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Chamber News 6

Just as many people use the new year as a time to reset their personal goals and plans for the year, lots of businesses find themselves earmarking January as a time to get various jobs they’ve been putting off done.

The team at Rhino Safety know that H&S can be a daunting task, but January can actually be a great time to get it in order. Combining health and safety considerations alongside the other business plans you are making for the year ahead means you are more likely to make safety a priority on an ongoing basis, and less likely to miss issues or concerns that arise as your business changes or grows throughout the year.


Some of the things businesses need to consider as a minimum include: – When was the H&S documentation (policies, procedures, risk assessments) last reviewed? It should be at least annually, and signed and dated by a Director. – Have the contents of the First Aid kit been checked? Are the contents in date and does anything need to be replaced or replenished? – Does the business have sufficient First Aiders, and do any of them need to refresh their training or qualifications? – Is the Fire Risk Assessment up to date, and has all fire safety equipment been tested and serviced? – When was the last fire drill (evacuation) carried out? Have all staff experienced at least one in the last 12 months? Consider whether people have been on leave or working from home when the last one was conducted.

Rhino Safety have created a free, easy-to-use checklist for business owners and leaders to assess whether their health and safety is up to scratch.

Taking just 5 minutes to complete, it gives immediate insight into the areas of health and safety compliance that a business may need support with. To get yours, email info@rhinosafety.co.uk with the subject line ‘send me my checklist’

Your Outsourced H&S Department

Health & Safety giving you a headache? Safe Systems of work giving you sleepless nights? Risk assessments getting you riled? Join hundreds of small, medium and large businesses around the UK who have their health and safety handled by Rhino Safety

Our team of experts look after clients in a wide range of industries, including:


and many more…


3 We audit your premises and working practises 3 We write your health and safety documentation, policies, procedures, risk assessments etc 3 We manage your risk assessments 3 We train your employees 3 We offer online training 3 We get you through accreditation processes (SSIP, SMAS, CHAS, SAFEcontractor, ConstructionLine etc.)

Get in touch to see how we can help...

e. info@rhinosafety.co.uk w. rhinosafety.co.uk

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