6 minute read
The Tradition Continues This Saturday
The majority of editorials in most every newspaper, this one included, and unfortunately more often than not, must lean to the negative. That’s just the way of the world and the type of news that is out there demands. But sometimes, an editorial can be about the happy and positive things that also exist in today’s world. We think that the annual pre springtime opening of Sullivan’s Restaurant at Castle Island in Southie fits the latter description.
Some not familiar with the event that is ‘Sully’s’ Opening Day’; and it truly is an event if you’ve been to one, you know, might ask what is so big or unusual about the opening of a restaurant? It’s a fair and reasonable question. So let us enlighten those who may be confused. Opening day at Sully’s is an end of winter tradition that, depending on the weather can and has brought out literally tens of thousands of people who in many cases have been hunkered down at home during the cold and gray winter weather. It attracts a wide variety of folks, including many families with young children. And of course, it attracts South Bostonians who were born and raised and still live here as well as those who over the years have moved away. Neighbors, who haven’t seen each other since before Christmas and way beyond, get to catch up in conversation and even long-time friendships are rekindled. But more than South Bostonians; long time and new arrivals, it brings in people from surrounding towns and even people; many of them curiosity seekers wanting to find out what all the commotion is about from other states. It’s not too unusual to see tourists from a number of other countries waiting in line as well. It’s also quite possible that there will be helicopters from one or more TV channels hovering above to film, from an Ariel view, the massive and happy looking crowds. Again, weather permitting. Without the slightest bit of exaggeration, the line to get served at the counter by a very professional and friendly staff can stretch and has stretched in some years for a quarter a mile. It’s a gathering where everyone seems to really be enjoying each other’s company. Call it an experience. Oh, and by the way, the food is delicious. Have Sully’s prices gone up in recent years? They most certainly have. But it’s the case with all restaurants. Inflation is real and it’s everywhere. But many would say that what you get for your money is worth it.
So, today’s editorial is a positive one that wishes all those who make the trek to Castle Island this weekend for opening day at Sully’s a good time. Because it is just that – a good time that often turns out to be one of the biggest social events of the season. Pray for good weather and enjoy.
Tuesdays During Lent
The Holy Rosary - Tuesday Evenings at 6:30PM at Gate of Heaven Church
Wednesdays During Lent
6:30PM - 7:30PM
6:30PM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
6:40PM – 7:00PM Spiritual Talk
7:00 – 7:30PM Confessions & Adoration
Wednesday, March 1st – Saint Brigid Church Presenter: Fr. Robert Casey
Wednesday, March 8th – Gate of Heaven Church Presenter: Fr. Christopher Boyle
Wednesday, March 15th – St. Brigid Church Presenter: Msgr. Liam Bergin
Wednesday, March 22nd – Gate of Heaven Church Presenter: Deacon Tucker Redding, SJ
Wednesday, March 29th – St. Brigid Church Presenter: Sister Maureen Casey, SND
Wednesday, April 5th – Gate of Heaven Church Presenter: Rev. Michael Steele
This Evening (April 5th) will include our Holy Week Reconciliation Service
There will be 4 Priests for Individual Confessions Fridays During Lent Stations of the Cross
Every Friday during Lent 3:00PM at Gate of Heaven Church Daily Mass Gate of Heaven Church: Monday through Friday at 9AM St. Brigid Church: Monday through Friday at 7AM
Fiasco At The Southern Border. It’s Out Of Control
Watching the increasing number of news reports, at least on the media outlets that will report it, about all the mostly young Americans dying from the deadly Fentanyl drugs coming over the border, proves that our country has a drug problem more serious than ever before. It’s now estimated that 300 Americans, each day, die from that poison. And then, when you think back a couple of weeks to Biden’s State of the Union Address, the problem is magnified. He spent a total of 10 seconds on the situation and offered no solutions and has done nothing about it. To do so, might interrupt the flow of illegals coming into the country and the Democrats won’t have that.
Stopping the flow of drugs and illegals crossing the border by securing that border is job of the federal government. It’s an obligation they have – it’s the law. But they won’t secure it and lie about it and tell us the border IS secure. Frustrated by the lack of any serious action by the feds, the State of Texas, over the screams of outrage by the federal government and the media and Democrat party leaders, has found it necessary to use its own resources to do what they can to stem the tide of illegals, among them criminals and people on the terrorist watch list, and Fentanyl. Thankfully Texas is making some progress.
The following are some of the results:
In a move that the Texas Governor, Gregg Abbott, has named ‘ Operation Lone Star’ Texas police and National Guard members, with the unofficial and covert help of some United States Border Patrol forces, have stopped more than 348,000 illegals. And as was stated, the number includes Mexican Cartel members, potential terrorists and Human Traffickers. And among THAT number are many MS-13 gang operatives. Yes folks, the Mexican government is said to be letting dangerous criminals out of their prisons, if they promise to leave that country and go to the United States. Texas officials have also confiscated more than 361 million doses of the Fentanyl drug. If you do the math, it’s enough to kill every man, woman and child living in the United States. And that number is actually dwarfed compared to the number of doses that has already gotten through under Biden’s watch.
If Texas hadn’t stopped the number of criminals and drugs that they have, every one of them and every bit of it would have made it into communities all across our country. However, what Texas IS doing is busing illegals that they have screened to Democrat run cities around the country. You know, those so called ‘sanctuary cities’ that say all immigrants, illegal or not, should be allowed to cross the border. The stickler for those oh-so open-minded and tolerant big city Democrat mayors is they were counting on them staying in the states along the southern border. Texas however decided to follow in Florida’s footsteps and give those mayors a taste of what it has to deal with.
Governor Abbott has now bussed thousands to New York City, Washington DC, Baltimore and Philadelphia. And now, you can hear those tolerant Democrat pro-open-borders mayors scream and wail in horror. They are overrun with homeless immigrants. They don’t have the resources to house, feed or clothe them. The hospitals in those cities are bursting at the seams from all the new arrivals and without insurance.
Now these mayors are condemning the Texas and the Florida governors for giving them just a slight taste of what’s been happening in the border towns. And they want it to stop. Well, to quote Mick Jagger – “You can’t always get what you want”. Oh yes, and here’s another kicker. As we mentioned in a recent article, New York’s mayor is now busing the illegals to the Canadian border. Even the immigrants want out of New York, since under NYC’s liberal city government, the place is a crime invested war zone. And the ever so tolerant liberal Canadian officials are furious. They are condemning New York’s mayor and demanding it be stopped.
Personally, I can feel for the good people, the non-criminal illegal immigrants who must think they are being used as props by American politicians. Yes, It’s my view that no one should be allowed to cross our borders, unless they do it the legal and proper way. But they have been enticed to come, legal or not, by the Biden Administration. Biden and the Democrat Party has sent the word out worldwide that everyone can come in. The Democrats want and need new voters, and this is how they think they can get them. So secured borders are a thing of the past for as long as the Democrats are in power. Did they ever think it would get so out of control? Who knows. But it’s a pretty sure bet, they have no intention of doing what’s needed to stop it unless they are finally forced to do so.