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Lots Of People Talking About The New Book By Brian Wallace

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South Boston over the years has had many great authors who have written hundreds of excellent books. I want to start this week’s column with a mention of one of those authors well known to most of our readers and for good reason. He has written many interesting and often spell binding books. His most recent one has become one of the most popular of all of his works. It’s winning high acclaim from quite a few people; including current and former South Boston Residents and nonresidents alike, who have taken the time to comment on it. His name of course is Brian Wallace and his latest book that has so many people talking is titled ‘A Remarkable Life’. Following are just a small number of comments that have come in about this entertaining and well written work.

It is a great book, truly remarkable”: Irene Lynch Trainor


“I read the opening chapter and couldn’t put it down”: Joe Delgardo, “I purchased ‘A Remarkable Life” last night and finished it today. Other than pausing to get something to eat, I read it right through. Brian, your stories, anecdotes and insights are legendary”: Rich Torsney

“Thanks a lot Brian, I was up until 2am reading your book: Steve Graham,

“I stayed up until 5am reading your book. I could not put it down until I finished it. You are an incredible story teller Brian: Larry Kelly.

“I read thirteen chapters as soon as it arrived. I just could not put it down”: Ed Hennigan

“Brian, this is the best book I have ever read. I’m buying a bunch today to give to friends: Billy Walsh

“I am reading Brian’s book. I have been under the weather and the book has kept me company on an interesting walk down memory lane. Thank You Brian”: Joyce Foley

“I got the book on Kindle and read the first chapter. I was immediately hooked. I cannot wait to read the rest. Great job Brian”: Jay J. Toland

“Amazing! Brian, proud to be your friend”: Billy Boston

“Brian Wallace has lived a truly remarkable life. He has become a chronicler of many unseen and unknown interactions with many notable people. His book is very engrossing. Great read”: William Weeks.

As stated above, These quotes are just a small sample of the glowing comments that are coming in from people after reading ‘A Remarkable Life’ by Brian Wallace. Brian is a great writer, a good friend to so many and a proud son of South Boston. His latest book, to once again quote William Weeks, is truly “a great read”. ‘A Remarkable Life’ by Brian Wallace is available on Amazon.

I’ll finish this week’s column with a couple of comments about a current event in the news. For those who have been following the goings on at the WEF or the World Economic Forum, taking place in Davos Switzerland, many of you feel it’s a sham and an insult. It’s a gathering of people – billionaires and wannabe billionaires, politicians, news media types, business moguls and others who truly believe that they are so special and so important, that they have the right to decide how the rest of Earths 7 plus billion people must live their lives. They’ve often referred to what they’ll do for/to humanity is institute ‘The Great Reset’. They believe it should be they who ultimately decide what the Earth’s population will eat, where they’ll live, what fuel types everyone will be allowed to use and oh yes, of course – what method of transportation we will all be permitted to travel by in an effort to “save the planet from ‘Climate Change’.

Now as you’d expect chief among the ‘do as I say, not as I do’ types are the likes of Al Gore and John Kerry and, if we actually believed what they lecture the rest of on, we should be shocked that all of our coastal cities are not under water, and there is still such a thing as a snow day. But what makes a growing number of people worldwide, but especially Americans, notice just how phony and hypocritical these self-proclaimed elites are is the difference between what they believe they have the right to do and what they demand the rest of the world do.

It did not go unnoticed that the gathering at Davos, arrived in 1500 private jets. They then took helicopters from the airfield to a smaller airfield, then huge limos and SUVs to the forum itself. And this, in addition to the mas- sive yachts that they sail, is how they regularly get around. And yet, they demand that the people of the world (not them of course) ride bikes. To be clear, No one is trying to take THEIR private jets away. If they can afford them, good luck to them. But THEY want to take OUR vehicles away.

Those who gathered at the WEF, envision a world where they run everything, make all the rules and the general population lives as subjects to serve them. While most people, and again – especially freedom loving Americans, envision a world where the WEF participants have it made clear to them exactly where they can stick their delusions of grandeur.

Billion-dollar guessing game: hearing keys in on Millionaire’s Tax Uncertainty. Volatility. New and unfamiliar billion dollar wild cards. These were some of the watchwords yesterday as the state’s leading tax-revenue estimating experts appeared before the officials who will create the fiscal 2004 state budget for Massachusetts, and gave their best guesses as to what to expect for state revenue as the fiscal planning process begins in earnest.

Emphasis on “guesses:” With a new state surtax on millionaires generating new revenue, but inflation, interest rate hikes, declining consumer spending and other factors conspiring to suppress economic activity, this is a tough year to estimate how much wealth taxpayers will generate this next fiscal cycle.

But the governor’s budget office and the chairs of the Ways and Means committees have to do just that, and they took two hours of guidance in a State House hearing yesterday. With tax cuts in play and a huge new tax hike on millionaires raising the prospect of improve-

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