What's On Summer 2019

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What’s On in South Derbyshire and The National Forest

Summer & Autumn 2019

visit www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/swadlincotetic



Welcome... to the Summer & Autumn edition of What’s On in South Derbyshire and The National Forest Amid rolling English countryside dotted with picturesque villages you will find so much to enjoy; from historic houses and gardens, to meandering rivers and canals, to archery and snowboarding. All set in the heart of The National Forest, Britain’s most ambitious environmental project. Linking the ancient forests of Needwood and Charnwood, more than eight million trees have already been planted. The woodland is being created on a scale not seen for more than a thousand years. Come and enjoy it this season.

There’s so much more to explore...

Find out more about what’s on offer in South Derbyshire from Swadlincote Tourist Information Centre • local and national accommodation information • places to visit • events and what’s on information • public transport information • tickets for local events • tickets for Derbyshire Wayfarer • tickets for day trips with local coach companies • souvenirs, postcards, maps, local history books and self-guided walks Phone 01283 222848 Email tic@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk You will find us located within Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 9DG. Open Mon - Sat, 10am - 4.30pm. Find out What’s On in South Derbyshire and tell us what you are doing via social media #SDwhatson @swadlincotetic

Swadlincote Tourist Information Centre


14 - 15 September 2019 Melbourne Festival is a celebration of the Creative and Performing Arts in Melbourne, South Derbyshire! Throughout September and October the Festival hosts concerts, performances and other activities. The highlight of the Melbourne Festival, the Art & Architecture Trail, is always a great opportunity to see the cream of artistic talent from the East Midlands - the Trail always brings a late Summer splash of colour and energy as Melbourne comes alive each September. Over seventy local homes, businesses, halls and churches host over 140 artists in the heart of Melbourne! The Art and Architecture Trail takes place on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th September 2019. The Trail aims to provide a showcase for Midlands-based artists to share their work and for the public to buy direct from the artist. The Trail aims for a mix of art to enjoy, art to intrigue and art to take home! This year the Trail will include a great mix of some of the Festival’s favourite artists who have exhibited at previous Melbourne Festival Art & Architecture Trails and many new faces. There will be something for every taste, and pocket, with everything from paintings to pastels, photography to prints, ceramics and pottery, sculpture and jewellery. Families are always catered for on the Trail and this year the ‘Rumble in the Jungle Trail’ will feature story stops and children’s activities at Trail venues.

For details of events and activities contact Swadlincote TIC or: www.melbournefestival.uk 07765 819 428 info@melbournefestival.co.uk Melbourne Festival @MelbourneFest themelbournefestival


Summer & Autumn

Highlights... Summer is here and now is the time to get out and enjoy it in South Derbyshire with a great line up of events... Indulge in locally-sourced produce at Calke’s Food & Drink Fair or try the latest street food and craft ales at Eureka Party in the Park Enjoy rural walks and annual village events in South Derbyshire’s beautiful countryside, including the Aston on Trent Well Dressing Festival and the Hatton Village Carnival Waddle along to Ay Up Me Duck Day for a ducktastic day of duck-related fun in Swadlincote town centre Enjoy great experiences with Proms in the Park in Swadlincote, the Summer Nights outdoor film festival at Calke Abbey, Derby A Cappella in Newton Solney and the Melbourne Festival performance programme Uncover the history of South Derbyshire and North West Leicestershire with Hello Heritage offering a fascinating window into the past through tours, walks and open days Meet David Bradley at the Repton Literary Festival, best known for playing Argus Filch in the Harry Potter films and Walder Frey in Game of Thrones ‘Try for All’ - celebrate South Derbyshire’s partnership with Toyota City in Japan, home to four matches in the first ever Rugby World Cup in Asia Fulfil that ambition to perform with the Open Mic on The Delph in Swadlincote town centre or try painting, photography, wildlife watching, puppeteering, astronomy, bushcraft, drumming, forest bathing, napkin art, stone carving, cycling, crystal art, circus skills or even ukulele making


visit www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/swadlincotetic

July Mon 1 to Wed 31 Jul, 10am to 4pm

Hick’s Lodge Photography Exhibition

Café Espresso, Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

What’s On

in South Derbyshire and The National Forest

Mon 1 & Tue 2 Jul, 9.30 - 11.30am

Step Up to GCSE Maths - Taster

Swadlincote Adult Community Education Centre, Rink Drive, DE11 8JL

Get away from social media feeds and come and see the real thing! A catalogue of photographic images from mixed ability photographers capturing life through a lens.

Take advantage of this free taster session to help you decide if you wish to start the Maths course in September and ask any questions you may have - lots of advice available.

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Free Price: Free.

Tel: 01629 533290 Email: swadlincote.ace@derbyshire.gov.uk www.facebook.com/swadlincoteace Free Price: Free.

Mon 1 – Wed 31 July

Mon 1 to Wed 31 Jul, 10am - 4.30pm

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

William Ault Exhibition

The Magic Attic’s School Display

Sharpe’s is the chosen platform to stage this new display of William Ault works. Objects are loaned from national and international collectors and include pieces from design pioneer Christopher Dresser. Times are restricted. Please contact Sharpe’s before you visit.

The Magic Attic is home to a remarkable range of archives. Come and reflect upon your own educational experiences and recall school memories through this schoolthemed exhibition.

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Free Price: Free.

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Free Price: Free.

Wed 3 Jul, 9.30am - 12noon

Provider Event

Oakland Village, Hall Farm Road, Swadlincote, DE11 8ND

Come along to chat to a whole host of organisations offering help and support: Help to achieve your goals, help managing your money, training courses, disability employment advice, career advice, support for your mental health, health and wellbeing advice, and much more. Price: Free entry and free parking.


visit www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/swadlincotetic Wed 3 Jul, 2.30 - 4pm

Sat 6 Jul, 10.30am - 12.30pm

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Valuation Day

Dig out those undiscovered treasures! Bamford Auctioneers, one of the region’s leading auction houses, will be here giving valuations and advice. Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Price: £1 per item or set.

Tea Drinking in Britain - Talk

Do you take your tea plain, with milk, sugar, lemon or as a herbal infusion? For more than 360 years British culture has been defined by tea drinking. Maggie Slingsby tells us more about the role tea has played in British society.

Wed 3 Jul, 7 - 9pm

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Price: £5 including refreshments; Booking essential.

Kraftiz, Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Sat 6 Jul, 10.30am - 12.30pm

Fashion Show & Shopping

Browse your favourite High Street brands offering up to 75% discounts! Catering for sizes 6-30 and including French and Italian designer wear. Tel: 07971 268943 Email: juliekraftiz@msn.com Price: £4 per person.

Thu 4 Jul, 7.30 - 9.30pm

Hilton and Marston History Group Hilton Methodist Chapel, Main Street, DE65 5FF

Monthly talks - open meeting.

Tel: 01283 733069 Email: hiltonhistory@gmail.com www.facebook.com/Hilton and Marston History Group Price: £3 for non member; Membership £12 per year.

Sat 6 Jul, 10am - 12noon, 1 - 3pm & 4 – 6pm

Melbourne Festival Puppet Workshop

Melbourne Parish Church, Church Square, DE73 8JH

Fun filled workshops for the amazing art of puppeteering by England’s best new puppet trainer. Participants are invited to perform at the Melbourne Festival if they wish. Puppets are provided and all ages are welcome for the first two sessions, the later session (4 - 6pm) is reserved for ages 11-18 years; Please book early. Tel: 01332 416152 Email: rachel@coupe.me.uk www.melbourneparishchurch.org.uk Price: £20 per person; Booking essential.


Calke on Camera

Calke Abbey, Ticknall, DE73 7JF

Bring your camera to Calke and have some fun with the photography team on this creative walk in the park. Find some great views to photograph and pick up some handy tips along the way. Tel: 01332 863822 Email: calkeabbey@nationaltrust.org.uk www.nationaltrust.org.uk/calke Price: Event free; Park admission charge applies: Adults £4.20; Child £2.10; Family £10.50; NT members free.

Sat 6 & Sun 7 Jul, 11.30am - 5pm

Aston on Trent Well Dressing Festival

Aston on Trent Village, Derby Road, DE72 2AF

This has been an annual village event for over 20 years. There are many different Well Dressings around the village from various groups, together with stalls, food outlets and entertainment throughout the day. The chosen charities this year are Save Aston Village Environment and Aquabox. Tel: 01332 792119 Email: chris-hopkinson@hotmail.co.uk www.facebook.com (Aston on Trent Well Dressing) Free Price: Free.

Sat 6 & Sun 7 July, 11:30am - 5pm

Aston-On-Trent Well Dressings The traditional art of decorating springs and wells with pictures using only what nature can provide. Its origins are a mystery and are thought to date back to the time of the Celts or even earlier. With dedication and skill in its execution, this ancient custom offers a fascinating insight into traditional Derbyshire heritage


Wed 10 Jul, 10.30 - 11.30am

Saplings Pre-School Outdoor Experiences

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Fun outdoor activities aimed at 1-4 year olds - be prepared to get a little mucky! Older siblings welcome during school holiday times (limited numbers). Bookings and payment in advance please through South Derbyshire District Council (SDDC Customer Services) on 01283 595795 (office hours). Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@southderbyshire.gov.uk www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/ EnvironmentalEducation Price: £6.50 per child.

Fri 12 & Sat 13 Jul, 10am - 4pm

Drawing and Painting Workshops

White Hollows Studio, White Hollows Cottage, Box Lane, Ticknall, DE73 7JN

Sat 6 Jul, 1.30 - 2.30pm

Kids with Cameras

Calke Abbey, Ticknall, DE73 7JF

Come and join the photography team on a kid’s camera walk and have some fun looking for different views to photograph. Don’t forget to bring a camera and an adult! Tel: 01332 863822 Email: calkeabbey@nationaltrust.org.uk www.nationaltrust.org.uk/calke Price: Event free; Park admission charge applies: Adults £4.20; Child £2.10; Family £10.50; NT members free.

Tue 9 Jul, 7.30 - 9.30pm

Alpines & Rock Gardens - Talk

Ticknall Village Hall, Ingleby Lane, DE73 7JU

Join Ticknall Garden Club and guest speaker Jeff Bates - a Garden Club favourite. Tel: 01283 214784 Email: sally.raw1@btinternet.com www.ticknallgardenclub.org.uk Price: £3 per person.

Join tutor Michael at his studio for instruction and advice in this drawing and painting workshop, capturing British Butterflies in watercolour. Please contact for further details. Tel: 01332 862757 Email: michael.lakin579@btinternet.com www.michaellakinart.co.uk Price: From £70 per person per day; Booking essential.

Fri 12 Jul, 7.30 - 10.30pm

Rosliston Astronomy Group

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

You are invited to join a group of enthusiastic amateur astronomers who regularly meet to discuss all things related to the night sky and (when clear) look at the stars and other night sky objects. Beginners welcome. Please check website for meeting dates.

Tel: 07966 882157 (after 6.30pm) Email: andrew@thornett.net www.roslistonastronomy.org.uk Price: Adult £3.50; Reduced price for children.

Sat 13 & Sun 14 July

Family Bushcraft Weekend

Spring Wood, Lount Road, Melbourne, DE73 8BJ

A super weekend of fun and adventure for all ages - sleep in an effective shelter built by yourselves, create fire using a variety of methods including friction, make lengths of quality string from woodland materials, as well as various other skills and games. Tel: 01530 411861 Email: dave@woodlandsurvivalcrafts.com www.woodlandsurvivalcrafts.com Price: Adults £155; Child under 16 years £55, to include meals; Booking essential.

Sat 13 Jul, 10.30am - 12.30pm

Medical Detection Dogs - Talk Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Join our guest speaker Wendy Coley to learn about the impressive work of medical detection dogs and their valuable contribution to people’s lives. Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Price: £5 including refreshments; Booking essential.

Sat 13 July - Fri 6 Sept, 10.30am - 4pm

Garden of Imagination

Calke Abbey, Ticknall, DE73 7JF

The walled kitchen garden has been transformed into the Garden of Imagination. Enjoy carefree Summer days and let your imagination run wild in our natural outdoor play area. Open every day of the Summer holiday.

Tel: 01332 863822 Email: calkeabbey@nationaltrust.org.uk www.nationaltrust.org.uk/calke Price: Garden ticket required. Following prices include park admission and garden ticket: Adult £10.70; Child £5.35; Family £26.70; NT Members free.

ODEON Event Cinema

Your ticket to the greatest shows on Earth Lose yourself in the action of the world’s greatest performances, brought to you live via satellite or recorded, straight onto the big screen From captivating theatre, opera, music and dance, to exhilarating sporting events, you’ll never miss a moment Highlights include: Westlife: The Twenty Tour Live NT Live: One Man Two Guvnors (encore) André Rieu’s 2019 Maastricht Concert – Shall We Dance? Get ready for edge-of-your-seat shows like you’ve never seen them before, with breathtaking surround sound for an unforgettable, larger-than-life experience With ODEON Event Cinema you’ll always have the best seat in the house, with close-up action so real you’ll feel like you’re there

For further information ring 01283 559 060 or go to www.odeon.co.uk

Sat 13 Jul, 12noon

Hatton Village Carnival

Hatton Sports & Social Ground, Scropton Road, DE65 5DS

You are invited to join in this very popular event! Large funfair, stalls, dog show, craft/ tea tent, BBQ, hog roast, magic man and uni-cyclist entertainer. In the arena there will be a wrestling ring - a full hour of American wrestling with a royal rumble to finish! Watch the Spitfire flypast. The parade begins at noon. Free car parking on Station Road and at the old Trent Bus garage. Email: kirstie473@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/ HattonVillageCarnivalOfficial Price: Free.


10 visit www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/swadlincotetic Sat 13 Jul, 2.30 - 4pm

Sun 14 Jul, 10.30am - 4.30pm

Dance and Music Centre, 11 The Delph Centre, Swadlincote, DE11 0AG

Eureka Park, Midland Road, Swadlincote, DE11 0BN

Djembe Drumming

Join South Derbyshire Community Drummers for this Djembe drumming workshop for ages 16 years and over. Have fun in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, no experience necessary and plenty of drums available for use. Tel: 01283 225741 Email: nikki@tribalvibes.net www.tribalvibes.net Price: £4 per person.

Sun 14 Jul, 9.30am

Photography Walk - 1 Mile

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Join us for this hour and a half photography walk around the Centre. The walk will be led by a professional photographer, who will be able to give you tips on how to get the best from your photos this Autumn. Please bring your own camera. This short walk may take you through long grass so sturdy footwear advisable. Tel: 01283 595906 Email: get.active@southderbyshire.gov.uk www.southderbyshire.gov.uk Price: £3 per person; Booking essential.

Sun 14 Jul, 10am - 1pm

Car Boot Sale - Hatton

Thistley Place Meadow, Off Station Road, Hatton, DE65 5DY

Enjoy this car boot sale on Thistley Place Meadow with all proceeds raised going to the running and maintenance of this nature reserve. Tel: 07969 023493 Email: lynne.saul@btinternet.com www.thistleyplacemeadow.co.uk Price: Traders £5 per car; Public free entry.

Eureka Party in the Park

Enjoy a whole host of gorgeous street foods and craft ales, ciders and much more. There will be a fabulous “not on the High Street” marquee filled with arts and crafts, Man V Cake competition, live music and plenty to join in with. Email: eventsmadhatters@gmail.com www.madhattersevents.com Price: Free.


Sat 20 Jul, 9.30am - 4pm

Introductory Bushcraft Day

Spring Wood, Lount Road, Melbourne, DE73 8BJ

A great day grasping the basic skills of Bushcraft. The workshop will include effective shelter construction, efficient fire lighting, successful friction fire lighting, as well as string making, wild food tasting and more besides. Tel: 07736 225035 Email: dave@woodlandsurvivalcrafts.com www.woodlandsurvivalcrafts.com Price: £85 per person; £130 for 2 people; Booking essential.

Sat 20 Jul, 10am - 11pm

Festival of Brazilian Culture

Whistlewood Common, The Common, Melbourne, DE73 8DH

Explore the culture of Brazil through Capoeira classes, Brazilian instrument and singing workshops, plus craft activities. As night-time descends music truly takes over with entertainment from Samba, Latin, Soul and Funk bands along with craft activities, face painting, costume making and a carnival procession. Brazilian food and drinks will be on sale. There will be camping opportunities with fun around the fire, morning yoga and a reasonably priced breakfast available!

Tel: 01332 865342 Email: bookings@whistlewoodcommon.org.uk www.shop.whistlewoodcommon.org Price: To be confirmed; Booking essential.

Sat 20 & Sun 21 Jul, 10.30am - 4.30pm

Bubbleicious Festival

Elvaston Castle Country Park, Borrowash Road, DE72 3EP

This festival will be bringing lots of fun for all the family, with thousands of bubbles exploding into the Castle skies in multitudes of colour and sizes. Enjoy plenty of interactive bubble activities, children’s corner, reptile area, live music, pop-up shopping village, plus food and drink suppliers. Email: eventsmadhatters@gmail.com www.madhattersevents.com Price: Free.


Tue 23 Jul, 10am - 1pm

Family Workshop - Mini-Beast Mushroom Decorating Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Looking for something different to do with the family? Why not decorate your own mini-beast ornament? They’ll look gorgeous outdoors during the Summer-time! Suitable for the whole family. Adult supervision required. Tel: 07515 330753 Email: grumpydoggifts@gmail.com www.facebook.com/grumpydoggifts Price: £10 per person; Booking essential.

visit www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/swadlincotetic 13 Tue 23 Jul, Drop in between 2 - 4pm

Thu 25 Jul, 10am - 12.30pm

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Swadlincote Adult Community Education Centre, Rink Drive, DE11 8JL

Wildlife Watch - Willow Activities Willow activities and site maintenance - a led activity learning about one of the maintenance tasks we have to do on site. (Follow the signs to the willow fence). Use the willow collected to weave and make stars/dream catchers/butterflies etc. Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@southderbyshire.gov.uk www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/ EnvironmentalEducation Price: £2.50 per child.

U Can Ukulele

Join Swadlincote ACE team and learn how to make and strum your own ukulele, All materials will be provided. If time allows we will hold an impromptu performance. Please note children must be accompanied by an adult. Tel: 01629 533290 Email: swadlincote.ace@derbyshire.gov.uk www.facebook.com/swadlincoteace Price: Adults £2; Children £1; Booking essential.

Tue 23 Jul, 7pm - 9.30pm

Thu 25 Jul, 7pm

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Dethick Hall Car Park, Manchester Lane, Hartshorne, DE11 7ET

The Art of Photography Advanced Workshop

Discover your creative talents and learn to take photographs you’ll really love. This advanced photography workshop is aimed at those with a reasonable grasp of photography yet feel there is more to learn. Tel: 07977 142146 Email: david@davidgoughphotography.com Price: £45 per person; Booking essential.

Wed 24 Jul, 10.30 - 11.30am

Saplings Pre-School Outdoor Experiences

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Fun outdoor activities aimed at 1-4 year olds - be prepared to get a little mucky! Older siblings welcome during school holiday times (limited numbers). Bookings and payment in advance please through South Derbyshire District Council (SDDC Customer Services) on 01283 595795 (office hours). Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@southderbyshire.gov.uk www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/ EnvironmentalEducation Price: £6.50 per child.

Sharp’s Bottom & Daniel Hayes Walk Take part in this circular Heritage Walk of 2.5 miles which passes through Sharp’s Bottom - an ancient woodland - and continues to the lower slopes of Daniel Hayes, whose history begins in the Bronze Age. The terrain is field and woodland paths which include 5 stiles. Please wear sturdy footwear and suitable clothing. No dogs allowed on this walk. Tel: 01283 222848 Email: magicatticarch@gmail.com www.magicattic.org.uk Price: Free; Donations to the Magic Attic gratefully received.


Fri 26 Jul, 7.30 - 10.30pm

Rosliston Astronomy Group

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

You are invited to join a group of enthusiastic amateur astronomers who regularly meet to discuss all things related to the night sky and (when clear) look at the stars and other night sky objects. Beginners welcome. Please check website for meeting dates.

Tel: 07966 882157 (after 6.30pm) Email: andrew@thornett.net www.roslistonastronomy.org.uk Price: Adult £3.50; Reduced price for children.

visit www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/swadlincotetic 15 Fri 26 Jul, 7.30 - 11pm

Tue 30 Jul; Start any time between 2 - 3.30pm; Session ends 4pm


Wildlife Watch - Pond Dipping

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Find out about nocturnal creatures and the night sky with experts to guide you. Suitable for all ages. Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@southderbyshire.gov.uk www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/ EnvironmentalEducation Price: £2.50 per person.

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Join us by the pond/lake (follow signs). Find out what creatures live there! We provide all the equipment, but please be prepared to share within family groups. Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@southderbyshire.gov.uk www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/ EnvironmentalEducation Price: £2.50 per child.

Sat 27 Jul, 10.30am - 2pm

Open Mic on The Delph

The Delph Market Square, Swadlincote Town Centre, DE11 0AH

Thirty minute slots available for any musicians, singers, bands or buskers who want to showcase their talents. To book a free slot contact John Beer on 07799 666522. Facebook: Swadlincote Markets Price: Free.


Sat 27 Jul, 12noon - 3.30pm

The Art of Photography Advanced Workshop

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Discover your creative talents and learn to take photographs you’ll really love. This advanced workshop is aimed at those who have a reasonable grasp of photography yet feel there is more to learn. Tel: 07977 142146 Email: david@davidgoughphotography.com Price: £60 per person; Booking essential.

Wed 31 Jul, 11am - 12.15pm

Museum Guided Tour

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Join one of our knowledgeable and friendly guides for a unique tour around our Grade II Listed kiln hovel and Museum. Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Free Price: Free; Donations welcome.

Wed 31 Jul, 1 - 3pm

Kids Crafting - Make & Take Kraftiz, Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Drop in to this crafting workshop and prepare to get messy making your craft item to take home with you. Workshops take place every Wednesday afternoon during the the Summer school holidays. Please contact for further information. Tel: 07971 268943 Email: juliekraftiz@msn.com Price: £2.50 per child.

18 visit www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/swadlincotetic


What’s On

in South Derbyshire and The National Forest

Thu 1 Aug - Fri 6 Sep, 10.30am - 4pm

Thu 1 Aug – 31 Oct

Calke Abbey, Ticknall, DE73 7JF

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Garden of Imagination

The walled kitchen garden has been transformed into the Garden of Imagination. Enjoy carefree Summer days and let your imagination run wild in our natural outdoor play area. Open every day of the Summer holiday.

Tel: 01332 863822 Email: calkeabbey@nationaltrust.org.uk www.nationaltrust.org.uk/calke Price: Garden ticket required. Following prices include park admission and garden ticket: Adult £10.70; Child £5.35; Family £26.70; NT Members free.

William Ault Exhibition Sharpe’s is the chosen platform to stage this new display of William Ault works. Objects are loaned from national and international collectors and include pieces from design pioneer Christopher Dresser. Times are restricted. Please contact Sharpe’s before you visit. Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Free Price: Free.

Fri 2, Sat 3 & Sun 4 Aug

Dog Lovers Festival Elvaston Castle Country Park, Borrowash Road, DE72 3EP

The Dog Lovers Festival is back and sees the introduction of camping with a weekend ticket that includes Friday, Saturday and Sunday with access all areas. There is a new competition arena that will be running all day, both days. The live music stage will have a whole host of artists including some of the UK’s top tribute bands with Oasis on Saturday and Queen on Sunday. Email: eventsmadhatters@gmail.com www.dogloversfestival.org Price: Entry £8 - £14.

20 visit www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/swadlincotetic Sat 3 – Fri 9 Aug

Forest Bathing Training 7 Days Immersion YHA National Forest, Bath Lane, nr Swadlincote, DE12 6BD

The practises of Forest Bathing (known as Shinrin-Yoku in Japan) and Forest Therapy are ways of immersing our senses in the atmosphere of the forest for relaxation and positive health benefits. The National Forest Company is offering the chance to apply for a bursary to attend this training. For further information: Sue Anderson on 01283 551211, sanderson@nationalforest.org (apply by 15 July 2019). Email: info@europeanforesttherapyinstitute.com www.europeanforesttherapyinstitute.com/ england-yha-national-forest/

Sat 3 Aug, 10am

Guided Cycle Ride Maurice Lea Memorial Park, Common Road, Church Gresley, DE11 9NW

Enjoy a family cycle ride into the National Forest following the Conkers Circuit. The ride should last approximately two hours. Under 18s to be accompanied by an adult. Unfortunately cycles cannot be provided for this event so please bring your own. Meet at the bandstand in the park.

Tel: 01283 595906 Email: get.active@southderbyshire.gov.uk www.southderbyshire.gov.uk Free Price: Free; Booking essential.

Sun 4 Aug, 1 - 5pm

NGS Open Garden - Swadlincote 13 Westfield Road, Swadlincote, DE11 0BG

The garden is a blaze of colour, featuring mixed herbaceous beds, lots of roses, two ponds, vegetable area, fruit bushes and trees, hanging baskets and tubs and a free range chicken area. Refreshments: £1 for tea/coffee and £1.50 for delicious homemade cake, with all proceeds to nursing and caring charities. Tel: 07891 436632 Email: valerie.booth@sky.com www.ngs.org.uk Price: £3.50 per person; Accompanied children free.

Mon 5 Aug, 10am - 12noon

Napkin Art - Workshop Kraftiz, Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Take part in this workshop and learn how to create a boxed card design, using paper-craft and napkins! Tel: 07971 268943 Email: juliekraftiz@msn.com Price: To be confirmed; Booking essential.

Tue 6 Aug, 9.30am - 4pm

Family Bushcraft Day Grangewood Farm, Grangewood, Netherseal, DE12 8BG

A great mini adventure for all the family build a good shelter, create fire using friction as well as other methods, make campfire gadgets, sample some tasty wild foods and much, much more besides.

Tel: 07736 225035 Email: dave@woodlandsurvivalcrafts.com www.woodlandsurvivalcrafts.com Price: Adults £45; Children under 16 years £25, to include campfire food; Booking essential.

Tue 6 Aug, Drop in to the classroom between 2 - 3:30pm; Session ends 4pm

Wildlife Watch - Tree Safari

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Make your own tree dial then follow the Tree Trail to discover fascinating facts and stories about trees! Identify who and what lives around trees. Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@southderbyshire.gov.uk www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/ EnvironmentalEducation Price: £2.50 per child.

Wed 7 & Thu 8 Aug, 10am - 12noon

Napkin Art - Workshop

Kraftiz, Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Take part in this workshop and learn how to create a boxed card design, using paper-craft and napkins! Tel: 07971 268943 Email: juliekraftiz@msn.com Price: To be confirmed; Booking essential.

visit www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/swadlincotetic 21 Wed 7 Aug, 1 - 3pm

Fri 9 Aug, 7.30 - 10.30pm

Kraftiz, Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Kids Crafting - Make & Take Drop in to this crafting workshop and prepare to get messy making your craft item to take home with you. Workshops take place every Wednesday afternoon during the the Summer school holidays. Please contact for further information. Tel: 07971 268943 Email: juliekraftiz@msn.com Price: £2.50 per child.

Wed 7 Aug, 2.30 - 4pm

Valuation Day

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Dig out those undiscovered treasures! Bamford Auctioneers, one of the region’s leading auction houses, will be here giving valuations and advice. Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Price: £1 per item or set.

Wed 7 Aug, 6 - 8pm

Family Bushcraft Environmental Education Project at Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Enjoy a family bushcraft session in the woods, building shelters, fire making and learning about and enjoying the natural environment.

Tel: Enquiries 01283 595906; Bookings 01283 595795 (Weekdays 9am-5pm (4.30pm Friday). Email: get.active@southderbyshire.gov.uk www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/our-services/ things-to-do-and-places-to-visit/get-active/ get-active-in-the-forest Price: £7.50 per person; Booking essential.

Thu 8 Aug, 1.30pm

Psychic Afternoon Tea Kraftiz, Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Enjoy a relaxing afternoon tea with a psychic at your table giving readings throughout. Tel: 07971 268943 Email: juliekraftiz@msn.com Price: £15 per person; Booking essential.

Rosliston Astronomy Group You are invited to join a group of enthusiastic amateur astronomers who regularly meet to discuss all things related to the night sky and (when clear) look at the stars and other night sky objects. Beginners welcome. Please check website for meeting dates.

Tel: 07966 882157 (after 6.30pm) Email: andrew@thornett.net www.roslistonastronomy.org.uk Price: Adult £3.50; Reduced price for children.

Sat 10 Aug, 10am - 12noon

Napkin Art - Workshop Kraftiz, Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Take part in this workshop and learn how to create a boxed card design, using paper-craft and napkins! Tel: 07971 268943 Email: juliekraftiz@msn.com Price: To be confirmed; Booking essential.

Mon 12 - Wed 14 Aug (Mon & Tue: 10am 6pm, Wed: 10am – 5pm)

Think Like a Tree - 3 Day Course Whistlewood Common, The Common, Melbourne, DE73 8DH

Explore principles derived from nature all living things share natural principles that allow them to grow, stay healthy, be adaptable, develop resilience, become connected and pass on what they’ve learned. This course will provide a step-by-step guide. Tel: 01332 865342 Email: sarah@thinklikeatree.co.uk www.thinklikeatree.co.uk Price: £180 per person to include refreshments; Some Concessionary spaces available; Booking essential.

visit www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/swadlincotetic 23 Tue 13 Aug, 2pm

Sun 18 Aug, 11am

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Car Park, Coalpit Lane, Coton in the Elms

Minibeast Safari Meet in the classroom to join a guided walk to discover some of the smallest creatures at Rosliston! We will be looking for minibeasts in different places around the site. Session will finish between 3.30 and 4pm. Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@southderbyshire.gov.uk www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/ EnvironmentalEducation Price: £2.50 per child.

Wed 14 Aug, 10.30 – 11.30am

Saplings Pre-School Outdoor Experiences Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Fun outdoor activities aimed at 1-4 year olds - be prepared to get a little mucky! Older siblings welcome during school holiday times (limited numbers). Bookings and payment in advance please through South Derbyshire District Council (SDDC Customer Services) on 01283 595795 (office hours). Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@southderbyshire.gov.uk www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/ EnvironmentalEducation Price: £6.50 per child.

Wed 14 Aug, 6 - 8pm

Family Bushcraft

Coton in the Elms - 5 Mile Walk Enjoy this walk in the Coton in the Elms area. Meet at the unsigned car park in Coalpit Lane, near Grangewood - Map Ref: SK266143. Tel: 01332 585341 www.derbyramblers.org.uk Price: Free.


Tue 20 Aug, Start anytime between 2 - 3.30pm; Session ends 4pm

Wildlife Watch - Pond Dipping Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Join us by the pond/lake (follow signs). Find out what creatures live there! We provide all the equipment, but please be prepared to share within family groups. Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@southderbyshire.gov.uk www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/ EnvironmentalEducation Price: £2.50 per child.

Wed 21 Aug, 10am - 4pm

Decorative Stone Carving Whistlewood Common, The Common, Melbourne, DE73 8DH

Enjoy this introduction to decorative stone carving where you will have the chance to carve a relief design of your own choice. Materials will be supplied - please bring your own lunch.

Environmental Education Project at Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Tel: 01629 533290 Email: swadlincote.ace@derbyshire.gov.uk www.facebook.com/swadlincoteace Price: £50 to include one piece of stone; Booking essential.

Tel: Enquiries 01283 595906; Bookings 01283 595795 (Weekdays 9am-5pm (4.30pm Friday). Email: get.active@southderbyshire.gov.uk www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/our-services/ things-to-do-and-places-to-visit/get-active/ get-active-in-the-forest Price: £7.50 per person; Booking essential.

Wed 21 Aug, 2 - 4pm

Enjoy a family bushcraft session in the woods, building shelters, fire making and learning about and enjoying the natural environment.

Woodturning - Talk Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Paul Bellamy’s love affair with wood has lasted a lifetime. He now shares his skills with others through teaching and demonstrations. Come and find out about his woodturning experiences. Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Price: £2.50, including light refreshments.

24 visit www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/swadlincotetic Fri 23 & Sat 24 Aug, 10am - 4pm

Drawing and Painting Fruit White Hollows Studio, White Hollows Cottage, Box Lane, Ticknall, DE73 7JN

Join tutor Michael at his studio for instruction and advice in this drawing and painting workshop capturing fruit. You can use watercolours or acrylic. Please contact for further details. Tel: 01332 862757 Email: michael.lakin579@btinternet.com www.michaellakinart.co.uk Price: From £70 per person per day; Booking essential.

Tue 27 Aug, 1 - 4pm

Grabbit for your Rabbit! Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

We are cutting our Wildflower Meadow and the cuttings are available free for animal feed. Rake and collect hay for your furry friends (rabbits or other small animals). Please bring your own bags!

Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@southderbyshire.gov.uk www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/ EnvironmentalEducation Free Price: Free.

Tue 27 Aug, 2 - 4pm

Signs of Summer! Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Come to the classroom any time between 2pm and 3pm. Explore the site to find some signs of Summer, then return to the classroom (by 3.30pm) for help with identification. Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@southderbyshire.gov.uk www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/ EnvironmentalEducation Price: £2.50 per group/set of resources borrowed.

Wed 28 Aug, 10.30 - 11.30am

Saplings Pre-School Outdoor Experiences Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Fun outdoor activities aimed at 1-4 year olds - be prepared to get a little mucky! Older siblings welcome during school holiday times (limited numbers). Bookings and payment in advance please through South Derbyshire District Council (SDDC Customer Services) on 01283 595795 (office hours). Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@southderbyshire.gov.uk www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/ EnvironmentalEducation Price: £6.50 per child.

Wed 28 Aug, 11am – 12.15pm

Museum Guided Tour

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Join one of our knowledgeable and friendly guides for a unique tour around our Grade II Listed kiln hovel and Museum.

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Free Price: Free; Donations welcome.

Thu 29 Aug, 7pm

Heritage 3 Mile Walk The Crewe & Harpur, Swarkestone Bridge, Swarkestone, DE73 7JA

This Heritage walk will have the theme of ‘Transport History of the Canal and Trent Navigation’ - aspects of the history of the two villages will also be covered in this just under 3 mile route. There are no stiles and the terrain is canal towpath, village pavements and riverside path. Please wear suitable clothing, sturdy footwear. Please note there are no dogs allowed on this walk. Tel: 01283 222848 Email: magicatticarch@gmail.com www.magicattic.org.uk Price: Free; Donations to the Magic Attic gratefully received.


Sat 31 Aug

Sat 31 Aug, 7pm

Melbourne Village Venues, DE73 8GF

Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, DE73 8GF

Melbourne Festival Fringe

Boats on the Ocean - Rock Night

The performing arts are an important part of Melbourne Festival and the Melbourne Festival Fringe programme starts on 31st August and continues into October. The programme includes an eclectic mix of music, theatre and comedy and sometimes all three at the same time! Tel: 07765 819428 Email: info@melbournefestival.co.uk www.melbournefestival.co.uk Price: Varied.

Sat 31 Aug, 10.30am - 2pm

Open Mic on The Delph The Delph Market Square, Swadlincote Town Centre, DE11 0AH

Thirty minute slots available for any musicians, singers, bands or buskers who want to showcase their talents. To book a free slot contact John Beer on 07799 666522. Facebook: Swadlincote Markets Price: Free.


What could be a better way to open Melbourne Festival Fringe than by supporting new bands. Come along to a great gig with headline band ‘Boats on the Ocean’. No bar is available but there are lots of great support acts. Tel: 07765 819428 Email: info@melbournefestival.co.uk www.melbournefestival.co.uk Price: £5 per person.

28 visit www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/swadlincotetic

What’s On


in South Derbyshire and The National Forest

Sun 1 Sep, 10am - 4pm

Country Food and Drink Fair Calke Abbey, Ticknall, DE73 7JF

Enjoy the best of the season and celebrate local food that’s raised, baked or caught within a 30-mile radius of Calke Abbey at the Autumn food and drink fair. With mouth-watering food and drink on offer, plus cookery demonstrations from the Calke chefs, there’s something for every foodie. Tel: 01332 863822 Email: calkeabbey@nationaltrust.org.uk www.nationaltrust.org.uk/calke Price: Event free; Park admission charge applies: Adults £4.20; Child £2.10; Family £10.50; NT members free.

Mon 2 Sep – 31 Oct

William Ault Exhibition Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Sharpe’s is the chosen platform to stage this new display of William Ault works. Objects are loaned from national and international collectors and include pieces from design pioneer Christopher Dresser. Times are restricted. Please contact Sharpe’s before you visit.

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Free Price: Free.

Mon 2 Sep, 10am - 12noon

Crystal Art

Kraftiz, Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Create an MDF picture using crystal art make a great personal gift for friends or family. Tel: 07971 268943 Email: juliekraftiz@msn.com Price: To be confirmed; Booking essential.

Mon 2 to Mon 30 Sep, 10am to 4pm

Heritage Open Days and Hello Heritage Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

September is all about celebrating our heritage, community and history. Every year in September thousands of heritage sites throw open their doors to the public in celebration of their history. This exhibition brings together Heritage Open Days and Hello Heritage in a celebration of the heritage and rich culture we have throughout England and more locally throughout South Derbyshire and North West Leicestershire. Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Free Price: Free.

Wed 4 Sep, 10am - 12noon

Crystal Art

Kraftiz, Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Create an MDF picture using crystal art - make a great personal gift for friends or family. Tel: 07971 268943 Email: juliekraftiz@msn.com Price: To be confirmed; Booking essential.

Wed 4 Sep, 2.30 - 4pm

Valuation Day

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Dig out those undiscovered treasures! Bamford Auctioneers, one of the region’s leading auction houses, will be here giving valuations and advice. Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Price: £1 per item or set.

Thu 5 Sep, 10am - 12noon

Crystal Art

Kraftiz, Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Create an MDF picture using crystal art make a great personal gift for friends or family.

Tel: 07971 268943 Email: juliekraftiz@msn.com Price: To be confirmed; Booking essential.

Thu 5 Sep, 7.30 - 9.30pm

Hilton and Marston History Group Hilton Methodist Chapel, Main Street, DE65 5FF

Swadlincote ODEON Silver Cinema

Silver Cinema is a series of film screenings for guests who are over 55. Tickets are from £3 each and include tea, coffee and biscuits before the film. Unwind and catch up with friends over aromatic tea and coffee and buttery biscuits as you get ready to be transported to another reality. Whether you’re watching a critically acclaimed classic or talk-of-thetown new release, we’ll lead you to another time, another place. Relax as we dim the lights, raise the curtain and bring the screen leaping to life. Inspiring biopics. Laugh-out-loud comedies. Ageless romances. Let us take you there.

Monthly Talks: Life in an Institution Domestic service at Sudbury Hall, by John Redfern.

Tel: 01283 733069 Email: hiltonhistory@gmail.com www.facebook.com/Hilton and Marston History Group Price: £3 for non member; Membership £12 per year.

For further information ring 01283 559 060 or go to www.odeon.co.uk

Fri 6 Sep, 9am - 4pm

Melbourne Festival Puppet Workshop

Fri 6 Sep, 7pm

The Schmoozenbergs in Concert

Melbourne Parish Church, Church Square, DE73 8JH

Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, DE73 8GF

Tel: 01332 416152 Email: rachel@coupe.me.uk www.melbourneparishchurch.org.uk Price: Free; Booking essential.

Tel: 01332 863522 Email: info@melbourneassemblyrooms.co.uk www.melbourneassemblyrooms.co.uk Price: £10 per person; Booking essential.

Fun-filled workshop by England’s best known puppet trainer. Puppets are provided. Professional puppet training for anyone interested in performing ‘Joseph’ at the Melbourne Festival the following weekend. Free

Conjuring up the mood of 1930s Paris, fused with the energy of a campfire jam session, The Schmoozenberg’s uplifting gypsy swing music will put a smile on your face and bounce in your step.

Fri 6 Sep, 7 - 9pm

Sat 7 Sep, 10am - 4pm

Kraftiz, Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Whistlewood Common, The Common, Melbourne, DE73 8DH

Psychic Supper Sit with three different psychics during the evening whilst enjoying a delicious supper, served at the table. Tel: 07971 268943 Email: juliekraftiz@msn.com Price: £15 per person; Booking essential.

Mindfulness and Meditation Explore the art of Mindfulness and Meditation - learn the foundations of an effective mindfulness practice, cultivate inner stillness and calm and see the world through our senses.

Tel: 01332 865342 Email: bookings@whistlewoodcommon.org.uk www.shop.whistlewoodcommon.org Price: £40 per person.

visit www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/swadlincotetic 31 Sat 7 Sep, 10.30am - 12.30pm

Sat 7 Sep, 8 - 10.30pm

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, DE73 8GF

Glenn Miller - Talk

An interesting talk on the life and mysterious death of bandleader and composer extraordinaire Glenn Miller - the bestselling bandleader in the swing era of the 1940s with hits such as ‘In the Mood’ and ‘Pennsylvania 6-5000’.

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Price: £5 per person including refreshments; Booking essential.

Sat 7 Sep, 1 - 2.15pm

4th Woodville Village Show Woodville Methodist Church Hall, High Street, DE11 7EA

A great village event - showcasing local expertise in growing, crafts, baking, artwork and preserves, all competing for certificates of achievement. There will also be a tombola and raffle on the day. Staging of exhibits 9.30 - 10.30am.

Tel: 01283 222803 Email: woodvilleshowderbyshire@gmail.com Price: Public free entry; Adult exhibitors 20p per exhibit; 16 yrs and under 10p per exhibit.

Sat 7 Sep, 2.30 - 4pm

Djembe Drumming with Guest Tutor Dance and Music Centre, 11 The Delph Centre, Swadlincote, DE11 0AG

Join guest Djembe Drumming teacher Dave Boston for this workshop.

Tel: 01283 225741 Email: nikki@tribalvibes.net www.tribalvibes.net Price: £10 per person; Booking essential.

Village Folk Presents Merry Hell! Merry Hell is an eight-piece folk-rock band - a joyful, uplifting slice of folk-rock with a message for these troubled times - a band with a history, a pedigree and a bright future. In four short years they have risen to become festival favourites, their first two albums finding favour with critics, broadcasters and music fans alike. They are continuing to develop an enviable reputation for the quality of their song writing, recorded work and live performances. Winners of ‘Best Band’ 2019 and ‘Best Band’ & ‘Best Live’ Act 2018 in the Folking.com Awards and described as ‘the best live band in the country’ by FATEA Magazine.

Tel: Tickets: 07852 174745 Tickets available from: www.villagefolk.org; Forteys Coffee Shop, Market Place Melbourne; Melbourne Assembly Rooms 01332 863522. Email: tickets@villagefolk.org www.villagefolk.org Price: £15; Booking essential.

Sun 8 Sep, 9.30 - 11am

Photography Walk - 1 Mile Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Join us for this hour and a half photography walk around the Centre. The walk will be led by a professional photographer, who will be able to give you tips on how to get the best from your photos this Autumn. Please bring your own camera and wear sturdy footwear. Tel: 01283 595906 Email: get.active@southderbyshire.gov.uk www.southderbyshire.gov.uk Price: £3 per person; Booking essential.

32 visit www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/swadlincotetic Sun 8 Sep, 11am - 3pm

Thu 12 Sep, 1.30pm

The Riding School, Calke Abbey, Ticknall, DE73 7LE

The Swan Inn, Main Street, Milton, DE65 6EF

Autumn Wedding Open Day Explore the hidden gem that is The Riding School at Calke Abbey - with high ceilings and exposed brickwork, this charming wedding venue will be dressed and styled as if for a real wedding. There will be plenty of wedding suppliers to meet and discuss your requirements for your special day. Tel: 01332 585121 Email: info@honeysuckleandcastle.co.uk www.honeysuckleandcastle.co.uk Price: Event free of charge; Parkland admission applies.

Tue 10 Sep, 7.30 - 9.30pm

Plant Genetic Manipulation - A Simple Introduction Ticknall Village Hall, Ingleby Lane, DE73 7JU

Join Ticknall Garden Club and guest speaker Mike Davey for this talk. Tel: 01283 214784 Email: sally.raw1@btinternet.com www.ticknallgardenclub.org.uk Price: £3 per person.

Wed 11 Sep, 10.30 - 11.30am

Saplings Pre-School Outdoor Experiences Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Fun outdoor activities aimed at 1-4 year olds - be prepared to get a little mucky! Older siblings welcome during school holiday times (limited numbers). Bookings and payment in advance please through South Derbyshire District Council (SDDC Customer Services) on 01283 595795 (office hours). Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@southderbyshire.gov.uk www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/ EnvironmentalEducation Price: £6.50 per child.

Foremark and Heath Wood Walk Enjoyable Heritage Walk of 4 miles, incorporating Hangman’s Stone, Heath Wood’s Viking cemetery and Foremark Hall - all provide much of historical interest on this circular walk. The terrain is field paths, bridleways and village lanes plus 5 stiles. Please note that no dogs are allowed. Sturdy footwear is recommended along with suitable clothing. Part of the Hello Heritage 2019 event. Tel: 01283 222848 Email: magicatticarch@gmail.com www.magicattic.org.uk Price: Free; Donations to the Magic Attic gratefully received.


Fri 13 Sep, 7.30pm

Funhouse Comedy Club Melbourne Royal British Legion Club, 87 Derby Road, DE73 1FL

Another great line-up for this popular Festival event which is always a highlight of the programme. Headline is Stephen Grant, one of the UK’s funniest, hardest working and most respected comedians. Supporting are Diane Spencer and Carl Jones with compere Dave Bryon. Tel: 01332 862243 Email: info@melbournefestival.co.uk www.melbournefestival.co.uk Price: £9 per person; Booking essential.

Fri 13 Sep, 7.30 - 10.30pm

Rosliston Astronomy Group Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

You are invited to join a group of enthusiastic amateur astronomers who regularly meet to discuss all things related to the night sky and (when clear) look at the stars and other night sky objects. Beginners welcome. Please check website for meeting dates.

Tel: 07966 882157 (after 6.30pm) Email: andrew@thornett.net www.roslistonastronomy.org.uk Price: Adult £3.50; Reduced price for children.

visit www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/swadlincotetic 35 Sat 14 & Sun 15 Sep

Tue 17 Sep, 11am - 2pm

Melbourne Festival Art & Architecture Trail

Bonhams Valuation Day Calke Abbey, Ticknall, DE73 7JF

Melbourne Village, All Streets, DE73 8GF

Melbourne Festival is always full of surprises and for its 15th Birthday it is celebrating in style - and flower power is coming to this year’s Trail! Enjoy a whole weekend of great art in beautiful locations in this beautiful village, with over 130 professional artists and makers exhibiting in 70 private houses, public buildings and business venues. Expect a party atmosphere with music, food and fun activities for youngsters and the young at heart round every corner! Families are always catered for on the trail. Tel: 07765 819428 Email: info@melbournefestival.co.uk www.melbournefestival.co.uk Price: Free.

Bring your silver, jewellery, pictures, ceramics, furniture, clocks and works of art to be valued by experts from Bonhams Auctioneers. Pop into the Riding School and see how much your items are worth. Valuations will cost £2 per item, or have three items valued for £5. Tel: 01332 863822 Email: calkeabbey@nationaltrust.org.uk www.nationaltrust.org.uk/calke Price: Event free; Park admission charge applies: Adults £4.20; Child £2.10; Family £10.50; NT members free.

Tue 17 Sep, 6.30 - 8.15pm Free

Sat 14 Sep, 10am - 1pm

Small Mushroom Mandala Workshop Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Come and try your hand at decorating your very own mushroom! This three hour workshop is an adult only session, where using a dot work technique you can create your own design and personalise your own mushroom. Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Price: £20 per person; Booking essential.

Sat 14 & Sun 15 Sep, 10am - 5pm

Rumble in the Jungle

Melbourne Vicarage, Pool Cottage Residential Home, Melbourne Hall, DE73 8EN

Families are very welcome on the weekend Trail - this year there is a ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ theme for young visitors with story stops and activities around the Melbourne Art & Architecture Trail. Tel: 07765 819428 Email: info@melbournefestival.co.uk www.melbournefestival.co.uk Price: £5 per person (Wristband & Art Trail Guide); Under 18s free.

Bat Walk

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

An opportunity to find out about bats – where they live, what they eat and how they find their way in the dark. Led by Derbyshire Bat Group. (Walk ends about 8.15pm). Suitable for children over 10 years and adults. Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@southderbyshire.gov.uk www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/ EnvironmentalEducation Price: £2.50 per person.

Tue 17 Sep, 7.30pm

Bradshaw’s Railway Guides - Talk Etwall Methodist School Room, Willington Road, DE65 6HX

Join Etwall and Burnaston Local History Society for this talk ‘Bradshaw’s Railway Guides - an early English Tour’ with guest speaker Robert Mee. Tel: 01283 730287 Email: sandypits.kerby@btinternet.com www.etwallhistory.org Price: £3 per person.

36 visit www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/swadlincotetic Fri 20 Sep, 5 - 6pm

Sat 21 Sep, 10.30am - 5.30pm

Melbourne Senior Citizen Centre, Church Street, DE73 8EJ

Whistlewood Common, The Common, Melbourne, DE73 8DH

Magical Mayhem and Circus Skills Roll up, roll up .... Magical Mayhem will live up to their name! Enjoy the magic and laugh at the brilliant illusion - for children aged 5-11 years. Tel: 01332 416152 Email: rachel@coupe.me.uk www.melbourneparishchurch.org.uk Price: £3 per ticket; Booking essential.

A one day workshop, exploring anxiety in its many forms: Looking at how anxiety is experienced, what causes anxiety, how it affects our brains and our bodies, as well as ways of managing anxiety in ourselves - or helping other people to manage their own.

Tel: 01332 865342 Email: bookings@whistlewoodcommon.org.uk www.shop.whistlewoodcommon.org Price: £45 per person; Booking essential.

Fri 20 Sep, 6.30 - 7.30pm

Magical Circus Skills Workshop

Sat 21 Sep, 7pm

Melbourne Senior Citizen Centre, Church Street, Melbourne, DE73 8EJ

Roll up, roll up ... for a Magical Circus Skills Workshop for young people aged 8-18 years - learn to juggle, spin and balance, a perfect antidote to a week at school and not to be missed. Tickets also available from Melbourne News. Tel: 07752 686000 Email: rachel@coupe.me.uk www.melbourneparishchurch.org.uk Price: £3 per person; Booking essential.

Hot House Jazz - Melbourne Festival Fringe Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, DE73 8GF

Enjoy an evening of inspirational Jazz with the Hot House ‘Jam Band’ and the award winning and internationally acclaimed ‘Screaming Kicks Big Band’. Find out more at #hhontour@HHMusicSchool plus their website www.hhmusic.co.uk Tel: 07765 819428 Email: info@melbournefestival.co.uk www.melbournefestival.co.uk Price: Standard ticket £10; Concessions £5 per person.

Sat 21 Sep, 10am - 1pm

Netherseal Garage Sale Netherseal Village, Various Locations, DE12 8DB

The annual Netherseal Garage Sale has many garages and tables filled with all kinds of items. Food and drink will be available at the village hall. Everyone is welcome to come and find that object you ‘need’ or have been looking for - bargains everywhere! Tel: 01283 762257 Email: nethersealgs@hotmail.com www.netherseal.btck.co.uk Price: Free.

Living with Anxiety

Sat 21 Sep, 7.30 - 10.30pm

Barn Dance

Ticknall Village Hall, Ingleby Lane, DE73 7JW

An evening of dance, fun and frolics. Please bring your own food and drink. Tel: 01332 863501 Email: mumonsticks@gmail.com Price: £10 per person; Booking advised.


Sun 22 Sep, 10am - 1pm

Car Boot Sale - Hatton Thistley Place Meadow, Off Station Road, Hatton, DE65 5DY

Enjoy this car boot sale with all proceeds going to the running and maintenance of this nature reserve. Tel: 07969 023493 Email: lynne.saul@btinternet.com www.thistleyplacemeadow.co.uk Price: Traders £5 per car; Public free.

Wed 25 Sep, 10.30 - 11.30am

Saplings Pre-School Outdoor Experiences Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Fun outdoor activities aimed at 1-4 year olds - be prepared to get a little mucky! Older siblings welcome during school holiday times (limited numbers). Bookings and payment in advance please through South Derbyshire District Council (SDDC Customer Services) on 01283 595795 (office hours). Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@southderbyshire.gov.uk www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/ EnvironmentalEducation Price: £6.50 per child.

Wed 25 Sep, 11am – 12.15pm

Museum Guided Tour

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Join one of our knowledgeable and friendly guides for a unique tour around our Grade II Listed kiln hovel and Museum. Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Free Price: Free; Donations welcome.

Fri 27 Sep, 7pm

Yusuf - Songs of Cat Stevens Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, DE73 8GF

Keith James performs the songs of Cat Stevens, including Wild World, Father and Son, Moonshadow and Where do the Children Play. This is an honest look and insight of a great artist.

Tel: 01332 863522 Email: info@melbourneassemblyrooms.co.uk www.melbourneassemblyrooms.co.uk Price: £10 per person; Booking essential.

38 visit www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/swadlincotetic Fri 27 Sep, 7.30 - 10.30pm

Sat 28 Sep, 10.30am – 12.30pm

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Calke Abbey, Ticknall, DE73 7JF

Rosliston Astronomy Group You are invited to join a group of enthusiastic amateur astronomers who regularly meet to discuss all things related to the night sky and (when clear) look at the stars and other night sky objects. Beginners welcome. Please check website for meeting dates.

Tel: 07966 882157 (after 6.30pm) Email: andrew@thornett.net www.roslistonastronomy.org.uk Price: Adult £3.50; Reduced price for children.

Sat 28 Sep, 9.30am - 5pm

Wild Food and Wilderness Cookery Spring Wood, Lount Road, Melbourne, DE73 8BJ

Gain some inspiration and understanding about some of the tasty wild foods available in our woodlands and countryside. The course will focus on giving you confidence to identify various plants and fungi, enabling you to use them in a variety of ways. Tel: 07736 225035 Email: dave@woodlandsurvivalcrafts.com www.woodlandsurvivalcrafts.com Price: £74 per person; £130 for two people; Booking essential.

Sat 28 & Sun 29 Sep, 10am - 4pm

Drawing and Painting Woodland Fruits White Hollows Studio, White Hollows Cottage, Box Lane, Ticknall, DE73 7JN

Join tutor Michael at his studio for instruction and advice in this drawing and painting workshop, capturing woodland fruits in watercolour. Please contact for further details. Tel: 01332 862757 Email: michael.lakin579@btinternet.com www.michaellakinart.co.uk Price: From £70 per person per day; Booking essential.

Calke on Camera

Bring your camera to Calke and have some fun with the photography team on this creative walk in the park. Find some great views to photograph and pick up some handy tips along the way. Tel: 01332 863822 Email: calkeabbey@nationaltrust.org.uk www.nationaltrust.org.uk/calke Price: Event free; Park admission charge applies: Adults £4.20; Child £2.10; Family £10.50; NT members free.

Sat 28 Sep, 10.30am - 2pm

Open Mic on The Delph The Delph Market Square, Swadlincote Town Centre, DE11 0AH

Thirty minute slots available for any musicians, singers, bands or buskers who want to showcase their talents. To book a free slot contact John Beer on 07799 666522. Facebook: Swadlincote Markets Price: Free.


Sat 28 Sep, 11am - 12noon

Family Tree Identification Walk Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Join the team for an Autumnal walk around the Forestry Centre to see how many trees you can identify, and find out more about the ones you can’t. We will be using identification charts as we go, so this will be ideal for your little ones to enjoy. Tel: 01283 595906 Email: get.active@southderbyshire.gov.uk www.southderbyshire.gov.uk Price: £1.50 per person.

visit www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/swadlincotetic 39 Sat 28 Sep, 1.30 - 2.30pm

Sun 29 Sep, 11am - 3pm

Calke Abbey, Ticknall, DE73 7JF

The Riding School, Calke Abbey, Ticknall, DE73 7LE

Kids with Cameras

Come and join the photography team on a kids camera walk and have some fun looking for different views to photograph. Don’t forget to bring a camera and an adult! Tel: 01332 863822 Email: calkeabbey@nationaltrust.org.uk www.nationaltrust.org.uk/calke Price: Event free; Park admission charge applies: Adults £4.20; Child £2.10; Family £10.50; NT members free.

Sat 28 Sep, 7pm

10cclo - Concert Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, Melbourne, DE73 8GF

The Greatest Hits of 10cc and ELO Dreadlock Holiday, Mr Blue Sky, I’m Mandy Fly Me, Livin’ Thing, Evil Woman, The Things We Do for Love, Wild West Hero, Life is a Minestrone, Art for Art’s Sake, Turn to Stone, I’m Not in Love, Roll Over Beethoven, Rubber Bullets - all brought to life with a great 6-piece band!

Tel: 01332 863522 Email: info@melbourneassemblyrooms.co.uk www.melbourneassemblyrooms.co.uk Price: £12.50 per person; Booking essential.

Sat 28 Sep, 7.30pm

Derby A Cappella St Mary’s Church, Church Lane, Newton Solney, DE15 0SR

Come along to enjoy an evening of harmony in the superb setting of St Mary’s Church. Derby A Cappella will be supported by a guest artist. Tickets also available from The Brickmakers Pub, Main Street, Newton Solney (Tel: 01283 702558). Tel: 07503 158633 Email: susanelson60@gmail.com Price: Adult £12 including glass of prosecco; Child £6; Booking essential.

Autumn Wedding Show Are you planning your dream wedding? Take this opportunity to discover some fabulous handpicked wedding suppliers from the local area. Plus meet the Events Team for this stunning wedding venue. Tel: 01332 585121 Email: info@honeysuckleandcastle.co.uk www.honeysuckleandcastle.co.uk Price: Event free of charge; Parkland admission applies.

Mon 30 Sep, 7.30pm

South Derbyshire Badger Group Ticknall Village Hall Board Room, 7 Rose Lane, DE73 7JW

Join the Group for a talk with guest speaker Dr Catrin Rutland on ‘Life in a New Vet School’. All welcome. Tel: 07754 094177 Email: info@southderbyshirebadgergroup.co.uk www.southderbyshirebadgergroup.co.uk Price: Entry £3 per person.

Mon 30 Sep, 7.30 - 9pm

The Arkwrights - Talk Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, DE73 8GF

Join Melbourne Civic Society and guest speaker from the Arkwright Society for this talk: ‘The Arkwrights: Spinners of Fortune’. All welcome. Tel: 01332 864487 Email: a.roberts52@btinternet.com www.melbournecivicsociety.org.uk Price: £2.50.

visit www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/swadlincotetic 41


What’s On

in South Derbyshire and The National Forest

Tue 1 – Thu 31 Oct

Tue 1 to Thu 31 Oct, 10am - 4pm

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Café Espresso, Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

William Ault Exhibition Sharpe’s is the chosen platform to stage this new display of William Ault works. Objects are loaned from national and international collectors and include pieces from design pioneer Christopher Dresser. Times are restricted. Please contact Sharpe’s before you visit. Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Free Price: Free.

Tue 1 to Thu 31 Oct, 10am - 4pm

Of the Earth: Pots and Plants Exhibition Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

In this exhibition the two artists involved are celebrating the Earth with their individual displays of work. Alan Birchall from Red Lion Pottery will have on display his beautiful ceramics that are hand thrown, influenced by nature and are functional pieces for everyday life, whilst Sue Woollard is showcasing her stunning photography that shows just how beautiful nature is. Sue specialises in Floral Photography and her photographs display the beauty of the natural world around us. Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Free Price: Free.

Art Exhibition

This exhibition is a showcase of artwork from the Newton Solney Art Group, which is a group of individuals who share a common interest in art and painting in all media forms. The Group was established in 1991 and has some members who have received formal art training and some who have learnt from the support of the group experience. This will be an eclectic collection not to be missed! Please note that last orders in Café Espresso are at 3.30pm if you wish to have a drink during your visit. Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Free Price: Free.

Wed 2 Oct, 2.30 - 4pm

Valuation Day

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Dig out those undiscovered treasures! Bamford Auctioneers, one of the region’s leading auction houses, will be here giving valuations and advice. Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Price: £1 per item or set.

Wed 2 Oct, 3.45 - 6pm

Thu 3 Oct, 7.30 - 9.30pm

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Swadlincote, DE12 8JX

Hilton Methodst Chapel, Main Street, DE65 5FF

Outdoor Learning

A twilight training session for pre-school and primary teachers and practitioners who want to use their outdoor space more. Develop confidence and skills in delivering outdoor activities using low cost and easy to source materials. Further sessions on 8th, 15th & 23rd Oct. Contact us for details. Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@southderbyshire.gov.uk www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/ EnvironmentalEducation Price: £20; Booking essential.

Hilton and Marston History Group Monthly Talks: ‘The Burton and Ashby Light Railway’ by Alan Hiley. Tel: 01283 733069 Email: hiltonhistory@gmail.com www.facebook.com /Hilton and Marston History Group Price: £3 for non member; Membership £12 per year.

visit www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/swadlincotetic 43 Fri 4 & Sat 5 Oct, 7pm

A Choir’d Taste in Concert Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, DE73 8GF

Melbourne Festival welcomes Melbourne’s talented mixed voice choir returning to this year’s Festival Fringe to bring us a spectacular end to the Summer. Their performance will be directed by their Musical Director Paul Marshall. Tel: 07990 582381 Email: info@achoird-taste.co.uk www.melbournefestival.co.uk Price: £10 per person.

Sat 5 Oct

Choros Amici Melbourne Parish Church, Church Square, DE73 8EN

Wed 9 Oct, 10.30 - 11.30am

Saplings Pre-School Outdoor Experiences Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Fun outdoor activities aimed at 1-4 year olds - be prepared to get a little mucky! Older siblings welcome during school holiday times (limited numbers). Bookings and payment in advance please through South Derbyshire District Council (SDDC Customer Services) on 01283 595795 (office hours). Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@southderbyshire.gov.uk www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/ EnvironmentalEducation Price: £6.50 per child.

Join the Friends of Melbourne Parish Church as they bring Choros Amici - the Choir of Friends - to Melbourne Festival Fringe former winners of Sainsbury’s Choir of the Year and Finalists in the World Choir of the Year in 2011 in Llangollen. Licensed bar available.

Wed 9 Oct, 5:30 – 8pm

Tue 8 Oct, 7.30 - 9.30pm

Tel: 01283 595791 Email: business@southderbyshire.gov.uk www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/ businessnewsevents Free Price: Free; Booking essential.

Tel: 07765 819428 Email: info@melbournefestival.co.uk www.melbournefestival.co.uk Price: £10 per person.

Once Seen Never Forgotten - Talk Ticknall Village Hall, Ingleby Lane, DE73 7JU

A talk presented to Ticknall Garden Club by Don Witton. All welcome. Tel: 01283 214784 Email: sally.raw1@btinternet.com www.ticknallgardenclub.org.uk Price: £3.

Thinking of Starting a Business? Have you ever wondered about running your own business? Or recently become self-employed? This event will provide an introduction to everything that you need to think about to be your own boss, including any grants and loans that may be available. It is open to all, with help and advice on offer from the South Derbyshire Business Advice Service (supported by South Derbyshire District Council).

Thu 10 Oct, 7.15 - 9pm

Willington History Group Meeting Old School, Castleway, Willington, DE65 6BT

Brief AGM followed by illustrated talk on ‘The Weaker Sex’, a look at six Victorian women who were all remarkable in their various ways in what was very much a man’s world. Tel: 01283 702894 Email: eprrjr@talktalk.net Price: £3 including refreshments.

44 visit www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/swadlincotetic Fri 11 & Sat 12 Oct, 7pm

Tue 15 Oct, 7.30pm

Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, DE73 8GF

Etwall Methodist School Room, Willington Road, DE65 6HX

The Vicar of Dibley

Dibley brought very much to life by Encore Performing Arts. When their elderly vicar passes away, congregation members in Dibley are surprised to find that a woman has been assigned to their parish. Not just any woman - Geraldine Granger is outgoing, vivacious and fun-loving, as well as caring and committed to her flock. Tel: 01332 863522 Email: info@melbourneassemblyrooms.co.uk www.melbourneassemblyrooms.co.uk Price: £10 per person; Booking essential.

Sat 12 Oct, 6pm

Luna Society Supper Club Whistlewood Common, The Common, Melbourne, DE73 8DH

A pop-up restaurant social evening, around the time of the full moon, inspired by the great minds of the 18th Century Lunar Society. A special atmosphere awaits you in the beautiful Whistlewood Roundhouse where you’ll be served a tasty two course vegetarian meal of home produced foods on hand crafted plates. Vegan options will be available. Alongside the food we’ll bring you talks, readings and/or music - intriguing ideas, and a little sprinkle of fun.

Tel: 01332 865342 Email: bookings@whistlewoodcommon.org.uk www.shop.whistlewoodcommon.org Price: £20 per person; Booking essential.

Archaeology - Talk Join Etwall and Burnaston Local History Society for this talk ‘Archaeology at Dovedale and Calke’ with guest speaker Rachel Hall from the National Trust. Tel: 01283 730287 Email: sandypits.kerby@btinternet.com www.etwallhistory.org Price: £3 per person.

Wed 16 Oct, 2 - 4pm

Bats - Talk

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

As Halloween fast approaches, come and join guest speaker Kevin Reynolds who will help to dispel the myths surrounding the fascinating creatures that are bats. This light but informative talk will give you a general introduction to bats within the UK and from around the rest of the world. We hope by the end of talk, you will have changed your opinion about them. Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Price: £2.50 per person.

Fri 18 & Sat 19 Oct, 10am - 4pm

Painting British Birds Workshops White Hollows Studio, White Hollows Cottage, Box Lane, Ticknall, DE73 7JN

Join tutor Michael at his studio for instruction and advice in this drawing and painting workshop, capturing British Birds in acrylic paints. Please contact for further details. Tel: 01332 862757 Email: michael.lakin579@btinternet.com www.michaellakinart.co.uk Price: From £70 per person per day; Booking essential.

If you would like your event included in the next edition (Nov 2019 – Feb 2020) or would like to advertise in the publication, please contact Swadlincote TIC on 01283 222 848

Fri 18 Oct, 7pm

The Dime Notes - Live Jazz Melbourne Parish Church, Church Square, DE73 8EN

The Friends of Melbourne Parish Church and Melbourne Festival welcome The Dime Notes as they dig back into the blues drenched sounds of clarinet-driven 1920s New Orleans jazz, unearthing a repertoire of stomps, blues and forgotten gems of the era from musicians such as Johnny Dodds, Jelly Roll Morton and Red Nichols. A rare chance to hear great jazz in a fantastic setting. Licensed bar available. Tel: 07765 819428 Email: info@melbournefestival.co.uk www.melbournefestival.co.uk Price: £10 per person.

Sat 19 Oct, 10am - 4pm

Making Art with Natural Materials Whistlewood Common, The Common, Melbourne, DE73 8DH

Join artist Jane Bevan for a relaxed and sociable day of walking, collecting natural materials and making art. Experimenting with a range of techniques including tying, cutting, knotting, twining, plaiting and hand stitching you will assemble small structural artworks and 2D collage. You will be using thread, wire, natural string, grass, reeds and plant stems.

Tel: 01332 865342 Email: bookings@whistlewoodcommon.org.uk www.shop.whistlewoodcommon.org Price: To be confirmed; Booking essential.

Sat 19 Oct, 10.30am - 4pm

Science Discovery Fun Day Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Join us for fun with science - have a go at simple experiments with the Environmental Education team, Rolls-Royce plc and the Astronomy Group. Suitable for all ages. Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@southderbyshire.gov.uk www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/ EnvironmentalEducation Price: Event free (may be a small charge Free for some activities).


Join the Mercia Swan for a leisurely cruise along the picturesque Trent & Mersey Canal Regular return services (unless prior booked for private charter) from the marina to the village of Willington or alternatively a longer trip to Stenson Lock, where you can refresh yourself with a drink at either Stenson Lock Café/Bubble Inn or Nadee/Mad Hatters Tea Rooms

For times and prices, please contact: merciaswan@hotmail.com 0739 882 1650 www.merciaswan.co.uk Mercia Marina, Findern Lane, Willington, DE65 6DW

Sat 19 Oct, 2.30 - 4pm

Djembe Drumming Dance and Music Centre, 11 The Delph Centre, Swadlincote, DE11 0AG

Join South Derbyshire Community Drummers for this Djembe drumming workshop for ages 16 years and over. Have fun in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, no experience necessary and plenty of drums available for use. Tel: 01283 225741 Email: nikki@tribalvibes.net www.tribalvibes.net Price: £4 per person.

46 Wed 23 Oct, 10.30 - 11.30am

Saplings Pre-School Outdoor Experiences Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Fun outdoor activities aimed at 1-4 year olds - be prepared to get a little mucky! Older siblings welcome during school holiday times (limited numbers). Bookings and payment in advance please through South Derbyshire District Council (SDDC Customer Services) on 01283 595795 (office hours). Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@southderbyshire.gov.uk www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/ EnvironmentalEducation Price: £6.50 per child.

Sat 26 Oct, 10.30am - 2pm

Open Mic on The Delph The Delph Market Square, Swadlincote Town Centre, DE11 0AH

Thirty minute slots available for any musicians, singers, bands or buskers who want to showcase their talents. To book a free slot contact John Beer on 07799 666522. Facebook: Swadlincote Markets Price: Free.


Sat 26 Oct, 7pm

Ultimate Elton - Tribute Artist Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, DE73 8GF

Some tribute artists look like their idol, some sound like their idol, Paul Bacon as Elton John does both! Close your eyes and you will not believe your ears, open your eyes and it’s Elton in front of you. The winner of the National Tribute Awards 2019 singing all the ballads, rock hits and music themes. Tel: 01332 863522 Email: info@melbourneassemblyrooms.co.uk www.melbourneassemblyrooms.co.uk Price: £10 per person; Booking essential.

Sun 27 Oct, 10am - 4pm

Dabble Day - Crafting Kraftiz, Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

A Christmas crafting event to include five craft workshops, lunch and refreshments, free goody bag with lots more. Tel: 07971 268943 Email: juliekraftiz@msn.com Price: £50 per person; Booking essential.

Mon 28 Oct, 7.30 - 9pm

Derby and Sandiacre Canal - Talk Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, DE73 8GF

Join Melbourne Civic Society and guest speaker Chris Rees Patrick for this informative talk. Tel: 01332 864487 Email: a.roberts52@btinternet.com www.melbournecivicsociety.org.uk Price: £2.50.

visit www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/swadlincotetic 47 Mon 28 Oct, 7.30pm

Wed 30 Oct, 11am – 12.15pm

Ticknall Village Hall Board Room, 7 Rose Lane, DE73 7JW

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Tel: 07754 094177 Email: info@southderbyshirebadgergroup.co.uk www.southderbyshirebadgergroup.co.uk Price: Entry £3 per person.

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Free Price: Free; Donations welcome.

South Derbyshire Badger Group

Museum Guided Tour

You are invited to this group talk with guest speaker Mike Huskisson as he talks about animal cruelty investigation.

Tue 29 Oct, Drop in between 2 - 3pm; Session ends 4pm

Wildlife Watch - Autumn Family Activities Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, DE12 8JX

Bring your own jam jar to turn into an Autumnal lantern. Help birds by making feeders from cones. Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@southderbyshire.gov.uk www.southderbyshire.gov.uk/ EnvironmentalEducation Price: £2.50 per child.

Join one of our knowledgeable and friendly guides for a unique tour around our Grade II Listed kiln hovel and Museum.

Thu 31 Oct, 1.30pm

Calke Estate - Heritage Walk Ticknall Village Hall, Ingleby Lane, DE73 7JX

Autumn colours in Ticknall Limeyards and a stroll through the village pointing out some of its architectural features give interest on this 2.5 mile circular walk. The terrain will include village pavements, field and woodland paths along with 3 stiles. Please note dogs are not allowed on this walk. Sturdy footwear and suitable clothing is recommended. Tel: 01283 222848 Email: magicatticarch@gmail.com www.magicattic.org.uk Price: Free; Donations to the Magic Attic gratefully received.


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Credits Designed by Adam Leese - www.adamleese.co.uk Swadlincote Tourist Photography by Christopher Beech Photography, Louise Galdes Photography, H Humphries, Tony Summers, J Rock, Information Centre P Studden, N1 Golf, L Hextall, Ian Hey, K Mason, Melbourne Festival, Aston Well Dressers, Visit England Compiled by Swadlincote Tourist Information Centre, May 2019

Obtaining alternative versions of this document If you would like this document in another language, or if you require the services of an interpreter, please contact us. This information is also available in large print, Braille, or audio format upon request. Phone: 01283 595795 Email: customer.services@southderbyshire.gov.uk Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information supplied in this leaflet, the TIC and South Derbyshire District Council cannot accept responsibility for any errors, omissions or subsequent changes, nor should any entry be deemed to be an endorsement of the establishment or activity by the TIC or District Council. You are advised to confirm details when booking or before travelling. All information believed to be correct at time of print.

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