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This Year’s Parade Was Up There With The Best - Ever
Ok, now THAT was a great celebration! As locals know, South Boston has been hosting the big St. Patrick’s Day/Evacuation Day parade for more than a century. Some years are bigger than others. Sometimes things go off perfectly; sometimes not so much. There have been times when the weather has played a major role in keeping the crowd small and, on a few occasions, it even had to be postponed or cancelled because of a storm, lingering snow cover and as we all know, even the pandemic. One year, the forced busing controversy shut it down completely. And then there were the times the day was overshadowed to some extent by rowdy crowds and bad publicity. But not this year. This year, by nearly every account and by the reaction of the public, especially Southie residents in particular, it was one of the best – ever. In fact, the only complaints that we heard were in regard to the live TV coverage. It seems, there were many who were less than impressed by the live coverage. But that aside, at least everyone that we heard from gave the day a big thumbs up.
The line of march and the makeup of the procession was filled with excellent marching bands, beautiful floats, lively music and of course a generous representation of America’s awesome military. There was even a troop of British Red Coats in full dress, battle gear marching in formation. They made it through just fine; maybe all really has been forgiven. The bagpipes could be heard for blocks and the high school and other bands kept the momentum going, nonstop.
When the weather cooperates as it did, although a bit blustery, it helps lift the mood of the crowd. And the mood was festive indeed. And that was the other deciding factor which put this year’s parade right up there with some of the best of all time. The crowd was massive. Some estimates were hovering right around a million spectators. And for the most part they were well behaved all up and down the long three-mile line that was finally restored to its original route.
Now we’d be remiss if we didn’t give credit to what was one of the biggest contributing factors in making Sunday’s event go off as close to perfect as it can get. And that was of course, the police presence. Although there were the occasional reports of crowd rowdiness, all of it on the part of visitors, not locals, it was nothing compared to some years where some in the crowd got seriously out of hand. But the Boston Police Department and the MA State Troopers were right on the ball. If there was a problem of any kind, be it a bit of rowdiness or an emergency situation, which were both few and far between, they responded immediately and took care of it and did so in a professional manner. Whether it was being part of the planning stages for the parade, crowd control and just their overall presence, they provided the finishing touches to make sure everyone was happy and safe. God bless them.
So, the 2023 St. Patrick’s Day/Evacuation Day celebration is now in the history books with all the others from past years. And if next year’s parade is anything like this one was, it will truly be something to look forward to. Well done to all involved.