South Boston Today June 13 2024

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South Boston Pilot Bus, Truck Lane, Bike Program Wants Your Comments

Apilot bus and truck lane program on Summer Street between South Station and South Boston on December 4, 2023. The expressed vision by Mayor Wu’s administration for the South Boston Waterfront is to realize its full transformation to a distinct and vibrant neighborhood within the City of Boston that supports a broad cross-section of the region’s economic drivers; provides residential space and quality of life for a diversity of Boston’s residents; and is a world-renowned, memorable, and accessible destination for tourists, conventioneers, and other visitors, alike.

There is some consensus that a Sustainable Transportation Plan— that supports the 21st Century South Boston Waterfront area, defines and prioritizes transportation system investments, influences people’s travel behaviors, and improves the public realm—is needed to unleash the full


TODAY Online & On Your Mobile June 13, 2024: Vol.12 Issue 24 SERVING SOUTH BOSTONIANS AROUND THE GLOBE
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State Police Cracking Down On Illegal Motor Scooters And Riders

It was 2 weeks ago when members of the Massachusetts State Police Motorcycle Unit; while patrolling the South West Corridor, impounded at least 14 unregistered and illegal motor bikes. They also cited many unlicensed riders. The troopers were praised for this action by local residents in the area as complaints from several Boston neighborhoods have been coming in at an increasing rate and the summer hasn’t even officially begun.

As many people are aware, the riders; mostly teens and young adults but some kids even younger have been speeding through neighborhoods all over Boston as soon as the weather warms up for the last dozen or so years. They are riding everything from mopeds, motorized scooters, ATV’s and dirt bikes and sometimes self made, non descript vehicles resembling scenes from the Mad Max movies. They often ride up and down city streets as fast as 40 miles an hour or more – depending on what kind of cycle they have while revving their engines and

in some cases, deliberately trying to scare pedestrians. Incidents of them driving up onto and riding on sidewalks, causing pedestrians to jump out of their way have been reported and caught on video. It’s a game to these riders but people are not amused.

In recent years, some city officials have been classifying what’s going on as just city kids blowing off steam and having fun. Some even suggest they should be left alone to have their fun. But how much fun will it be when one or more of these riders takes out some pedestrian or hits a kid or senior citizen crossing the street?

Many of you remember how one of the riders several years ago, was himself killed when while riding with his group up near N Street and East Broadway, got into an accident. No one was laughing then, it was no longer fun.

To be fair, riding those motorized bikes is a blast.

The faster types can cause an adrenalin rush that can bring an ear to ear smile to a rider’s face. And at some point, the city or surrounding suburban and urban

areas might want to consider setting areas aside for their use. But using them to rampage around crowded city streets in gangs acting like Hells Angels terrorizing pedestrians needs to come to an end. What the State Police Motorized Unit did on June 4th when they impounded a bunch of them and cited the riders was a

good thing and hopefully it sends a message that this summer will be different. Residents hope there will be more enforcement. If you ride an unregistered or illegal motor bike through city streets there is a good chance you’ll be caught, arrested, fined and possibly have the bike not just impounded but confiscated

and taken away permanently and sold at auction. If you happen to see group of any size riding up and down your block or anywhere they shouldn’t be, call 911 and let police know the location. We’re not trying to be kill joys; we’re just trying to prevent someone from getting killed this summer and so are the police.

June 13, 2024 2 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY •
917 East Broadway • 617.268.4032 • Office hours: Mon-Fri 10:00am - 2:00pm South Boston Today is not liable for errors appearing in advertisements beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error. All South Boston Today produced artwork, design, and layout remain the sole property of South Boston Today. Reproduction in whole or part is strictly forbidden. South Boston Today reserves the right to cut, edit or reject any copy without notice. South Boston Today is a Series of the Today Publications Series LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company Press Copy - Monday at 6:00pm • Advertisements Space Reservations - Friday at 6:00pm • Ad Material - Monday at 4:00pm • Camera Ready Ads - Tuesday at 6:00pm Publisher John Ciccone PO Box 491 South Boston, MA 02127 EDITORIAL Advertising Office 617.268.4032 Mobile 617.840.1355 email
“Well done is better than well said”- Benjamin Franklin

AInformation Center

The The Gun Grabbers and Gun Banners Keep Trying and Failing

ll recent data shows that without a doubt, law abiding Americans are continuing to arm up. Over every demographic, people of every background and yes, even many of the political persuasion who for years demanded that private citizens should be banned from owning firearms are said to be flocking to gun safety courses and descending in numbers never before seen on guns stores and making that first time purchase. And at least 40 percent of them are women.

It’s happening all over the country and in every state; blue states included where possible and selecting that ‘piece’ that they feel best fits their ability and their needs. To go with their purchases, they are also stocking up on ammunition. Federal statistics show that there are now, easily more than 100 million law obeying Americans who are gun owners, and that number continues to grow by the day.

This phenomenon has anti-gun and gun control groups not only furious, but also frustrated and in disbelief. Each year these groups spend countless millions to try to discourage what they call the American Gun Culture from partaking in their Second Amendment rights with media ads, seminars, misleading anti-gun documentaries gleefully assisted by the mainstream media and yet, the gun owning population keeps growing. They also spend countless other millions trying to push more and more laws in congress and through state legislatures to prohibit gun ownership, only to be met by defeat. Recently, the National Rifle Association won a unanimous 9-0 victory in the US Supreme Court against the State of New York’s practice of trying to force businesses in that state to stop doing any kind of business

with the NRA. New York’s loss in the highest court in the land was supported by even the 3 liberal judges on that court to the shock of many Democrat politicians as well as most of the news media.

So, what’s going on? Why the big surge in pro gun attitudes and the rush to get their hands on firearms not only by Conservatives and politically moderate Americans but also by more liberal types who up until fairly recently, would never even think of it and in many cases were terrified at the mere thought of having a gun in their homes. Well, a look around the country in the year 2024 and most everyone now can see the danger that could be on the horizon. The police of course will be there to protect the public as best they can but the job is less appealing to new recruits when there is so much disrespect directed at them and in certain cities now, officials seem to be giving more rights and protection to criminals than they give support to law enforcement.

Thanks to Biden and his leftist administration, the southern border remains open with the exception of Texas which has defied Biden and has secured its section of the border using its own National Guard troops and barricades. The rest of the border is still open; the Democrats refuse to secure it which has resulted in millions of unvetted illegal’s crossing over with a large percentage of hard-core violent criminals among them.

So the reasons so many Americans are now in a rush to become first time gun owners and taking training to learn how to use them are pretty obvious. The rising violent crime rate in so many cities, the influx of terrorists that have been allowed to just walk into the country and go

Note: talk back to John


wherever they want, liberal judges allowing so many violent criminals back onto the streets to continue their crime sprees, police in many places not allowed to do their jobs and having their resources drastically cut and you have the answer.

People who use common sense and see the possible coming reality and yes, who have the will and the courage to protect their loved ones and property, want to possess the tools to do so. In addition to that, we are Americans, and most Americans still have that individual spirit to defend what they love. Most

Europeans have lost it and now the good people of Canada seem to be heading in the same direction. But not here - thank God not us. And that spirit just ticks off the hardcore leftists to no end. And to be perfectly honest, even if the times were not becoming more dangerous, many Americans don’t really need a reason to own firearms – we just like them, we have a right to own them and we have no intention of ever letting them be taken away; try as they might. It’s not a threat, it’s not a boast, it’s just the way it’s going to be.

SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • June 13, 2024 3
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What Took So Long

Massachusetts and South Carolina are on the verge of losing something they have in common.

Both states have the notoriety of being the only two in the nation without an explicit, enforceable ban on sharing sexually explicit images and video without a subject’s consent, often referred to as “revenge porn.”

That looks like it’ll soon change: legislative negotiators here in the Bay State filed a compromise Tuesday that would forcefully prohibit the practice, plus expand the definition of abuse to include coercive control. The measure could hit Gov. Maura Healey’s desk in the coming days. It might feel less like a triumph and more like a long-overdue correction after survivors have spent years pushing for action, sharing bleak, emotional stories of the harm they endured when former romantic partners disseminated intimate images to shame and harass.

Former Gov. Charlie Baker was one of the most vocal officeholders who wanted to crack down on the practice, but top Democrats were unable to get on the same page two years ago, dooming reforms that both branches approved. If

Window Into The State House

Window Into The State House provides our readers a synopsis of important issues of interest, past and current, that are being proposed, debated or acted upon by the Massachusetts Legislature. Many issues that are not related to local city government services are acted upon and have a direct impact on daily life. They are tax policy, transportation infrastructure, judicial appointments, social services and health, as well as higher education. We will excerpt reports from the gavel-to-gavel coverage of House and Senate sessions by news sources focused on this important aspect of our lives. These sources include a look ahead at the coming week in state government and summaries and analyses of the past week, re-caps of a range of state government activity, as well as links to other news.

the House and Senate enact the compromise bill by Thursday, it would become the fourth different major topic on this week’s legislative agenda that we did not know about when everyone logged on Monday.

The House also plans today to take up a bill modernizing the state’s definition of parentage, and on Thursday will tackle wide-ranging legislation dealing with substance use disorder and recovery coaches. Senators, meanwhile, are preparing to vote tomorrow on their redraft of a House-approved veterans services bill, which emerged from the pipeline Monday. And for those keeping score, the imminent compromise on a revenge porn ban is the first to emerge from private conference committee talks since March, leaving only — “only” — four others tied up in that arena for the moment.

MBTA approves FY25 budget that surpasses $3B, drains savings, increases hiring

The MBTA Board unanimously approved the MBTA’s first budget to exceed $3B on Tuesday, a plan that would drain agency savings in order to increase hiring and improve service, reports the News Service’s

Chris Lisinski. In draining over $300M in savings, the plan closes the FY25 budget gap, increases spending by 11 percent over FY24, increases the use of federal formula funds for preventative maintenance, and is built on the expectation of a 10 percent growth in revenue. The plan, however, leaves very little stashed away to address a projected $700M shortfall in the FY26 budget — a gap that was the subject of a warning from the independent MBTA Advisory Board last week about “terrible options” awaiting the agency if it doesn’t find a way to close that impending cavity. Criticism in lack of long-term facilities plan for BPS

Residents and advocates are critical of the lack of a long-term facilities plan for Boston Public Schools — what they say reflects Mayor Michelle Wu’s unwillingness to make hard and fast decisions impacting the school district. While the city of Boston announced it was slowing down plans for public school closures to ensure a positive experience for all students, many say it’s necessary to shutter some schools to put dollars elsewhere. Wu says that the slower

timeline she proposed will allow “deliberate decisions” to eventually lead to a longer-term facilities plan. Wu inherited BPS’ issues, and while some support her in this era of tough decision making, others are asking if the lack of plan could cause families to leave BPS, and if that could impact the existing undercurrent of low enrollment.

House plans to address opioid crisis Today

House Democrats plan to bring a 30-page bill to the floor on Thursday that addresses strategies to manage substance use disorders and opioid overdoses across the Bay State. While opioid-related overdose deaths dropped in 2023 compared to 2022, fatalities still surpassed 2,000 for the eighth straight year, reports Chris Lisinski for the News Service. The bill would require insurance to cover emergency opioid overdose reversal resources like naloxone, and would necessitate that substance use disorder treatment facilities provide at least two doses of reversal drugs when discharging patients. Certain pharmacies would also have to sell overdose reversal drugs over

continued on page 6

June 13, 2024 4 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY •
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Councilor Flynn Calls For a Hearing to Discuss Notification Process for Abutters Meetings in the City of Boston

Boston City Councilor

Ed Flynn filed a hearing order to discuss the notification process for abutters meetings in the City of Boston. Neighbors often write about not receiving notifications about abutters meetings. For years, residents have taken issue with the notification process, where the onus will be on developers and proponents to circulate fliers to nearby residents within 300 feet.

With recent changes in the community process for licensing and zoning matters, as well as reorganization and employment responsibilities at the city level, City Councilors have not received notifications about several abutters meetings despite the expectation of their constituents to attend

all meetings, obtain neighborhood feedback, and weigh in on proposals at the City of Boston Zoning Board of Appeal (ZBA) and Licensing Board.

Abutters Meetings have historically been hosted by liaisons from the Office of Neighborhood Services (ONS) for residents who live within 300 feet of a proposed project. Projects can include a new development, additions to existing buildings, licenses to sell liquor, change of operating hours, among others. Abutters meetings serve as a way for neighbors to learn about a proposed project, share their concerns, and provide their input on how this could impact existing conditions and their quality of life. Elected officials also rely on abutters meetings to gather information and hear

community input on proposals, so that they can appropriately reflect neighborhood sentiment and concerns at various City Board meetings, such as the ZBA and Licensing Board.

“A common complaint I hear from residents is that neighbors and abutters had no knowledge of a project close to their home. Neighbors have argued it is a conflict for proponents of a particular project to be in charge of notifying their neighbors, that there is incentive not to follow the process for controversial projects, and that the onus should be on the city to leave fliers for abutters,” said Councilor Flynn. “Many residents have also expressed that a 300 ft notification requirement is not adequate for proposals that can have a wider impact. It is criti -

cal that there is an adequate process of notification for abutters meetings for residents, and their duly elected officials, so that those most impacted can attend the meetings, receive information, and provide feedback on projects impacting their neighborhoods.”

For more information, please contact Councilor Flynn’s office at 617-635-3203 and Ed.Flynn@


The City of Boston is hosting three open house events for the Summer Street Pilot Program. This is your opportunity to engage directly with the City and share your feedback on the pilot. Your input is vital to shaping the future of Summer Street. Join the City to ask questions, hear updates on the pilot, and enjoy complimentary food and refreshments.

Can’t make it to a meeting? Visit

SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • June 13, 2024 5
to learn more and provide feedback via email at TUESDAY, JUNE 11 5PM - 8PM THE 105 BY BREAKTHROUGH 105 W 1ST ST BOSTON, MA 02127 FRIDAY, JUNE 14 12:30PM - 1:30PM VIRTUAL VIA ZOOM MONDAY, JULY 8TH 5PM - 8PM TYNAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 650 E 4TH ST BOSTON, MA 02127 Scan to Register
In-Person Public Meeting @BostonPlans Teresa Polhemus, Executive Director/Secretary Mail to: Jim Fitzgerald Boston Planning & Development Agency One City Hall Square, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02201 Phone: 617.918.4327 Email: Close of Public Comment Period: 7/27/2024 Website: Project Description: South Boston Transportation Action Plan (SBTAP) DRAFT Recommendations Public Meeting South Boston Transportation Action Plan 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM JUNE 27 Location: Tynan Elementary School Cafeteria, 650 East 4th St, South Boston 02127

Lanes continued from front page potential of this area and achieve the vision. The Plan seeks to improve access and mobility for all, support economic growth and vitality, enhance the public realm, contribute environmental and health benefits, and invest smartly in the future.

According to the City of Boston, the resulting Plan, featured an unprecedented collaboration of the private and public sectors, and is a blueprint for improving the growth of the Waterfront, proposing real solutions to meet the growing and changing transportation needs of the district, improve the public realm of the area, all while preserving the quality of life for the surrounding neighborhoods. The Plan benefitted from the input of area stakeholders through five community meetings and more than 50 outreach meetings throughout the process. We see its completion as the beginning of continued collaboration to refine and implement Plan recommendations.

The attendant Pilot Plan seeks to implement strategies to eliminate serious and fatal traffic crashes, simplify intersections, improve the transit

Windows continued from page 4

the counter, and the bill would limit legal liability for those who test personal drug supplies on the premises of harm reduction facilities. The bill doesn’t touch the legality of overdose prevention centers.

Steward needs ‘immediate’ additional funding to operate through bankruptcy

Steward Health Care is seeking approval in Texas bankruptcy court this week to receive $225M in additional funding from a group of lenders so that its facilities can continue to operate while in court. When Steward entered bankruptcy, the system had

network, expand the bike network, improve walkability, and enhance the neighborhood experience.

The Summer Street Pilot is a recommendation of the BPDA’s South Boston Seaport Strategic Transit Plan (SBTAP) which passed the BPDA Board in December 2023.

Community feedback and data in the study highlighted the need for near-term improvements along Summer Street to improve transit, bikes, and pedestrian trips in the near-term. Summer Street also must be improved for the long-term future to accommodate growth from development projects and increase in port activity.

Other efforts that contributed to the Summer Street Pilot included:

• Recommendations from the South Boston Sustainable Transportation Plan that encouraged more multimodal improvements to the South Boston Waterfront/Seaport District.

• Go Boston 2030 which highlighted the need for bike accommodations on Summer Street.

• Feedback from MassPort about the importance of Summer Street as

$75M to continue operating from its landlord, Medical Properties Trust — an amount Steward officials said would run out by June 14, prompting them to search for financiers, reports WBUR’s Priyanka Dayal McCluskey. The first bids for Steward’s purchase are due in less than two weeks.

Warren introduces bill limiting private equity, interest in health care

U.S. Sen. Warren introduced legislation on Tuesday — a direct response to the Steward Health Care crisis — called the “Corporate Crimes Against Health Care Act” that would limit the role private equity firms and executives play in

St. Brigid Parish News

a freight corridor.

Through this Pilot, we are studying the experience of transit users on Summer Street and bikes, trucks, experience for thousands of daily transit users on Summer Street with new bike facilities and a pilot bus and truck lane program to make the corridor safer for all.

Go Boston 2030 ReVisioned sought to chart a roadmap for achieving some of the most ambitious safety, access, climate, and equity goals in the nation. An inclusive engagement process to identify goals and targets, helping to ensure that residents will have better and more equitable travel choices in the future. The plan highlights the advantages of an efficient transportation network, including fostering economic opportunity and helping the City take steps to prepare for climate change.

The Go Boston 2030 ReVisioned effort has three primary components: Are We Making Progress? The plan’s aspirational targets include improving safety, expanding access to transportation choices, and reducing emissions—but tracking

the Bay State’s health care system. Warren announced the bill across the street from Steward’s St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center in Brighton, and said it would enable the imprisonment of health care execs for “looting” a hospital or nursing home and causing patient death. GBH’s Katie Lannan reports that the bill would also require health care facilities to report their finances, and that hospitals with federal funding would be unable to sell their assets over to real estate investment trusts.

State officials say legislative solution needed to address unregulated hemp in Bay State

process has been a challenge. Go Boston 2030 ReVisioned will create a web-based tracking system that can sustain annual reporting on both project implementation and progress toward our goals.

Are We Investing In Our Future? More than six years into plan implementation, some projects have been built, some are still in design, and some have yet to start. Go Boston 2030 ReVisioned will evaluate project progress and identify new priority investments to meet the aspirational targets and inform the City’s capital plan.

Are We Meeting Bostonians Needs. The plan was informed through two years of citywide community engagement. Go Boston 2030 ReVisioned will conduct additional targeted community engagement to make sure the plan serves as a foundation for accelerating equitable transportation transformation in Boston.

The impact on South Boston is still in question both in the short and long term. Vision often conflicts with reality. We shall see. Your opinion matters.

State officials and lawmakers sat down on Tuesday to discuss how intoxicating hemp-based products are running rampant across Massachusetts without regulation or oversight. The unregulated production of hemp — a substance overseen by the Department of Agricultural Resources — has created increasingly mainstream products with intoxicating THC in them, similar to cannabis, that are able to be sold outside of licensed dispensaries in places like gas stations and liquor stores. Lawmakers agreed Tuesday that the issue needs to be “legislatively handled” perhaps not in the tail end of this session, but forcefully in the next.

Happy Father’s Day!

All are welcome to come to the monthly Coffee and Refreshments Hour on Sunday, June 16, 2024 after the 10:30AM Mass In the Downstairs Hall at St. Brigid Church

June 13, 2024 6 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY •

Guy The Wine Grill Mates

In Australia, the history of wine parallels that of the country itself. Originally settled by convicts in the 1700s, it eventually developed into a thriving country helped along the way by the wide array of minerals and arable land. In the late 18th century, many European settlers, especially Greeks and Italians, emigrated along with their grapevine stock and sheep. The quality and volume of wine


Mayor Michelle Wu and the Boston Parks and Recreation Department are excited to announce the 2024 Mayor’s Cup Softball Tournament. The tournament will kick off on Wednesday, June 19, with the championship games concluding on Saturday, June 22. For more information and to register, visit

This year will be the 27th Annual Mayor’s Cup Softball Tournament. Teams from across the city will be battling on the diamond for the title of “ Boston’s Best” in divisions 10U, 12U, 14U, 18U.

“Our community sports are a wonderful opportunity for residents across Boston to engage in friendly competition and foster community

grew along with the country and today that growth has created some of the world’s best red and white wines. Here’re a few for your consideration….

2022 Torbreck Woodcutter’s Shiraz, Barossa Valley, Australia, ($24.99). Layers of red, black and blue fruits in this one. Red cherry, raspberry coulis, blueberry conserve and wild blackberry and blackcurrant notes predominate, along with a spicy edge showing cardamom, star anise and Chinese five spices. Soft tannins and voluptuous mouthfeel from plump Shiraz berries give this wine a posture that belies its pedigree. The poise and piquancy of the fruit sitting on top of the structured mouthfeel suggest that cellaring it for 5-10 years would really be worth the wait.

2018 Penfolds Bin 28, Kalimna Shiraz, South Australia, ($31.99). Bin 28 was named after the Barossa Valley Kalimna vineyard purchased by Penfolds in 1945 and from which the wine was originally sourced. Today, Bin 28

is a multi-region, multi-vineyard blend, and from 2019 onwards, the wine is not labeled ‘Kalimna’.

Christina Pickard from the Wine Enthusiast says: “Penfolds’s oldest bin label is an old school, American oak-laden wine. The nose hides the barrel influence somewhat with layers of mint, licorice, mocha and baking spice aromas propping up plump plum and dark cherry fruit. The palate, however, is highly oak driven. The plush fruit sits heavily but offers some tangy refreshment amid a soft line of spicy tannins. Drink now through 2028”.

2021 Vasse Felix ‘Filius’ Chardonnay, Margaret River, Australia, ($31.99). This entry level Chard from Margaret River’s oldest estate is a steal at this price, as well, it offers a stellar introduction to this” Western Aussie” style. Delicate and integrated notes of lightly toasted hazelnut and cream take the lead here, with a salty sea breeze aroma. Combined with pineapple, melon and preserved lemon notes, it’s beautifully balanced, with an almost


spirit,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “I am looking forward to seeing everyone come together for the Mayor’s Cup and enjoying our parks this summer.”

The Mayor’s Cup Kick-Off Festival will be held on Wednesday, June 19, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Clemente Field in the Back Bay Fens, located at 100 Park Drive, Fenway. The festival will feature family fun activities, food trucks, and more. Tournament games will continue in neighborhood parks on Thursday and Friday nights, with the final championship games returning to the Fens on June 22.

In addition to games and activities, information regarding upcoming summer programs offered by the City of Boston will be available to families and residents. This tournament is sponsored by P&G Gillette and the Red Sox Foundation.

“The Mayor’s Cup Softball Tournament is a cherished tradition in our community, highlight-

crunchy acidity. Though all this suggests to me that it would benefit from several years of storage, it’s absolutely delicious right now.

Jim Barry,” The Cover Drive” Cabernet Sauvignon,2020, Coonawarra, Australia, ($17.99). Deep, inky, dark ruby-red color; a little bit lighter on the rim. The nose is full, structured and herbaceous, with aromas of floral and cedar melded with blackcurrant, cherry, liquorice and mint. Some have described this one as medium-bodied, but I say full-bodied, helped along by aromas of succulent blackcurrant, cherry and blackberry entwined with liquorice, cedar, mint and rich earth. The fine-grained tannins leave a dry, mineral-rich taste, supported by a focused acid line that injects a real freshness into the already rich fruit. This Cabernet Sauvignon shows ripe fruit with a distinctive acid balance and a mineral-rich tannin structure. Match this with beef steak and lamb over the next 5+ years for an absolutely outstanding combination!


ing the talent and sportsmanship of our young athletes,” said Parks Commissioner Ryan Woods. “We are proud to host the 27th annual tournament and look forward to another year of exciting games and memorable moments.”

For more information about

Boston’s parks please visit Boston. gov/parks. Stay updated with news, events, and design and construction work in Boston parks by signing up for our email list at and following our social channels @bostonparksdept on X, Facebook, and Instagram.

SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • June 13, 2024 7

St. Peter Academy Spring Show at the Lawn on D

On Tuesday June 11th, St. Peter Academy celebrated 20 years of service to their students, families, and community. The Show was a perfect way to thank all our families and supporters with a performance by our students. The weather was perfect! All the classrooms did an amazing job with their songs and dancing. The performances were all student driven under the direction of our music teacher Dr. Joe. It was Dr. Joe’s first year with the

Academy and he didn’t miss a beat!

We are sending a big shout out to the following supporters for attending and all they do for us.

State Representative David Biele (St. Peter School Alum) for attending and your kind words. John Hynes from Boston Global Investors for their generous donation to our Playground Renewal Fund. Joe Rull of Shawmut Strategies Group for assisting us in forming a relationship with Joe Bodio and Eric Johnson of Lan-Tel Commu-

nications. They have donated equipment and manpower to upgrade SPA’s IT infrastructure.

A HUGE THANK YOU to the Boston Convention Center, Arthur Fritch, Jon Cronin & Rebel Restaurant Group and the Lawn on D for the amazing space and lunch they provided. Even though the Lawn is under construction, they provided a beautiful safe space for us to enjoy. Every year gets better and better. Everyone had a great time! Welcome Summer!

St. Peter Academy is accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year. St. Peter Academy is an independent, community-based private school and serves students

from ages 15 months through grade 6. SPA is currently accepting applications for the limited spaces available in the year-round toddler program (beginning at age 15 months) and for students in Pre-K (School Year and Full Year Programs), Kindergarten and grades 1-6. Financial Aid Available. Five Scholarships will be offered this year for applicants for Grades 1 through 6. You may request scholarship information from the Front Office ( Appointments for individual virtual tours can be made by contacting Maria Blasi, at 617-268-0750 or by emailing

June 13, 2024 8 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY •

Boston Harborfest Returns for its 42nd Edition July 1 – 4

Entertainment, parades, and historic reenactments return to beloved Fourth of July festival

Boston Harborfest, one of the country’s largest Fourth of July festivals, returns to Boston Harbor and Downtown Boston for its 42nd edition July 1-4. The long-running festival, celebrating Boston’s revolutionary history and its everyday vibrancy will feature dozens of events and activities including live entertainment, historical re-enactments, integration with U.S. Navy Week, fireworks, and more. The latest event schedule is now available at

The festivities begin Monday, July 1 at 12:00 p.m. in Downtown Boston with an official Harborfest kick-off, cakecutting, and salute. Music, re-enactors, and events will fill Boston that afternoon and the following three days, with activity centered in Downtown Crossing, Christopher Columbus Park, and on Boston Harbor.

“Boston is at its best when its residents and visitors convene for events across a backdrop of history,” said Dusty Rhodes, president of Conventures

and organizer of Harborfest. “We are thrilled to team up with the City of Boston and the Downtown Boston Business Improvement District for this annual celebration of summer and our city.”

New for 2024, some Boston Harborfest events will include performances and programming from the US Navy, which is visiting Boston for Navy Week.

The Navy Band will perform a pre-fireworks concert on July 2 at Christopher Columbus Park, and again on July 4 at Long Wharf as the USS Constitution sails past. Also new this year is the inclusion of three days of an outdoor beer garden in Downtown Boston for guests 21 and older. Family-friendly events such as Chowderfest, an ice cream social, and concerts are entirely free and will fill Downtown Boston and Christopher Columbus Park on the harbor’s edge.

“The rich history and culture of Boston comes alive for Harborfest,” Downtown Boston BID President Michael Nichols says. “Downtown is the perfect backdrop

Virtual Public Meeting

49-51 D St, South Boston

Project Proponent: Sing Ming Chan

Project Description: The information at this meeting is crucial to you as a City of Boston resident, and stakeholder. Interpreting services are available to communicate the content of these documents at no additional cost to you. If you require translation services, please contact the following: The meeting is scheduled for 6/20/2024. Please request interpreting services no later than 5 days before the meeting date. Meeting of the general public to review the proposed 49-51 D st, South Boston project. This meeting will be focused on the proposed 49-51 D st, project. Please note that this is a Public Meeting. The meeting will begin with a 45-minute presentation of the project by the development team, followed by 45-minutes of public Q&A.

for recalling the American Revolution, honoring our country’s move to freedom, and celebrating the dynamic city and country that has emerged ever since. Residents and 4th of July visitors will love the events, the music, the art and the people-watching here and on the waterfront during Harborfest week.”

An annual tradition, Harborfest fireworks will fly over Boston Harbor at 9:15 p.m. on July 2. On Thursday, July 4, the City of Boston’s Independence

Day Celebration will step off from City Hall Plaza and process through Granary Burial Ground and the Old State House for a reading of the Declaration of Independence. For more Harborfest information and a complete list of activities, please visit, and follow event updates on Harborfest’s Facebook page, @ BOSHarborfest on Twitter, @bostonharborfest on Instagram, or follow the conversation using #BostonHarborfest.


1st Street

Project Description:

The Proponent is proposing to construct a six (6) story mixed-use residential building (approximately 48’6” along West Second Street to 69’11” along West First Street) of approximately 226,000 gross square feet, with up to 252 residential units, public open space with active ground floor community and retail uses (at its “Yard on Second” concept), on-site and above grade garaged parking for up to 126 vehicles, bicycle storage and on-site amenities (the “Proposed Project”).

Mail to: Stephen Harvey

Boston Planning & Development Agency

One City Hall Square, 9th Floor

Boston, MA 02201

Phone: 617.918.4418


SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • June 13, 2024 9
@BostonPlans Teresa Polhemus, Executive Director/Secretary Website: Close of Public Comment Period: 6/29/24 Mail to: Tyler Ross Boston Planning & Development Agency One City Hall Square, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02201 Phone: 617.918.4214 Email:
Zoom Link: Toll Free: (833) 568 - 8864 Meeting ID: 160 683 8780 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM JUNE 20
@BostonPlans Teresa Polhemus, Executive Director/Secretary
Virtual Public Meeting
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM JULY 9 Zoom Link: Toll Free: (833) 568 - 8864 Meeting ID: 160 505 0364

South Boston Catholic Academy News

Congratulations to our Wonderful 6th Grade Graduation Class of 2024!

Congratulations to all our wonderful 6th grade students at South Boston Catholic Academy. Their hard work and perseverance have paid off! The prestigious High Schools that the 6th grade students have been invited to attend for the 2024-2025 School Year include: Archbishop Williams, Belmont Hill School, Boston College High School, Boston Latin School,

Boston Latin Academy, Fontbonne Academy, NewtonCountry Day School of the Sacred Heart, Notre Dame Academy, and Ursuline Academy. God Bless and Best Wishes from all of us at SBCA to all our wonderful 6th Graders and their families as they start a new chapter in their lives! A Big Thank you to their teacher, Ms. Lauren Monaghan, for all her help, guidance and support with this

year’s 6th graders and to all our families, teachers, aides, staff and friends for making it another great year here at SBCA!

On Thursday, June 6 we celebrated the End of the School Year Mass followed by the 6th Grade Graduation Ceremony. The 1st grade students did an outstanding job leading us at this Mass as Greeters, Readers, and Bringing the Gifts to Altar. Thank you to all our 1st Grade Teachers, Ms. Emma Jacobsen, Ms. Peggy Byrne, Ms Caroline Gannon and Ms. Kayla Keough for helping their students prepare for this Mass. Thank you to our

talented SBCA Children’s Choir directed by the Music Teacher, Mr. Carlo Bunyi, and the Parish Music director and Organist, Ms. Kathy Clancy, for providing the beautiful music. Our Pastor, Father Robert Casey, and our Parochial Vicar, Father Peter Schirripa, were the celebrants at this Mass. On behalf of our Principal, Dr. Helenann Civian and all of us at SBCA, we wish everyone a Happy and Safe Summer! New families are welcome to email our admissions team at admissions@sbcatholicadacademy. org for more info. about South Boston Catholic Academy.

June 13, 2024 10 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY •

We talk a lot about “the face of the NBA” or “the face of” every other sports league. Well, when your silhouette is the actual NBA logo, that means you’re the literal face of the sport of basketball.

Jerry West’s silhouette is just that, the NBA logo, and so, his passing at the age of 86 this week, in the middle of the NBA Finals, has forced every basketball fan to honor West’s legend.

But if you’re like me, you’re too young to really even know all that much about West’s career, other than some old highlights here and there. So I thought it would be a good idea to share West’s “Legends Profile” from the NBA’s website. Enjoy, and RIP to a basketball legend: Combine a deadly jump shot, tenacious defense, obsessive perfectionism, unabashed confidence, and an uncompromising will to win, and you’ve got Jerry West, one of the greatest guards in NBA history.

During his 14-year playing career with the Los Angeles Lakers, West became synonymous with brilliant basketball. He was the third player in league history to reach 25,000 points (after Wilt Cham-

berlain and Oscar Robertson). He was an All-Star every year of his career and led Los Angeles to the NBA Finals nine times. He left the game holding records for career postseason scoring and the highest average in a playoff series.

West’s statistical record only begins to tell his story. When the chips were down, West, with his lightning-quick release, was the guy the Lakers turned to for the big basket. Many players have been tagged with the nickname “Mr. Clutch,” but none of them lived up to it as well as West did. He was responsible for perhaps the most famous buzzer-beater of all time: a 60-foot swish that tied Game 3 of the 1970 NBA Finals against the New York Knicks.

West was motivated by a relentless drive to succeed. Years after a game in which he hit 16 of 17 shots from the field, sank all 12 free throw attempts, and notched 12 rebounds, 12 assists and 10 blocked shots, West told the National Sports Daily, “Defensively, from a team standpoint, I didn’t feel I played very well. Very rarely was I satisfied with how I played.” This obsessive quest for perfection was a constant during West’s playing

years, and it continued in his later roles as coach and general manager of the Lakers and in similar front-office roles he held with the Memphis Grizzlies, Golden State Warriors and LA Clippers.

Equally legendary was West’s tolerance for pain. Not blessed with great size, strength, or dribbling ability, West made up for these deficiencies with pure hustle and an apparent lack of regard for his body. He broke his nose at least nine times. On more than one occasion West had to be helped to the court before games in which he ultimately scored 30 or 40 points.

Despite a level of intensity so high it could melt lead, West was one of the NBA’s most admired and wellliked figures. His ferocity rarely, if ever, rubbed players, coaches or fans the wrong way. After the Lakers’ heartbreaking loss to the Boston Celtics in the 1969 NBA Finals, John Havlicek walked up to West and said, “Jerry, I love you.” Such comments were not uncommon.

Like many NBA stars, West came from humble beginnings. His first nickname, “Zeke from Cabin Creek,” was actually based on faulty information. He grew up in

Cheylan, West Virginia, although his family got its mail in Cabin Creek. He was the son of a coal mine electrician who could afford no luxuries and who was usually too drained from work to play with his children. Jerry’s closest brother, David, was killed in the Korean War when Jerry was 12. The tragedy turned young Jerry inward, forcing him to develop his own coping mechanisms.

A smallish youth, West didn’t make his junior high football, baseball or track teams. His only outlet was a basketball hoop nailed to a storage shed outside a neighbor’s house. The dirt-covered court became his domain. In the rainy spring he dribbled in mud. When it snowed West played wearing gloves. He practiced shooting until his fingers bled. He taught himself his quick shot release by bouncing the last dribble hard off the ground. Until he got it right, the ball would frequently hit and bruise his face. After practice he would listen to West Virginia basketball games on the radio.

Read West’s entire “Legends Profile” at

Follow Danny on instagram @ DannyPicard.

SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • June 13, 2024 11
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What to Watch



In February of 2025, the hockey world will be treated to a roundrobin tournament that will give you a little taste of the Olympics. Canada, Finland, Sweden, and the USA will take part in this tournament comprised of 90 NHL players. It will be held in two locations: Montreal and Boston.

The tournament will begin at the Bell Centre in Montreal on Wednesday, Feb. 12. The final three games, including the Championship Game on Thursday, Feb. 20, will take place at the TD Garden.

It’ll be a round-robin format, and the two teams with the best record will play in the Championship Game. All games will be played under NHL rules. Rosters will be revealed on June 28. Here’s the official press release from the NHL this week:

SUNRISE, Fla. -- The 2025 4 Nations Face-Off will begin on Feb. 12 at Bell Centre in Montreal, NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman and NHL Players’ Association executive director Marty Walsh an -

Tweet of the Week

nounced Saturday.

Bettman and Walsh were speaking at Amerant Bank Arena, the site of Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Final between the Florida Panthers and Edmonton Oilers.

“We’re delighted at the progress that we’re making and the ability to button down the plans,” Bettman said.

The 4 Nations Face-Off will be a round-robin tournament featuring teams comprised of NHL players from the United States, Canada, Sweden and Finland. The first six players from each team are expected to be announced on June 28.

The first game will see Team Canada play Team Sweden at Bell Centre (8 p.m. ET; TNT, SN, TVAS). The next night, Team USA will play Team Finland, also at Bell Centre (8 p.m. ET; ESPN, SN, TVAS).

The first leg of the tournament will also feature a doubleheader on Feb. 15, with Team Finland playing Team Sweden (1 p.m. ET; ABC, SN, TVAS) and Team USA playing Team Canada (8 p.m. ET; ABC, SN, TVAS).

The tournament will then shift to TD Garden in Boston, where another doubleheader will take place on Feb. 17. On that date, Team Finland will play Team Canada (1 p.m. ET; TNT, SN, TVAS) and Team USA will play Team Sweden (8 p.m. ET; TNT, SN, TVAS).

The final will be played on Feb. 20 (8 p.m. ET; ESPN, SN, TVAS).

“Just two iconic cities, and we thought it was important to have some exposure in Canada and a venue in Canada as well as a venue in the United States,” Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly said. “Obviously, we have 32 franchises, so we could have put it anywhere, but those are the two that kind of rose to the top and both of the clubs were very cooperative and very excited about hosting.”

Each team at the 4 Nations FaceOff will be comprised of 23 NHL players (20 skaters, three goalies) selected by each national association: Hockey Canada, Finnish Ice Hockey Association, Swedish Ice Hockey Association and USA Hockey. Players must be under an NHL contract for the 2024-25 season and on an NHL roster as of Dec. 2 to compete.

All games in the 4 Nations FaceOff will be played in accordance with NHL rules and on NHL-sized rinks. Each team will play three tournament games in a traditional roundrobin format, with teams earning three points for a win in regulation, two points for a win in overtime or shootout, one point for a loss in overtime or shootout, and no points for a loss in regulation.

The two teams with the best record will advance to play in a one-game final.

The overtime format for round-robin games will be 3-on-3 sudden death for a 10-minute period, followed by a three-round shootout. The overtime format for the one-game final will be 5-on-5 sudden death through successive 20-minute periods until one team scores.

“The players are just absolutely thrilled about this and the opportunity to get international competition again, kind of a pre-tournament to the (2026) Olympics, which is going to be great,” Walsh said. “... We can’t wait to see. You’re going to have 90 NHL players representing their countries while competing in one of the greatest games in the world.

“I know it’s going to be great for the game of hockey, but the fans of the game of hockey are really the benefactors here with all the great excitement that’s happening in the NHL right now along with the partnership of the NHLPA.”

June 13, 2024 12 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY •
NBA FRIDAY, JUNE 14 NBA Finals Gm 4: Boston at Dallas 8:30 P.M. ABC Gm 6 (if necessary): Boston at Dallas THURS, JUNE 13 - SUN, JUNE 16
SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • June 13, 2024 13

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