South Boston Today May 9 2024

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The Distinctions Between Prejudice, Discrimination, Racism and Bias

It is undeniable that, to a human, we are inherently prone to prejudice. Whether it elevates to levels of bias, discrimination, or racism (including antisemitism), is in the control of the individual.

Racism is a form of prejudice that generally includes negative emotional reactions to members of a group, acceptance of negative stereotypes, and discrimination against individuals. In some cases, it can lead to violence. The world is seeing it first hand in its ethnic form of antisemitism.

Discrimination refers to the differential treatment of different age, gender, racial, ethnic, religious, national, ability, identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic, and other groups at the individual level and the institutional level. It is usually the behavioral manifestation of prejudice and involves negative, hostile, and injurious treatment of members


TODAY Online & On Your Mobile May 9, 2024: Vol.12 Issue 19 SERVING SOUTH BOSTONIANS AROUND THE GLOBE WWW.SOUTHBOSTONTODAY.COM @SBostonToday S outhBos tonTod a y @SBostonToday

Why Are So Many People Leaving Massachusetts?

Recent reports and surveys have found that the State of Massachusetts is losing people at an alarming rate. Yes, the population is shrinking. But why? Some would say that if you have to ask that question, maybe you’re not paying attention. The Bay State is now said to have the fourth largest percentage of citizens who are just packing up and heading out. Only New York, California and Illinois have a higher percentage of people who believe they will have a better life and greener pastures in a different state . But the same question remains – WHY? What are the reasons respondents to those surveys giving for being part of such a mass exodus? Well, it seems there are lots of reasons, but several big concerns that are causing people to flee.

Among those major causes of concern are the taxes – so many taxes. An old song by the Beatles called ‘Tax Man’ was thought by some to be covertly written about Massachusetts. A review and

paraphrase of the lyrics to the song kind of makes you wonder if that’s not true: “If you drive a car we’ll tax the street, if you try to sit, we’ll tax the seat, if you get too cold we’ll tax the heat, if you take a walk we’ll tax your feet”. “Don’t ask us what we want it for, if you don’t want to be taxed some more”. But taxes are not the only big concern, although they are way up among the reasons given and help justify the less than flattering nick name given to this state which of course, among others is ‘Taxachusetts’.

Other causes given for their decision to move elsewhere are all the rules, regulations and restrictions. Like other so called Blue States, the amount of personal freedom citizens have here is less than the majority of other states around the country and it seems Massachusetts politicians feel they have an obligation to constantly chip away at personal freedoms and liberties at every opportunity.

The cost of living continues to creep up almost constantly.

Buying a home and even a car is now out of reach for a growing number of people; especially for young families just starting out. And then of course there is the political atmosphere. In Massachusetts as well as those other states on the list like New York, California and Illinois, those elected to pubic office feel they can pretty much do whatever they feel like with no regard for the voters. Governor Maura Healy is a prime example of someone wielding political power as see pleases. Even though she is well aware of the majority

of voters opposing the influx of tens of thousands of illegal aliens into the state she has brought in, she does it anyway. Then, ignoring neighborhood residents’ objections, she takes over the recreation centers that those neighbors pay taxes for and uses them to house the migrants.

So where are the destinations of choice for so many fleeing who say they have had enough of this bastion of liberalism? While many move north to New Hampshire; a state with far fewer taxes and quite a bit more freedom, the vast major-

“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty”- Thomas Jefferson

ity are heading to Southern states; which are more welcoming to business’s, young families and citizens of all ages. And while Massachusetts has its share of failing business’s, U-Haul and other moving companies are doing quite well accommodating the departing hordes. Does Massachusetts have a chance to reverse this trend? Unless voters start making their voices heard by electing politicians who are far more in tune with the rest of America, it will be difficult if not impossible.

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There May Be Hope For America’s College Campuses After all

illions of Americans were cheering this week as they watched young patriots tired of seeing our country insulted, attacked and criticized and our flag disrespected that they decided they had had enough and responded. They took action and confronted paid leftwing mobs. And this time, it wasn’t the usual young Americans known for their patriotism like our military members, many rank and file union members or members of law enforcement and others who are always quick to defend the flag. It happened on of all places, a college campus. But most of you know this by now as the video of what happened has gone viral all across the nation. And by the actions of those college students, it seems to have started a new movement that is spreading like a wild fire to American college campuses all over the country. It’s about time.

To recap: Left wing students on the University of North Carolina were protesting against the Middle East War and yelling their usual chants of “Death to America” and “Death to Israel. They took down the American flag from the main campus flag pole and replaced it with the Palestinian flag. But members of one of the fraternities there – namely UNC Kappa Phi Chapter weren’t having it. They rushed in, took down the foreign flag and raised up Old Glory to its rightful place. The left wing protestors; which consisted of not only students at the school but their radical professors plus it was learned, paid outside agitators, became furious and began throwing full water bottles at the fraternity group. Of course, the bottles were thrown from the middle of their crowd of demonstrators who wore masks to hide their identity – cowards that they are.

As the tensions rose and the hurled objects continued to fly in their direction, the patriotic students from the fraternity stood their ground and protected the huge American flag. They would not even let it touch the ground as they were reattaching it in preparation to running it back up the pole.

Seeing this, other patriotic students rushed in to back up the fraternity group as the chants of USA USA became so loud they easily drowned out the Death to America and Israel chants by the other side. What happened on the UNC campus; by the actions of those proud American students sent a stunning and clear message to young people all over America. It’s a message that the America hating Socialist/Communist professors’ radical leftist organization and members of the liberal news media have been dreading since the 1970’s. Pro American students on US campuses will no longer remain silent when radicals disrupt their education and bad mouth their country – our country. They will no longer remain silent and passive as those professors teach hatred of the United States and stir up unrest on those universities. Praise for what the fraternity group did immediately came flooding in from Americans everywhere. Someone started a Go Fund Me campaign as a reward to go to the students that reached over a half million dollars in 3 days and still growing. It is said that the fraternity members will use it to make donations to worthy charities. Country Music stars like John Rich and others have stepped up and offered to give a giant free concert to honor those students. Even Lee Greenwood has offered to come and start the event off by singing his famous song ‘God Bless the USA’.

As the praise continues to pour in for what the fraternity students did, proud American students at colleges all around the country have picked up the torch and are rising up and are confronting the America hating radicals on THEIR campuses. The chants of USA USA, by what is now tens of thousands of patriotic students on campuses everywhere with ear splitting volume; something that up till now, was seldom, if ever heard among the college population. But it’s being heard loud and clear now. And it has the leftist college administrators and

Note: talk back to John Ciccone by email at

professors nervous. But you know who else is nervous about this turnaround? It’s some of the very people who are actually funding the anti-American and anti-Israel unrest and yes – riots. It was announced, which shouldn’t surprise many, that some of the biggest donors to Joe Biden and the Democrat party are flooding this turmoil with money – lots of money. Left wing billionaires like of course George Soros, David Rockefeller Jr., Susan and Nick Pritzker; owners of the Hyatt Hotels and a long list of other usual suspects. Yes, these protestors raising all the hell on campus are actually being paid to do what they are doing. And more behind the scenes money

people are being exposed all the time. There are some who are pushing this campus unrest who are being accused of acting like Nazis. And while they bristle at the term and act highly offended by the label, it sounds pretty descriptive. They are pushing and paying these protestors who not only chant ‘Death to America’ but also ‘Death to Israel’ and say that Jewish people themselves have no right to even exist. That’s what Adolph Hitler used to say. And the hatred of Jews and the turmoil that went with it is what Hitler used to push. So far, these agitators and protestors haven’t started chanting ‘Heil Hitler’. But could that be what will come next?

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Unpacking the $57.9 billion Senate Budget

We’re looking at a $57.9 billion bottom line for the Senate Ways and Means Committee’s budget, a figure that hits 3.3 percent above the fiscal year 2024 budget enacted last summer and comes in a skosh below the House’s finalized $58 billion budget bill.

The budget proposal also comes with fairly different messaging. For all of the warnings about fiscal prudence from House Democrats, their final, amended budget turned out a bit larger than what Senate Democrats are proposing; and for all of Senate President Karen Spilka’s claims that it’s “not the time to take our foot off the pedal” (which she reiterated almost exactly on Tuesday morning), her team’s budget still starts out a bit lower than the House’s.

The messaging and dollar amounts present a juxtaposition, which brings a question to top of mind: What did the Senate have to cut in order to fund its numerous spending initiatives, like free community college and fare-free RTAs, while still keeping the bottom line close to the House?

Window Into The State House

Window Into The State House provides our readers a synopsis of important issues of interest, past and current, that are being proposed, debated or acted upon by the Massachusetts Legislature. Many issues that are not related to local city government services are acted upon and have a direct impact on daily life. They are tax policy, transportation infrastructure, judicial appointments, social services and health, as well as higher education. We will excerpt reports from the gavel-to-gavel coverage of House and Senate sessions by news sources focused on this important aspect of our lives. These sources include a look ahead at the coming week in state government and summaries and analyses of the past week, re-caps of a range of state government activity, as well as links to other news.

The short answer is that the Senate funded energy and environment, transportation and workforce accounts significantly less than both the House and the governor in order to make space for the more than $70 million in additional funding it put toward education, according to an analysis from the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation.

We already knew the Senate planned to deploy major funding to run fare-free service at regional transit authorities — a move Senate Ways and Means Chair Michael Rodrigues said takes a “holistic” approach to transportation — and offer free community college. It’s also well-known that Senate Democrats are prioritizing early education. But we now have a simplified early ed breakdown, too: $475 million to make C3 stabilization grants permanent; almost $774 million to increase child care seats; and $80 million to expand income-eligible childcare.

A couple other noteworthy items?

The Senate doesn’t plan to authorize the online Lottery measure the House and governor both support, and instead proposes allowing the use of debit cards on Lottery pur-

chases, which Rodrigues said could generate $25 million in revenue. Rodrigues pointed out his chamber’s proposal also targets the same $314 million in MBTA operating assistance as the House and governor, but it does not put cash towards initiatives like the House-proposed MBTA workforce academy. And the Senate is proposing $113 million to maintain a personal care attendant program, an investment the House did not place a number on. Get in line with questions about how the Senate feels about the inevitable shelter and MBTA longterm funding uncertainty. Rodrigues doesn’t have the answers, but said Tuesday that the MBTA’s budget gap is “insatiable,” and acknowledged the combined $500 million put aside for shelter funding may or may not be enough to make it through the entire fiscal year. As he put it, he doesn’t “have a crystal ball.”

Steward “hopes” to sell Mass hospitals by June’s end, despite potentially unfeasible timeline

Steward Health Care, the nowbankrupt hospital system, said Tuesday it will sell off its Massachusetts hospitals by the end of June, along with those in six other states. The company’s lawyer, however, claims the deadline is “not feasible.” A virtual federal bankruptcy court hearing Tuesday served as the beginning of a process sorting through all of the system’s finances to get Steward back on its feet. Steward says a “transformation committee” is conducting an internal investigation into internal company actions that have led to this

point. At the same time, patient care is expected to keep up and Steward still owes billions of dollars to lenders, its main landlord and service providers.

Sumner Tunnel will close for one month this summer

The originally-planned twomonth Sumner Tunnel closure will actually be only one month long, highway officials announced Tuesday. Between July 5 and Aug. 5, road surface inside of the tunnel will be replaced — any remaining work will then be done over the course of later summer and fall weekend closures. The tunnel is in the middle of a $165M reconstruction, a two-year process MassDOT is taking up to make sure the 100-year-old tunnel lasts.

Healey’s ‘Mass Leads Act’ focuses on workforce development, young professional retention

Gov. Healey’s “Mass Leads Act” — based on an economic development plan unveiled by her administration in December — features an around $3.5B investment in workforce development to attempt to keep young adults stay in Massachusetts — a trend predicted to decline in the coming years based on recent polling. During a Tuesday hearing before the Joint Committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies, Healey noted that lowering housing prices and improving transportation systems are additional important aspects the state needs to get a handle on if it wants to retain the 26to-34 demographic. The bill also funds a life sciences initiative reauthorization, climate tech investments and an Applied AI Hub.

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UU.S. Rep. Lynch Secures $850,000 Grant to Support New Community Center at Mary Ellen McCormack Housing Complex

YMCA of Greater Boston to Run Center in Partnership with Local Non-Profits

.S. Representative Stephen F. Lynch announced he has secured $850,000 in funding toward the construction of a new community-oriented center to be run in partnership with the YMCA of Greater Boston (YGB) at the Mary Ellen McCormack (MEM) public housing complex in South Boston during its planned $2 billion redevelopment.

Lynch, who has represented South Boston for 23 years, secured funding for the partnership with YGB during the FY 2024 appropriations process, leveraging a Community Project Funding (CPF) grant program administered by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development’s Office of Community Planning and Development.

The new YMCA of Greater Boston facility will be constructed alongside a 17,500-square-foot community center to be created through the historic adaptive reuse of the existing boiler plant on the Boston Housing Authority (BHA) property. It will be named for the late William “Billy” McGonagle, a former BHA Administrator who grew up at Mary Ellen McCormack and served BHA for 40 years.

“This funding is critical to building a new YMCA within our community that will help enrich the lives of neighborhood children and families, create a safe space for residents, and promote training and educational opportunities,” said Rep. Lynch. “It is also entirely fitting and deeply reassuring that this new facility will be forever associated with our friend, William ‘Billy’ McGonagle, to honor his memory and the wonderful work he did throughout his life on behalf of families living in public housing.

“As Gov. Healey, Mayor Wu, Councilors Ed Flynn and Erin Murphy and the tenant task force continue to transform the Mary Ellen

McCormack Housing into a more welcoming and safe community, it is important to work as a team. I am grateful for the support of Kenzie Bok, BHA administrator, Gilbert Winn, CEO of WinnCompanies, and David Shapiro, CEO of the YMCA of Greater Boston, who will help bring this project to fruition. I am also grateful and proud that my partners, U.S. Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey, maintained relentless support to ensure federal funding was included, just as State Sen. Nick Collins and State Rep. David Biele directed state support for local priorities as well,” Lynch added.

“We are deeply appreciative for the funding secured through Representative Lynch’s leadership which will jumpstart the planning, listening, collaboration, and design necessary for a responsive and rooted future Y in South Boston,” said David Shapiro, CEO, YMCA of Greater Boston. “It is a privilege to be a part of this broader transformative redevelopment with innovate partners focused on increasing stability, vibrancy, and all aspects necessary for health and wellness for the Mary Ellen McCormack community and beyond in the broader neighborhood.”

The latest HUD grant for the YGB was among more than $15.1 million in federal funding that Lynch won for 15 community projects across his congressional district in the recently passed 2024 Consolidated Appropriations Act and the Second Consolidated Appropriations Bill. In 2022, Lynch also secured a $1.75 million CPF grant for the BHA to stabilize and convert the defunct MEM boiler plant building into a community resource for the benefit of MEM residents and their South Boston and Dorchester neighbors.

“Our residents deserve the best programs and opportunities that Boston has to offer, and that is exactly what they will get with the new YMCA,” BHA Administrator Kenzie Bok said. “We are so excited about this investment in the families who make Mary-Ellen McCormack such a special community and thank Congressman Lynch for helping to make it possible.”

The new community center and Y will deliver unprecedented programs and supportive services to residents, operated by the YGB and other community and non-profit partners. Planned services will include early education and after-school programs, healthcare services, workforce development and senior home care. The effort will be overseen by Connected Communities, a non-profit dedicated to fostering community-based programs for affordable housing residents, in partnership with the YGB WinnCompanies and the residentelected and run MEM Task Force.

“The community is incredibly grateful to Congressman Lynch for his continued support of the people who call Mary Ellen McCormack home,” said Carol Sullivan, executive director of the MEM Task Force. “The Task Force is elated for the continued efforts of WinnCompa-

nies and the Boston Housing Authority to bring new partners to our community who are committed to the needs, hopes and dreams of families here. The YMCA of Greater Boston will not only bring a vital amenity to folks here, but also a range of coordinated services, programs, and support as we look to the future.”

In collaboration with the BHA, WinnCompanies will redevelop the MEM community in two phases, delivering 3,300 mixed-income apartments on the 30-acre site, including the replacement of all 1,016 affordable public housing units with a guaranteed right to return for current residents.

“This facility represents the cornerstone of our vision to deliver a community of opportunity to MEM residents and neighbors,” said WinnCompanies CEO Gilbert Winn. “When the history of this redevelopment is written, Congressman Lynch will be remembered for his tireless advocacy to improve the quality of life for this community.”

Phase One of the project was approved by the Boston Planning & Development Agency in mid-December and is in the final permitting and financing stage, with construction expected to begin on the first building later this year.


“Another” Star Studded

Visit to Condon Community Center

While touring the country promoting their upcoming feature film, South Boston born actor and director James Michael Cummings and actors Kevin Daniels, credited in over 100 movies, and Toshia Galligan, Rhode Island native and successful model, took a break from their busy Boston press tour, with the amazing Peggy Rose, to visit the Condon Community

Center’s youth and teens.

The excited audience filled the Teen Center and welcomed them with open arms. The staff and kids listened intently as their guests shared their inspiring and relatable life experiences. After the heartfelt Q & A, dinner and photos were enjoyed by all.

Kevin Daniels left 200 D Street stating “You can do anything you want to do in life – work hard, ask for help,

and read. One important key to being successful is reading.” Great advice!

Special “Thank You” to the CCC’s friend and supporter, Peggy Rose, one of Condon’s “Strong Women of 2024” who always brings special and fun events and activities to the Condon. “

Not Another Church Movie” opens in theaters nationwide May 10th!


Councilor Flynn Holds Hearing on Boston Police Crime Lab

Recently, Councilor Flynn held a hearing to discuss resources for the Boston Police Crime Laboratory. An annual report by the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS) has found that the Boston Police Crime Laboratory has been lagging behind in its handling of sexual assault kits testing for three years in a row.

The Boston Police Crime Lab is a critical arm of the Boston Police Department that focuses on processing, examining, and analyzing evidence - such as sexual assault kits - that are indispensable to investigating and solving crimes. In 2018, the

State Legislature has mandated that sexual assault kits be tested within 30 days in order to swiftly process any evidence that will bring justice to sexual assault survivors. Boston currently lags behind this schedule.

During the hearing, the Council noted three notable concerns with the Crime Lab - that it is unable to meet the state mandated deadline of testing sexual assault kits within 30 days, that it is not using the most advanced DNA testing technology known as “Y Screening”, and that the Crime Lab currently faces a void in leadership as well as staffing shortages. Given the absentee leadership and staffing shortages, it

Councilor Flynn Calls for Hearing on Drag Racing and OffRoad Vehicles on City Streets

At the Boston City Council last week, Councilor Flynn called for a hearing to discuss drag racing, dirt bikes, ATVS, and other off-road vehicles in our neighborhoods. Councilor Flynn filed this hearing in response to a recent incident in the Back Bay, where 15 vehicles blocked off an intersection at 2am to do stunts and “donuts”, drive the wrong way down streets, and drag race along Commonwealth Avenue. In recent years, other groups of dirt bikes, ATVs, and motorcycles have also periodically occupied city streets to do stunts while speeding and endangering pedestrians, drivers, and themselves. Past incidents include a large gathering of cars near the South Boston Waterfront for a rave at 3am, and a group of bikers blocking off the Leverett Connector in 2023. These incidents not only clog up traffic, they create dangerous situations where someone could be seriously hurt or killed, and incidents where first responders may

has hindered the operations of the Crime Lab, and delayed the testing of sexual assault kits. Panelists from the Crime Lab also indicated that they would be interested in using the “Y Screening” DNA Testing technique which is quicker and more efficient, but that it would require a significant budget increase.

“It is critical that the BPD Crime Lab urgently addresses the staffing shortages, absentee leadership, and to update their technology so that sexual assault kits can be tested within 30 days,” said Councilor Flynn. “With the budget season upon us, I’m going to advocate for more resources specifically for our BPD

Crime Lab, so that survivors of sexual assault do not have to wait for a delay and can see justice swiftly. We need to support the Crime Lab staff so that they can perform their work more easily and efficiently.”

For more information, please contact Councilor Flynn’s office at 617635-3203 and

have difficulty getting on site in the event of an emergency. These occurrences also negatively impact quality of life for nearby residents, and have the potential to damage private and public property.

“The events in the Back Bay posed a serious threat to public safety for our residents and pedestrians in the area. As we head into the Summer months, it is critical that we work with City Officials to formulate a comprehensive strategy for law enforcement to help protect neighbors and visitors to Boston from incidents of drag racing, dirt bikes, ATVs and other off-road vehicles on our streets,” said Councilor Flynn. “Those involved in these types of reckless driving incidents should be cited for all applicable traffic violations, arrested, and prosecuted, if warranted. It can’t be the Wild West on the streets of Boston.”

For more information, please contact Councilor Flynn’s office at 617-635-3203 and Ed.Flynn@

Councilor Flynn Calls for Hearing to Discuss

Expanding Urban


Canopy in District 2

Boston City Councilor Flynn has filed for a hearing to discuss expanding the urban tree canopy in District 2. Late last year, the Boston City Council passed the tree protection ordinance, which regulates the process of tree removals, trimming, and maintenance. This hearing aims to identify areas that would be suitable for new tree plants, select appropriate tree species for our environment, and ensure the City has sufficient staffing to plant and maintain the trees.

Over the years, Councilor Flynn has heard from many residents across District 2 who have spoken up about the need

for more tree plantings. This includes neighborhoods with particularly low tree coverage, such as Chinatown, Downtown, and South Boston. In September of 2022, the city released the Urban Forest Plan, which laid out strategies for preservation, cultivation and expansion of our urban tree canopy. The plan found that neighborhoods in the south and west parts of Boston have more tree coverage, whereas neighborhoods in the north and east have the least. As of 2019, South Boston only had 8% of tree coverage compared to the city average of 27%. In Chinatown, the figure is at 7%.

“From improving our air quality, providing shade, and helping absorb stormwater runoff- neighbors continue to call attention to the substantial benefits trees provide to our communities,” said Councilor Flynn. “Having a healthy urban tree canopy is important and integral to our environment, our mental health, and quality of life. It is critical that we work to make the expansion our urban tree canopy- especially those that have low tree coverage like neighborhoods in District 2a priority.”

For more information, please contact Councilor Flynn’s office at 617-635-3203 and Ed.Flynn@


Guy The Wine We’re All Over

This is that time of year when the weather is all over the place, with cold mornings, warm days and comfortable evenings. So, today, I’d like to review some wines that will fit the billwhites for the warmer afternoons and evenings that are coming, as well as some reds that will go with the still-cool evenings….

Château Lalande Listrac-Médoc, 2019,Bordeaux, France, ($25.99)

Château Lalande resides in Lis-

Mayor Michelle Wu and the Community Engagement Cabinet’s Office of Civic Organizing announced applications are now open for the second year of block party grants. This funding effort is to encourage residents to connect with their neighbors and experience the joy of building a stronger community. Residents and community groups

trac-Médoc, one of the best appellations to find hidden, little gems. The eleven-hectare property has been owned and managed by the Dubosc family for over two centuries. The 2019 Château Lalande is a dazzling blend of 60% Merlot, 30% Cabernet Sauvignon and 10% Petit Verdot. Mid-ruby in color, captivating aromas of dark red berry and stone fruits dance from the glass, complemented with a light floral note and a touch of peppery spice. The wine is juicy and fresh on the attack, coating the palate with rich, concentrated flavors of blackcurrant, ripe cherries and stewed plums. This beautiful Bordeaux is rounded out by silky, smooth tannins and a discreet, saline minerality, all leading to a minutes-long finish that is accented with a hint of toasted oak.

Klein Constantia Metis Sau -

vignon Blanc, 2020,($24.99). Vinous gave this one 93 points, saying,”The 2020 Sauvignon Blanc Klein Constantia Metis has a clean, precise, quite mineraldriven bouquet with touches of lemon sherbet emerging with time. Admirable focus. The palate is very well balanced with a sprightly entry, delicate brushstrokes of orange pith and lemon rind, even a tangy marmalade that keeps the second half on its toes. Good length here, this should drink well for 12-15 years. Superb.”. Robert Parker gave it 92, saying: “Starting with a bright nose and plenty of citrus skin and crunchy minerality, the 2020 Metis Sauvignon Blanc is fresh and spicy in the glass. Medium-bodied, the palate oddly shows a delicate mineral tension with pleasing texture before ending with a bright, crunchy, citrus-laced finish that will remain food-friendly for years to come. It’s a simply gorgeous Sauvignon Blanc with plenty of staying power. “.

Meiomi Pinot Noir, California, ($22.99) provides the perfect combination of earth and elements, contributing to each Meiomi wine, representing the best the Golden

State has to offer. By combining California’s exemplary qualities into a single wine, Meiomi achieves unforgettable balance, complexity, and richness of flavor. This wine is a perennial favorite all year round, great with red and white meat dishes, whether broiled or grilled. Especially great with some fruit and cheese on the patio in the evening.

Flouret 2022 Chenin Blanc Fynbos, Stellenbosch, South Africa, (19.99). The Mooiplaas Farm, founded in 1806, has been owned and operated by the Roos family since 1963. The estate has breathtaking views of the Table Mountain; to the West, it is ranked by Table Bay and False Bay and to the East Stellenbosch. The vineyard also boasts a 50-hectare private nature reserve dedicated to the preservation of the Cape Floral Kingdom. Overall, this wine has a tropical taste with quince, golden delicious apples, lychee, mango, and summer melon flavors. Good weight and balance, layered with minerality on the finish. The wonderful mouthfeel that typifies ripe Chenin Blanc has already started to develop and will increase over the next 12-24 months.



Streamlined application process will speed up approvals for residents

who apply for the mini-grants can receive up to $750 to purchase food, party supplies, lawn games, and other items for summer block parties to make it easier and more affordable for neighborhoods to hold community gatherings.

“Boston is made up of a diverse set of residents and communities, and block parties allow for more opportunities to celebrate together and build connections between them,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “Our hope is for these grants to highlight the beauty of our communities, bringing residents together to build safe, welcoming, and fun neighborhoods.”

New this year, the City of Boston has streamlined the summer block

party permit application process to improve constituents’ experience and speed up approvals. The City has also expanded what activities are allowed at block parties without additional permits, including tables and chairs, 10 by 10 tents, and more. A Block Party Planning Guide is available to help explain the planning process of hosting block parties in neighborhoods.

The block party grant builds on the Mayor’s commitment to fostering a fun, safe, and healthy summer in Boston. Last year, the Office of Civic Organizing (OCO) provided 52 grants to residents and community groups totalling $30,000 across 14 neighborhoods in Boston.

“Through the vibrant pulse of

Block Party Grants, our neighborhoods reclaim their essence,” said Director of the Office of Civic Organizing Nathalia Benitez-Perez. “With each gathering, we weave tighter the fabric of community, proving that neighbor-to-neighbor connections are the soul of our city’s thriving communities.”

What do residents need to know before applying to the grant?

* Anyone hosting a block party on a public street or sidewalk needs to apply for a Play Street Closing Permit. Applying for this permit can be done online at blockparty. It’s recommended to apply for permits at least 30 days before a block party.

continued on page 12

Celebrating my Mom and All Mothers on this special day! Ed Flynn • Boston City Council • District 2 • @EdforBoston (Paid for by the Friends of Ed Flynn Committee) Happy Mother’s Day From Senator Nick Collins & Family Visit to Learn More Happy Mother’s Day A Mother is She Who Can Take The Place of All Others but Whose Place No One Else Can Take. Celebrating All Moms on Their Special Day, Happy Mother’s Day With A Special Wish To My Mom. State Representative ~ David Biele 4th Suffolk District (paid for by the committee to elect David Biele) Celebrating All Moms on Their Special Day, Happy Mother’s Day With Special Wishes To My Mom and Wife

South Boston Catholic Academy & Parish News

Congratulations to all our 2nd Graders on making their First Holy Communion!

Congratulations to all the 2nd grade students at South Boston Catholic Academy and the Parish Re -

ligious Education Program on making their First Holy Communion that was celebrated this past Saturday at Gate of Heaven

Church. Father Casey, the Pastor; along with Fr. Schirripa, Parochial Vicar; and Monsignor Bergin, Priest Assistant in Residence concelebrated at this Mass.

A Special Thank you to the 2nd grader teachers...Ms. Caitlin Jackson, Ms. Megan Leslie, Ms. Kerry Buckley and also Ms. Ann

Marie Buckley for helping to prepare the children for this Sacrament. May God Bless all these wonderful boys and girls and their families. New families are welcome to email our admissions team at for more info. about South Boston Catholic Academy.


St. Peter Academy Baby Chicks at SPA!!!

The excitement at St. Peter Academy has been electric! Kindergarten has been anxiously awaiting the arrival of their baby chicks. At the beginning of their life cycle unit, the students beautifully decorated their chairs with eggs that they were keeping warm, just like a hen does. Mrs. Hesek surprised the class with two dozen fertilized eggs that her son donated to the classroom. They placed them in the school’s incubator and for the next 21 days monitored and waited for them to hatch. While waiting the students spent

some time establishing what they know about eggs, chicks and chickens and then learning so much more. They examined the outside and felt the smooth shell of the egg looking for the pores that allow the water and oxygen to be absorbed into the egg to form the baby chick. The entire Academy visited the kindergarten classroom and enjoyed the baby chicks. What a fantastic hands-on learning experience! A big shout out to the staff and family volunteers that came to school during April Vacation to turn and care for the eggs.

The mission of St Peter Academy

is to encourage lifelong learning through a rigorous differentiated curriculum. Utilizing innovative best practices, each child is recognized as an individual and is encouraged to attain their maximum potential – spiritually, emotionally, academically, physically, and socially. We are a close knit, diverse community of learners who foster social justice with a sincere understanding and respect for all. To learn more about our wonderful school, please email or call 617-268-0750.

St. Peter Academy is an independent community based private school and is South Boston’s only Full Year Toddler Program through Grade 6 School. It is privately funded, enriched with extended

learning hours and summer programs, and fosters a nurturing, safe and individualized environment. We welcome the opportunity to have you visit St. Peter Academy to see for yourself that ours is a unique and wonderful learning community. It is truly a “GEM” in the heart of the South Boston community.

St. Peter Academy is accepting applications for the upcoming school year. St. Peter Academy is an independent, community-based private school and serves students from ages 15 months through grade 6. SPA is currently accepting applications for the limited spaces available in the year-round toddler program (beginning at age 15 months) and for students in Pre-K (School Year and Full Year


Distinctions continued from front page

The development of bias begins at home. The manifestation of it evolves depending on the environment one is raised in, coupled with the impact of various media influences – television, Tik Tok, X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, videos, the internet in general and peer-shared communication.

In a treatise by The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), which is committed to advocating for the rights of all students to be educated in safe schools and communities free from discrimination, the organization wants to ensure that all children receive high-quality, equitable opportunities to learn in educational environments where their rights are protected. Positive educational and social outcomes for all children and youth are possible only in a society—and schools within it—that guarantees equitable treatment to all people,

regardless of race, class, culture, language, gender, gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, citizenship, ability, and other dimensions of difference. NASP firmly believes that all students are entitled to an education that affirms and validates the diversity of their cultural and individual differences, fosters resilience, and facilitates well-being and positive academic and mental health outcomes. The organization uses these definitions as the basis for its programs.

• Prejudice refers to irrational or unjustifiable negative emotions or evaluations toward persons from other social groups, and it is a primary determinant of discriminatory behavior.

• Discrimination refers to inappropriate treatment of people because of their actual or perceived group membership and may include both overt and covert behaviors, including microaggressions, or indirect or subtle behaviors (e.g., comments) that reflect negative attitudes or be-

liefs about a minority group.

Wu continued from page 8 of rejected groups.

• Racism refers to prejudice or discrimination against individuals or groups based on beliefs about one’s own racial superiority or the belief that race reflects inherent differences in attributes and capabilities. Racism is the basis for differential treatment that advantages the dominant group. It can take many forms. It can take the form of unconscious beliefs, stereotypes, and attitudes toward racial groups in the form of implicit bias, for example, assuming limited ability when students speak nonstandard English.

Decades of social psychology research indicate that promising approaches to reducing discrimination include increasing intergroup contact; working to foster greater empathy and perspective when interacting with others; engaging in open discussions about issues of difference in order to increase compassion and dispel stereotypes; and emphasizing commonalities.

In summary, school psychologists strive to ensure that all children and youth are valued, that their rights and opportunities are protected in schools and communities, and that they have equal opportunity and access to participate in and benefit from school programs, including school psychological services. In their words and actions, school psychologists strive to promote positive school climates that are safe and welcoming to all persons regardless of actual or perceived characteristics, across various dimensions of difference.

If the school psychologists do their job, will the next generation emerge as utopian ambassadors or at the very least will prejudices modify and allow the values and mores, which make persons individuals, reduce bias and discrimination and serve to benefit the world ahead? Affected further by the universal pursuit of money and power, it is likely that prejudice, as a human trait, may yet be too powerful an influence to shed.

• Residents must apply for grant funding at least four weeks prior to their proposed event.

• To be eligible, all block parties must be free and open to the public.

• Grant applications will be approved on a rolling basis through July 31, 2024 to support block parties all summer.

“Nothing says summertime in Boston like a fun block party bringing communities together on each block throughout our city,” said Community Engagement Cabinet Chief Brianna Millor. “This mini grant is an investment into our neighborhoods to ensure that our youth, families, seniors, and every community member can experience a safe and joyous summer.”

“Block parties are an important part of violence prevention efforts in Boston,” said Senior Advisor for Community Safety Isaac Yablo. “In communities that have experienced violence in the past, these social gatherings promote the destigmatization of certain communities and give people who support non-violence a space to come together.”

The Office of Civic Organizing will host an information session for community members interested in applying on Wednesday, May 15, from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. to attend. Applications will be reviewed and grants will be awarded on a rolling basis. The deadline to apply for the grant is Wednesday, July 31 at 11:59 p.m. ET.

“Community is at the heart of everything— the block party grant allowed my neighbors to connect over food, drinks, and games which has resulted in a stronger, more engaging community in Brighton,” said Brighton resident Elizabeth Amiotte. “The sidewalk chalk stayed on the street for days after which served as a gentle reminder of our connectedness.”

“I believe the block party grant is a wonderful way to spur outdoor summer activities - particularly in my neighborhood– Mattapan,” said Mattapan resident Sadiq Ervin. “This grant program has not only enabled me to bring games, music and food to youth on my block, but has supported me to reignite traditions my neighborhood hasn’t seen in several years.”


In a release this week, Shohei Ohtani’s former interpreter, Ippei Mizuhara, plead guilty to federal charges of felony bank fraud and submitting a false tax return.

Major League Baseball wants you to look away, so I thought I’d share some of that release. Keep an eye on this story:

LOS ANGELES – A Japanese-language interpreter has agreed to plead guilty to federal criminal charges for illegally transferring almost $17 million from a Major League Baseball (MLB) player’s bank account – without the player’s knowledge or permission – to pay off his own substantial gambling debts incurred with an illegal bookmaking operation and for signing a false tax return, the Justice Department announced today.

Ippei Mizuhara, 39, of Newport Beach, has agreed to plead guilty to one count of bank fraud, which carries a statutory maximum sentence of 30 years in federal prison, and one count of subscribing to a false tax return, which carries a sentence of up to three years in federal prison.

Mizuhara, who is charged in a two-count information filed today, is expected to enter a plea of guilty to the charges in United States District Court in the coming weeks. His ar-

raignment is scheduled for May 14.

“The extent of this defendant’s deception and theft is massive,” said United States Attorney Martin Estrada.

“He took advantage of his position of trust to take advantage of Mr. Ohtani and fuel a dangerous gambling habit. My office is committed to vindicating victims throughout our community and ensuring that wrongdoers face justice.”

“Our joint investigation with Homeland Security Investigations clearly showed Mr. Mizuhara not only stole from Mr. Ohtani, but also that he lied to the IRS about his income, “said Special Agent in Charge Tyler Hatcher, IRS Criminal Investigation, Los Angeles Field Office. “Mr. Mizuhara exploited his relationship with Mr. Ohtani to bankroll his own irresponsibility. In cases where we are able to identify them, we make every effort to make things right for victims, and this is one of those cases.”

“This investigation into Mr. Mizuhara and subsequent plea highlight the threat posed by financial crimes in the Los Angeles-area,” said HSI Los Angeles Special Agent Eddy Wang.

“The HSI-led El Camino Real Financial Crimes Task Force is dedicated to protecting all victims of financial fraud from all walks of life.”

This week,

Danny shared his thoughts on the latest in the Shohei Ohtani gambling scandal that MLB doesn’t want you to see:

According to his plea agreement also filed today, Mizuhara was the translator and de facto manager of a professional baseball player identified in court documents as “Victim A,” but who in fact was MLB star Shohei Ohtani. As part of his job duties, Mizuhara regularly interacted with Ohtani’s sports agents and financial advisors – who did not speak Japanese – on behalf of Ohtani, who did not speak English. Although Mizuhara was an employee of the Los Angeles Angels MLB team, for whom Ohtani played from 2018 to 2023, and, later, the Los Angeles Dodgers, for whom Ohtani has played since 2024, Ohtani paid him separately for the additional work of driving him to meetings and interpreting for non-baseball-related activities.

In March 2018, Mizuhara accompanied Ohtani to a bank in Phoenix to help him open a bank account to deposit his MLB salary. Inside the bank branch, Mizuhara interpreted for Ohtani when the bank employee provided Ohtani the login information for this bank account.

Beginning in September 2021, Mizuhara began placing sports bets with an illegal bookmaker. Shortly thereafter, Mizuhara began to lose bets and quickly became indebted to the bookmaker. Unable to pay his gambling debts, Mizuhara orchestrated a scheme to deceive and cheat the bank to fraudulently obtain

money from the account.

From no later than November 2021 to March 2024, Mizuhara used Ohtani’s password to successfully sign into the bank account and then changed the account’s security protocols without Ohtani’s knowledge or permission. Specifically, Mizuhara changed the registered email address and telephone number on the account so bank employees would call him – not Ohtani – when attempting to verify wire transfers from the account.

In furtherance of the scheme, Mizuhara impersonated Ohtani and used Ohtani’s personal identifying information to deceive the bank’s employees into authorizing wire transfers from the bank account. In total, Mizuhara called the bank and impersonated Ohtani on approximately 24 occasions.

During this time, Mizuhara regularly logged into Ohtani’s bank account and initiated wire transfers from the account to the bookmaker and his associates as payments for gambling debts. For example, on June 20, 2023, Mizuhara accessed the account without Ohtani’s permission and transferred $500,000 to one of the bookmaker’s associates.

You can read the full release on the U.S. Attorney’s website: Follow Danny on instagram @ DannyPicard.


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As of now, the expectation here in Boston is that the Bruins and the Celtics will still be playing into the month of June. That, of course, would mean both teams have made a serious

Tweet of the Week

run at a championship. The road to the Finals seems to be a lot easier for the Celtics in the NBA Playoffs, than it is for the Bruins in the Stanley Cup Playoffs. But one thing giving the B’s plenty of hope is


It’ll be one and done for Boston University hockey star Macklin Celebrini.

Earlier this week, the San Jose Sharks won the NHL Draft lottery, and it’s expected that the Sharks will select the Terriers freshman, who finished this season second in the NCAA with 32 goals.

“My heart was beating (so fast) and I was a little anxious,” Celebrini said on TV after the draft lottery. “I mean, obviously, anything can happen, but if I get selected by San Jose, it’ll be really exciting. I watched [Chicago Blackhawks players go through a rebuild] with Connor Bedard last year and I kind of talked to him a little bit. It’s a unique situation but it’s kind of cool, just being along for that rebuild and build -

ing something special there.”

Sharks general manager Mike Grier — who also played his college hockey at BU — went on TV and confirmed the Sharks will be drafting Celebrini with the No. 1 overall pick in June.

“I would think so,” said Grier. “He plays 200 feet. He’s 17 but he’s got a really solid build on him already and I think he’s got a professional attitude and mentality already. I’ve talked with Jay Pandolfo at BU, and he said sometimes they have to kick him off the ice.

“I just think it’s how he plays the game; he works just as hard in the defensive zone as he does in the offensive zone,” added Grier. “When you put it all together we think he’s in a good spot (to be NHL-ready).

the dominant play from their goaltender Jeremy Swayman. Swayman made 30 saves in a 2-1 overtime win in Game 7 against the Toronto Maple Leafs, sending the Bruins to the second round, where they take on the Florida Panthers. The Celtics’ first-round series wasn’t as entertaining. Boston took care of the Miami Heat in five games. Now, the C’s take on the Cleveland Cavaliers in the second round.


The word “golf” and the phrase “mid-season trade” don’t really go hand in hand. Golf, for the most part, is an individual sport. But LIV Golf has tried to lean into the team aspect.

And this week, they announced that they’re allowing mid-season trades to take place for the first time, between now and June 9.

Here’s the official release from LIV Golf: LONDON, NEW YORK and West Palm Beach, Fla. – LIV Golf has launched the League’s first-ever mid-season trading window to support opportunities for teams to improve their rosters during the season. Beginning today through Sunday, June 9, teams are free to negotiate trades in which a straight swap of players takes place. Both teams must agree to the trade and modifications to players’ contracts may not take place.

In addition, players in the final year of their contract may negotiate an extension with their current team during this window.

“As LIV Golf grows, the League will continue to establish opportunities to strengthen the competition. By opening a trade window midway through the season, all 13 teams have an opportunity to fine-tune their rosters and assess their team’s composition and performance,” said LIV Golf Commissioner and CEO Greg Norman. “LIV Golf is delivering another exciting opportunity for professional golf that aligns with the traditions of many team sports around the globe, promoting strategic player moves and enriched team storylines.”

Last offseason, a series of player movements among teams introduced the first-ever trades in professional golf. Captain Dustin Johnson’s 4Aces GC acquired Harold Varner III in a trade with RangeGoats GC for Peter Uihlein. The RangeGoats, captained by Bubba Watson, also acquired Matthew Wolff from Smash GC, with Brooks Koepka’s team receiving Talor Gooch, the 2023 LIV Golf League Individual Champion, in return. In addition, Carlos Ortiz, previously of Fireballs GC, earned a top 24 position in last year’s standings and opted for free agency to sign with Torque GC. That opened up a spot on the Fireballs roster, with captain Sergio Garcia signing Open Zone free agent David Puig.

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NHL FRIDAY, MAY 10 Eastern Conference Semifinals Gm 3: Florida at Boston 7 P.M. TNT SUNDAY, MAY 12 Eastern Conference Semifinals Gm 4: Florida at Boston 6:30 P.M. TBS TUESDAY, MAY 14 Eastern Conference Semifinals Gm 5: Boston at Florida TBD NBA THURSDAY, MAY 9 Eastern Conference Semifinals Gm 2: Cleveland at Boston 7 P.M. ESPN SATURDAY, MAY 11 Eastern Conference Semifinals Gm 3: Boston at Cleveland 8:30 P.M. ABC MONDAY, MAY 13 Eastern Conference Semifinals Gm 4: Boston at Cleveland 7 P.M. TNT

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