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How About Focusing On The Positive For Parade Day
The headline in the Boston Herald, and in that other one that fancies itself as a Boston daily newspaper, and a few TV channels screamed ‘No Hate allowed in Southie’s St. Patrick’s Parade’. When one considers how hard the organizers of this year’s parade have been working to make what’s being called an ‘epic’ procession, you’d think that the news media could somehow, somewhere find it their hearts to give THAT news some coverage. But for those who, over the years have watched the actions, the tactics and the schemes of the media, we all know that it’s not the good news that interests the lackeys in the press, but in fact the bad.
Seriously, after seeing the way the media operates, especially when it comes to South Boston, most people have come to expect that the negative will always take precedent over the positive. The focus of the media stories in that headline was the 15 or so idiots wearing masks and hanging a bigoted banner along last year’s parade route. It showed a group attacking a black man. Now, maybe the picture was photo shopped or taken in some other city, but to our knowledge, that attack never happened here. But the point being, it was the media sensationalizing situations in an effort to stir things up.
The media seems to be under the illusion that people really think the press finds it outrageous if there are racial problems and possibly violence at the South Boston parade. And that the reason for the coverage they give it is in a good faith effort to put an end to it. But could there actually be anyone who doesn’t understand the real motives? Most are wise to the fact that the press feeds off of the negative. If there is none to be found, some reporters will actually be disappointed. And if they can somehow help create problems to make their stories more interesting, well, they’re not above doing that either – we’ve seen it happen before.
It’s the opinion of this newspaper that the news media in this city and beyond would like nothing better than for racial problems to break out on the day of the parade. They probably can’t control themselves just waiting to swoop and film it. But much to their disappointment, what they’ll most likely find is possibly a million people, among them thousands of families with small children here to enjoy what has been called the second largest St. Patrick’s Day Parade in the nation – who knows, maybe this year it will be THE biggest if the organizers have their way.
And let’s not forget, the parade also celebrated Evacuation Day, when American patriots drove an occupying force of oppressors out of the city. There will be military units, cartoon characters, beautiful floats, color guards and so many more positive attractions. Let the press focus on that. If a handful of troublemakers show up, the police are more than capable of handling it. But that possibility should never be the focus of what should be a festive and positive celebration.
The Holy Rosary - Tuesday Evenings at 6:30PM at Gate of Heaven Church
Wednesdays During Lent
6:30PM - 7:30PM
6:30PM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
6:40PM – 7:00PM Spiritual Talk
7:00 – 7:30PM Confessions & Adoration
Wednesday, March 1st – Saint Brigid Church Presenter: Fr. Robert Casey
Wednesday, March 8th – Gate of Heaven Church Presenter: Fr. Christopher Boyle
Wednesday, March 15th – St. Brigid Church Presenter: Msgr. Liam Bergin
Wednesday, March 22nd – Gate of Heaven Church Presenter: Deacon Tucker Redding, SJ
Wednesday, March 29th – St. Brigid Church Presenter: Sister Maureen Casey, SND
Wednesday, April 5th – Gate of Heaven Church Presenter: Rev. Michael Steele
This Evening (April 5th) will include our Holy Week Reconciliation Service
There will be 4 Priests for Individual Confessions
Fridays During Lent
Stations of the Cross
Every Friday during Lent 3:00PM at Gate of Heaven Church
Daily Mass
Gate of Heaven Church: Monday through Friday at 9AM St. Brigid Church: Monday through Friday at 7AM
Can’t Put The Genie Back In The Bottle/Can’t Un-See Unedited Video
I’ll start this week’s column off with some great news on the political front. As most know by now, the Mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, sometimes referred to as Mayor Beetle Juice not only lost her run for re-election but lost it in a landslide. In fact, she came in 3rd out of 3 primary candidates and only managed to get 17% of the vote. With her dismal record, it makes people wonder, how she even got to 17% - if she actually did. We’ve all been made aware that voting is manipulated. She was/is a horrible mayor, who during her time in office, allowed Chicago to become a nightmare. One of the murder capitals of the world, some weekends saw over a hundred people stabbed, shot or bludgeoned. Weekdays weren’t much better, and holidays were often a massacre. She prevented the police from doing their jobs and threw up roadblocks to that city’s excellent police force at every turn. To say she was no fan of law enforcement would be an understatement. At times she appeared to flat-out hate cops and in response, they didn’t think much of her.
In addition to letting her city become crime ridden, the basic city services were a mess and businesses were beginning to pull out and relocate to any number of cities in Red States. Interviews on the street had Chicago residents of all races and backgrounds expressing disgust with the job she was doing. Now of course, when asked why it was that she was handily booted out of office she resorted to the same old lame excuses – racism and sexism. She refused to admit that no, she wasn’t FIRED because she was black and female – she was HIRED for those reasons. She got FIRED because she was horrible and incompetent; and a leftist radical as well.
With any luck, what happened to Lori Lightfoot will be just the beginning and will hopefully send a loud and clear message to liberal, anti- police, soft on crime mayors in democrat run cities everywhere: If you allow your leftist ideology to run your cities into Woke, crime infested, high taxed, unkempt ruin, what happened to Lori Lightfoot will happen to you in the next election. I really do enjoy stories with happy endings.
The next and most recent big story in the nation is the release, by Tucker Carlson, of all the unedited footage of what really happened on January 6th, 2021. It pains most Americans to find out that they have been lied to by many in their federal government, but it no longer surprises. Doctored and edited video footage being shown 24/7 to the rest of the country did not show an accurate picture of what went on that day in Washington. It was, cut, cropped and changed to present a false narrative, one that intended to convince Americans that there was a so called ‘deadly insurrection to destroy Democracy organized and led by President Trump’. The hyper partisan so-called January 6th committee was exposed as liars in the just released video and has proven that the over whelming majority of demonstrators were peaceful when they entered the Halls of Congress and NOT a rampaging mob out to kill police. In fact, if you’ve been watching those just released videos, you can see lie, after lie, exposed.
As America watches the nightly release of these new, unedited videos, it becomes very clear why top Democrats and of course the mainstream news media have been fighting tooth and nail to prevent that release. In desperation, they were shrieking that it would be harmful to America’s
National Security and could cause deaths. All of it total BS of course. The only one’s it’s currently harming are those who have been lying for two years. They thought they could prevent America from ever viewing the unedited footage and while Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House, they did. But the last election changed all that. While Pelosi was able to retain her broom, she lost her speaker’s gavel. The Republicans took over and the new speaker, Kevin McCarthy, made them available for public viewing. And by the way, an overwhelming majority of every party, Democrats, Republicans and independents, agree they should be made public. So now the desperate scramble is on.
The news media has frantically jumped in to try to discredit the unedited tapes. But as the saying goes, “you can’t put the genie back in the bottle” and you can’t un-see unedited video footage either. So, each night that more video is released, millions of Americans will sit glued to their TVs, their phones and other devices to watch the unending, disheartening spectacle of fraud that has been showered on the public by people that we should be able to trust, but apparently cannot, for two long years.
Funeral Directors: Joe, Dave & Ken Casper