South Boston Today April 6 2023

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CONTINUED ON page 4 Bank Collapses Has Us Wondering. But Expert Says: Wonder, But Don’t Worry! A re those who caused Silicon Valley Bank’s and Signature Bank’s Collapse ever going to pay a price for negligence, incompetence, or complicity? Or is the government just going to bail them out so as to facilitate the acquisition of their depositors by a bigger bank in a banking system that is now suspect. One report begins by stating that a crippled banking system, TODAY SouthBoston Online • On Your Mobile • At Your Door April 6, 2023: Vol.11 Issue 14 SERVING SOUTH BOSTONIANS AROUND THE GLOBE WWW.SOUTHBOSTONTODAY.COM @SBostonToday S outhBos tonTod a y @SBostonToday LOOKING FOR A LITTLE MORE GREEN? Stop by a branch to open. LIMITED TIME OFFER 17-MONTH CERTIFICATE 5.00%APY* *APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Minimum balance to open and earn APY is $500. Maximum deposit $250,000. The APY for all Certificates assumes the dividends will remain in the account until maturity. Withdrawal of dividends prior to maturity will reduce earnings. Certificates are subject to penalty for early withdrawal. Fees may reduce earnings. Rate is effective 3/17/23. This is a limited time offer and is subject to change without notice. Other rates and terms available. Subject to membership eligibility, see our website for details. Federally insured by NCUA

Easter Tradition Continues

The arrival of Easter this Sunday brings with it one of the most beautiful traditions South Boston has to offer. The traditional Sunrise Mass at Castle Island will take place at 6:13am on the channel side of Fort Independence with the ocean as the setting as the sun first peeks over the horizon from the East.

The Castle Island Association started the tradition back in 1980 and has been a major part of this event ever since.

From the first year, with the Mass being said by Father Kelleher of Don Bosco, who was followed by Father Fleming of St Brigid Church, this moving ceremony draws at times thousands of people who get up before dawn on Easter Morning and make the trek to ‘The Island’ by car, bicycle, on foot, by shuttle and now even by Uber or Lyft to experience one of the most unique religious gatherings around. The Sunrise Mass and Service continues to gain

in popularity with each passing year and if weather cooperates, draws large crowds each time.

Over the years, people have come in from many surrounding communities and other states to be part of this sacred event to celebrate the Holiest of times on the Christian Calendar. As all know, Easter celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ 3 days after he was taken down from the cross and was buried. Here, the traditional Catho-

lic Mass will be celebrated and all people of every faith are welcome to be part of it. Holy Communion will be given to those who wish to receive. A portable altar will be set up from which the Mass will be said. The Service lasts approximately one hour from the time it commences.

Many attendees bring along their own chairs as there is very little seating on that side of the island. It’s also recommended that you check the weather forecast for Sunday Morning so you can dress for whatever nature brings. Because it is such an early time of day and Easter comes early in the season this year, sweaters and or jackets are advised.

Even if you attend your regular Mass or Service at your traditional Church on Easter Sunday in addition to the Sunrise Mass, it is said that attending the Sunrise Mass at Castle Island as well is very special indeed and often adds to the spirit of this wonderful season. If this will be your first time, when you arrive at Castle Island, just go to the left of Fort Independence. You’ll have no problem finding where the Mass will be held. Just follow the crowd and be prepared to enjoy an inspiring and spiritual experience. From all of us here at South Boston Today, to al of you – Have a Happy and Blessed Easter.

All of us in the Gate of Heaven and St. Brigid Parishes Religious Education Program wish everyone a Blessed and Happy Easter!

April 6, 2023 2 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY •
917 East Broadway • 617.268.4032 • Office hours: Mon-Fri 10:00am - 2:00pm South Boston Today is not liable for errors appearing in advertisements beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error. All South Boston Today produced artwork, design, and layout remain the sole property of South Boston Today. Reproduction in whole or part is strictly forbidden. South Boston Today reserves the right to cut, edit or reject any copy without notice. South Boston Today is a Series of the Today Publications Series LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company Press Copy - Monday at 6:00pm • Advertisements Space Reservations - Friday at 6:00pm • Ad Material - Monday at 4:00pm • Camera Ready Ads - Tuesday at 6:00pm Publisher John Ciccone PO Box 491 South Boston, MA 02127
Advertising Office 617.268.4032 Mobile 617.840.1355 email
Sunrise Mass and Service at Castle Island Sunday 6:13am Gate of Heaven and St. Brigid Parishes News A Blessed and
“Let the
Happy Easter to All!
one among
be the first
cast a stone” - Jesus Christ

The Witch Hunt Will Backfire – Big Time

It has been an eventful week around the country and even around the world when looking at situations that could affect Americans. Of course, among the biggest news is/was the indictment of President Trump. There’s a meme that’s circulating all over the nation and it speaks to what’s taking place. It has pictures of 4 men – Adolph Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, Joseph Stalin and Joe Biden. The caption on the meme reads: “Leaders who had their political opponents arrested”.

Up until now, having the political opposition arrested has only been the tactics used by countries run by Nazis and Communists and the dictators in charge. Now it’s well known that Hitler, Mao and Stalin knew exactly what they were doing, but in the case of Biden, well, no one’s really sure about that, since sometimes he appears not to even know where he is or what he’s saying. I don’t say this to be mean, but we’ve all seen some of his press conferences. But whether he’s behind this or not, someone in that ‘administration from Hell’ is pulling the strings and it’s clear that they have the backing of the higher ups in the Democrat party and certainly in the mainstream news media.

Whether they admit it or not, there is probably no one in the country that doesn’t understand that this is a political hit job to get Trump out of the way – because frankly, the left wing in this country seems to be terrified of the man; of his popularity among tens of millions of voters and his stated and avowed willingness and determination to expose and then drain what he calls ‘The Swamp’. And when a government weaponizes federal law enforcement agencies

to harass its political rivals, including their supporters, it’s accurate to compare these actions to what goes on in Fascist and Communist countries and other ‘banana republics’. Who would have thought this would ever happen in the United States of America?

The so-called crimes Donald Trump is accused of committing, which he has denied, were looked at by many law enforcement agencies for more than 6 years, beginning back when they were supposedly committed, and they were deemed not even worth pursuing. But what many call the corrupt, incompetent and weak on real crimes, Alvin Bragg, a New York DA, who campaigned on a promise to “Get Trump” has launched this witch hunt and is even trying to turn crimes that are officially misdemeanors into felonies.

The case against Trump is weak. Even democrats are now admitting this. Yet, where there is a will, driven by intense hatred, facts and reality don’t matter. By the way, Bragg is one of the chief reasons that New York City has turned into an even bigger crime infested and dangerous place than it ever has been. This useless partisan hack has constantly released some of the most dangerous and violent criminals back on to the streets to continue raping, robbing and murdering, because he refuses to prosecute criminals who break laws that he doesn’t like.

So, while Bragg lets violent convicted felons back out on the streets to continue to terrorize innocent people, he is on a crusade to ‘get Trump’ for alleged misdemeanors supposedly committed seven years ago. But this witch hunt looks like it will backfire in a huge way. The case against Trump; with its

obvious goal of keeping him from being president again, is now said to have little chance of success. At the same time, it has angered millions of Americans who were never fond of the former president in the first place but see the injustice and brutal tactics being used against him and the clear double standard being applied – and they don’t like it. Millions of dollars are pouring into Trump’s campaign for president and much of it is coming from first time donors, including many Democrat voters.

What’s taking place will compound the problems the Democrat

Party will soon be facing as America braces for the return of soaring gas prices which will be starting within the week because of Biden’s screw ups, the already out of control prices for food which will also be rising for the same reasons and talk of war with Russia and China gets louder by the day. And let’s not forget all the deadly drugs killing America’s youth they are allowing to pour over the border. So as the next national election approaches, the thought of Trump’s ‘mean tweets won’t be looking so bad when compared to what the Democrat party has done to our country in less than 3 years.

SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • April 6, 2023 3
talk back to John Ciccone by email at
Information Center The Casper’s specializes in Massachusetts Cremation Services & Veteran Services Established in 1930 Let Our Family Help Your Family CASPER Casper Funeral Home
Dave & Ken Casper Home of Personal Service Serving Families with Dignity and Respect through the toughest of times for over 80 years Pre-Planning Specialists David Casper Please visit our website for information you may find helpful during a time of need 187 Dorchester Street South Boston, MA 02127 617-269-1930 Funeral & Cremations Services
John Ciccone

I Was Just Thinking…

Xylazine was discovered as an antihypertensive agent in 1962 by Bayer in Germany but due to hazardous side effects suffered by human volunteers, including hypotension and bradycardia, the new drug was not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for human use. It was only approved as an animal tranquilizer.

Mixed with fentanyl, cocaine, heroin or morphine on the streets of America, it’s called “tranq”, “sleepcut”, “Philly dope”, “tranq dope”, and “zombie drug”. Yet it should be called the “drug of death”.

to get high which can cause fleshingeating infections (necrosis) resulting in possible amputations.

Imagine falling into a coma for committing such folly.

And possibly albeit tragically meeting your maker.

Yet many gamble every day with their lives chasing that elusive high, which is a misnomer since it should be called a low, an aberration of rational thought and action.

“Xylazine is making the deadliest drug threat our country has ever faced, fentanyl, even deadlier.” (DEA administrator

Anne Milgram.)

It’s hard to imagine there’s a new threat on the American drug scene.

But there is.

It’s called xylazine.

The side effects of xylazine are bradycardia (slow heart rate), blurred vision, central nervous system (CNS) depression (sedation, drowsiness, disorientation), staggering, respiratory depression (breathing slowed or stopped), hypotension (low blood pressure), hypothermia (dangerous drop in body temperature), hyperglycemia (high blood glucose levels), severe withdrawal symptoms, miosis (pinpoint pupils), severe, necrotic skin ulcerations, coma, and death.

Imagine taking the chance of injecting drugs of this nature into your body

“Xylazine is making the deadliest drug threat our country has ever faced, fentanyl, even deadlier,” said Drug Enforcement Agency Administrator, Anne Milgram, declaring the DEA has seized xylazine and fentanyl mixtures in 48 out of 50 states.

And xylazine being a non-opioid agent, naloxone (aka Narcan) isn’t effective in reviving those who are overdosing from a speedball combination involving xylazine mixed with either methadone, cocaine, morphine or fentanyl.

The effects of an overdose can’t be reversed.

So, if you overdose you don’t get a second chance.

According to Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nevada), the House and Senate just introduced bipartisan legislation to assist the DEA and local law enforcement to attack the xylazine scourge and get it off our streets.

“Drug traffickers are going to great lengths to pad their profits with dangerous drugs like tranq, and we need to empower law enforcement to crack down on its spread in our communities,” said Cortez Masto, lead sponsor of the Senate bill.

“This bipartisan legislation will ensure the DEA and local law enforcement have the tools they need to get xylazine off our streets while protecting its important use as a veterinary tranquilizer.”

It’s a good start.

Keeping an eye on the manufacturers making sure only the veterinary sector has access to this tranquilizing agent.

But we also need to target and cripple the sources, that being the local drug dealers and the Mexican cartels.

And for obvious reasons, secure our southern border, Mr. President, not with empty words but by action.

stubbornly high inflation, recession fears -- this growing set of threats has tipped the U.S. into precarious economic territory.

As for Silicon Valley Bank, it was unique. Its mission was providing banking services to nearly half the country’s venture capital-backed technology and life-science companies, according to its website, and to more than 2,500 venture capital firms. For decades, it was flush with cash from high-flying start-ups, and did what most of its rivals do: It kept a small chunk of its deposits in cash, and it used the rest to buy long-term debt-like Treasury bonds. Those investments promised steady, modest returns when interest rates remained low. But they were, it turned out, shortsighted. The bank executives hadn’t considered what was happening in the broader economy, which was overheated after more than a year of pandemic stimulus.

This meant that Silicon Valley

Bank was left in the lurch when the Federal Reserve, looking to combat rapid inflation, started raising interest rates. Those oncesafe investments looked a lot less attractive as newer government bonds kicked off more interest. On top of that, the bank started to see trouble when start-up fundings began to dwindle, leading its clients — a mixture of technology startups and their executives — to tap into their accounts more. The bank also had a significant number of big, uninsured depositors — the kind of investors who tend to withdraw their money during signs of turbulence. To fulfill its customers’ requests, the bank had to sell some of its investments at a steep discount and a significant loss. Once Silicon Valley revealed its huge losses, the tech industry panicked, and start-ups rushed to pull out their money, resulting in a bank run.

Consequently, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) then had to take over the

40-year-old institution, after the bank and its financial advisers had tried — and failed — to find a buyer to step in. The takeover put about $175 billion in customer deposits under the control of the federal regulator - a temporary solution.

While things get worked out and blame gets properly placed on those responsible for Silicon and Signature, Jamie Dimon, the leader of the nation’s largest bank, is nonetheless optimistic about the financial outlook.

Bank Collapses continued from front page continued on page 6

Resilient consumer spending and a strong job market have buoyed the economy, padding the savings of many households and buttressing them against a possible downturn, Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan Chase, said in an annual shareholder letter. “When one talks about risk for too long, it begins to cloud your judgment,” Dimon said. “Looking ahead, the positives are huge.” Consumer balance sheets are in “great shape,” Dimon added, noting that “unem -

ployment is extremely low, and wages are going up, particularly at the low end.” The unemployment rate stands at 3.6%, hovering near a 50-year low.

Meanwhile, Americans retain $1.2 trillion more “excess cash” in their checking accounts than they held before the pandemic, Dimon said, citing JPMorgan Chase data. Those savings have kept consumer spending relatively robust even as pandemic-era fiscal support fades further into the past. Consumer spending accounts for roughly two-thirds of the U.S. economy. Still, the bank’s measure of excess savings held by U.S. households has fallen nearly by half since November 2021, suggesting that Americans have drawn down their accounts to contend with high inflation. Inflation has fallen significantly from a summer peak, though it remains more than triple the Fed’s target of 2%.

To fight high prices, the Fed -

April 6, 2023 4 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY •


Mayor Michelle Wu announced that Councilor Kenzie Bok will serve as the next Administrator of the Boston Housing Authority (BHA), the public agency charged with providing affordable housing to more than 62,000 Boston residents. Bok will begin a transition period next month before current Administrator Kate Bennett steps down later this summer.

“The Boston Housing Authority has been a lifeline for generations of Boston families, and in this moment of housing crisis, the BHA must be a model for housing as health, safety, opportunity, and community,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “Kenzie brings a deep commitment to our BHA communities along with an expansive vision of how public housing should anchor our neighborhoods and city—I’m thrilled

for her leadership and look forward to building on the strong foundation set under Kate’s stewardship by the entire BHA team. We are all so grateful for Kate’s decades of service to our residents and work to ensure a smooth transition over the coming months.”

“Public housing is a public good, and all of Boston benefits when our public housing communities are strong,” said Kenzie Bok, incoming BHA Administrator. “I’m so excited to return to BHA to put our residents and voucher-holders at the heart of everything our City does, by providing safe high-quality housing for every family and by ensuring the best access to jobs, services, and all the opportunities Boston has to offer. To truly have a City for all, we have to boldly invest at the local, state, and federal levels in the BHA housing that continues to anchor so many of our

communities. I was lucky to learn from my predecessors in this role, Kate Bennett and Bill McGonagle, that residents come first at BHA, and I’m looking forward to working with Kate over the coming transition to continue that essential focus.”

Prior to her election to represent District 8 on the City Council in 2019, Bok was the Senior Advisor for Policy and Planning at the BHA. In that role, she spearheaded the BHA’s efforts to vary the subsidy amount of federal housing vouchers by ZIP code. Previously, all voucher recipients received the same subsidy regardless of where they were applying to live in the Greater Boston area. The change has allowed for significantly greater flexibility for voucher recipients in deciding where they want to live and continues to be an impactful program today.

In 2016, Bok helped lead the successful ballot initiative campaign to enact the Community Preservation Act (CPA) in Boston, which has generated tens of millions of dollars for affordable housing in the City. She has also held community leadership roles in various local organizations, including the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization (GBIO) and the Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance (MAHA). After graduating from Harvard College, Bok earned an M.Phil and a Ph.D. in History from the University of Cambridge in England as

a Marshall Scholar, and formerly taught courses at Harvard on housing justice.

Bok will replace outgoing Administrator Kate Bennett, who was appointed to the role in 2020 after previously serving as Senior Deputy Administrator and various roles in the BHA since 1998. Bennett has helped oversee the capital improvements at the Mildred C. Hailey Apartments in Jamaica Plain, the Choice Neighborhoods revitalization at the Whittier Street public housing development in Roxbury, the redevelopment of Orient Heights in East Boston, and the Bunker Hill redevelopment in Charlestown. Under Bennett’s leadership, the BHA remains resident-centric and has cemented itself as a nationally recognized leader in innovation, environmental safety, and redevelopment work. Bennett has worked in affordable housing development, policy and planning for more than 25 years, with a particular focus on public housing revitalization. Prior to joining the BHA, she managed affordable housing programs for the City of Chelsea and the City of Newton.

“I am delighted that Councilor Bok will become the next Administrator at the BHA,” said Kate Bennett, current BHA Administrator. “She is the right person to take BHA to the next level. She is passionate about the Authority and its mission, she knows our staff and residents, and she is a brilliant housing advocate.”

Councilors Flynn, Breadon and Coletta to Hold Hearing on Pest Control

On April 11th at 10 AM, City Councilors Ed Flynn, Liz Breadon and Gabriela Coletta will hold a hearing to discuss pest control in the City of Boston in the Boston City Council Iannella Chamber. This hearing will be combined with another docket to discuss trash contracts and procedures in the City of Boston, which is sponsored by Councilors Kenzie Bok, Ruthzee Louijeune, and Michael Flaherty. Residents are encouraged to participate and testify in person or via videoconference by reaching out to meghan. The hearing will be broadcasted live on Xfinity 8/ RCN 82/ Fios 964 and streamed at:

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an uptick of rodent

activity reported across many neighborhoods in the City, causing heightened concerns over public health and quality of life. In the past few years, Council President Flynn has partnered with a number of Councilors to hold at least one hearing per year to discuss the measures the City of Boston has in place to reduce rodent populations. This hearing will serve as part of an ongoing series of annual check-ins with the Public Works Department to see how far the City is progressing on curbing rodent populations, and whether current measures are effective.

“Pest Control is an important quality of life issue for many residents across the City. I have worked on this issue for a number of years now and have heard from various residents, city offi-

cials and experts about different strategies to combat rodents.” said Council President Flynn. “I look forward to holding this hearing with Councilors Breadon and Coletta and having the Public Works team report on their latest findings and results. It is important to discuss what is working or not in our neighborhoods, and whether we can adopt new approaches.”

“As we enjoy the warmer weather we will once again see an exponential increase in rodent activity in District 9. We must continue to educate residents, hold absentee landlords accountable and implement proven strategies to address this health hazard and improve the quality of life for Bostonians.” said Councilor Liz Breadon.

“The infestation of rats in our city is a perennial issue that has worsened

since the onset of the pandemic. My office has the constituent services data to support that this is an urgent issue our city needs to address to protect from the health hazards pests present” said Councilor Coletta. “I look forward to working with my colleagues to significantly reduce rats in the City of Boston through major investments in Pest Control.”

For more information, please contact Council President Flynn’s office at 617-635-3203 and Ed.Flynn@

SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • April 6, 2023 5

South Boston Resident To Run Boston Marathon for Big Brothers Big Sisters of EMass Nick Draper Is Running

On April 17, Nick Draper, 26, native of Westwood and current resident of South Boston, will run in the Boston Marathon. He will run to raise money and awareness for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Massachusetts, the state’s leading one-to-one mentoring program for youth.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Massachusetts serves youth who are in need of support from additional caring adults in their lives.

Children are paired with mentors across Eastern Massachusetts from the Merrimack Valley to Cape Code and Islands. The organization’s signature community-based program pairs adult mentors with youth, ages 7-12, in one-to-one matches based on shared interests, geography and personality. The organization also has a school-based program, campus-based program and Mentor 2.0, a technology-based program. In its 74th year, the largest Big Brothers Big Sisters affiliate in New England has created and served more than 20,000 matches. This school year, the nonprofit aims to serve nearly 4,000 youth.

“I am running for BBBS because of the immense impact they have on the lives of children,” says Draper, a longtime friend and supporter of the agency. “BBBS is one of the best programs out there - it sets up children with role models they would not have access to otherwise. They

create unique friendships that not only benefits the child but also the Big Brother or Big sister!”

Draper is one of three Boston Marathon runners hitting the pavement and fundraising for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Massachusetts this year. His goal is to raise $5,000 to support the cause.

To support Draper, visit: https://

For more information, to become a volunteer or to register your children, visit:

About Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Massachusetts

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Massachusetts is an innovative, energetic organization that is making a real difference in the lives of nearly 4,000 youth annually by providing them with an invested, caring adult mentor in long-term, professionally supported relationships -

eral Reserve recently raised interest rates for the ninth time in a year, making its policy the most aggressive since the 1980s. The Fed’s ‘borrowing cost’ increases are done to slash prices by slowing the economy and choking off demand, but the approach risks tipping the U.S. economy into a recession and putting millions out of work. Addressing the recent banking distress, Dimon added, “The current crisis is not yet over, and even when it is behind us, there will be repercussions from it for years to come.”

On a positive note, Dimon downplayed the threat posed by the current financial distress. “Recent events are nothing like what occurred during the 2008 global financial crisis,” he said. A group of big banks, including JPMorgan Chase, made money from the

recent banking distress, since a flood of depositors opened new accounts at large lenders amid the uncertainty. JPMorgan Chase received a huge wave of customers and deposits, amounting to hundreds of accounts and billions of dollars, a source familiar with the matter previously told ABC News.

In his letter, Dimon rebuked the notion that JPMorgan Chase, or any bank, emerged from the turmoil unscathed. “Any crisis that damages Americans’ trust in their banks damages all banks –a fact that was known even before this crisis,” Dimon said. “While it is true that this bank crisis ‘benefited’ larger banks due to the inflow of deposits they received from smaller institutions, the notion that this meltdown was good for them in any way is absurd,” he added.

Wait and Wonder, but don’t Worry…for now.

April 6, 2023 6 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY •
Bank Collapses continued from page 4
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You A Happy Easter and Happy Passover From SBT and Staff

How Some Easter Traditions Came To Be

To the more than 2.4 billion Christians around the world, Easter is the most important holiday/holy day on the calendar. It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, 3 days after he was crucified on the cross and heralds in a new beginning of life. Churches in the United States as well as all over the rest of the world hold special Masses and Services to celebrate this joyous and most holy time.

Over the years and in different countries, other traditions and symbols have been added to coincide with the religious aspects of the season and most of them; even into the current year of 2023, have easily withstood the test of time and are enjoyed by followers of all ages to this day. Among them are the following:

EASTER CANDY: Easter is the second biggest candy selling holiday in America, second only to Halloween. Among the most popular are of course chocolate eggs which were made popular in Europe more than 2 centuries ago. Eggs have long

been associated with new life and the Resurrection of Jesus. Another egg shaped candy is the Jellybean and became popular in the 1930’s. But the origin of the Jellybean is dated back to the Biblical era and has remained popular well into the 21st Century. And of course, who can forget the yellow PEEPS? Those yellow chicks made from marshmallows and other sugars – LOTS of Sugar. Add to this, the chocolate bunnies, the pastel-colored syrupy eggs and so many other sweet goodies and sweet toothed celebrants around the globe are quite happy.

Lamb, Ham and Other Traditional Easter Foods: Not all the tasty delights are of the sweet sugary variety. The sumptuous main courses of Ham, Lamb, Beef, Pork and even Turkey are all favorites not only in America but in other parts of the Christian world as well. Lamb especially is considered an Easter delicacy as Jesus was and still is referred to as the ‘Lamb of God’ The meats are prepared in a number of ways;

often determined by what part of the world one resides in. Then there are the perfectly prepared vegetables, with varying recipes, the many kinds of breads and fruits and a multitude of desserts that satisfy the most discriminating appetites. All of these foods are prepared in ways geared to the regional Easter methods.

Easter Lilies: The traditional white Easter Lilies symbolize the purity of Christ to Christians and are common decorations in churches everywhere. Often, the church altars are not decorated until Easter Morning to herald in the joyous celebration of the Resurrection itself. Their growth from dormant bulbs in the ground blooming into beautiful flowers is part of that symbolism of new life. Easter Lillies are native to Japan and were brought to England in the 1700’s and eventually found their way to America. They have since become the unofficial flower of the Easter Season.

Easter Parades: These were popular in America during the 19th and 20th centuries and still are in many

parts of the world. In the past, people would wear their finest clothes and walk up and down main streets in cities and along country roads to meet and greet neighbors and friends after attending church. Easter Parades appear to be making a comeback in the United States as some cities and towns put on at times extravagant processions through the main streets. Floats and colorful marching bands keep everything up beat and happy for the spectators who turn out and of course, always included is the beloved Easter Bunny; the main attraction as he waves to the crowds.

So there you have it, a brief review of just some of the many Easter Traditions that have become popular over the years and have remained so ever since. Oh, and we certainly can’t forget the Easter Egg Hunts that top off the perfect Easter activity for the kids.

(Some of the Information for this article was provided by

Fairy House Building Workshop Returns To Franklin Park April 20

The Boston Parks and Recreation Department and the Mayor’s Mural Crew will welcome the local elf and fairy population back to their summer homes with the annual Fairy House Building Workshop at Franklin Park’s Schoolmaster Hill on Thursday, April 20, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The workshop welcomes families to a magical day of fairy house building. Children are encouraged to connect with their natural surroundings by creating their own personalized, eco-friendly homes for the woodland fairies of Franklin Park. Spring is the best time to build fairy houses, providing the magical creatures with shelter for the coming summer months and the flitting season that begins in late May.

The event will feature face painting and a story time. Children are encouraged to wear their favorite fairy and elf costumes. Natural materials will be provided, and children are encouraged to explore

their surroundings to find natural elements such as sticks, stones, and leaves to adorn their fairy houses. Visit to learn more.

Located in Franklin Park’s historic 220-acre forest among oak and pine trees overlooking the William Devine Golf Course, Schoolmaster Hill provides the perfect location for fairy and elf habitat that recognizes their connection to the earth by utilizing building materials from the woods around them.

Schoolmaster Hill is located on Circuit Drive between the William Devine Golf Course Clubhouse and Shattuck Hospital. This event is weather permitting. For more information and to stay up to date with news, events, and improvements in Boston parks, call (617) 635-4505, visit, join our email list at, and follow our social channels @ bostonparksdept on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • April 6, 2023 7

Guy The Wine Easter Wines

After you’ve finished the baskets, hidden the eggs, and done everything you need to for this coming Sunday, don’t forget the wine! Here are some suggestions that should make the meal more enjoyable…

Verada Chardonnay,Tri County, 2020,California,($18.99). This is a great Chard for the money and the epitome of how whites from this area have developed over the last decade. Apricots and passion fruit notes on the nose, some cantaloupe and caramel on the palate and a pleasing finish make this one a natural for pairing with ham; its oaky structure is a nice complement to the ham’s saltiness.

Carmen Gran Reserva Sauvignon Blanc, 2020, Maipo Valley, Chile,($17.99), is a great example of how the Pacific mist really adds to the body and structure of wines all along the coasts of North and South America. This one is dry and reminiscent of White Bordeaux wines, with a flinty, mineral aspect which gives it a crisp taste on the palate. It’s medium-bodied with a short finish and a nice pairing for salads as well. For those of you who’ve taken anything chocolate from the kids’ baskets, it also goes pretty well with chocolate, (by the way, if you have, no need to admit stealing from your kids; we know who you are).

I’d be remiss without mentioning a good Riesling and one of the perennial favorites is JJ Plum Riesling, Spaten, Mosel, Germany, ($26.99). This is one of a number of wines that have been made by the Plum family for

Aquarium Events During April School Vacation Week

Guests encouraged to purchase tickets in advance as tickets do sell out.

The New England Aquarium is encouraging guests to plan ahead as April school vacation week approaches, with the exciting return of behind-the-scenes animal encounters, Boston Duck Tours, and the new Ecoventure Cruise.

The Aquarium will be open with extended hours the week of April 17 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. Guests are strongly encouraged to purchase tickets online in advance at, as timed ticket slots may sell out. Highlights for the week include:

Behind-the-scenes with the harbor seals

generations; the care and attention to detail shows in every sip. Light notes of orange and mountain flowers on the nose, a nice spread on the palate gives way to a longer than expected finish. This wine is fermented in old French Oak barrels, which might remind you of a good Chardonnay. Great with the main course, but also delicious with desert.

If you’re looking to toast family and friends for sharing the day with you, then you should do it with a wine that shows it. My perennial favorite is Champagne Veuve Qliquot, NV, Rheims, France, ($55.99). It’s everything a great Champagne should be: sparkling, sublime and wonderfully balanced. For those of you advocating for Women in Business, you get a “twofer”, as this company survived and thrived under the management of a young “veuve” or widow, whose husband died unexpectedly. Today, many of the top functions at the company continue to employ women, many from within the Cliquot family. So, enjoy the wine and celebrate the tradition!

• The Aquarium is offering special encounters with its resident Atlantic harbor seals for an additional fee. The daily programs provide guests with an exclusive inside-the-exhibit experience and the opportunity to interact with and learn more about these marine mammals. Guests can also register for an art-making session. More information and pricing here.

Seadragon exhibit updates

• In a first, baby seadragons hatched at the Aquarium last year. Now, guests can stop by the second floor to see adult seadragons in their newly refurbished exhibit and watch footage of the juveniles living behind the scenes as they grow.

Daily animal presentations and feedings

• The Aquarium’s marine mammals team is offering daily presentations at 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. with the sea lions in the New Balance Foundation Marine Mammal Center and at 11:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. in the Atlantic harbor seal exhibit.

• Guests can also see the penguins being fed at 9 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. and Giant Ocean Tank feedings at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Ecoventure Cruise

• The New England Aquarium Ecoventure Cruise in partnership with Boston Harbor City Cruises provides guests an up-close experience with marine life. The tours stay close to shore and travel at slow speeds, helping protect the critically endangered North Atlantic right whales who call these waters home. Departing from Central

Wharf, the tours run 2.5 hours with the opportunity to see an abundance of marine life that includes harbor porpoises, dolphins, seals, and seabirds.

Boston Duck Tours

• Boston Duck Tours, the city’s most popular sightseeing tour, returns in April with a stop in front of the Aquarium. The tours depart hourly from Central Wharf. Duck Tours guests receive $4 off New England Aquarium tickets.

Ben & Jerry’s kiosk

• The beloved ice cream maker returns to Central Wharf Plaza this spring. The Ben & Jerry’s kiosk outside the Aquarium is serving up favorite flavors on Saturdays and Sundays in April and May from noon to 5:30 p.m.

Simons Theatre films

• The Aquarium’s Simons Theatre is showing the new giant screen 3D documentary Secrets of the Sea. The film explores the astonishing world of 70 marine species and the fascinating ways in which they interact with each other and their environment, from pygmy seahorses to giant manta rays.

• Other films playing include Cephalopods: Aliens of the Deep, Incredible Predators, and Superpower Dogs, with runtimes of 45 minutes. Screening times vary. Concessions will also be open all week offering popcorn, candy, chips, and beverages.

The Aquarium gift shop will have extended hours of 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. during the week of April 17, and the Harbor View Café will be open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit or call 617-973-5200.

April 6, 2023 8 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY •
Atlantic harbor seal “Reggae” during a training session. CREDIT: New England Aquarium

Virtual Public Meeting

2 H Street

April 10, 2023

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Project Proponent:

H Street Associates, LLC

Project Description:

Zoom Link:

Toll Free: (833) 568 - 8864

Meeting ID: 160 036 4733

Virtual Public Meeting

232 A Street

April 12, 2023

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Project Proponent: Parcel 3 Ow ner, LLC

Project Description:

Zoom Link: 3T BJqXI

Toll Free: (833) 568 - 8864

Meeting ID: 161 521 9183

The proposal calls for a multi-family residential development with 127 residential units and a 5,900 square foot retail space with associated garage parking for 152 vehicles. This project was previously approved in 2012. The design hasn't changed but they were required to file a Notice of Project Change due to lapse of time.

mail to: Michael Sinatra

Boston Planning & Development Agency

One City Hall Square, 9th Floor

Boston, MA 02201

phone: 617.918.4224


The project proposed a single-building comprised of 455,050 gsf lab/office/R&D development located at 232 A Street on G8 parcel of 100 Acres PDA plus waterfront park on adjacent G7 parcel along Ft. Point Channel.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the Proposed project and the potential impacts before the Proponent files their Project Notification Form ("PNF")

Close of Comment Period: 4/24/2023

mail to: Michael Sinatra

Boston Planning & Development Agency

One Ci ty Hall Square, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02201

phone: 617.918.4224

email: michael.

Close of Comment Period: 4/29/2023


Teresa Polhemus, Executive Director/Secretary

Massport is currently accepting applications for the following Scholarships:


Awarded to a high school senior who resides and is involved in community service in South Boston, with a minimum 3.0 GPA.


Awarded to a high school senior who resides and is involved in community service or employment in the city of Boston, Chelsea, Revere or Winthrop, with a minimum 3.0 GPA.


Awarded to a high school senior who resides and is involved in community service in the city of Boston, Chelsea, Revere, or Winthrop, with a minimum 3.0 GPA.


Awarded to high school seniors of color who reside or attend school in the city of Boston, Chelsea, Winthrop, Revere, Worcester, Bedford, Concord, Lexington, or Lincoln, and are involved in community service with a minimum 3.0 GPA.

Scholarship applications must be received by Massport no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 28, 2023. For more information on these scholarships, including application checklist and criteria please visit


Teresa Polhemus, Executive Director/Secretary

SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • April 6, 2023 9

Boston Police Officer “Bobby Lucas” Retires After 34 Years of Service

Last Wednesday at Amrheins in South Boston Officer Bobby Lucas, patrolman, beat cop, CSO and friend to the South Boston community, was greeted with thunderous applause at his retirement party. The makeup of the 125+ well-wishers speaks highly of this Officer and the relationships he has made throughout his service. Officer Lucas came to C-6 in May 1990. He has been a Boston Police Officer for 34 years in South Boston. Bobby served under seven captains

starting with Crowley, Cunningham, Russell, Paul Evans, Flaherty, Greland and ending with Joe Boyle. Bobby had six partners along the way; Mark Bruno, Billy Sullivan, Tomas Kearney, Jose Amado, John Sullivan and his most recent partner and friend, CSO Ayesha Lawton. Officer Lucas, Officer Bobby, Bobby, whatever name you know him by, has been part of our community his entire career. He has crossed multi generations and provided friendship, safety and order in our community.

Cathy Dunn said “seeing Bobby walking on Broadway makes us feel safe”, former partner Mark Bruno says “Bobby would always say it’s going to be a quiet night – Bruno would reply great, jinx”, Sgt. Detective John Dineen says “he never stopped being a cop” and Captain Boyle says “great guy, friend to the community, mentor to other cops and in the neighborhood.” Officer Lucas had retired cops, active duty cops, new cops and elected officials from across the City coming to wish this legend a happy retirement.

Bobby was humbled that his house, C-6 sent him into retirement with his favorite cigars, plaques and many gifts of appreciation. Bobby Lucas will always be a part of the South Boston community. He plans on spending time relaxing with Trish, his partner of 20 years, daughters Paige and Peyton and son Robert. If you see Bobby around the town, give him a thank you for his dedication and caring about South Boston. God Speed Bobby Lucas you will be missed by many!

April 6, 2023 10 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY •
SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • April 6, 2023 11

Boston Police Officer Robert (Bobby)

Lucas Officially Retires March 31, 2023

BPD Area C-6 held roll call as it does every morning at 7:30am, sharp. This particular Friday morning was a little different because it was Officer Bobby Lucas’s final roll call before his well-

deserved retirement. Bobby has worn badge#4285 for 34 years and has served in C-6 for his entire career.

After the official business was taken care of, Captain Boyle made a speech and thanked Officer Lu -

cas for his friendship and service to the badge. There were smiles, cheers and a few tears shed on this morning as Officer Lucas, in full uniform, thanked his family, friends and co-workers for sup -

porting him throughout his career.

It should be noted that Stop & Shop will miss Officer Lucas on detail and want his presence in the store so much that they sent a S&S employee apron to C-6 incase Bobby misses them and wants to start a new career!

Best wishes for a healthy and happy retirement Officer Robert Lucas. The South Boston community salutes you! God Speed.

April 6, 2023 12 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY •

The Martin F. McDonough Post Makes A Generous Donation To Tunnel To Towers

Commander Bill Thomas, Vice Commander Noel McAuliffe, Jr. Vice Commander George Brennan, Treasurer Greg Conlan and Mark O’Brien presented Nick Mancini of Tunnel To Towers a $10,000.00 dollar donation from the Martin F. McDonough Post, courtesy of the McDonough family. State Rep. David Biele received a plaque for his help and ded-

ication to the Post and the Veterans community and Rob Fitzharris were helpful in bringing the McDonough Post and Tunnel To Towers together for this wonderful opportunity to assist and help Veterans.

Nick Mancini said “When I received the call about the McDonough Post donation I was absolutely speechless. First it was to be a $5,000 donation then they

doubled it to $10,000! For the members of the McDonough Post who have served our nation it is humbling to see their generosity. It is evident that these men want to continue to support the community and I look forward to having the McDonough post at this year’s 5k in September! It has been an honor to bring this event to Boston, to honor those we lost on that fate-

ful day and continue to support the men and women who serve our country and communities.”

The Tunnel to Towers Foundation has supported 20 families in New England, 12 in Massachusetts. They have built smart homes for catastrophically wounded veterans and paid off the mortgages for families of fallen first responders. This will be the third year running the 5k in Boston.

See more South Boston Today Facebook and stay tuned to see more of what the McDonough Post is planning to bring together Veterans. You’ll also see more from Tunnel To Towers as “Race Day” approaches.

SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • April 6, 2023 13

St. Peter Academy

Spotlight on Mrs. Laura Hesek - Our CrownWearing Grade K2 Teaching Superstar

When asked why she loves her job, Laura Hesek does not hesitate. “It’s my kids” she says. The Kindergarten II teacher at St. Peter Academy takes great pride in connecting and engaging with students through a variety of creative methods. On any given day, Mrs. Hesek can be seen greeting children while happily donning her signature teacher’s crown, a recurring feature that changes in theme and color to her students’ delight each calendar month.

“Mrs. Hesek goes well above and beyond for each student in her class. She does whatever she can to engage the students fully in the learning that’s being accomplished. She cares greatly about each student, their academics, and social emotional aspects.

“The small class sizes at St. Peter’s allow me to easily tailor instruction for all the students, says Hesek, who is now in her seventh year at the non-profit, communitybased school. “It’s so rewarding to

see the kids grow in understanding throughout the year. Laura Hesek is a teacher who really embodies the St. Peter Academy mission of maximizing the potential of every child. She is an avid believer in using data driven instruction to create differentiated independent work, flexible student groupings, and targeted individualized interventions to meet the unique needs of her learners at our school all throughout the year.

A lifelong educator, Hesek received her Master of Education from Lesley University, a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Maine at Farmington, and an Associate Degree in Liberal Arts from Cazeovia College.

St. Peter Academy is accepting applications for the 2023-2024 school year. St. Peter Academy is

an independent, community-based private school and serves students from ages 15 months through grade 6. SPA is currently accepting applications for the limited spaces available in the year-round toddler program (beginning at age 15 months) and for students in Pre-K (School Year and Full Year Programs), Kindergarten and grades 1-6. Financial Aid Available. Two Scholarships will be offered this year for applicants for Grades 1 through 6. You may request scholarship information from the Front Office ( Appointments for individual virtual tours can be made by contacting Maria Blasi, at 617-268-0750 or by emailing

April 6, 2023 14 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY •

South Boston Catholic Academy News

6Th Grade News and a Happy Easter to All!

On Friday afternoon, March 31, the 6th Graders lead the students, families, faculty and staff, at South Boston Catholic

Academy, in praying the Stations of the Cross at St. Brigid Church. They all did an amazing job with their drawings depicting the 14 Stations of

the Cross, reading the descriptions of what each of the Stations of the Cross represents and leading us all in prayer: “We adore You, O Christ, and Bless You. Because by Your Holy Cross, You have redeemed the world”. Our Music Teacher, Mr. Carlo Bunyi, provided wonderful music as we reflected on each of the Stations of the Cross. The Stations of the Cross refer to a series of depictions of Christ’s journey. They represent 14 key moments in the

trial, crucifixion, and burial of Jesus Christ. Stations of the Cross, or the Way of the Cross, have been celebrated by Roman Catholic believers for centuries, typically right before Easter. We wish Everyone a Blessed and Happy Easter, from All of us at SBCA! New families are welcome to email our admissions team at: for more info. about South Boston Catholic Academy.

SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • April 6, 2023 15

Inever thought I’d see the day.

Vince McMahon no longer owns the WWE. It was announced this week that McMahon has sold the company to Endeavor Group Holdings, Inc., which is the parent company of UFC. As a result, WWE will merge with UFC to create a new publicly traded company owned by Endeavor. That company is currently listed as “TKO” on the New York Stock Exchange.

The deal values the new company at $21.4 billion. UFC is now valued at $12.1 billion, while WWE is now valued at $9.3 billion. Endeavor will hold a 51-percent controlling interest in the new company, while existing WWE shareholders will hold a 49-percent interest.

Endeavor CEO Ari Emanuel will oversee it all as the CEO. McMahon will be the Executive Chairman of the Board, which will be composed of 11 seats total: six seats nominated by Endeavor, and five seats nominated by WWE.

As for McMahon’s role in the WWE moving forward, he told CNBC on Monday that he will be involved “on a higher level,” but that he won’t be involved “in the weeds.” So, the expectation is for “Triple H”

Paul Levesque to continue his role as Chief Content Officer of the WWE, which allowed him to lead the way on

storylines. Last weekend’s WrestleMania 39 was the first WrestleMania that Triple H produced since he took on the role last summer. However, with the UFC merger and a new owner in Endeavor, there has been some speculation as to how much the main-event storyline changed, entering WrestleMania weekend.

Cody Rhodes — the winner of the 2023 Royal Rumble and the challenger for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship — was expected to defeat the reigning champion and face of the company, Roman Reigns, for the titles. But in a shocking turn of events, Reigns won the match and retained his top spot in the company. The very next night, on Monday Night Raw, Brock Lesnar closed out the show by attacking Rhodes, which was a swerve from the rumors that Lesnar was getting ready to retire. Reigns closing out WrestleMania Sunday as the winner, and Lesnar closing out the Raw after WrestleMania, feels like more an Endeavor/McMahon move than anything else. But we’ll see how things change moving forward.

“This is a rare opportunity to create a global live sports and entertainment pureplay built for where the industry is headed,” said Emanuel, CEO of Endeavor, in a statement. “For decades,

Vince and his team have demonstrated an incredible track record of innovation and shareholder value creation, and we are confident that Endeavor can deliver significant additional value for shareholders by bringing UFC and WWE together.”

Said McMahon of the sale: “Given the incredible work that Ari and Endeavor have done to grow the UFC brand – nearly doubling its revenue over the past seven years – and the immense success we’ve already had in partnering with their team on a number of ventures, I believe that this is without a doubt the best outcome for our shareholders and other stakeholders. “Together, we will be a $21+ billion live sports and entertainment powerhouse with a collective fanbase of more than a billion people and an exciting growth opportunity,” added McMahon. “The new company will be well positioned to maximize the value of our combined media rights, enhance sponsorship monetization, develop new forms of content and pursue other strategic mergers and acquisitions to further bolster our strong stable of brands. I, along with the current WWE management team, look forward to working closely with Ari and the Endeavor and UFC teams to take the businesses to the next level.”

As to how much the WWE and UFC will change because of this merger, I don’t think it will be anything drastic. If anything, we might see a little more crossover between the two companies in the form of cross-promotion, especially before a major event. But the reality is, we’ve already kind of seen that crossover in the past. Look no further than Lesnar and Ronda Rousey, who also wrestled at last weekend’s WrestleMania. For now, I’d say the only thing the sale will affect is the WWE’s upcoming TV rights deals. Also, it could change the way the WWE handles their major events. Currently, WWE no longer has a pay-per-view model. Instead, anyone who purchases the Peacock Network can watch major events like WrestleMania and the Royal Rumble at no extra cost. Those events are now called “premium live events” instead of the previous “pay-per-views.”

Seeing UFC’s success with running pay-per-view events on ESPN+, we could see the WWE once again charge extra for premium live events in the future. Overall, WWE fans should be happy that McMahon will still be involved. I’m just not sure Cody Rhodes feels the same way.

Follow Danny on instagram @ DannyPicard.

April 6, 2023 16 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY •
This week, Danny shared his thoughts on Vince McMahon selling the WWE:
SOUTHIE AUTO SERVICE Tel./Fax • 617-268-2772 • TONY • HUBIE EXPERT AUTO BODY REPAIRS Insurance Work Our Specialty Free Estimates Complete Automobile Service 24 Hour Towing 175 Old Colony Avenue • South Boston, MA 02127 380 Dorchester Ave. South Boston 617-752-4771 “Your Local Print Shop”


Things could get wildly interesting for the New England Patriots this offseason.

According to a report from Pro Football Talk’s Mike Florio, Bill Belichick has been shopping quarterback Mac Jones this offseason, and has had trade discussions with “multiple teams.”

Here’s a portion of Florio’s report on

“Per a source with knowledge of the situation, Belichick has shopped Jones to multiple teams during the 2023 offseason,” Florio wrote.

“The full list of potential destinations isn’t known. The teams mentioned as potential destinations were the Raiders, Texans, Buccaneers, and Commanders.

Tweet of the Week

“Obviously, a trade hasn’t occurred yet,” added Florio. “That doesn’t mean it won’t happen. A team hoping to draft a quarterback could pivot to Jones, if that team doesn’t get the guy it wants.”

This report from Florio came on Tuesday morning. Approximately an hour earlier, Florio also reported that there was “lingering tension” between Belichick and Jones, based on some things that occurred during Jones’ second NFL season in 2022.

According to Florio — and NBC Sports Boston’s Tom E. Curran — Belichick was unhappy with Jones’ in-season decision to reach out to members of his old Alabama coaching staff, in order to help him run Belichick’s new-look offense in 2022. Coincidentally, Jones was unhappy with the way Belichick changed the offense from his rookie season to Year No. 2.

Florio posted his “lingering tension” report at 10:19 a.m. ET. At 11:16 a.m., he posted the report about Belichick “shopping Jones”, and Florio based that second report off of “more information” that just so happened to “trickle in.”

Florio opened the second report with: “No, things aren’t going well between Patriots coach Bill Belichick and quarterback Mac Jones. Following the posting of the item regarding the lingering tension between coach Bill Belichick and the 2021 first-rounder, more information has trickled in.”

Clearly, somebody with knowledge of the “lingering tension” between Belichick and Jones wanted to then get the word out that Belichick is shopping Jones.

Just last week, Patriots owner Robert Kraft had nothing but praise for Jones, and


The Boston Bruins will finish the 2022-23 regular season next week, and they’ll do so knowing that they’ve clinched the NHL’s No. 1 seed, entering the Stanley Cup Playoffs.

With their overtime win over the Columbus Blue Jackets late last week, the B’s clinched the league’s Presidents’ Trophy, given out to the

team that finishes the regular season with the most points. It marked Boston’s 121st point, and their 58th win.

The 58th win marked a new club record, while the 121 points tied the club record, which was a mark set in 1970-71. Since that win over Columbus last week, the Bruins have set a new club record for points in a season with a few more wins.

“Obviously, to have won the Presidents Trophy, like I said to the players, be proud of what we achieved,” said coach Jim Montgomery in a press conference after clinching the NHL’s top seed. “I guess it exemplifies how good of a team we’ve been, and that’s a feather in everyone’s hat throughout the organization, including scouts, pro scouts, the job they’ve

sounded like an owner who wanted Jones to stick around for a long time. But, at the same time, Kraft also decided to tell the same media that he got a text from rapper Meek Mill recently that said Lamar Jackson wanted to play for the Patriots.

Kraft also reaffirmed to the media that any and all roster moves are Belichick’s decision.

It should also be noted that, when asked last week to confirm Jones as the starting quarterback in 2023, Belichick responded to reporters by saying, “Everybody who is on our roster, if they earn an opportunity to play based on what they do in practice, then they’ll get an opportunity to play.”

Could Belichick actually trade Jones this offseason? The rumor mill could certainly get interesting as we get closer to the NFL Draft later this month.

done for us, the amateur scouts throughout the years and, obviously, upper management.

“And then you look at the players, what they’ve done,” added Montgomery. “It’s the players that get us there, and it’s a bunch of work that’s gone in throughout the organization to get the right players in our locker room.

“It’s been a magical season so far. We know the hardest part is ahead of us, and we’re looking forward to that grind.”

SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • April 6, 2023 17
SBT Staff SBT Staff
NHL THURSDAY, APRIL 6 Toronto at Boston 7 P.M. NESN SATURDAY, APRIL 8 New Jersey at Boston 8 P.M. ABC SUNDAY, APRIL 9 Boston at Philadelphia 6 P.M. TNT NBA FRIDAY, APRIL 7 Toronto at Boston 7:30 P.M. NBCSB SUNDAY, APRIL 9 Atlanta at Boston 1 P.M. NBCSB MLB SATURDAY, APRIL 8 Boston at Detroit 4:10 P.M. NESN GOLF THURS, APRIL 6 - SUN, APRIL 9 The Masters 3 P.M. ESPN/CBS

Holy Week & Easter Schedules

NOTE: Easter Sunday Sunrise Service at Castle Island: 6:13am

Saint Brigid Church:

Palm Sunday: 8am, 10:30am, 6:00pm

Holy Thursday: 7:00pm – Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 8:00-9:00pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Go od Friday: 7:00pm

Easter Sunday: 8:00am, 10:30am

Gate of Heaven Church:

Palm Sunday: 9:00am, Noon, 6:30pm

Holy Thursday: 8-9:00am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Good Friday: 3:00pm

Holy Saturday: Easter Vigil – 7:30pm Evening Mass of the Lord’s Resurrection

Easter Sunday: 9am, Noon. (No 6:30pm Mass on Easter)

Saint Augustine Chapel:

Good Friday: 4:30pm

Saint Peter Lithuanian Church:

Palm Sunday: 9:00am (English), 10:30am Lithuanian

Holy Thursday: 7:00pm (Lithuanian)

Good Friday: 7:00pm

Easter Sunday: 9:00am (English), 10:30 (Lithuanian)

St. Monica Church:

Palm Sunday: 10:30am (English), 12:30pm (Spanish)

Holy Thursday: 7:00pm (Bilingual – English and Spanish)

Good Friday: 3:00pm (English), 7:00pm (Spanish)

NOTE: Good Friday: Walking Stations of the Cross

Meet at 10:15am at St. Monica

Ho ly Saturday: 8:00pm (Bilingual-English and Spanish)

Easter Sunday: 10:30am (English), 12:30pm (Spanish)

Our Lady of Good Voyage Chapel:

Palm Sunday: 9:30am, 11:30am, 7:00pm

Holy Thursday: 7:00pm, Mass of the Lord’s Supper

Good Friday: 12:00pm Stations of the Cross (No Mass),

3pm (Ma ss), 7:00pm (Mass)

Holy Saturday: 7:00pm Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday: Masses 9:00am, 11:00am

Hub Church Boston:

Easter Sunday: 10:30am at South Boston Neighborhood House

(The Ollie) (136 H Street) Church Service and Brunch

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