South Boston Today February 1 2024

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SouthBoston TODAY Online & On Your Mobile

February 1, 2024: Vol.12 Issue 5

Current Commissioner Sean Lydon will remain with the City as Senior Advisor For Construction; Brian Foran and Michaela Nee of the Coordinated Response Team will be named Acting Co-Directors



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ayor Michelle Wu today appointed Tania Del Rio as Commissioner of the Inspectional Services Department (ISD) starting February 26, 2024. ISD administers and enforces building, housing, health, sanitation and safety regulations mandated by city and state governments. Inspectional Services is made up of five regulatory divisions charged with serving the public by protecting the health, safety, and environmental stability of Boston’s business and residential communities. Del Rio currently serves as the Director of the Coordinated Response Team for the City of Boston, lead-

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February 1, 2024

EDITORIAL Will South Boston’s Recreation Centers Be Next To House Migrants?


he lead-in to a story in a Boston daily newspaper reads ‘Wu Caves to Healy’s Plan to Locate Migrants in Roxbury’. There are apparently so many illegal migrants flowing into Massachusetts at the invitation of Governor Healy, that they’ve run out of places to put them. Is that actually possible or should it have read ‘since the state would never attempt to flood wealthy communities with migrants, and since Logan Airport can’t take anymore because of the massive numbers sleeping on the floors, Maura Healy is now taking over recreation centers designated for inner city youths to send them? The just announced plan is to take over the Melnea Cass Recreation Center in Roxbury and at least temporarily, use it to house the overflow of migrant families. This has brought outrage from not only the residents of the area; where neighborhood youths have few enough places to go, but also from some progressive politicians who have been up until now, all for the open border poli-

cies of the Biden Administration and the Massachusetts governor herself. The residents of Roxbury certainly have a legitimate complaint about this move. Their children and teens have limited resources as it is. Those politicians who are now up in arms over it have only themselves to blame for supporting and welcoming the illegal surge taking place until of course it has now come to impact the people they are supposed to represent. What’s happening now begs the question ‘Which neighborhood will be next’? Will it be the Charlestown skating rink, the one in Boston’s North End? Or maybe, just maybe, South Boston’s own Murphy Rink; a hub of public skating and youth hockey might be on the list. There’s always the new updated Curley Recreation Center; a place residents have been waiting patiently to reopen for a couple of years. Meanwhile, American citizens; many of them veterans, are being pushed to the back of the line when it comes to needed care. People

who have paid taxes in this country, this state and this city seem to be getting the shaft as some of those in power who claim to be oh so compassionate have shifted their priorities. One of the many problems, shortcomings and weaknesses of people so quick to

embrace so called ‘progressive’ policies is that they don’t use common sense. They don’t take the time to study and weigh the consequences of what their actions might bring. Without even trying to understand what hardships to others their actions might cause, they just do it first and

cry about it later when the negative results hit those who can least afford those results and who don’t deserve to be treated like second class citizens. The people of Roxbury have every right to be upset as do the people of South Boston and every other neighborhood if they are next in line.

“The last thing our grandparents need is for the government to tax more money out of their pockets” - US Senator Tim Scott (R. South Carolina)


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February 1, 2024



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God Bless Texas John Ciccone


he border standoff between Texas verses Biden, his puppet masters and the left half of the federal government has confirmed; without any further doubt, so many things that a growing number of Americans have suspected all along. Most of the Democrat politicians, the news media, Hollywood and of course our country’s foreign enemies want the invasion at our southern border; and it IS an invasion to continue. And they’ve wanted it – DREAMED about it for decades. It would have began in January of 2017 had Hillary Clinton won the presidency. But with the surprise victory of Donald Trump, the left suffered a four year delay in their traitorous plans. They wasted no time once Biden was inaugurated as they opened the flood gates and urged the entire world in. This has brought smiles and billions of dollars in profits to the drug cartels, the violent gangs, the child traffickers and foreign countries that hate us and are happily adding people on the terrorist watch list to be swept in with the flow. Up until now, the Democrats, the media and the rest have been denying all of it. Anyone who tried to sound the alarm about what was happening at the border was immediately labeled liars and conspiracy theorists. But not anymore. It has all now been proven without a doubt that it has been true all along. The stooges from the Biden Administration would get on TV, look directly into the cameras and blatantly lie to the American people including the Republicans in congress saying the border was secure. Even with live video showing the hundreds of thousands of illegal’s pouring in every month, the administration hacks and the press would still deny it was happening. They were in a sense, telling Americans not to believe their lying eyes. And if you DID believe the obvious, you were a MAGA radical and a ‘danger to democracy’. Ah yes, there’s that word the Democrats have become so fond of using in the last


10 or 12 months. Disagree with anything they do and you are trying to ‘destroy democracy’. What a crock. There is a Country Song titled ‘God Bless Texas’. And what we’ve been witnessing over the past 2 weeks has given that song new life and clarified its meaning. Because it has taken the State of Texas to finally say they’ve had enough. The federal government has not only refused to stop the invasion, but has been assisting it and allowing it to happen; actually aiding and abetting the cartels for 3 years. It’s the job of the federal government to defend the border from foreign invasion – it’s clear that it won’t, so Texas will. Again – God bless Texas. One of the most telling things about this situation is just who is willing to help defend our country. Which political party is showing where its loyalties lie. What does it tell us when nearly every Republican governor in the United States has stepped up and stepped forward and has pledged their support and their resources; including equipment and their National Guard troops if needed to defend and secure the border? As of this writing (01/30/2024) not one Democrat governor has offered. In fact, many of them are in total opposition to it. Apparently they couldn’t care less that the majority of Democrat voters are in support of what Texas and the other Republican states are doing to end this invasion. And can it be any more clear who the patriots are in this stand off? Texas is determined to stop the invasion and is, and the Biden administration is actually suing Texas for doing so. But, Biden has now said they will close the border, the border they have been claiming is secure, if only the Republicans will allow them to send more money to Ukraine. If there are any of our readers still in support of the Biden administration, are you at least STARTING to get it now?

Note: talk back to John Ciccone by email at

Finally, the FBI has released information about America now being in very serious danger of major terrorist attacks. Why? Because of all the people on the terrorist watch list arriving – coming in through the southern border that have spread out across our country and are most likely in the process of preparing to do massive harm to this nation. Oh really? They’re just catching on to this plan now? What did they think would happen? Texas governor Abbott has drawn the line in the sand. Biden said remove the razor wire barriers, Abbott has said NO! Again, God Bless Texas and

the governor. Meanwhile, in Massachusetts, Governor Healy is of course staunchly opposed to what the Republican governors are doing to defend and secure our country’s border. But what else could be expected from someone – Healy, who made the statement during the riots of 2020 “Yes, America is burning but that’s how forests grow”? Our country right now is like a tinderbox and a spark at the southern border just might set it off. But the result probably won’t be the kind that Healey would want. It just might be the spark that will purge America of politicians with the ideology and with attitudes like hers.

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February 1, 2024

Window Into The State House

Window Into The State House provides our readers a synopsis of important issues of interest, past and current, that are being proposed, debated or acted upon by the Massachusetts Legislature. Many issues that are not related to local city government services are acted upon and have a direct impact on daily life. They are tax policy, transportation infrastructure, judicial appointments, social services and health, as well as higher education. We will excerpt reports from the gavel-to-gavel coverage of House and Senate sessions by news sources focused on this important aspect of our lives. These sources include a look ahead at the coming week in state government and summaries and analyses of the past week, re-caps of a range of state government activity, as well as links to other news.

GUN LAW UP FOR DEBATE ON BEACON HILL The procedural bickering is, for now, in the rearview mirror, and senators will dive in today on a proposal to overhaul the state’s constellation of gun laws. Based on the response gun owners groups have given, the fierce debate is not likely to end with the final bang of the gavel nor if and when House and Senate negotiators reach a compromise. Opponents of the Democrat-led measures have signaled they might pursue legal action challenging whatever the ultimate product is. Jim Wallace, executive director of the Gun Owners’ Action League, said his group is preparing for the possibility that legislative negotiators will embrace more of the House’s bill, which drew even fiercer condemnation from GOAL and other Second Amendment proponents than did the Senate’s. “We have no idea what could come out of conference. Let’s just take the worst-case scenario that the House language prevailed,” Wallace told MASSterList. “That would probably result in a number of lawsuits.” Asked which provisions were most likely to generate a legal challenge, Wallace replied, “Start with Section 1 and go from there.” Senators have filed 79 amendments to the wide-ranging bill, so make sure you’re well-rested and properly hydrated: today’s deliberations could run long

RECORD ENROLLMENT IN THE HEALTH CONNECTOR Put it in the record books: the open enrollment period at the Massachusetts Health Connector that ended last week saw the single largest number of new enrollees in a decade. More than 72,000 Bay Staters newly enrolled in health insurance plans available through the state-run Connector marketplace between Nov. 1, when open enrollment, well, opened, and its close on Jan. 23, officials announced Monday. That makes up the bulk of an enormous, 40 percent increase in enrollment over the past year. So what exactly is driving the dramatic uptick? One key factor has been more or less expected all along: MassHealth redetermination. The rolls of the state’s combined Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program have shrunk by about 280,000 since the state last April kicked off a year-long campaign to reassess eligibility for every single member. According to the Connector, more than 90,000 of those people have hopped aboard C o n n e ctor c overa ge once t h e y l o st MassHealth. In J a n u a r y and Februa ry a lone, s o m e 25,000 Ba y Staters j u m p e d from MassHealth to t h e C onnector. Mass. ‘life sciences 3.0’ to come According to Lt. Gov. Driscoll on Wednesday morning, Gov. Healey’s forthcoming economic development bill will include a reauthorization of the life sciences


initiative mentioned in the governor ’s State of the Commonwealth address in January. Driscoll said the reauthorization will build off former Gov. Deval Patrick’s 2008 $1B, 10-year investment and former Gov. Charlie Baker ’s 2019 update — a “life sciences 3.0,” if you will. Roxbury shelter update: Officials met with protest; a thanks to the community Gov. Healey and Mayor Wu were met with protesters as the officials toured Roxbury’s Melnea A. Cass Recreation Complex on Wednesday in preparation for some of the over 600 shelterless families in Mass. that will be housed there for the coming months. Protestors called for the closing of US borders, for sending houseless families to wealthier suburbs, and for the administration to acknowledge that the migrant crisis and housing crisis are two intertwined crises. Healey spoke at a press conference at the complex, thanking the Roxbury community for giving up its widely-used rec center until the end of May, noting that the situation exists “because we don’t really have a choice.” News from Newton picket lines Negotiations with Newton teachers are now reportedly centered around pay raises for paraprofessionals, or “Unit C workers” who are support staff and behavioral therapists and whose starting salaries are thousands of dollars lower than other teachers. At noon Wednesday,


over 1,000 teachers held a rally outside the Newton Education Center, joined by the president of the National Education Association — the country’s largest labor union — who made a statement of support for the Newton Teachers Association. As of Wednesday, the teachers union has been fined $525K for striking illegally, and Newton students have missed nine school days. The fine will increase by $50K each day teachers continue to strike. Boston City Council backs debt-free college Councilors unanimously backed an almost $800M higher education funding proposal on Wednesday, a resolution that calls on the Legislature to enact a bill that increases Mass.’ investment in higher education. The goal? To offer debt-free college attendance for students and new resources for staff. Supporters have long called the bill the “CHERISH Act.” A ‘leaking boat’: Steward’s crisis from the inside Patients losing access to services and supplies; last-minute rescheduled procedures; surgeons buying their own medical instruments… the list of happenings at Steward Health Care’s crisis-laden hospitals goes on. While some employees are leaving, many are staying put to attempt to provide care with the hope another system will step in. The Globe spoke to Steward patients and employees, reporting their experiences in a number of the health care system’s nine Mass. hospitals.

February 1, 2024


ouncilor Flynn has filed a hearing order to discuss the impact of forprofit urgent care centers on nonprofit Community Health Centers. The City of Boston has seen an increase in the number of urgent care centers, where these clinics offer walk-in services for patients with nonemergency medical issues, such as common cold, small injuries, or minor infections. While for-profit urgent care centers offer convenient and quick care to patients, they are not legally obligated to treat patients who do not have



Councilor Flynn Files Hearing Order to Discuss the Impact of For-Profit Urgent Care Centers on Nonprofit Community Health Centers in the City of Boston the ability to pay, unlike the emergency department. When urgent care centers are in close proximity to community health centers, they have the potential to take away the health centers’ patient base and put the financial viability of these invaluable neighborhood institutions at risk. In South Boston, there is currently a proposal for a forprofit urgent care center on West Broadway, a block away from the South Boston Community Health Center (SBCHC). This has posed concerns for the financial stability and operations

of the Health Center, which has provided critical and professional health care services to the neighborhood for 50 years, servicing 70,000 visits annually that includes families, seniors, persons with disabilities, immigrants, communities of color, and our most vulnerable in public housing. “I am calling for this hearing as our neighborhood community health centers have been long-time partners with a track record of delivering worldclass healthcare to families and residents all across the City of Boston- including our seniors,

persons with disabilities, immigrants, communities of color and neighbors in public housing,” said Councilor Flynn. “With other recent news on Steward Healthcare and concerns about healthcare access and quality for all, it is also critical that the City of Boston discuss for-profit urgent care centers and how they can potentially impact services, programs, and staff at nearby Community Health Centers. For more information, please contact Councilor Flynn’s office at 617-635-3203 and Ed.Flynn@



Wu continued from front page

ing the cross-departmental effort to address the intersecting crises of homelessness and substance use disorder. Del Rio will be the first woman to be ISD’s Commissioner. “I am so grateful to Tania for her effective and compassionate leadership coordinating our efforts to address the urgent needs of the crises of homelessness and substance use disorder,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “With her ability to strategically lead multiple teams and deliver continuous improvement for our residents and City workers, I am excited to see her lead the agencies that deliver essential services impacting so many residents, businesses, and workers. I am grateful for Sean Lydon’s service leading the department to ensure our residential buildings and businesses are healthy and safe places for our communities.” As the head of the Coordinated Response Team, she brought together over a dozen City departments and partner agencies to transform how the City cares for unsheltered

constituents impacted by substance use disorder, homelessness, and untreated mental illness, with a focus on the ‘Mass and Cass’ / Newmarket neighborhood. In 2023, she coordinated the work that helped over 100 unsheltered people transition from a large encampment into safe and supportive settings. Mayor Wu also announced that Brian Foran and Michaela Nee of the Coordinated Response Team will be named Acting Co-Directors. Both have extensive experience managing the City’s work on unsheltered homelessness and working with City Departments and external partners. Foran and Nee helped lead the recent phase change that ended the permanent encampment on Atkinson Street under Del Rio’s leadership. “The responsibility of the Inspectional Services Department is to deliver core, essential City services to our residents, guaranteeing that the places they eat, shop, and stay are healthy and safe,” said Tania Del Rio, incoming Commissioner of the Inspectional Services Department. “I am so thrilled for this opportunity,

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February 1, 2024

and grateful for the honor of having worked with the many selfless teams serving our residents in need of substance use, mental health, and housing support. Together, they have helped countless residents embark on a path to stability and recovery. I have great confidence that Michaela and Brian can continue to move this work forward and I’m excited to get to work at ISD.” Del Rio will be responsible for carrying out several of the Mayor’s priorities including expanding the Additional Dwelling Unit (ADU) program, executing the conversion of commercial buildings to residential buildings, streamlining and fast tracking permitting for small businesses and homeowners, and improving quality of life for residents by enhancing basic City services. She has a B.A. from New York University and a Master in Public Policy from the Harvard Kennedy School. Del Rio is a BPS mother, a Latina immigrant, and a proven leader. As the former Executive Director of Boston’s Office of Women’s Advancement and YWCA Cambridge, she has a track record of providing transformative leadership by fostering innovation, promoting strong organizational culture, responsible financial stewardship, and sharp strategic planning. Her work includes launching Boston’s Childcare Entrepreneur Fund, which continues to provide crucial support to the city’s childcare workers.

Del Rio is a proud resident of East Boston and an involved community leader. She enjoys spending time with her family, especially her two children, and staying active by surfing, swimming, and running. Sean Lydon will remain with the City as Senior Advisor For Construction. In this role, he will assist in managing high priority projects under construction, including White Stadium, the stabilization of the buildings a part of the Long Island recovery campus, coastal resilience, and emergency projects. He will also provide guidance on permitting, particularly assisting with navigating the permit process for high priority projects under construction. This includes preconstruction, construction, and construction close out phases, with guidance on permitting strategy and execution to ensure timely delivery and cost effectiveness. “I am so grateful to both Tania and Sean for their leadership in taking on these new roles to carry out Mayor Wu’s vision for a Boston with exceptional basic city services that residents can rely on,” said Chief of Operations Dion Irish. “With Tania’s experience effectively coordinating a cross-departmental team, I am confident in her ability to lead ISD, enhancing the core services our residents’ need and deserve. And I am so thankful to Sean for continuing to serve our residents in this new role, ensuring we deliver on major projects efficiently and thoroughly across our city.”

Project Proponent: PHASE 3 Real Estate Development Project Description: and research and development uses - The project will introduce new construction that is contemporary in nature and compatible with the industrial warehouse character of the historic district - Under FPCLD Standards and Criteria, the demolition of the existing building is permitted (FPCLD Standards and Criteria, 10.3.B.2) - Under FPCLD Standards and Criteria a height of 125’ for a new building is acceptable (FPCLD Standards and Criteria, 10.4.C.2) - Proposed project presented at an Advisory Review hearing with FPCLDC in October 2023. mail to: Daniel Polanco Boston Planning & Development Agency One City Hall Square, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02201 phone: 617-918-4460 email:

Close of Comment Period: 1/18/2024 Website:

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February 1, 2024

be filing an ordinance to create Councilor Flynn will the Office of Pest Control to lead mitigation operations. This Files Ordinance rodent follows a number of hearings last in which Councilor Flynn and to Create the year his colleagues discussed the City’s approach towards Office of Pest multi-pronged tackling pest control with officials the Inspectional Services DepartControl in the atment, Public Works and Code Enforcement. Councilor Flynn will be City of Boston formally filing this ordinance at the


n a key effort to tackle the persisting issue of rats in the City of Boston, Councilor Flynn

January 31st Council Meeting. Last year, Councilor Flynn had the opportunity to speak with Kathleen Corradi, New York City’s first new Rat Czar, to get her insights and to learn about her operations. He has also spoken with Mayor Wu about the creation of a pest control office. Pest control has become a major quality of life issue for residents for many years, and was exacerbated by the pandemic when food sources

moved away from restaurants to residential areas. There has been an uptick of rodent sightings across all neighborhoods in Boston and the issue of pest control has become a top constituent complaint. “I am filing this ordinance to create the Office of Pest Control as this is a serious public health issue and the top quality of life complaint I get when I talk to my constituents,” said Councilor Flynn. “We need a centralized point person in the City that has overall authority and responsibility on all matters relating to rats and rodent mitigation. The creation of the Office of Pest Control would provide the attention and oversight that our neighbors and taxpayers deserve.” For more information, please contact Councilor Flynn’s office at 617-635-3203 and Ed.Flynn@

Parks Department hosts February school vacation week activities Boston Common (corner of Beacon and Charles Streets) This beloved annual festival offers winter activities, inflatable attractions, and fun giveaways. All ages Baseball Hitting and Fielding Clinics Thursday, February 22 and Friday, February 23 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m The Bubble at Carter Field, 709 Columbus Avenue The program features UMass Boston baseball players and coaches and is open to teams and individual players of all skill levels. hildren, parents, and caregivers are invited to Pre-registration required join the Boston Parks and Recreation DepartAges 10-14 ment for February school vacation week. Online registration and more information on all these free fam- Open Gym ily activities can be found at Thursday, February 22 and Friday, February 23 Softball Hitting and Fielding Clinics 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 20 and Wednesday, February 21 The Bubble at Carter Field, 709 Columbus Avenue 2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Open Gym is available to students, families, and comThe Bubble at Carter Field, 709 Columbus Avenue munity members to play pick-up sports such as kickball, The program features UMass Boston softball players wiffleball, soccer, football, run laps, and more. and coaches and is open to teams and individual players Ages 7 and up of all skill levels. Pre-registration required Call (617) 635-4505 or email for Ages 10 and up more information. To stay up to date with news, events, and improvements in Boston parks, visit Children’s Winter Festival Parks, join our email list at, Wednesday, February 21 and follow our social channels @bostonparksdept on X, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Facebook, and Instagram.






ayor Michelle Wu and the Boston Parks and Recreation Department present the annual Children’s Winter Festival on the Boston Common Parade Ground on Wednesday, February 21, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Visit boston. gov/winterfest for more information about this family-friendly school vacation week event. The free festival is open to all and offers music, giveaways, winter activities, treats, and crafts. Featured attractions include large inflatable installations such as the All-Star Challenge, and a Fun House Maze. Kids and their caregivers can also enjoy rides in the park on the Trackless Train, a ski lift photo booth, the alpine slide, snow throw, and much more. The event is hosted in partnership with title sponsor Highland Street Foundation and our contributing sponsors H.P. Hood LLC, ReVision Energy, and Xfinity. ReVision Energy, a 100% employee-owned solar company, will provide stored solar power for the event. Enjoy delicious hot chocolate courtesy of Rosa Mexicano and fresh local milk at the New England Dairy’s Mobile Dairy Bar. The Boston Common Parade Ground is located at the corner of Beacon and Charles Streets. Call (617) 635-4505 or email parks@ for more information. To stay up to date with news, events, and improvements in Boston parks, visit, join our email list at, and follow our social channels @ bostonparksdept on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.



February 1, 2024


Wine Guy

Sicily O

ne of the oldest, most conquered and most beautiful places in Europe, Sicily is also home to the oldest wine-making traditions anywhere in the Mediterranean. Amphora jars dating back over 4,000 years have been discovered in many places on the island and they all had only one purpose - to transport wine. The following are some of their most recent efforts……… Colosi Rosso Sicilia, 2022, ($12.99). This firm has been working in the wine field for three generations. The cellar, located in Messina, is run by the oenologist Piero Colosi who, with the contributions of his father, Pietro, follows the various stages of winemaking, from vinification to refinement and from bottling to marketing both in Italy and abroad. Since 1987 they have been producing the ancient wine Malvasia delle Lipari, wines from Salina and other Sicilian wines. This one is an intense, dark ruby red. On the nose, there are notes of black fruit, strawberries, flowers and herbs; it finishes dry and full-bodied on the palate. Etna Bianco, Benanti, 2022, ($22.99). I love all of the Benanti wines. They are terroir-driven, robust and uniquely beautiful expressions of the Sicilian landscape and na-

tive grape varieties. If fruit forward whites are not your thing, this Carricante might hit the spot. This wine is driven by stony minerality and is saline. Hints of lemon are in the mix, but more so as an acidic complement than a fruity addition. Try pairing this with Swordfish Palermitano or Portuguese sardines in tomato sauce. Colomba Platino Insolia,2022, ($19.99). Colomba Platino Insolia is an elegant white wine that is fresh, flavorful and well structured. Bright citrus with delicate salinity from the effects of the sea, it boasts a light, crisp and clean finish. Definitely a natural for fresh salads and cheese, it’s also great with any kind of seafood,

especially something on the grill. Tornatore Etna Rosso, 2022, ($29.99).The nose opens as fruity notes of black cherry and mulberry on display, followed by vegetal, spicy and delicate hints of patchouli and Mediterranean scrub. On the palate it is opulent, juicy and passionate, with compact and polymerized tannins and a final note of imperishable persistence. A deep wine, of great concentration and with a sensational and varied taste-olfactory expressiveness. It really is among the very best of the wines that the island has to offer. Barone di Serramarrocco ,2017, ($55.99) The nose is articulated, complex and fine, outlining notes

of black cherry, violet and tamarind which are flanked by nuances of garrigue, white chocolate and spicy tones of black pepper. The sip is lively with a strong acidity that gives freshness and thick and enveloping tannins synergistically linked to a mineral flavor that amplifies the sip. Good persistence finish which confirms the fruity-floral notes. Ages in new Troncais Allier tonneaux for 18 months and 10 months in bottle. A wine of great elegance and olfactory eloquence, sensational for its versatility in food pairing. A very captivating interpretation of Pignatello, ideal for both daily consumption and dinners with rich and spicy dishes.

Gate of Heaven Ash Wednesday, February 14, Mass Schedule Distribution of Ashes marking the beginning of Lent & St. Brigid 7AM at St. Brigid Church Parishes with 9AM at Gate of Heaven Church 12 Noon at Gate of Heaven Church St. Augustine 1:00PM at St. Brigid Church 4:30PM at St. Augustine Chapel Chapel News 6PM at St. Brigid Church.

February 1, 2024


South Boston Catholic Academy News Freeman-Haskin. Here are famous quotes about “There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all” Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis


he students in Ms. Peggy Byrne’s 1B class and Ms. Caroline Gannon’s 1C class had a chance to visit with the Children’s Librarian, Dani Crickman, at the South Boston Branch Library. They also had a chance to meet with a new Children’s Author, Leah Freeman-Haskin, the author of a new wonderful children’s book entitled, “The Last Two Crayons”. The children had a chance to hear her read her wonderful story and

then they had a chance to ask her some great questions such as...What inspired her to write her book, how long did it take her to write her book and how did she get her book published? The author concluded her presentation by having the children draw a favorite picture using two crayons, a light and dark brown crayon, in keeping with the title and illustrations of the book. A BIG Thank you to Children’s Librarian Dani and Children’s Author Leah

the importance of reading to children and having them be able to read their own books...“You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book!” — Dr. Seuss; “Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” — Frederick Douglass; “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” – Albert Einstein; “If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book” – J.K. Rowling; “Reading is a passport to countless adventures.” – Mary Pope Osbourne; “Readers are lucky – they will

9 never be bored or lonely.” – Natalie Babbitt Regarding reading good books, we also had our Winter SBCA Scholastic Book Fair. The students and teachers loved being able to choose and buy their very own books to read in their classroom and at home. Thank you to Jen Shemo, Renita Reddy and Karin Cannata and to all the parents that volunteer to help to make these school book fairs possible and for encouraging the love of reading for the students at SBCA. New families are welcome to email our admissions team at admissions@sbcatholicadacademy. org for more info. about South Boston Catholic Academy.



February 1, 2024

Valentine’s & Galentine’s Day in & Around Boston

Abe & Louie’s: Venerable Back Bay steakhouse Abe & Louie’s will be dishing out a quintet of specials for six nights of “date night.” To start, there’s a half-dozen roasted A5 Atlantic Coast oysters with wagyu renderings, black truffle, and gremolata ($30) as well as a slow-baked beet salad with whipped goat cheese, toasted pistachios and a lemon-mint vinaigrette ($19). For entrees, there is a poached Maine lobster tail with gnocchi Parisienne, beech mushrooms and bearnaise ($42) in addition to a 16-ounce, 40-day dry aged bone-in NY strip with grilled broccolini and a twicebaked potato ($115). The dessert feature is a wild strawberry tarte with chocolate ice cream ($12). Cocktail pairings include Forbidden Fruit with Sipsmith gin, Cardamaro, Cappelletti, cranberry juice and prosecco as well as Devilish Margarita with Patron, Cointreau, spicy yuzu puree, crème de cassis and fresh citrus. Reservations from February 9-14. 793 Boylston Street, Boston. (617) 536-6300. www. Atlantic Fish Co.: Serving Boston the freshest catch since 1978, Atlantic Fish Co. will feature their full menu of seafood classics in addition to some special features during the week leading up to Valentine’s Day. To start, there is a roasted butternut squash and radicchio salad with winter pear, aged parmesan, and citrus vinaigrette ($17) as well as six oysters Rockefeller with wilted spinach and a black truffle hol-

landaise ($27). The duo of mains is a baked New England scrod with Ritz cracker crumbs, roasted broccolini, fingerling potatoes and a lemon-butter sauce ($39) in addition to lobster carbonara with homemade fettuccini, guanciale, English peas and pecorino Romano ($46). For something sweet, opt for the wild strawberry tarte with chocolate ice cream ($12). Cocktail pairings include Who’s the Best Catch? with Lunazul reposado tequila, lime juice and scotch bonnet pomegranate as well as How About a Squeeze? with orange vodka, clementine oleo, Pom juice and fresh citrus. Reservations from February 9-14. 761 Boylston Street, Boston. (617) 267-4000. www. City Tap House: Mean Girls Galentine’s Day Brunch: “Get in, loser, we’re going brunching.” Bust out your burn book because on February 10, City Tap House is once again transforming into North Shore High School for a “Mean Girls Galentine’s Brunch.” Assemble your A-list tribe (of the moment), just as Regina George would do, to celebrate your best frenemies with a side of shade. While DJ J-Wall spins, brunch on “I Really Wanna Lose 3lbs,” Nutella and banana-stuffed French toast ($15) and “It’s Not My Fault You’re Like in Love with Me or Something,” homemade waffles topped with fresh strawberries, mascarpone-whipped cream and maple syrup ($15). And from the “Cool Mom’s Bar,” sip non-virgin libations like “You Can’t Sit with Us” with Stoli Blueberi, simple syrup, lemonade, triple sec and a squeeze of lemon ($15) and “Stop Trying to Make Fetch Happen,” a winning trifecta of bubbly, vodka and cotton candy ($15). Reservations on February 10, 11am-2pm. 10 Boston Wharf Road, Boston. (617) 904-2748.

Valentine’s Day Prix Fixe: Whether Valentine’s Day has you feeling relaxed, raged or romantical, City Tap House is getting back to basics with a “no strings attached” dinner designed around the greatest love of all: food. On February 14, the Fort Point beer paradise will be dishing out a three-course customizable prix fixe menu ($75 per person) that will have your tastebuds struck by Cupid’s Demeter’s arrow. To start, there are four options to choose from: a wagyu meatball with tomato fondue, shaved cheese and serrano peppers; Shanghaistyle fried shrimp with crushed peanuts, beansprouts, scallions, cherry peppers, and a sweet chili glaze; super lump crab cakes with Cajun lobster cream sauce; or blistered shishito peppers with soy-garlic miso sauce and toasted pistachios. For the main event, entrees include pan-seared Atlantic salmon with mushroom risotto, crispy Brussels sprouts and beurre blanc; a 14oz prime ribeye steak with whipped potatoes, sauteed spinach and bordelaise; a wagyu Bolognese with pasta and shaved parmesan; or roasted duck breast with butternut squash, local apple, grilled baby kale and Bayley Hazen blue cheese. End the night on a sweet (or sour beer?) note with a pick of crème brûlée or white chocolate raspberry cheesecake. Reservations on February 14, 5-10pm. 10 Boston Wharf Road, Boston. (617) 904-2748. www. Coach Grill: Wayland’s crown jewel, Coach Grill, will dish out six nights of romance-inspired specials for Valentine’s Day. The starter features are a half-dozen grilled Atlantic Coast oysters with ginger mignonette and pomegranate kernels ($27) as well as a prime steak tartare with toast points ($31). Bring your appetite for the main courses, a Colorado herb-crusted rack of lamb with po-

tatoes au gratin and green beans in a red wine reduction ($75) and the grilled swordfish chop with roasted mushrooms, cauliflower puree and lemon-brown butter ($65). Leave room for dessert, a wild strawberry tarte with chocolate ice cream ($12). Featured cocktails include the Getting Fizzy with It with Sipsmith gin, pomegranate, simple syrup, fresh citrus and soda water; No Sour Hearts Here with Benchmark bourbon, Pom juice, Domaine Canton and fresh lemon juice; and Temple of Love with Grey Goose, Luxardo, black cherry puree, grenadine and Sprite. Reservations from February 9-14. 55 Boston Post Road Wayland. (508) 358-5900. Joe’s on Newbury & Joe’s Waterfront: Located in the Back Bay’s most fashionable quarters and along Boston Harbor, Joe’s on Newbury and Joe’s Waterfront will showcase a collection of à la carte specials during Valentine’s Day week. To start, there is a super lump crab cake with honey crisp apple slaw and mustard remoulade ($19). For entrees, take a dive into the lemon baked sole with wilted spinach and sauteed mushrooms with a lobster cream sauce ($39) or the surf-and-turf, a 12-ounce NY strip complemented by rock shrimp, creamed potatoes, and cauliflower puree with lemon-brown butter ($49). The dessert special is a tartufo with fresh berries and whipped cream ($12). Cocktail specialties include the Cupid’s Arrow with Patron silver, fresh grapefruit, simple syrup and cranberry juice as well as Love Potion with Grey Goose, lime juice, strawberry puree and Fever Tree ginger beer. Joe’s on Newbury: Reservations from February 9-14. 181 Newbury Street, Boston. (617) 536-4200. Joe’s Waterfront: Reservations from February 9-14. 100 Atlantic Avenue, Boston. (617) 3678700.

February 1, 2024

Abe & Louie’s

Valentine’s Day Prix Fixe



Atlantic Fish Co.

City Tap House

Coach Grill

Joe’s on Newbury & Joe’s Waterfront



St. Peter Academy

Parents Night Out at Layla’s American Tavern


t. Peter Academy staff and parents had an awesome time at Parent’s Night Out! It was nice getting everyone together in a casual setting with great conversation. Thank you to Layla’s American Tavern for the delicious appetizers and hosting us in your beautiful new place. We are so grateful for our dedicated involved community. Can’t wait to celebrate Valentine’s Day with you all at the dance on February 9th at the Lithuanian Club. The mission of St Peter Academy is to encourage lifelong learning

through a rigorous differentiated curriculum. Utilizing innovative best practices, each child is recognized as an individual and is encouraged to attain their maximum potential – spiritually, emotionally, academically, physically, and socially. We are a close knit, diverse community of learners who foster social justice with a sincere understanding and respect for all. To learn more about our wonderful school, please email or call 617-268-0750. St. Peter Academy is an inde-

pendent community based private school and is South Boston’s only Full Year Toddler Program through Grade 6 School. It is privately funded, enriched with extended learning hours and summer programs, and fosters a nurturing, safe and individualized environment. We welcome the opportunity to have you visit St. Peter Academy to see for yourself that ours is a unique and wonderful learning community. It is truly a “GEM” in the heart of the South Boston community. St. Peter Academy is continuing to accept applications for the current and upcoming school year. St. Peter Academy is an independent, communitybased private school and serves

February 1, 2024

students from ages 15 months through grade 6. SPA is currently accepting applications for the limited spaces available in the year-round toddler program (beginning at age 15 months) and for students in Pre-K (School Year and Full Year Programs), Kindergarten and grades 1-6. Financial Aid Available. Two Scholarships will be offered this year for applicants for Grades 1 through 6. You may request scholarship information from the Front Office ( Appointments for individual virtual tours can be made by contacting Maria Blasi, at 617-268-0750 or by emailing

February 1, 2024



This week,

Danny shared his thoughts on all the latest chaos within the WWE over the past week:


ust days before Sunday’s Royal Rumble premium live event, WWE icon Vince McMahon stepped down from his position as chairman of the board. McMahon and another former WWE executive have been accused of sexual misconduct by a former WWE employee, who claims — in a 67-page federal lawsuit — that McMahon forced her into a sexual relationship and shared explicit photos and videos of her to other WWE employees. The details in the lawsuit are wild. And there are text messages allegedly from McMahon that are so crazy it almost feels like the whole story can’t even be real. McMahon sent out a statement that said the accuser’s lawsuit is “replete with lies, obscene made-up instances that never occurred, and is a vindictive distortion of the truth.” McMahon also said that he intends to “vigorously” defend himself. Well, if those text messages are actually from him, then I’m not sure how he’s going to defend himself on this one. The whole thing is absolutely wacky. On top of all that, the WWE and its new parent company, TKO Group Holdings, made several major moves in the days prior to the McMahon lawsuit going public.

First, they announced that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is joining the TKO Board of Directors. Then, they announced that WWE’s Monday Night Raw is moving to Netflix. This column was going to be strictly about WWE’s deal with Netflix, but unfortunately, the McMahon news has stolen that spotlight. So, perhaps I’ll be able to react to this major Netflix deal another time, because I think it will absolutely change the game for live sports and entertainment. In the meantime, here’s the official press release that breaks it all down: STAMFORD, Conn., January 23, 2024 – WWE, part of TKO Group Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: TKO), and Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX) today announced a long-term partnership that will bring WWE’s flagship weekly program – Raw – to the world’s leading entertainment service. This marks a major programming shift as Raw leaves linear television for the first time since its inception 31 years ago. Beginning in January 2025, Netflix will be the exclusive new home of Raw in the U.S., Canada, U.K. and Latin America, among other territories, with additional countries and regions to be added over time. Likewise, as part of the agreement, Netflix will also become the home for

all WWE shows and specials outside the U.S. as available, inclusive of Raw and WWE’s other weekly shows – SmackDown and NXT – as well as the company’s Premium Live Events, including WrestleMania, SummerSlam and Royal Rumble. WWE’s award-winning documentaries, original series and forthcoming projects will also be available on Netflix internationally beginning in 2025. “This deal is transformative,” said Mark Shapiro, TKO President and COO. “It marries the can’t-miss WWE product with Netflix’s extraordinary global reach and locks in significant and predictable economics for many years. Our partnership fundamentally alters and strengthens the media landscape, dramatically expands the reach of WWE, and brings weekly live appointment viewing to Netflix.” “We are excited to have WWE Raw, with its huge and passionate multigenerational fan base, on Netflix,” said Netflix Chief Content Officer, Bela Bajaria. “By combining our reach, recommendations, and fandom with WWE, we’ll be able to deliver more joy and value for their audiences and our members. Raw is the best of sports entertainment, blending great characters and storytelling with live action 52 weeks a year and we’re thrilled to be in this long-

term partnership with WWE.” “In its relatively short history, Netflix has engineered a phenomenal track record for storytelling,” said Nick Khan, WWE President. “We believe Netflix, as one of the world’s leading entertainment brands, is the ideal long-term home for Raw’s live, loyal, and evergrowing fan base.” With 1,600 episodes to date, Raw is the most iconic show in sports entertainment. Since its debut in 1993, Raw has delivered action, compelling drama and unmatched athleticism – 52 weeks a year. Blending the best of scripted content with unpredictable live entertainment, the three-hour show has helped launch the careers of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, Triple H, John Cena, Roman Reigns, Bianca Belair and Charlotte Flair. The show is currently the No. 1 show on USA Network, where it brings in 17.5 million unique viewers over the course of the year. One of television’s best performing shows in the 18-49 advertising demographic, Raw trends on X 52 weeks a year while each new episode is airing. On social media, WWE has more than one billion followers across its platforms. Follow Danny on instagram @ DannyPicard.


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SBT Staff

n Wednesday, the PGA Tour announced a $3 billion deal with Strategic Sports Group to create PGA Tour Enterprises, which will allow PGA Tour members the opportunity to become equity holders in the new company. Strategic Sports Group includes American sports team owners led by Fenway Sports Group. It also includes Celtics owner Wyc Grousbeck. Here’s the official press release: PONTE VEDRA BEACH, Fla. – The PGA TOUR – in partnership with Strategic Sports Group (SSG) – announced Wednesday the launch of PGA TOUR Enterprises, a new commercial venture under the PGA TOUR’s control, and in a first-of-its kind program, nearly 200 PGA TOUR members will have the opportunity to become equity holders in this new company. PGA TOUR Enterprises is also considering participation by future PGA TOUR players that would allow them to benefit from the business’s commercial growth. Under this program, players would collectively access over $1.5 billion in equity in PGA TOUR Enterprises. These grants

Tweet of the Week

February 1, 2024


NBA THURSDAY, FEB. 1 LA Lakers at Boston 7:30 P.M. TNT SUNDAY, FEB. 4 Memphis at Boston 6 P.M. NBCSB NHL THURSDAY, FEB. 1 All-Star Draft 6 P.M. ESPN2 FRIDAY, FEB. 2 All-Star Skills Competition 7 P.M. ESPN SATURDAY, FEB. 3 All-Star Game 3 P.M. ABC GOLF THURS, FEB. 1 - SUN, FEB. 4 AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am 3 P.M. GOLFC/CBS

– which vest over time – will be based on career accomplishments, recent achievements, future participation and services and PGA TOUR membership status, and grants are only available to qualified PGA TOUR players. The transaction announced today allows for a co-investment from the Public Investment Fund (PIF) in the future, subject to all necessary regulatory approvals. “Today marks an important moment for the PGA TOUR and fans of golf across the world,” said Jay Monahan, Commissioner of the PGA TOUR and CEO of PGA TOUR Enterprises. “By making PGA TOUR members owners of their league, we strengthen the collective investment of our players in the success of the PGA TOUR. Fans win when we all work to deliver the best in sports entertainment and return the focus to the incredible – and unmatched – competitive atmosphere created by our players, tournaments and partners. And partnering with SSG – a group with extensive experience and investment across sports, media and entertainment – will enhance our organization’s ability to make the sport more rewarding for players, tournaments, fans and partners.” “We were proud to vote in unanimous support of this historic partnership between PGA TOUR Enterprises and SSG,” said PGA TOUR Player Directors Patrick Cantlay, Peter Mal-

nati, Adam Scott, Webb Simpson, Jordan Spieth and Tiger Woods in a joint statement. “It was incredibly important for us to create opportunities for the players of today and in the future to be more invested in their organization, both financially and strategically. This not only further strengthens the TOUR from a business perspective, but it also encourages the players to be fully invested in continuing to deliver – and further enhance – the best in golf to our fans. We are looking forward to this next chapter and an even brighter future.” As part of PGA TOUR Enterprises, SSG, a consortium of American sports team owners led by Fenway Sports Group, today closed on a major financial and strategic investment of up to $3 billion. SSG is investing an initial $1.5 billion into PGA TOUR Enterprises and will provide strategic focus on maximizing revenue generation for the benefit of the players and on finding opportunities to enhance the game of golf across the world. “We greatly appreciate the opportunity to join PGA TOUR players in this important next phase of the PGA TOUR’s evolution,” said John Henry, principal owner of Fenway Sports Group and manager of the Strategic Sports Group. “Our enthusiasm for this new venture stems from a very deep respect for this remarkable game and a firm belief in the expansive

growth potential of the PGA TOUR. We are proud to partner with this historic institution and are eager to work with the PGA TOUR and its many members to grow and strengthen the game of golf globally.” SSG includes individuals with over 200 years of combined sports team stewardship across several major global sports leagues, including the NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL and EPL. Fenway Sports Group has led the SSG investment with support from the leadership of Cohen Private Ventures, including Steven A. Cohen and Andrew B. Cohen, and Arthur M. Blank, owner and chairman of AMB Sports and Entertainment. FSG will also serve as commercial advisor to this new enterprise. In addition, today the PGA TOUR confirmed progress in its ongoing negotiations with PIF on a potential future investment and both parties are working towards an ultimate agreement. SSG has consented to an investment by PIF, subject to any necessary regulatory review and approvals. Additionally, the PGA TOUR’s Strategic Alliance with the DP World Tour remains a focus. As close partners, the DP World Tour was included in the original framework discussions and agreement announced last year, and the TOUR is in active discussions on how to best work together for the continued benefit of all.

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