Pork with Coleslaw and grilled BBQ Chicken. The Pommard village in Côte de Beaune is famous for producing richly flavored, powerful red wine styles. The vineyard sites in this village appellation boast iron-rich clay soils and are planted almost exclusively with Pinot Noir grapes. This region has 27 Premier Cru vineyard sites, and the best ones, like Les Épenots and Les Rugiens, are often regarded as being worthy of the Grand Cru status. Domaine Joseph Voillot - Pommard 1er Cru - Les Pezerolles, NV, ($79.99) is one such wine. Pommard’s wines are often compared to the Premier Cru wines from Côte de Nuits villages because of their firm, powerful, and intense structures. You might want to try this
one with braised Lamb Chops on the grille or Chicken Piccata. While we don’t mention white wines from Bordeaux very often, one that I’d like to bring to your attention is Domaines Barons de Rothschild Les Légendes, Bordeaux Blanc, 2020, ($17.99). Legende offers consumers a journey through the different terroirs and tastes of the heralded Bordeaux region through the eyes of one of the region’s most prestigious producers, Domaines Barons de Rothschild (Lafite). “It all started in the nineties. They wanted to offer their consumers a discovery of the different terroirs and tastes of Bordeaux. A name had to be found. A name that could live up to the expectations. A hint to the Rothschild family and the rich history of Chateau Lafite. A legend was born.” Crafted by long-time Domaines Barons de Rothschild (Lafite) winemaker, Diane Flamand, Legende wines demonstrate a remarkable balance between tradition and modernity. With a product range that includes each of the five major appellations in Bordeaux:
June 9, 2022
Bordeaux Rouge, Bordeaux Blanc, Medoc, Saint-Emilion and Pauillac, Legende wines have an approachable style, inspired by everyday drinkability and enjoyment. Mulderbosch Sauvignon Blanc, 2020, South Africa, ($16.99), is just one more example of the hottest white wine from this exciting and evolving wine-producing nation. This Sauvignon Blanc delights every time with its superb balance of fruit, delicious minerality and perky acidity. Sip your first glass with oysters on the half shell with either horseradish-heavy cocktail sauce or a shallot mignonette. Their brininess is perfect with this Mulderbosch. Simply grilled sea bass with a lemon/ basil sauce is a lovely entree. A great choice for a light supper or lunch/ brunch is a loaded Nicoise salad. Make sure to saute the onions with garlic... For off-the-charts flavors, make it spaghetti with an anchovy carbonara; you won’t believe your taste buds! Trot out your favorite chevre cheese as your last course and make sure the glasses are filled again!
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June 9, 2022
Virtual Public Meeting
475-511 Dorchester Ave Zoom Link: Toll Free: (833) 568 - 8864 Meeting ID: 161 609 4404
Wednesday, June 15 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Project Proponent: Core Investments
Project Description: Please note that this is a repeat of the public meeting held on May 17th. The BPDA is hosting a public meeting for the proposed project at 475-511 Dorchester Avenue in the South Boston neighborhood of Boston. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss project updates included in the DPIR filed with the BPDA on March 16, 2022. The proposed project consists of the redevelopment of 9.1 acres of land along Dorchester Avenue into a multi-building, mixed-use development with a variety of uses including lab/research, residential, office, and other commercial uses, new public open space, new roadways, and public realm improvements. La información de esta reunión es crucial para usted como residente y parte interesada de la ciudad de Boston. Se encuentra disponible el servicio gratuito de interpretación de la información brindada en estas reuniones. Si necesita servicios de traducción, contáctese con: ( (617.918.4425) mail to: Nupoor Monani Boston Planning & Development Agency One City Hall Square, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02201 phone: 617.918.4425 email:
Close of Comment Period: 6/30/2022
Docket No. SU19P1284EA
Docket No. SU20P0939EA
Commonwealth Of Massachusetts
Commonwealth Of Massachusetts
The Trial Court Probate and
The Trial Court Probate and
Family Court
Family Court
Estate of: Kevin P Loftus
Estate of: Mary Margaret Reaney
Date of Death: 04/24/2019
Also known as: Mary M. Reaney
Suffolk Probate and Family Court
Date of Death: 02/11/2020
24 New Chardon Street
Suffolk Probate and Family Court
Boston, MA 02114 (617) 788-8300
24 New Chardon Street Boston, MA 02114 (617) 788-8300
A Petition for Order of Complete Settlement has been filed by: Veronica F Loftus of Weymouth MA requesting that the Court enter a formal Decree of Complete Settlement including the allowance of a final account and other such other relief as may be requested in the Petition.
Settlement has been filed by: Richard A. Robb of Peabody MA requesting that the Court enter a formal Decree of Complete Settlement including the allowance of a final account, First and final and other such relief as may be requested in the Petition.
Teresa Polhemus, Executive Director/Secretary
IMPORTANT NOTICE You have the right to obtain a copy of the Petition from the Petitioner
MCM Properties
A Petition for Order of Complete
or at the Court. You have a right to object to this proceeding. To do so, you or your attorney must file a written appearance and objection
at this Court before: 10:00 a.m. on the return day of 07/14/2022. This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline by which you must file a written
IMPORTANT NOTICE You have the right to obtain a copy of the Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. You have a right to object to this proceeding. To do so, you or your attorney must file a written appearance and objection at this Court before: 10:00 a.m. on the return day of 07/21/2022. This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline by which you must file a written
appearance and objection if you
appearance and objection if you
object to this proceeding. If you fail
object to this proceeding. If you fail
to file a timely written appearance
to file a timely written appearance
Family Owned & Operated Since 1929
and objection followed by an
and objection followed by an
affidavit of objections within thirty
affidavit of objections within thirty
(30) days of the return day, action
(30) days of the return day, action
may be taken without further notice
may be taken without further notice
to you.
to you.
WITNESS, Hon. Brian J. Dunn,
WITNESS, Hon. Brian J. Dunn,
First Justice of this Court.
First Justice of this Court.
Date: June 02,2022
Date: June 06,2022
Felix D. Arroyo, Register of Probate
Felix D. Arroyo, Register of Probate
June 09, 2022
June 09, 2022
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June 9, 2022
Tim “Doc” Cook Scholarship Recipients For 2022 (Ya Dude!)
oe Cook’s life was changed, if not shattered, by the unexpected death of his son, combat veteran Tim ‘Doc’ Cook, who served with distinction as a Petty Officer in the U.S. Navy in Iraq, and who volunteered for one of the most difficult military assign-
ments as a U.S. Navy Hospital Corpsman. That experience took its toll on Tim as he developed the symptoms of post-traumatic stress (P.T.S.) upon his return home and succumbed to its effects on March 3, 2013. Joe Cook along with his family, friends, military associates,
business partners and elected officials honor the memory of Tim each year by reading essays written by high school students who must think deeply about PTSD, what is means to them or how it has affected their lives or their families and what can they do to bring awareness. The Tim-
othy “Doc” Cook Foundation in its 8th year recognized the 2022 awardees at District Hall in the South Boston Waterfront on June 5th. The Foundation is dedicated to educating our youth and increase awareness of PTS/ PTSD within our community and abroad. June is PTSD month.
Kathryn Green - Hebron Academy Grade 9
Vasya Mantrov - BC High Grade 10
Pete Luecke - BC High Grade 9
Thomas Brooks - Archbishop Williams Grade 7
Greg Matthews BC - High Grade 10
Lia Blyth’s Family Accepting Matignon Grade 11
Mae Lafferty - Matignon Grade 11
Jack Hynes - Dexter Southfield Grade 8
Cormack Lafferty - Cathedral Grade 12
June 9, 2022
Rory Shields - Archbishop Williams Grade 8
Bella Thomas’s Family Accepting Archbishop Williams Grade 11
Jacob Mulligan BC - High Grade 9
Brennah Hynes - Dexter Southfield Grade 9
Thank you Sponsors
Kurt Power and Joe Cook, YA DUDE!
(L to R) State Rep David Biele, Kurt Power (Purple Heart Recipient), Ed Flynn City Council President District Two, Joe Cook, Dan Magoon
BC Past and Present
Sandra and Joe
June 9, 2022
Babe Ruth 2022 Season Dedicated To Long Time Coach William “Willy Fitz” Fitzgerald
illiam Fitzgerald, a true son of South Boston baseball, was known by many names in the community. Some called him Bill, Billy, Fitzy, Mr. Fitzgerald and to the baseball community he was best known as Willy Fitz or Coach for over 50 years. The South Boston Babe Ruth League dedicated its 2022 season to
a great coach, great man and a great friend to the community this past Sunday at Diamond 1, Moakley Park. Kevin Lally began the program with present and past coaches speaking of their memories of Willy. The teams are wearing baseball hats with WF embroidered on the back in memory of Coach Fitz. Each team presented Mrs. Fitz with
Fitzgerald Family
Family, Friends & Coaches
Council President Ed Flynn presents a citation to Terry Fitzgerald
a hat in the color of their team and Kathy Lally presented Mrs. Fitz with flowers. President Council Ed Flynn presented Terry Fitzgerald with a City of Boston Citation in honor of her father. Family, friends and past players looked on and applauded as the speeches ended and the unveiling of the banner took place. but not before Kevin
Present & Past Coaches
Lally ended the dedication with a statement that is true and fitting for Willy Fitz. “I know that for the rest of my life when I am at the Babe Ruth League Fields and I look over at the third base bench, I will always see Willy standing there coaching the green team (His Team) in the game that he loved. Well, God must have been in need of not just a coach but a coach who was a great human being so God waved Fitz home. Rest in peace my good friend.” Now play ball!
Season Opener
Teams wearing “WF” baseball caps for 2022 season
Kathy Lally presenting Mrs. Fitz with flowers
Presentation of the caps to Mrs. Fitzgerald from each team
June 9, 2022
ayor Michelle Wu appointed Marta E. Rivera to be the permanent Commissioner of Boston Centers for Youth & Families (BCYF). She has served as Interim Commissioner since September. At BCYF, Rivera leads the department’s mission to offer affordable programs for residents of all ages across the City. The goal is to provide quality programs that enrich the lives of residents and meet the needs of the community. Programming focuses on arts; community and civic engagement; education; and sports, fitness, recreation, and health. “Our Boston Centers for Youth and Families provide vital and enriching programming for residents of all ages throughout our city,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “Marta grew up in Boston in our BCYF centers, and even worked at the BCYF Tobin as a teen. She brings a deep personal passion for creating opportunities to engage our young people and fostering community for every Bostonian. I’m grateful to Marta for her commitment to serving our city.” “Commissioner Rivera and I share a deep appreciation for the vital role
that community centers play in the lives of youth, families and older adults in Boston and a commitment to making sure that our community centers are welcoming and engaging to all Boston residents,” said Chief of Human Services José F. Massó. “I am excited to have the opportunity to work closely with her.” “I am a product of BCYF. I have been involved with, and nurtured by, BCYF most of my life and I am so honored to be serving as Commissioner,” said Commissioner Marta E. Rivera. “I am excited for the work ahead and will work to ensure we have high quality, responsive and excellent services across all our centers.” With 35 facilities across 15 neighborhoods, BCYF hosts programming serving all ages at community centers and pools. Membership is free and nearly 50,000 people participate in BCYF programming each year. Some of this programming includes adult education classes, SOAR, afterschool programming, aquatics, Camp Joy, GIRLS Initiative, senior programming, vacation week activities, a variety of summer programming, and teen programming. BCYF is also the largest
employer of teens through the SuccessLink program, placing over 800 youth in jobs at community centers each summer. Rivera has over 30 years of experience working in communities throughout Boston. Before serving as Interim Commissioner, she served as the Chief of Staff to the Health and Human Services (HHS) cabinet in Boston. In this role, Rivera worked closely with the cabinet Chief to promote the health and well-being of the city’s residents, especially those with the greatest needs. Rivera’s professional career has included work in the public and nonprofit sectors. Leveraging every opportunity to address and impact some of the most critical issues in Boston, she has held leadership positions at BCYF, Greater Boston Latino Network, and The Boston Foundation. Additionally, Rivera was a Parenting Educator with Families First Parenting Programs for 13 years. Families First provides training to parents who have limited access to parenting resources. In this role, she facilitated hundreds of workshops on a variety of topics including, positive discipline strate-
gies, bullying, and the impact of violence on children. Born and raised in Boston, Rivera has been involved with numerous civic groups and organizations. Currently, she is the Board President of Sociedad Latina, a nonprofit organization that addresses pressing issues facing Latino youth today through a vast array of programs. She also serves on the Board of Trustees of The Food Project, an organization that aims to engage communities in building sustainable food systems. Of Puerto Rican descent, she is deeply committed to issues affecting urban families, youth and the Latino community. Through her work and volunteer service, she strives to make a significant difference and contribution to the future of Boston.
The South Boston Farmers Market Has Returned For The 2022 Growing Season
he Farmers Market opened this past Monday and was fully stocked with fresh produce from Riverdale Farm in Groton, MA. Let’s say the harvest was bountiful. Sofia Farah is a new vendor and owner of The Tenth String Co., who brought her amazing talent of repurposed clothing. Her great creations are all hand sewn. Southie’s own Noah White is back for the summer and manning the table with lots of information available regarding what the Market and SBNDC has to offer this year. The grand opening of the Market is schedule for next Monday, June 13th. See You There! The South Boston Farmers Market is a neighborhood farm-
ers’ market operating under the direction and sponsorship of the South Boston Neighborhood Development Corporation, to provide South Boston residents with access to fresh, nutritious local produce and meat. The Market has been in operation since 2002, and was managed by the South Boston Community Health Center until the 2015 season. Our vendors are all based in Massachusetts. The market operates Mondays from 12 pm to 6 pm, June through October. It is located adjacent to the municipal parking lot at 446 West Broadway, a busy bus stop, and tremendous foot traffic, making it a very accessible location for market goers.
An Outstanding Southie Family Fun Day 2022!
he MOMS Club of South Boston hosted their annual Southie Family Fun Day last weekend at Marine Park. The event was a phenomenal success with hundreds of families enjoying the perfect
weather. Children’s smiles and laughter could be seen and heard throughout the park. There was magic, music, dancing, balloons, face painting, bubbles, lawn games and princesses throughout the entire day. On the
other side of the park was Touch A Truck which included construction vehicles, a Boston Police vehicle, ambulance, State Police motorcycle, US Coast Guard, DCR and a water station from Boston Water & Sewer.
June 9, 2022
There was something for everyone. The Southie Family Fun Day is a much anticipated event in the community every year and the MOMS group deserves a huge shout out for their amazing ability and dedication to hosting and growing the event every year. Well done!
June 9, 2022
South Boston Catholic Academy News
The students did a fantastic job performing in this year’s Spring Concert!
pring has truly sprung at South Boston Catholic Academy! On Monday, June 6, 2022 South Boston Catholic
Academy had two special Spring Concerts. The weather was beautiful and so were the children’s voices! Some of the great songs
the children sang included… Old McDonald, Mr. Golden Sun, He Got the Whole World in His Hands, Jesus Loves me, This little Light of Mine, Here comes the Sun, Do Re Mi, Rockin Robin, My Favorite Things, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, Rainbow Connection and I got the Joy. A Special Thank You to our Music Teacher, Mr. Jesus Espinal, and to all the Students, Teachers and Staff at SBCA for making this event possible. As always, we
June 9, 2022
want to Thank all of our wonderful parents, families and friends for their consistent help and support throughout the school year. After the concert, parents and grandparents were welcomed to stop by their child’s classroom for a quick visit. “There is music in every child. The teacher’s job is to find it and nurture it.” –Frances Clark. New families are welcome to email Mrs. Jamie Brown at for more info. about SBCA.
June 9, 2022
St. Peter Academy History Day at Dorchester Heights!
t was a beautiful day for a walk up to Dorchester Heights and join the History Day Festivities. St. Peter Academy students and teachers were greeted by Henry Knox who told us about how he was an officer in the Revolutionary War. Henry Knox showed us a cannon that
was similar to the one in Ticonderoga. The children learned that back in the 1700’s the Coast Guard was paid fifty cents for all of their hard work. We got to see the hammocks that the Coast Guard slept in. They were very hard and uncomfortable. There were two men playing drums from the
1700’s. They used the same wood to make the drums as the ships they built so they would be extra strong. We learned so much about the history right in our backyard! Thank you to the South Boston Historical Society for continuing this annual event. St. Peter Academy is now accepting applications for the 2022-2023 school year. St. Peter Academy is an independent, community-based private school and serves students from ages 15 months through grade 6. SPA is currently accepting
17 applications for the limited spaces available in the year-round toddler program (beginning at age 15 months) and for students in Pre-K (School Year and Full Year Programs), Kindergarten and grades 1-6. Financial Aid Available. Two Scholarships will be offered this year for applicants for Grades 1 through 6. Appointments for individual virtual tours can be made by contacting Maria Blasi, at 617-268-0750 or by emailing spa@
June 9, 2022
This week,
Danny shared his thoughts on the new professional golf tour, LIV Golf:
t sounds like professional golf is about to get a little nuts. Enter “LIV Golf.” It’s a new tour that’s run by “The Shark” Greg Norman. Because it’s funded by a Saudi Arabian wealth fund, controversy has surrounded the new league. Critics will point to human rights violations in Saudi Arabia, and they’ve called out golfers because of it. But that hasn’t stopped big names like Phil Mickelson and Dustin Johnson from leaving the PGA Tour to sign huge deals with LIV Golf. Let’s be honest here for a second though. The real reason why people are mad at guys like Mickelson and Johnson is because the season-ending event will be held at — that’s right, you guessed it — Trump National Doral in Miami on Oct. 27. It literally never ends with the Trump Derangement Syndrome. I wish the guy would just go away forever, but I don’t live my life automatically hating anything that’s affiliated with him. People are crazy. But I digress. So, what is LIV Golf? According to Mickelson and a statement he posted on social media this week announcing his move from the PGA Tour to LIV Golf, it’s
a “transformative” time for the sport and the career’s of everyone involved. Here’s Mickelson’s statement: “I am ready to come back to play the game I love but after 32 years this new path is a fresh start, one that is exciting for me at this stage of my career and is clearly transformative, not just for myself, but ideally for the game and my peers. I also love the progressive format and think it will be exciting for fans. Just as importantly, it will provide balance, allowing me to focus on a healthier approach to life on and off the course. I am incredibly grateful for what this game and the PGA tour has given me. I would like to think that I have given back as well but now I am excited about this new opportunity. “I am thrilled to begin with LIV Golf and I appreciate everyone involved. I also intend to play the majors. I fully realize and respect some may disagree with this decision and have strong opinions and I empathize with that. I have a renewed spirit and excitement for the game. I am incredibly grateful for the support of my fans, partners, friends, and peers and I hope
in time, those sentiments, relationships, and support continue.” If you go to the LIV Golf website, you’ll see the league’s catch phrases jump off the screen in bold, all caps, and bright fluorescent colors. Some of those catch phrases are: “GOLF, BUT LOUDER,” and “SUPERCHARGE THE GAME OF GOLF,” and my favorite, “GOLF AS YOU’VE NEVER SEEN IT.” They have my full attention, at least. LIV Golf’s first tournament will be this weekend in London. And by the sounds of it, there will be a different feel, as it will be a 48-player shotgun start, which is similar to how all of us non-professional golfers begin a charity tournament, with everyone teeing off at once, at different holes on the course. The website says there will be more than 50 cameras that will “capture every moment from start to finish” and includes more than 60 microphones from tee-to-green on every hole, with both players and caddies mic’d up. LIV Golf’s Chief Media Officer, Will Staeger, said, “The LIV Golf broadcast will be unlike anything fans have seen before.”
So how else is it different, you might be asking. Well, here’s the rest of the info on their website: There will only be three rounds in each tournament, as opposed to PGA events that are four rounds. Also, in LIV Golf, there will be no cut day, as every golfer will compete in the entire 54-hole tournament. There are also only 48 players in each tournament, and only eight total events, that include individual winners and team winners. LIV Golf will consist of 12 teams of four golfers, and each team will have unique names, logos, and colors like you see in other pro sports. The eighth and final event will be a four-round “Team Match-Play Championship” tournament. The prize pool is also much larger in LIV Golf. Each regular season event will have a prize purse of $25 million. The Individual Champion at the end of the season will receive $18 million. And the Team Championship prize purse is $50 million, with $16 million going to the champion. Needless to say, I’m all in on LIV Golf. Follow Danny on Instagram @ DannyPicard.
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June 9, 2022
Tweet of the Week
ome of golf’s biggest names are jumping ship from the PGA Tour to the new LIV Golf, which is funded by Saudi Arabia, and ran by legendary golfer Greg Norman. LIV Golf will host its inaugural tournament this weekend at Centurion Club in London. But
NBA FRIDAY, JUNE 10 NBA Finals Gm 4: Golden State at Boston 9 P.M. ABC
MONDAY, JUNE 13 NBA Finals Gm 5: Boston at Golden State 9 P.M. ABC
SATURDAY, JUNE 11 Boston at Seattle 10:10 P.M. NESN SUNDAY, JUNE 12 Boston at Seattle 4:10 P.M. NESN HORSE RACING SATURDAY, JUNE 11 Belmont Stakes 5 P.M. NBC
some time to fully digest everything, I felt that the direction of our team for both this season and beyond would benefit from a new voice. I want to wish Bruce, Julie, Shannon and Cole much success as a family and with their future opportunities.” Cassidy coached the Bruins for six seasons. The B’s made the playoffs in each of those six seasons, including a trip to the Stanley Cup Final in 2019, where Boston lost to the St. Louis Blues in seven games. According to ESPN Stats and Information, the Bruins had the NHL’s second-highest points percentage during Cassidy’s five full seasons as head coach, at .671, trailing only the Tampa Bay Lightning, who had a .696 points percentage during that span.
Cassidy became the Bruins new coach in February of 2017 after the team fired Claude Julien midseason. Three years later, Cassidy won the the Jack Adams Award as the NHL’s top coach in the 2019-20 season. Bruins CEO Charlie Jacobs and President Cam Neely were also quoted in the team statement on Cassidy’s firing. “On behalf of the Jacobs family, I’d like to thank Bruce and his family for their dedication to the Boston Bruins organization,” said Jacobs. “Throughout his time in both Providence and Boston, Bruce’s deep passion for the game and pride he showed in representing the franchise was undeniable. We wish Bruce, Julie and his entire family nothing but success in the future and thank them
MLB FRIDAY, JUNE 10 Boston at Seattle 10:10 P.M. NESN
SBT Staff
he Boston Bruins needed to make some changes this offseason. Firing their coach wasn’t necessarily the most expected move. But on Monday, the Bruins announced that they relieved Bruce Cassidy of his duties, and have already begun their search for a new coach. In a statement released by the team, General Manager Don Sweeney explained the move, saying the players would “benefit from a new voice.” “Today I informed Bruce Cassidy that I was making a head coaching change,” said Sweeney in the statement. “After 14 years working with Bruce, this was an extremely difficult decision. I want to thank and acknowledge Bruce for all his work and success with the Bruins organization. His head coaching record for the Bruins is impressive, and we are appreciative of Bruce both professionally and personally. After taking
the big news is who’s officially joined their tour just days before the event. Earlier in the week, Phil Mickelson and Dustin Johnson both announced their decision to leave the PGA Tour and sign massive deals with LIV Golf. Mickelson’s deal is reportedly worth $200 million, while Johnson
reportedly received $125 million. In a statement posted on social media, Mickelson described the move to LIV Golf as a “transformative” fresh start. “I am ready to come back to play the game I love but after 32 years this new path is a fresh start, one that is exciting for me at this stage of my career and is
for all they’ve done for the team both on and off the ice.” “I want to thank Bruce for his time and service to the Boston Bruins organization over the last 14 years,” said Neely. “Bruce has been a fantastic coach and has helped this team win many games and achieve success over his tenure behind the bench. I also want to extend my gratitude to Bruce and his family for everything they’ve done over the years to support the New England community and Bruins organization. We wish them continued success in the future. Neely also added, “I have the utmost confidence in Don to conduct a thorough search to identify the best candidate that is going to help our team reach its full potential.”
clearly transformative, not just for myself, but ideally for the game and my peers,” said Mickelson in the statement. “I am thrilled to begin with LIV Golf and I appreciate everyone involved,” said Mickelson. “I also intend to play the majors.” According to LIV Golf’s CEO Norman, Tiger Woods rejected a mind-blowingly enormous” offer, which, Norman added, reached “high nine” digits.