South Boston Today September 29 2022

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Tolerating Bad Behavior Vs. Demanding InSchool Safety

Withthe assault of the Princi pal at The Henderson High School earlier this year, and persistent bad behavior on a regular basis there and across the system, the families of these students either have no control of them, fail to discour age or discipline them or, as has been reported, in some cases allegedly have instigated the student’s behavior. Given this stark reality, the Boston Public Schools System can no longer ‘coddle’ them nor succumb to some ‘safe spaces’ policy nor support policies that undermine school discipline, which is the fundamental policy that insures

September 29, 2022: Vol.10 Issue 37 SERVING SOUTH BOSTONIANS AROUND THE GLOBE @SBostonToday S outhBos tonTod a y @SBostonToday TODAYSouthBoston Online • On Your Mobile • At Your Door Put Your Money To Work! 3.00%APY* 24-Month Certificate *APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Minimum balance to open and earn APY is $500. Maximum deposit $250,000. The APY for all Certificates assumes the dividends will remain in the account until maturity. Withdrawal of dividends prior to maturity will reduce earnings. Certificates are subject to penalty for early withdrawal. Fees may reduce earnings. Rate is effective September 13, 2022. This is a limited time offer and is subject to change without notice. Other rates and terms available. Subject to membership eligibility, see our website for details. Earn More at Mass Bay! Only $500 Minimum IRA Certificates, Too! Visit us in So. Boston at 147 West 4th Street or 409 D Street in the Seaport.

Is Everything Going To Be Blamed On ‘Climate Change’ From This Point On?

If you’re a long time South Boston resident, especially those who grew up here, you might remember the famous ‘Southie Hurricane Par ties’ of years past. If you are a relatively new ar rival, you don’t know the fun you missed. As the TV and Radio weather people shrieked their warnings of an approaching storm and possible catastrophic devas tation, they sent the faint of heart into spasms of fear to clear off the shelves at area markets. The storm watch ers relayed reports of the storm’s progress over their

ham radios. Many, mostly young and adventurous local residents, numbering into the hundreds, would head to their favorite locations along the beach on Day Boulevard dressed in rain gear and often with adult beverages to consume, and prepare to welcome the hurricane to the neighborhood. One of the most popular places to gather to be part of the Hur ricane Party was where the old Kelly’s Landing stood. As the storm hit, the party would rage on in the midst of torrential down pours and howling winds. It was a crazy thing to do to be sure

but oh so much fun with great memories to be made. They were hurricanes – they happened. They came and went from time to time. But so much for the nostalgia.

Now, whether you believe in human caused ‘climate change’ or not, some do, some don’t, to blame every heat wave, cold snap, drought, blizzard and flood on climate change is ridiculous. But that is exactly what the advocates of raising taxes to astronomi cal levels do every time a major weather event is in the news in what they claim is an effort to stop the changing of the climate. Storms of every

kind have been happening since the Earth began and will continue to happen until the end of days.

As Hurricane Ian show ers Florida and other parts of the South with its high winds and heavy rains, the scare mongers are out there proclaiming that if we could only agree to raise our taxes by massive amounts, we could put an end to adverse dangerous weather events and Hurricane Ian would never have existed. The people doing this appar ently believe that most of the American public is stupid and easily duped. If there are

actually people who believe that we can put an end to hurricanes and other unpleas ant weather by giving the government more money, we have some prime farmland we’d like to sell them in the middle of Lake Michigan.

At this point, we can’t be sure how Hurricane Ian will affect our area. No one can really be sure. It all depends on wind currents, ocean water temperatures etc. But what we are pretty sure of is that taking a ton more money out of the paychecks of working families in the form of taxes would not have stopped Ian from forming.

Dear Neighbors,

Upon learning reports regarding yesterday’s accident in the South Boston Waterfront where a woman was struck by a falling light pole, my team and I have been in

constant contact with city officials and neighbors regarding this serious public safety issue. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victim and her family during this unfor tunate time, and that she makes a full recovery from her injuries.

Today, city officials and the Department of Public Works informed us that they had removed any pole that was not deemed completely satisfactory and installed temporary light ing for the area. Moreover, they inspected all bridge

poles on city owned bridg es in the area today.

In total, the City of Boston Public Works Department subsequently removed 23 poles, while two were previously removed. They relayed to my office and neigh bors that the bridge is open to pedestrians and that temporary lighting will remain, with the city monitoring closely in the event that more is needed. In addition, Public Works conveyed that they are working closely with their bridge engineers and de

sign consultants to ensure that the replacements can withstand the elements of salt water and sea air which led to this incident. I was also informed that this site was inspected in January and deemed “fair” at that time.

It is appropriate for neighbors and the general public to be concerned about public safety with respect to our aging infra structure. At this time, I am respectfully request ing a full audit of both the City of Boston’s bridges and light poles to ensure

the safety of our residents and visitors alike. More over, due to the corrosion and deterioration caused by salt water and sea air, it would be appropriate to place an emphasis on all light poles located on bridges, as well as pri oritizing those in close proximity to the ocean.

In the interest of pub lic safety, I ask that the City of Boston continue to work closely with our state and federal partners to prevent an incident like this from occurring again.

Thank you, Ed

September 29, 20222 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 917 East Broadway • 617.268.4032 • Office hours: Mon-Fri 10:00am - 2:00pm South Boston Today is not liable for errors appearing in advertisements beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error. All South Boston Today produced artwork, design, and layout remain the sole property of South Boston Today. Reproduction in whole or part is strictly forbidden. South Boston Today reserves the right to cut, edit or reject any copy without notice. South Boston Today is a Series of the Today Publications Series LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company Press Copy - Monday at 6:00pm • Advertisements Space Reservations - Friday at 6:00pm • Ad Material - Monday at 4:00pm • Camera Ready Ads - Tuesday at 6:00pm “So it would seem that Martha’s Vineyard is allowed to have a border but Texas is not” - US Senator Ted Cruz Publisher John Ciccone PO Box 491 South Boston, MA 02127 EDITORIAL Advertising Office 617.268.4032 Mobile 617.840.1355 email

The Phony Mask Of Tolerance Has Been Torn Away

Note: talk back to John Ciccone by email at

Thoughthe controversy over the 50 illegal immigrants that Gov ernor Ron DeSantis flew onto Martha’s Vineyard began 3 weeks ago, the repercussions are still being felt and the debate still continues. To sum it up in my words: Some phony liberals who have been pretending to be pro illegal immigration and demanded that our country take in all who wanted to crash our southern border were exposed for who they really are. Because when the mere 50 arrived in their little paradise, the good liberals of MV went into meltdown hysterics and had troops called up to remove the migrants in a matter of hours.

SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • www.southbostontoday.comSeptember 29, 2022 3 tected, and she will not allow ‘woke’ culture to tear down and destroy her country’s traditional values. These are the things that scare the hell out of left ists, and these are the things that cause them to hate and fear her. But these are also the things that resonated with the Italian people and why they elected her. As an American with Italian ancestry, I’m glad to hear this and look forward to the United States once again getting leadership at the federal level like this in the near future. I checked in with one of my cousins in Italy and she said the people there are thrilled with their new Prime Minister, so the critics can –well, I won’t repeat what she said here.

David Smith, whose profession is doing standup comedy made a serious post last week on this issue when he made the following observation with a quote that has gone viral worldwide: “The Martha’s Vineyard thing might be the best and clearest example of what so many of us have been talk ing about for years. The progressive elites advocate for policies that they never have to suffer the consequences of. And the one time they do, it ends quickly”. Truer words have never been spoken. We are witnessing the phony façade of compassion that left ists portray unraveling and not just on Martha’s Vineyard. The leadership in the Sanctuary cities of New York, Washington DC and a dozen others are in meltdown, as busload after busload of illegals are being sent and dropped off in those locations, compliments of several Republican governors . These governors are tired of their states being overwhelmed by illegal border crash ers. Biden said the illegals should be looked upon as ‘gifts’, not burdens. So, the governors are generously spreading gifts to those cities who said they wel come illegals, that is until they actually started arriving.

Kamala Harris is reported to be out raged that busloads of illegals are being

dropped off right in front of her home. Maybe she understands better now the saying, “it’s better to give than to receive”. Meanwhile, what the leaders of the Democrat party are seeing is their plan of flooding the country with illegals in the hopes of making points with His panic voters backfire and they are in a panic. Because surveys show Hispanics are leaving that party in droves. Hispan ics who came to America legally are just as much opposed to what’s taking place at the border as much as every other patriotic American. And as this all plays out, The Biden Regime still, and with a straight face, insists that the southern border is secure. They know that every one knows they’re lying and yet they continue to lie.

Moving on , There is good news about the Emmy Awards but not for the organizers or the insufferable celebri ties that show up each year to give each other awards. The good news is for the American public that’s tired of being scolded and lectured about how bad they are and how they should live their lives; raise their children and how to vote. The number of viewers that actually tune in to watch the bloviating celebs talk down to them has been drop ping every year and this year the ratings dropped to their lowest point ever. At the current rate of decline, it won’t be too long before the entire glitzy event and audience can be held in a broom closet and moved to a TV time spot on the Home Shopping Channel.

To close out this week’s column I’ll mention the recent election results in Italy that just picked its new Prime Min ister. I do so because those results bear a resemblance to what took place in our country in 2016 and is probably about to happen in the upcoming mid terms.

The news media, leftist politicians and activists all over the world are shocked and literally terror stricken that Conservative Georgia Meloni has won. Even before she even takes office, they

are calling her ‘Fascist’, ‘‘Hater’ and a long list of other names they hurl at their political opponents. They are comparing her to Hitler and Mussolini. What’s the reason for all the exploding heads and why do they hate and fear her so much? Because issues she ran on and champions are as follows: She has vowed to fight for God, Country and Family. She believes in respect for individuals and their rights and not al lowing the big government power bro kers to treat citizens as mere numbers to control. She will refuse to allow herself or her citizens to be bullied and enslaved by powerful financial specula tors. Freedom of religion will be pro


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--Does Labor Have A Grip On The Workforce!

U.S. Labor Secretary Marty Walsh is riding high after step ping in to help mediate a labor dispute between freight rail operators and union employees and avert a strike that could have crippled the economy. It’s been in roles like these where Walsh, the former Boston may or and Boston Building Trades chief, has made himself valu able to the Biden administra tion since he was plucked from City Hall for a job in D.C. It’s also why speculation is rampant about how far Walsh can ride this train. Governor? U.S. Sen ate? Vice President? The first two might be out, with Democrat Maura Healey appearing to be on cruise con trol to the Corner Office this fall and U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren pledging to run for reelection in 2024. U.S. Sen. Ed Markey’s term doesn’t come up until even later in 2026, and who knows where Walsh will be by then. But Globe columnist Joan Ven nochi recently posited that if

Window Into The State House

Window Into The State House provides our readers a synopsis of important issues of interest, past and current, that are being proposed, debated or acted upon by the Massachusetts Legislature. Many issues that are not related to local city government services are acted upon and have a direct impact on daily life. They are tax policy, transportation infrastructure, judicial appointments, social services and health, as well as higher education. We will excerpt reports from the gavel-to-gavel coverage of House and Senate sessions by news sources focused on this important aspect of our lives. These sources include a look ahead at the coming week in state government and summaries and analyses of the past week, re-caps of a range of state government activity, as well as links to other news.

Biden chooses not to run again Walsh could make an attractive pick for VP for a party look ing to rekindle its image as one that stands for the working person. Of course, not everyone has been impressed by Walsh’s performance in the Capital where in this The New Republic piece author Timothy Noah takes issue with what he describes as Walsh’s lack of an agenda and the pace of new regulation com ing from the department.

It’s in this context that Walsh headlines a MASSterList spon sored forum later this morning entitled “The New Power of Labor in Massachusetts and Be yond.” Unions have been waning in power for decades since their membership peaked in the 1950s at about one-third of the private sector workforce. It stands at 6 percent today. But as the White House noted this month, “orga nized labor appears to be having a moment.”

Massachusetts has seen union ization efforts sparked by work ers at Starbuck, Trader Joe’s and on college campuses around the

state, to name a few examples, and according to the National Labor Relations Board union election petitions nationwide are up 58 percent over the first nine months of fiscal year 2022. In Massachusetts, the U.S Bu reau of Labor Statistics reported earlier this year that in 2021 union members accounted for 12.6 percent of wage and salary workers in the state, up from 12 percent in 2020 and 2.3 percent age points higher than the na tional average.

That’s after union member ship in Massachusetts hit its low point at 12 percent in 2019 and 2020 and the rate is the high est it’s been since 2018 when it stood at 13.7 percent. Union membership peaked in Massa chusetts in 1989 and 1990 when it averaged 17.5 percent.

The bureau reports that there were 402,000 union members in Massachusetts in 2021 and another 31,000 workers repre sented by a union or covered by an employee association or contract while not being a member themselves.


Education Committee CoChairs Rep. Alice Peisch and Sen. Jason Lewis announced Tuesday that this fall they planned to hold a hearing on the impact the COVID-19 pan demic had on learning. “We applaud the hard work and dedication of faculty and staff at Massachusetts schools who remain committed to providing the best possible education to our children. Despite their best efforts, it is clear that the pub lic health crisis has negatively impacted student learning and mental health since March 2020,” the two Democrats said

in a statement. The committee plans to invite key stakeholder and education experts to learn more about how far behind some students have fallen and what the best practices might be to address their “academic and social-emotional needs.”

-- O’Brien has first-hand experience with cannabis li censing process

New Cannabis Control Com mission chair Shannon O’Brien got an up-close look at the industry and its regulatory process on the other side of the table before being tapped by Treasurer Deb Goldberg to lead the agency. The Herald’s Matthew Medsger reports that O’Brien, a former state trea surer and Democratic nominee for governor, is listed as the owner/partner on a 2020 ap plication from Greenfield Greenery LLC for an outdoor growing operation and was an adviser on a separate cannabis business license application in Greenfield. The commission said it is aware of O’Brien’s ties to the industry, and she can recuse herself from any busi ness before the commission involving those applications.

-- Time to stock up on can dles and firewood?

This story is not one that will make you feel warm and cozy. Instead, the Globe’s Sabrina Shankman reports that federal energy officials are worried about the possibility this win ter of rolling blackouts in New England due to the strain on fuel supplies that Russia’s war against Ukraine has placed on global supply chains. “We’re going into this winter basically crossing our fingers.

September 29, 20224 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY •
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MBTA Launches Online Applications for TAP and Blind Access Customers

People with disabilities and people who are legally blind can now apply for free/reduced MBTA fares online.

TheMBTA announced that, be ginning September 19, 2022, eligible riders can now apply on line for a new, renewal, or replacement TAP CharlieCard or Blind Access Char lieCard. People with disabilities (includ ing low vision) and Medicare cardholders are eligible for reduced MBTA fares with a TAP CharlieCard and people who are legally blind are eligible for free MBTA fares with a Blind Access CharlieCard.

With the launch of these two online ap plications, the MBTA now accepts online applications for the following free/reduced fare programs: Blind Access, TAP, Senior, and Youth Pass. Riders will still be able to apply in-person at the CharlieCard Store for Senior, Blind Access, and TAP as they do now (and can make online reservations to visit the CharlieCard Store), and can also visit the MBTA Mobility Center for online application support. Riders seeking to apply for a TAP CharlieCard by mail or at the CharlieCard Store can download the updated application at the MBTA’s Trans portation Access Pass webpage online.

“I am pleased to announce the launch of the online application portal to allow all of our reduced fare riders online ac cess, which provides reduced fare riders with broader access and more conve nience,” said MBTA General Manager Steve Poftak. “We have made significant investments in equipment, staff resourc es, and technology solutions to improve the experience of our riders with a spe cific focus on riders with disability- and age-based needs. Through our Fare Transformation journey, we continue to improve the experience of riders as we work towards modernization by invest ing in state of good repair and capital improvements that transform the system into a modern digital payment system.”

“Greater accessibility to MBTA resourc es supports independence and self-determi

nation of individuals who are blind,” said Massachusetts Commission for the Blind Commissioner David D’Arcangelo. “We are pleased to collaborate with the MBTA on streamlining the process of obtaining and updating our Blind Access Cards. This is a game-changer for our consumers who no longer have to travel to an office in order to receive the cards, offering them a more equitable and efficient solution to travel in Massachusetts.”

The online applications for the MBTA’s free/reduced fare programs offer riders a convenient method to apply for and re ceive a new free/reduced fare CharlieCard without having to visit the CharlieCard Store. Riders can apply to these respective programs remotely and easily online from a computer or mobile device in English, Chinese, Spanish, and Portuguese. Each application allows applicants to securely enter their personal information and up load the required documents, such as a photo ID and eligibility documentation. All online applications are accessible to screen readers and were tested by free/re duced fare riders to ensure usability. Rid ers who submit their email address as part of their application will receive applica tion status notifications, including details on how to use their card if approved.

In addition to the online applications, the MBTA recently removed rider pho tos, names, and expiration dates from Senior CharlieCards for people 65 and older to simplify the card fulfillment process for these riders. Riders who apply for a new or replacement Senior CharlieCard will now receive the new Reduced Fare CharlieCards for Seniors, which are valid for eight years. Riders with current Senior CharlieCards can utilize them until they expire.

To learn more about the MBTA’s free/ reduced fare programs and how to apply online, visit



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I Was Just Thinking…

men to grow spiritually. Houck report edly assaulted-shoved a security guard twice-outside a Planned Parenthood clinic in Philadelphia last year.

By committing this reported offense, Houck is alleged to have violated the Free Access to Clinics Act (FACE) which states it is against the law to use force to injure, frighten, or discourage someone from seeking reproductive health services. If convicted, he could face up to 11 years in prison and fines up to $350,000 if found guilty.

to my house in about 15 vehicles and started knocking on our door. They told him they were going to break in if he didn’t open the door. Then they pointed about five guns at my husband, me, and especially my children.”

Houck’s wife said the children were screaming, a scary scene which was traumatic for them.

embraced by the government as the FBI referred to him as a physical menace.

A man of God, who reportedly only re acted to protect his son is a physical menace?


Was this raid necessary?

Not at all.

Isn’t this just a pure case of the contin ued weaponization of the FBI and DOJ?

It’s amazing the federal government can spend so much time, energy, money, and manpower to arrest one man at his residence when a simple subpoena would have sufficed.

On Friday, September 23, the Justice Department ordered a SWAT raid in rural Pennsylvania at the home of Mark Houck, a well-known anti-abortion author, counselor, and co-founder/ president of The King’s Men, a Catholic ministry which assists young Catholic

But Houck’s wife, Ryan-Marie, disputed that account stating her husband was the real victim. She said the person reportedly assaulted had verbally harassed Houck’s 12-year-old son, who was also outside the clinic that day. Her husband she said was only protecting his son.

The FBI got involved after Philadel phia police and prosecutors declined to prosecute and a private criminal complaint filed by the patient escort in Municipal Court had been thrown out this summer after Houck’s accuser repeatedly failed to show up for court.

Ryan-Marie, Houck’s wife stated that “about 25 SWAT team members came

School Safety continued from front page equal and quality education. Paraphrasing an old adage, ‘the students cannot be allowed to run Camp Grenada’, a veteran administrator recently averred.

A new report is blaming Boston Public Schools leaders for failing to take action at the troubled Mission Hill School. The K-8 school closed down earlier this year after an investiga tion found the school did not protect students from threats of sexual misconduct and abuse from other students for nearly a decade. The latest report notes there was a lack of respon siveness across the system and a lack of accountability.

“Moving forward the superintendent must and will make clear, that individual staff members must as sume responsibility for completing follow through on complaints until such point they are resolved,” Deputy Superintendent of Academics Dr. Drew Echelson said. Boston Public Schools is taking action to address the latest findings, including ensuring that former Mission Hill students are getting the resources they may need.

In a lawsuit filed against the Jamaica Plain school ear lier this month, two parents are suing the City of Boston and three former Mission Hill employees, accusing staff of a failure to report and address bullying. The lawsuit alleges that the principal discouraged students from re porting physical and sexual abuse, and also claims that “disability and civil rights laws” were not followed.

Mission Hill School closed back in June, following a scathing report released in April by attorneys from the law firm Hinckley Allen, which detailed major issues appar ently going on at the school. The independent investigation found that the K-8 program failed to protect students from

And added it was her husband’s public profile not the alleged incident outside the clinic which led to the arrest, prompting what she described as an “overbearing FBI response.”

The FBI denied the presence of SWAT team members, saying “FBI agents went to Mr. Houck’s house, knocked on the front door, told him they were FBI agents, and asked him to leave. He did so and was arrested without any problems because he was on trial.”

However, the FBI did not deny that up to 25-30 armored agents were on the scene or that Houck’s children witnessed the agents pointing rifles at their father and mother to arrest him for allegedly shoving someone in front of an abortion clinic.

Houck reportedly agreed to appear vol untarily, yet the threat of deadly force was

threats of sexual misconduct and abuse from other students.

This past spring, several parents shared experiences they’ve had with the school. Glory Acevedo said her children experienced bullying and physical attacks. “Bullying yes, a lot of bullying and I’ve brought it up to teachers and nothing has been done,” she said. “I Feel like they don’t really care about the students.”

Between September 2013 and February 2021, investigators found written evidence of more than 100 incidents of alleged sexually inappropriate behavior by Mission Hill students. Few er than half were recorded by the school as formal incidents.

The report also identified a pattern of student-on-student violence, and, in some cases, threats or the brandishing of weapons. Numerous staff reported being physically assault ed, as well. A culture of fear, retaliation and intimidation at the school for people who spoke out, according to the report.

“The perceived, and real, pressure among the small community to not speak out against Mission Hill School led several parents to describe the School as resembling a cult, particularly under MH Admin 3 leadership,” it read. “ A Parent referred to Mission Hill School as ‘The Fight Club – Mission Hill against the world.’”

This latest lawsuit also alleges students’ aggressors were protected by teachers, and that victims were retaliated against for reporting the behavior. Attorneys representing the school have declined to comment on the lawsuit.

If progressive urban politicians are on advocating for ultimately unworkable policies they will drive the middle class out of Boston.

Here are the Policy sections of the Howard County Student Hand book – Does the Boston Public Schools have anything similar?

Howard County Maryland School System Student Handbook Policies – (Headers only)

Sure is.

Are pro-life advocates being targeted?

You can wager a solid bet that they are.

Have those who vandalized, fire bombed buildings which house pro-life programs been caught and arrested?

Have those who assault pro-life advo cates been apprehended?

Just look around the country. We are experiencing a crime wave. People are being violently assaulted, murdered, robbed, every day in this country, but action by the Feds is non-existent.

Yet raids of a brutal and overwhelm ing nature are being conducted against those who, although don’t pose any seri ous threat to the public order, don’t share the views of Biden’s administration.

These actions by the FBI and DOJ are das tardly, dangerous, devious, and need to stop.

Alcohol, Drug, and Tobacco-Free Environment Policy

Attendance Policy

Bullying, Cyberbullying, Harassment, or In timidation Policy

• Report Bullying

• Electronic Harassment Violation

Civility Policy

Discrimination Policy Gangs, Gang Activity, and Similar Destructive or Delinquent Group Behavior Policy

Grading and Reporting Policies

Responsible Use of Technology, Digital Tools and Social Media Policy

• Personal Technology Device Guidelines

• Student Access to Digital Tools

Safe and Supportive Schools Policy

Sexual Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy

Student Assault and/or Battery on Staff Policy

• Elementary Grades pre-Pre-Kindergarten 2

• Elementary Grades 3–5

• Middle and high school

• Student Discipline Policy

Student Dress Code Policy

Student Representation Policy

Students’ Rights and Responsibilities Policy

Student Search and Seizure Policy

Students Charged with Community or Reportable Offenses Policy

Trespassing or Willful Disturbance Policy

Weapons Policy

September 29, 20226 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY •

Community Alert: Police seeking suspect in connection to sexual assault in South Boston

The Boston Police are turning to the public for help in lo cating the suspect of a sexual assault that occurred in a South Boston neighborhood last week. On Friday, September 23 just before 6:00 a.m. a sexual assault incident happened in the area of D Street and W 5th Street.

Anyone with information regard ing this individual is advised to please contact the Boston Police Sexual Assault Unit at 617-343-4400. Detectives are looking to identify the individual pictured below.


The BPD encourages individuals to review the following safety tips with the understanding that, while these tips are designed to decrease and diminish the likelihood of an attack, no victim is ever to blame for the actions of an attacker.

• Be aware of your surroundings, es pecially at night. Keep your head up. Make quick eye contact with those around you, and try to avoid poorly lit or isolated areas when possible.

• When possible, walk with friends and people you know, especially late at night.

• Avoid the distractions created when talking on a cell phone or

listening to an iPod/similar device. Avoid wearing earbuds or head phones in both ears.

• If you believe someone is follow ing you, change direction, cross the street, seek a populated location and call 911.

• Remember descriptive information about the person following you to report to the police.

• If confronted, believe in your abil


Lyft charged me $150 for cigarette burns. But I don’t smoke!

After LeeAnn Hicks takes a Lyft ride, the company broadsides her with a $150 charge for cigarette burns. But she says she didn’t cause the damage. Does she still have to pay?

Q: After a recent ride in a Lyft rideshare, the company charged me a $150 damage fee for an al leged cigarette burn to the vehi cle. I have sent numerous emails to Lyft informing them that I did not cause the damage.

I asked Lyft for the driver’s statement and evidence that led them to conclude that I caused the damage, but I never got an answer. A Lyft representative claims the company has reviewed the damage charges.

“As per checking the report made by your driver, it ap peared that an investigation has been conducted and found that the claim was valid,” Lyft said.

“With that having said, please know that no adjustment will be made to this claim.”

I do not smoke. Can you help me get my $150 back, please? -LeeAnn Hicks, Bronx, N.Y.

A: Lyft should not charge you for damage to one of its cars unless it has hard evidence. And there should be a system to handle any dispute arising from a damage claim.

I reviewed the photos of the alleged damage sent to Lyft by Timothy, your driver. They appear to show a small cigarette burn in the side of the passenger seat. But they are low-resolution images. The metadata, which would show the location and type of camera used, appears to have been re moved. That makes it impossible to tell if this is Timothy’s car or if you had been the passenger.

And that’s not the only thing that doesn’t make sense. If you burn a cigarette in Timothy’s car seat, that means you smoked in the vehicle. If that happened, I’m sure Timothy would have pulled over and asked you to extin

guish your cigarette. But I don’t see any accompanying incident report that claims you smoked in the car. What’s more, you told me that you’ve never smoked. A Lyft representative admitted in writing that the driver only pro vided “anecdotal evidence of the situation.” That made me a little suspicious about this claim.

Lyft charges passengers any where from $20 for minor damage such as mud, dirt, or animal fur in the car, to $150 for “major” damage like biowaste all over the car or physical damage to fixtures inside or outside of the car. But it requires that drivers report the damage within two hours and take at least two photos of the damage. It isn’t clear to me if Timothy fol lowed all of the rules.

Even if he did, there should have been some way for you to dispute the charge. But according to the email thread between you and Lyft, the company dismissed your appeal and insisted that you pay. You blocked Lyft from charging your card (smart move) and then contacted me.

ity to fight back and defend yourself. Creating distance and yelling words like: “fire,” “help,” or “rape” are smart ways of drawing attention and alerting people that you need help.

• Keep your car keys in your hand to use as a weapon to ward off an attack.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates as more informa tion becomes available.

You could have taken this to an executive at Lyft. I list the names, numbers and email ad dresses of the https://www.elliott. org/company-contacts/lyft/” Lyft executives on my consumer ad vocacy site,

Lyft should not be able to arbi trarily charge $150 to your credit card without giving you a chance to review the evidence and re spond. If a driver ever alerts you to damage, make sure you take pictures. Make note of the condi tion of the vehicle and be pre pared to defend yourself against any charges. The system Lyft has in place appears to heavily favor its drivers and fails to give pas sengers their due process. It can do better.

I contacted Lyft on your behalf.

“After a thorough investigation into the claim, we found that the description of the events did not warrant enough proof that the pas senger created the damage, so we elected to refund the damage fee,” a Lyft spokeswoman told me

Christopher Elliott is the chief advocacy officer for Elliott Advocacy. Email him at chris@ or get help with any consumer problem by contacting him at

SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • www.southbostontoday.comSeptember 29, 2022 7

The Wine


Under The Tuscan Sunset

It’s that time of the year when cold mornings and brisk evenings shape our days and Tuscany is no exception. Stews start replacing salads, sandals go back in the closet and classic Tuscan red blends are the order of the (shorter) days. I hope the following will show you that, while Super Tuscans are super expensive, there are plenty of great values, too.

Ruffino Modus 2019, Toscana, Italy, ($23.99) Ruby red with violet hues. In tense and intriguing on the nose. Notes of ripe cherries, plums, and blackber

The Blessing of the Animals

ries typical of Sangiovese fade into hints of sweet tobacco, mint, and spices imparted by the Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. Full bodied with a modern style, this wine is rich with silky tan nins and a long finish of vanilla and red berry. The mouthfeel is pleasant and fresh as Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvi gnon, and Merlot weave together with finesse, each adding its own distinc tive character. Try this one with a Beef Barley stew or some Bolognese and get the Fall warm on!

Campo di Sasso Insoglio del Cin ghiale, Biserno, Tuscany ($29.99), my friend and fellow writer, Kerin O’Keefe says,” this one is a blend of Syrah, Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Cab ernet Sauvignon and Petit Verdot and has aromas of cassis, blue flower and oak-driven spice. It’s medium bodied and smooth, featuring blueberry, black berry and star anise alongside polished tannins.”. Biserno is known for its unique blends and I have to say that, for a Tuscan red blend under $30.00, it’s very hard to beat. This is more of a match for Steak Pizzaiola or spit-roast ed Boar with mixed fall vegetables.

2018 Tolaini San Giovanni Valdis anti, Toscana IGT, Italy, ($39.95) is very different from the 2016 version which was a blend of 80% Sangiovese and 20% Cabernet Sauvignon. This new release is without Sangiovese but blends 50% Cabernet Sauvignon with 50% Cabernet Franc. (95 Points, Wine Spectator)

Valdisanti ’18 is a true bona fide BELL RINGER! The same organic farming practices, and care and atten tion to detail is given to the selection and laborious sorting and de-stem ming process. Fermented in tempera ture controlled French oak cask and stainless steel while macerating for up to 30 days. Then racked, blended and aged for 6 months on the lees in 70% new French barrique – 30% one year used. Racked again off the lees and aged for a total of 16 months. Bottled unfiltered. “A vibrant, lively red, this boasts cherry, raspberry and floral aromas and flavors, accented by toasty oak. Deftly balanced and persistent, firming up nicely in the end, with terrific length and freshness. Caber net Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc.

Best from 2024 through 2042. From Italy.” (95 points, Wine Spectator Insider 12/29/21—BS) “Crazy nose of blackberries and red chilies follow through to a full-bodied palate with chewy yet polished tannins that ex pand in the mouth, giving it a velvety texture. Extremely long and flavorful. Turns compact. Give it time to open. Try in 2024” – (94 points, James (08/21/21)).

One of the categories we should pay attention to is Sparkling Tuscan wine, so let’s start today with Medici Er mete Concerto Lambrusco Reggiano 2020, ($26.99), a Red Sparkling Wine from Emilia-Romagna, Italy. Intensely brilliant and pure in both its ruby red color and aromatics, the wine shows a fresh strawberry, raspberry and cherry character. On the palate, dry yet fruity, round, fresh and lively notes are delectably harmonious. Acidity and tannins are perfectly balanced, and the finish is clean. Delicious with cured pork meats such as salami or mort adella or a variety of pasta dishes such as tortellini or lasagna.

Tuscany Like No Other !!!

Gate of Heaven & St. Brigid Parishes with St. Augustine Chapel News Welcome Deacon Tucker, SJ!

In honor of the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Patron Saint of Animals, all are welcome to the Annual Blessing of the Ani mals that will take place on Sun day, October 2, 2022, outside of Gate of Heaven Church at 1:00 PM, downstairs in the I Street Courtyard, near the Celtic Cross, following the 12 Noon Mass. Please have your lovable family pet on a leash or in a pet carrier.

On Sunday, September 25th, we welcomed our new Deacon, Tucker Red ding, SJ, who was ordained a Jesuit Deacon on Sep tember 24th and will be joining us at our Parishes this year. He preached his first Mass on September 25th at the 10:30AM Mass at St. Brigid Church. Tuck er is originally from just outside

of San Antonio, Texas, where he went to Texas A&M University. At Texas A&M he not only grew in his faith but began to feel the pull toward this ministry. He has lived and worked all over the

world and is happy to be calling Boston his home for the next year as he finishes his studies for a Master of Divinity. We are excited to involve him in our Parish Life! Welcome Deacon Tucker, SJ!

September 29, 20228 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY •

There are over 30,000 catch basins in Boston, most of them connect to storm drains that discharge the runoff to the nearest brook, river or Boston Harbor.



Substances carelessly spilled or dumped onto our streets or directly into a catch basin can pollute Boston Harbor and the Charles, Neponset and Mystic Rivers. Please discard hazardous materials responsibly.

Virtual Public Meeting

Development of South Boston Marine MultiPort

Wednesday, October 12 6:00pm-7:30pm


South Boston Marine MultiPort LLC (SBMMP) is hosting a public meeting to introduce the SBMMP marine terminal project in the Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park and the South Boston Designated Port Area. The SBMMP site is a 16-acre portion of the former South Boston Naval Annex. The project will reactivate maritime operations at the currently inactive terminal to support a diverse range of marine cargo operations as well as staging and fabrication for realizing the development of offshore wind energy infrastructure off the Massachusetts coast.

Notice is hereby given that the City of Boston Air Pollution Control Commission will hold a virtual public hearing on October 19 at 1:00 p.m. at https://us02web. The Commission will consider the proponent’s request for a modified permit for a facility located at 776 Summer St, Boston, MA, pursuant to the Procedures and Criteria for the Issuance of Parking Freeze Permits adopted under M.G.L. Chapter 111, Section 31C.

This application consists of 650 commercial parking spaces for the construction of two underground garages, with spaces to be shared between employees, tenants and visitors of the project, including up to 60 spaces to be made available to South Boston residents. Issuance of the exemption certification would withdraw 375 commercial spaces from the South Boston parking freeze bank.

NOTE: In accordance with Chapter 22 of the Acts of 2022, this meeting will only take place virtually at If you are unable to access the internet, you can call 1-929-2056099, enter Meeting ID 863 2937 7111 # and use # as your participant ID.

Translation and sign language interpreters will be provided upon prior request. A copy of the application is available for public inspection at Boston City Hall, Room 709, from 9 AM to 5 PM Monday through Friday (by appointment only), or you may request a digital copy by email at Questions should be directed to: or 617-635-3850.

For the Commission, Katherine Eshel, Interim Executive Director

Air Pollution Control Commission

Contact Sean McNamee

For more information and updates, visit

City of Boston Environment Department Boston City Hall, Room 709 Boston, Massachusetts 02201 617-635-3850

SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • www.southbostontoday.comSeptember 29, 2022 9
How to Participate: Zoom link: Meeting ID: 861 0202 9283 Toll-Free Call-in Number: +1-646-876-9923

South Boston Catholic Academy News

Opening School Mass

OnThursday morning, Sep tember 22, 2022 the students at South Boston Catholic Academy attended and took part in the Opening School Mass at St.

Brigid Church at 9AM. At this Mass we prayed for a successful Academic Year for our students, families, fac ulty and staff. All Parents and Pa rishioners were invited to attend.

Fr. Robert E. Casey, our Pas tor and Fr. Christopher J. Boyle, our Parochial Vicar were the celebrants at this Mass with our

special guest and celebrant at this Mass was Bishop Thomas A. Daly, Bishop of Spokane, WA. Bishop Daly is the current chairman of the United States Bishop Commit tee on Catholic Education. All were welcome to attend this Mass. Several students from grade 1 to 6 took part in this Mass and did a wonderful job as Greeters, Read ers and Bringing the Gifts up to the Altar. Several comments were

made after Mass as to how won derful all the students did at this Mass and how great it was to hear the beautiful voices of the SBCA Children’s Choir singing again at Mass. The choir was led by Mr. Carol Bunyi, our new Music Teacher. New families are wel come to email our admissions team at: for more info. about South Boston Catholic Academy.

September 29, 202210 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY •

St. Peter Academy

Back to School BBQ

After a two-year hiatus, we cel ebrated the new school year with the famous St. Peter Academy Back to School BBQ! De spite the rainy day, there was a huge turnout. Families were welcomed into the building to explore their child’s classroom. The students were so

excited to show off their classrooms, desks and work they have done.

After the tour, we headed into the Community Room and enjoyed Burg ers and Hot Dogs from Sullivans at Castle Island and Pizza from Land of Pizza. The sun came out and every one got to hang out and play in the

playground. It was the most perfect day. We cannot wait to celebrate together again. Huge Shoutout to Sul livans at Castle Island for preparing and donating the burgers and hot dogs they were delicious!

St. Peter Academy is continuing to accept applications for the 2022-2023 school year. St. Peter Academy is an independent, community-based private school and serves students from ages 15 months through grade 6. SPA is currently accepting applica tions for the limited spaces available

in the year-round toddler program (beginning at age 15 months) and for students in Pre-K (School Year and Full Year Programs), Kindergarten and grades 1-6. Financial Aid Available. Two Scholarships will be offered this year for applicants for Grades 1 through 6. You may request schol arship information from the Front Office ( Appointments for individual virtual tours can be made by contacting Ma ria Blasi, at 617-268-0750 or by email ing

SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • www.southbostontoday.comSeptember 29, 2022 11

Ifind the Aaron Judge homerun extravaganza to be pretty humorous. Before this is pub lished, Judge might’ve already hit home run No. 61, which would tie him with Roger Maris as the unoffi cial single-season home-run king.

Judge entered this week with 60 home runs this season. The home run race that he finds himself in is hilarious to watch, mainly because the sports media covering it is blatantly ignoring the elephant(s) in the room. I described Judge’s homerun race as “unofficial” because everyone in the media is claiming he’s chasing Maris and the No. 61. The reality is, Maris isn’t the singleseason home run king any longer. He hasn’t been since 1998. That year belonged to Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa. Remember?

The media can try to make us forget by just straight up ignoring it. They think we’re stupid. But they don’t care. They despise the fact that McGwire and Sosa were taking steroids as they broke Maris’ record in ’98. McGwire hit 70 home runs that season. Sosa hit 66. In fact, they both broke that 61-mark again in 1999, as McGwire hit 65, and Sosa hit 63. Sosa did it again in 2001, hit ting 64 home runs that season.

How about 2001? That was the year Barry Bonds smashed Mc Gwire’s single-season home run record by hitting 73 home runs. So, if we’re all being honest here, Bonds is the single-season home run king. And for what it’s worth, Bonds has also hit the most career home runs in the history of the game. He has 762, which is seven more than Hank Aaron’s 755 career home runs.

Because of Bonds’ steroid use, many still claim Aaron is baseball’s home run king. Much like many are on the verge of claiming Judge to be the new single-season home run king. Look, I get it. McGwire, Sosa, and Bonds took the juice. And it ob viously helped their home-run pace. But are we really supposed to act as if these guys didn’t still hit balls into the stands in the Majors?

Then you get into the “pitchers were on the juice” argument as well. We know that to be true. And still, Bonds, McGwire, and Sosa still did what they did.

I’m not saying it was right. I’m just saying it happened. I saw it. And I witnessed the media — while knowing that steroids was most like ly the reason Bonds, McGwire, and Sosa all looked like the Incredible Hulk — celebrate all three of these

guys as they chased history. Nobody made the media celebrate them. They did it because it was the right thing to do. And now, as Judge gets into the 60’s with his single-season home run total, the same media is trying to make us forget that Bonds, McGwire, and Sosa never existed.

And get this. They’re doing it all while celebrating Albert Pu jols’ re-emergence in the home run scene at the age of 42. Pujols returned to St. Louis this season and has hit 21 home runs in 104 games with the Cardinals. Just last week, he hit career home run No. 700, which puts him 14 home runs behind Babe Ruth, 55 home runs behind Aaron, and 62 home runs behind Bonds.

Seems a little odd, no?

If you google “Pujols steroids,” you’ll find a story from 2013, in which former MLB player Jack Clark accused Pujols of being a “juicer.” Clark said on St. Louis airwaves that Pujols’ trainer told him the slugger was a steroids user. “I know for a fact that he was,” said Clark in 2013. “The trainer that worked with him, threw him bat ting practice from Kansas City, that worked him out every day, basically told me that’s what he did.” Pujols

had the same reaction most have had, even the players who were later proven to be guilty of steroid use. He referenced his religion, his family, and all the tests that he never failed.

A year after the accusation that cost Clark his radio job, Pujols dropped a defamation lawsuit against Clark after a “resolution” had been reached and Clark issued a public apology saying he has “has no knowledge whatsoever that Mr. Pujols has ever used illegal or banned PEDs.” Pujols is a big dude. He’s still crushing home runs at the age of 42, a few years after it looked like his career was coming to an end. It’s kind of a wild story. Given the history of the game, I’m not go ing to apologize for considering that maybe, just maybe, something else is going on here.

Regardless, I say we should celebrate him. We should celebrate Bonds. We should celebrate McG wire. We should celebrate Sosa. We should celebrate everything we’ve witnessed with our own eyes.

Which also means, we probably shouldn’t celebrate Judge until he gets close to 73 home runs in a season.

Follow Danny on instagram @ DannyPicard.

This week, Danny reacted to the Aaron Judge single-season home-run “race”:
September 29, 202212 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY •
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Tweet of the Week

Patriotsquarterback Mac Jones had to be helped off the field, Sunday, after getting tangled up with Baltimore Ravens defensive end Calais Campbell.

The injury came in the final min utes of the Patriots’ 37-26 loss to the Ravens at Gillette Stadium, adding injury to insult, as Jones finished the game with no passing touchdowns and three interceptions.

According to reports, Jones suffered a severe high ankle sprain. ESPN’s Adam Schefter reported that the injury “would

cause many to have surgery” and that “Jones and the Patriots are discussing his options and the best way to proceed.

Reports also suggest that the two sides might be at a disagreement about how to handle the injury. NFL Network’s Mike Giardi reported that Jones is seeking a


Justmonths after playing in the NBA Finals, the Boston Celtics sent shockwaves through the NBA over the weekend, suspending head coach Ime Udoka for the entire 2022-23 season.

The Celtics released a short statement, saying Udoka “violated team policies,” before holding a press conference that gave few answers and led to even more questions. The statement read:

“The Boston Celtics announced today that the team has suspended Head Coach


Ime Udoka for the 2022-23 season for vio lations of team policies. A decision about his future with the Celtics beyond this sea son will be made at a later date. The sus pension takes effect immediately.”

Prior to that team statement being released, reports of the suspension had emerged from multiple major outlets.

ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski, who is the king of NBA breaking news, re ported that Udoka had an “intimate re lationship with a female member of the franchise’s staff.”

second opinion his high ankle sprain.

Either way, Jones is not expected to play against the Packers in Green Bay this Sun day. If he’s place on injured reserve, Jones will have to miss at least four games.

The Patriots’ backup quarterback is veteran Brian Hoyer.

Celtics owner Wyc Grousbeck and president of basketball operations Brad Stevens held a press conference after some of the details were leaked, but said they were unable to discuss the de tails themselves. While claiming there was “no guideline” for what happened, Grousbeck said “something substantial needed to be done.”

According to Grousbeck, Udoka’s suspension will come with a “signifi cant” financial penalty. Nobody else in the organization was punished.

In a statement given to ESPN’s Ma lika Andrews, Udoka said:

“I want to apologize to our players,





Lamar Jackson just couldn’t be stopped.

The Ravens quarterback threw four touchdown passes and rushed for another, leading Baltimore to a 37-26 win over the New England Patriots last Sunday at Gillette Stadium.

Jackson put the finishing touches on the win after Baltimore forced Patriots wide receiver Nelson Agholor to fumble with

5:35 left in the fourth quarter. The Ravens led 31-26 at the time of the turnover, and Jackson took advantage by leading the charge on a seven-play, 73-yard touch down drive, putting Baltimore up 37-26 with three minutes left in the game.

Mac Jones threw his third interception of the game on the ensuing possession, which also led to Jones being injured on a hit by Calais Campbell, forcing the Patriots quarterback to leave the game.

As a result, Jones will miss mul tiple games with a high ankle sprain.

Veteran Brian Hoyer is expected to start for the Patriots in Week 4, as they head to Green Bay to take on Aaron Rodgers and the 2-1 Packers.

The Patriots are now 1-2 on the season, and are in last place in the AFC East.

Sunday’s loss to the Ravens saw one bright spot on the offense. First-year Patriot Devante Parker had his performance with the team, catching five passes for a gamehigh 156 yards. He was targeted 10 times, more than any other receiver on the team.

Parker, 29, was traded to the Patri ots in April, in a deal that sent a 2022 fifth-round draft pick and a 2023 thirdround pick to the Miami Dolphins.

In his first two games with the Patriots this season, Parker was only targeted four times, catching just one pass for nine yards in Week 1 against his old team in Miami.

The Patriots’ three touchdowns on




fans, the entire Celtics organization. I am sorry for putting the team in this dif ficult situation, and I accept the team’s decision. Out of respect for everyone in volved, I will have no further comment.”

Assistant coach Joe Mazzulla, 34, will take over as Celtics head coach on an interim basis. Mazulla’s only headcoaching experience came at Fairmont State, a Division II college in West Vir ginia. He’s been an assistant coach with the Celtics since 2019.

The Celtics play their first preseason game this Sunday against the Charlotte Hornets. They open the regular season on Oct. 18 at home against the Philadelphia 76ers.

Sunday against Baltimore came on the ground. Jones ran the first one in on a three-yard scramble in the second quarter, to put New England up 10-7 late in the second quarter.

Baltimore took a 14-13 lead into halftime, but the Patriots got the ball to begin the sec ond half, and put together a 75-yard drive that resulted in a Damien Harris touchdown run, putting New England up 20-14.

The Ravens then scored two touchdowns and a field goal to take a 31-20 lead. But Patriots running back Rhamondre Steven son ran one in to cut the lead to 31-26 after a failed two-point conversion attempt.

It wasn’t enough, as the Ravens scored again to seal the deal on the win.

SBT Staff SBT Staff SBT Staff
SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • www.southbostontoday.comSeptember 29, 2022 13
THURSDAY, SEPT. 29 Miami at Cincinnati (-4) 8:15 P.M. PRIME
2 Minnesota (-3) vs New Orleans (in London) 9:30 A.M. NFLN
(-3) at Baltimore 1 P.M. CBS New England at Green Bay (-10) 4:25 P.M. CBS
City (-2) at Tampa Bay 8:20 P.M. NBC
OCT. 3 LA Rams at San Francisco (-2.5) 8:15 P.M. ESPN
SATURDAY, OCT. 1 #2 Alabama (-17.5) at #20 Arkansas 3:30 P.M. CBS #10 NC State at #5 Clemson (-6.5) 7:30 P.M. ABC

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